- Radhanite
The Radhanites (also Radanites, Hebrew sing. רדהני "Radhani", pl. רדהנים "Radhanim"; Arabic الرذنية "ar-Raðaniyya") were
medieval Jewishmerchant s. Whether the term, which is used by only a limited number of primary sources, refers to a specificguild , or aclan , or is a generic term for Jewish merchants in the trans-Eurasia n trade network is unclear. Jewish merchants dominatedtrade between the Christian andIslamic world s during theearly Middle Ages (approx. 600–1000 CE). Many trade routes previously established under theRoman Empire continued to function during that period largely through their efforts. Their trade network covered much ofEurope ,North Africa , theMiddle East ,Central Asia and parts ofIndia andChina .Etymology
Several etymologies have been suggested for the word "Radhanite". Many scholars, including
Barbier de Meynard andMoshe Gil , believe it refers to a district inMesopotamia called "the land of Radhan" in Arabic and Hebrew texts of the period.ref|gil1 Others maintain that their center was the city of Ray (Rhages) in northernPersia .ref|rhagesCecil Roth andClaude Cahen , among others, make the same claim about theRhône River valley inFrance , which is "Rhodanus" inLatin . The latter claim that the center of Radhanite activity was probably in France as all of their trade routes began there.ref|France Still others maintain that the name derives from the Persian terms "rah" "way, path" and "dān" "one who knows", meaning "one who knows the way".ref|gil2 English-language (or Western) sources added the suffix "-ite" to the term, as is done withethnonym s or names derived from place names.Activities
The activities of the Radhanites are documented by Abū l-Qasim Ubaid Allah
ibn Khordadbeh , the Director of Posts and Police (spymaster and postman) for the province ofJibal under theAbbasid Caliph al-Mu'tamid (ruled 869–885 CE), when he wrote "Kitab al-Masalik wal-Mamalik" ("The Book of Roads and Kingdoms"), probably around 870. Ibn Khordadbeh described the Radhanites as sophisticated and multilingual. He outlined four main trade routes utilized by the Radhanites in their journeys. All four began in the Rhône Valley of France and terminated inChina . The commodities carried by the Radhanites were primarily those which combined small bulk and high demand, includingspice s,perfume s,jewelry , andsilk . They are also described as transportingoil s,incense ,steel weapons,fur s, and slaves (in particular, "Saqāliba").Text of Ibn Khordadbeh's account
: These merchants speak Arabic, Persian, Roman, ref|Roman the Frank, ref|Frankish Spanish, and Slav languages. They journey from West to East, from East to West, partly on land, partly by sea. They transport from the West
eunuch s, female slaves, boys, brocade, castor,marten and other furs, andsword s. They take ship from Firanja "(Franceref|France)", on the Western Sea, and make for Farama "(Pelusium )". There they load their goods oncamel -back and go by land to al-Kolzum "(Suez )", a distance of twenty-five "farsakhs" "(parasang s)". They embark in the East Sea and sail from al-Kolzum to al-Jar "(port ofMedina )" and al-Jeddah, then they go to Sind,India , andChina . On their return from China they carry backmusk ,aloe s,camphor ,cinnamon , and other products of the Eastern countries to al-Kolzum and bring them back to Farama, where they again embark on the Western Sea. Some make sail forConstantinople to sell their goods to the Romans; others go to the palace of the King of the Franks to place their goods. Sometimes these Jew merchants, when embarking from the land of theFranks , on the Western Sea, make forAntioch "(at the head of theOrontes River )"; thence by land to al-Jabia "(al-Hanaya on the bank of the Euphrates)", where they arrive after three days’ march. There they embark on the Euphrates and reachBaghdad , whence they sail down the Tigris, toal-Obolla . From al-Obolla they sail forOman ,Sind , Hind, and China ...: These different journeys can also be made by land. The merchants that start from Spain or France go to
Sus al-Aksa "(inMorocco )" and then toTangier , whence they walk toKairouan and the capital ofEgypt . Thence they go to ar-Ramla , visitDamascus , al-Kufa , Baghdad, and al-Basra , crossAhwaz ,Fars ,Kirman , Sind, Hind, and arrive in China. :Sometimes, also, they take the route behindRome ref|rome and, passing through the country of the Slavs, arrive at Khamlidj, the capital of theKhazars . They embark on the Jorjan Sea, arrive atBalkh , betake themselves from there across the Oxus, and continue their journey towardYurt , Toghuzghuz, and from there to China.ref|KhordadbehHistorical significance
During the
Early Middle Ages theIslam ic policies of theMiddle East andNorth Africa and the Christian kingdoms ofEurope often banned each others' merchants from entering their ports.ref|banCorsairs of both sides raided the shipping of their adversaries at will. The Radhanites functioned as neutral go-betweens, keeping open the lines of communication and trade between the lands of the oldRoman Empire and theFar East . As a result of the revenue they brought, Jewish merchants enjoyed significant privileges under the earlyCarolingians in France and throughout the Muslim world, a fact that greatly vexed the local Church authorities.While most trade between Europe and East Asia had historically been conducted via Persian and
Central Asia n intermediaries, the Radhanites were among the first to establish a trade network which stretched from Western Europe to Eastern Asia.ref|network More remarkable still, they engaged in this trade regularly and over an extended period of time, centuries beforeMarco Polo andibn Battuta brought their tales of travel in theOrient to the Christians and the Muslims, respectively. Indeed, ibn Battuta is believed to have travelled with the Muslim traders who travelled to the Orient on routes similar to those used by the Radhanites.While traditionally many historians believed that the art of Chinese
paper -making had been transmitted to Europe via Arab merchants who got the secret from prisoners of war taken at Talas, some believe that Jewish merchants such as the Radhanites were instrumental in bringing paper-making west.ref|paperJoseph of Spain , possibly a Radhanite, is credited by some sources with introducing the so-calledHindu-Arabic numerals from India to Europe.ref|Joseph Historically, Jewish communities usedletters of credit to transport large quantities of money without the risk of theft from at least classical times.ref|Josephus This system was developed and put into force on an unprecedented scale by medieval Jewish merchants such as the Radhanites; if so, they may be counted among the precursors to thebank s that arose during thelate Middle Ages andearly modern period .ref|creditSome scholars believe that the Radhanites may have played a role in the conversion of the
Khazars to Judaism.ref|Khaz In addition, they may have helped establish Jewish communities at various points along their trade routes, and were probably involved in the early Jewish settlement ofEastern Europe , Central Asia, China and India.Besides ibn Khordadbeh, the Radhanites are mentioned by name only by a handful of sources.
Ibn al-Faqih 's early tenth century "Kitab al-Buldan " ("Book of the Countries") mentions them, but much of ibn al-Faqih's information was derived from ibn Khordadbeh's work. "Sefer ha-Dinim", a Hebrew account of the travels ofYehuda ben Meir ofMainz , namedPrzemyśl andKiev as trading sites along the Radhanite route. In the early twelfth century, a French-Jewish trader namedYitzhak Dorbelo wrote that he travelled with Radhanite merchants toPoland .ref|lateThe end of the Radhanite age
The fall of the
Tang Dynasty ofChina in 908 and the destruction of the KhazarKhagan ate some sixty years later led to widespread chaos in InnerEurasia , theCaucasus and China. Trade routes became unstable and unsafe, a situation exacerbated by Turkic invasions of Persia and theMiddle East , and theSilk Road largely collapsed for centuries. Moreover, the fragmentation of the Islamic world (and to a lesser extent,Christendom ) into small states provided more opportunities for non-Jews to enter the market. This period saw the rise of themercantile Italiancity-states , especiallyGenoa ,Venice ,Pisa , andAmalfi , who viewed the Radhanites as unwanted competitors.The economy of Europe was profoundly affected by the disappearance of the Radhanites. For example, documentary evidence indicates that many
spice s in regular use during the early Middle Ages completely disappeared from European tables in the 900s. Jews had previously, in large parts of Western Europe, enjoyed a virtual monopoly on the spice trade.ref|spiceee also
Amber route
*Benjamin of Tudela
*Cochin Jews
*Eldad ha-Dani
*History of the Jews in China (The Keifeng Jews originated from Tang Dynasty period)
*Jewish Polish history origins to 1600s
*Jews of the Bilad el-Sudan (West Africa)
*Joseph Rabban
*Petachiah of Ratisbon
*Spice trade
*Silk Road
*Trade route from the Varangians to the Greeks
*Trans-Saharan trade
*Volga trade route Notes
# Gil 299–328.
# "Enc. of World Trade", "Radhanites" 763–4
# Bareket 558–560.
# Gil 299–310.
# That is, the language of theByzantine Empire , Greek.
# It is unclear to what specific language Ibn Khordadbeh refers. The word "Firanj" can be used to mean "Frank" and thus most likely the language referred to is either theVulgar Latin dialect that ultimately evolved into French or theGermanic language originally spoken by the Franks, called Old Frankish by linguists. However, in the Middle Ages "Firanj" was a generic term used by Arabs (and Eastern Christians) for Western Europeans generally. It is possible that Ibn Khordadbeh uses "Frank" as a counterpoint to "Roman" (Byzantine Greek), indicating that the Radhanites spoke the languages of both Eastern and Western Christians.
# Though some, such as Moshe Gil, maintain that "Firanja" as used in this context refers to the Frankish-occupied areas ofItaly , and not to France proper. Gil 299–310.
# Here ibn Khordadbeh is most likely referring toConstantinople , the "New Rome ", rather than Rome, Italy.
# Adler 2–3; for alternative translations "see, e.g.,"De Goeje 114; Rabinowitz 9–10; Among the minor differences between the accounts is Rabinowitz's rendering of "Khamlif" in place of "Khamlidj" and his reference to the "Yourts of the Toghozghuz" as opposed to Yurt and Toghuzghuz as separate entities. Rabinowitz's version, translated, means "Tents of the Uyghurs". "See also" Dunlop 138, 209, 230.
# Bendiner 99–104.
# "See, e.g.", "Enc. of World Trade", "China".
# "e.g.," "Enc. of World Trade", "Radanites" 764.
# Adler x.; Weissenbron 74–78; "see also" "Encyclopedia of World Trade — From Ancient Times to the Present ", "Radanites" 764.
# "Antiquities" 18.6.3
# Rabinowitz 91.
# "e.g.", "Enc. of World Trade", "Radanites" 764; "see also" Pritsak 265.
# Brook 77; Schipper 116.
# Rabinowitz 150–212.ources
* "China." "Encyclopedia of World Trade: From Ancient Times to the Present," vol. 1, ed. Cynthia Clark Northrup, p. 29. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2005.
* Adler, Elkan. "Jewish Travellers in the Middle Ages". New York: Dover Publications, 1987.
* Bendiner, Elmer. "The Rise and Fall of Paradise". New York: Putnam Books, 1983.
* Bareket, Elinoar. "Rādhānites". "Jewish Civilization: An Encyclopedia". Norman Roth, ed. Routledge, 2002. pp 558–561.
* Brook, Kevin. "The Jews of Khazaria." 2nd ed. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc, 2006.
*De Goeje, Michael . "Bibliotheca Geographorum Arabicorum". Leiden, 1889. Volume VI.
* Dunlop, Douglas. "The History of the Jewish Khazars," Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1954.
* Fossier, Robert, ed. "The Cambridge Illustrated History of the Middle Ages," vol. 1: 350–950. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1997.
* Gottheil, Richard, "et al." [http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=693&letter=C#2276 "Commerce".] "Jewish Encyclopedia ". Funk and Wagnalls, 1901-1906.
* Gil, Moshe. "The Radhanite Merchants and the Land of Radhan." "Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient" 17:3 (1976). 299–328.
* Gregory of Tours. "De Gloria Martyrorum".
*Josephus . "Antiquities of the Jews".
* Rabinowitz, Louis. "Jewish Merchant Adventurers: A Study of the Radanites". London: Edward Goldston, 1948.
* "Radanites". "Encyclopedia of World Trade : From Ancient Times to the Present," vol. 3, ed. Cynthia Clark Northrup, p. 763–764. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2005.
* Pritsak, Omeljan. "The Khazar Kingdom's Conversion to Judaism." "Harvard Ukrainian Studies" 3:2 (Sept. 1978).
* Schipper, Itzhak. "Dzieje Gospodarcze Żydów Korony i Litwy w Czasach Przedrozbiorowych." "Żydzi w Polsce Odrodzonej, ed. A. Hafftka et al. Warsaw, 1936.
*Weissenbron , Zur. "Gesch. der Jetzigen Ziffern ", 1892.
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