Coreopsis maritima

Coreopsis maritima
Coreopsis maritima
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Asterids
Order: Asterales
Family: Asteraceae
Genus: Coreopsis
Species: C. maritima
Binomial name
Coreopsis maritima
(Nuttall) Hooker f.

Coreopsis maritima (sea dahlia or beach coreopsis[1]) is a plant species of the genus Coreopsis in Asteraceae. Coreopsis species are commonly called tickseeds. This species is a perennial that grows 1040 cm tall but sometimes to 80 cm (4 to 32 inches). Plants bloom in late winter to early summer, with normally one or two flower heads per stem, on 15 to 30 cm long peduncles, but sometimes 4 or more flowers can be found per stem. Coreopsis maritima has foliage that is lobed and mostly linear in shape with lobes that are 530 mm long and 12 mm wide. The 1220 mm long flower phyllaries number 1213, sometimes more, and they are lanceolate shaped. Flower heads have 16-21 ray florets typically and the laminae are 2035+ mm long. The disc corollas are 5.57 mm long. Cypselae or fruits, are 6-7 mm long and oblong-rectangular in shape.[2]

Coreopsis maritima is native to southern California and Baja California, where it grows on ocean bluffs and on adjacent islands[3].

Synonyms: Tuckermannia maritima Nuttall.

Upper Taxa: Coreopsis Linnaeus sect. Tuckermannia[4] also written as C. sect. Tuckermannia[5] and Coreopsis sect. Tuckermannia


  1. ^ Common name list [1]
  2. ^ Coreopsis maritima in Flora of North America @
  3. ^ Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences v.49 (1913) pg. 340
  4. ^[2]
  5. ^ Wikispecies [3]

External links