

Infobox Software
name = g-Eclipse

caption = Screenshot of g-Eclipse running a VTK visualization
developer = g-Eclipse Consortium
latest release version = 1.0M10
latest release date = release date|2008|10|02
programming language = Java
operating system = Cross-platform
genre = Grid computing interface
license = Eclipse Public License
website = http://www.geclipse.eu/

g-Eclipse is an integrated open-source software platform based on Eclipse for Grid users, operators and developers.

By building on the Eclipse plugin architecture, g-Eclipse extends basic functionality and visual interfaces from Eclipse to provide specific plugins enabling users to access existing Grid infrastructures. g-Eclipse provides functionality for Grid job deployment, Grid management, and Grid application development.

Extension points are provided to allow Eclipse developers to extend the functionality of g-Eclipse.

As well as being an open-source Eclipse Foundation project, g-Eclipse is actively being developed by a consortium consisting of Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center, Johannes Kepler University Linz, University of Cyprus, [http://www.innoopract.com Innoopract Gmbh] (Germany), the University of Reading, the [http://www.it-innovation.soton.ac.uk/ IT Innovation Centre] (University of Southampton), and [http://www.neclab.eu NEC Laboratories Europe] . The g-Eclipse consortium is funded under the European Commission Sixth Framework Programme.


g-Eclipse provides three different Eclipse Platform Perspectives:
* User Perspective - Grid users have a limited knowledge about Grid technology. The User Perspective aims allow users to execute an application on the Grid, monitor the progress of the application execution and manage their data files on a live Grid.
* Operator Perspective - Grid infrastructure operators have a detailed knowledge about Grid infrastructure. The Operator Perspective should provide facilities for Grid operators to manage their local resources as well as the resources of the Virtual Organisation to which they belong.
* Developer Perspective - Grid application developers are experts in application development, but are neither expected to be experts in Grid technology nor in Grid infrastructure. They are more experts in programming language than in Grid infrastructure techniques. The Developer Perspective aims to provide application developers with the the appropriate tools for program development (via JDT/CDT etc.), debugging, and deployment.

upported Middleware

Designed with a middleware independent model, support for specific Grid middleware is implemented to conform with the g-Eclipse model. Currently g-Eclipse supports the gLite middleware, implementing plugins for Virtual Organisation management, job and file management, infrastructure and application monitoring, application deployment, data visualisation, and workflow design. Initial support for a second middleware, called [http://www.gria.org GRIA] , has been implemented, and a plugin has been developed for accessing Amazon's Simple Storage Service.


cite web
title = IST Project fact sheet about g-Eclipse
accessdate = 2008-01-22

External links

* [http://www.eclipse.org/geclipse Official g-Eclipse website hosted by the Eclipse Foundation]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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