- Sivilingeniør
Sivilingeniør (lit. "Civil Engineer") used to be a Norwegian university degree protected by Norwegain law issued to graduate engineers. To qualify for the title, you had to follow a course in engineering of 4,5 - 5 years duration at a Norwegian university or university college. Graduates with a
Bachelor of Science from British or Canadian university could, if the course was approved by theEngineering Council UK or Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board, apply for the right to use the title "sivilingeniør" in Norway. A holder of anABET -accredited Bachelor of Science degree from theUS required half a year more education at graduate level to get the right to use the title. [Forskrift om godkjenning av utdanning som fagelig jevngod med grad fastsatt etter universitetslovens §49, Fastsatt av kirke-,utdannings- og forskrningdepartementet den 15. juni 1992.] [Rett til bruk av tittelen sivilingeniør, NTH 1993] .Education
Today a sivilingeniør can either fulfill a five year program, without receiving an intermediate
Bachelor's degree in the process, or can take a three year Bachelor engineering program at auniversity college and then transfer to the Master's programs two last year at an applicable institution. Most regional colleges offer engineering, though which programs are offered may vary. The Master's programs are primarily offered at theNorwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), theNorwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB) and theUniversity of Tromsø (UiTø), though some regional colleges also offer Master's programs. The references to Bachelor and Master level degrees refer to the definition of the degrees given in the Bologna Framework .History
Traditionally only the
Norwegian Institute of Technology (now part of NTNU) was allowed to educate sivilingeniørs in Norway. Until the 2002 Quality Reform that implemented theBologna process , the education took 4.5 years, but was then changed to five years and the graduates are now awarded a master's degree according to the Bologna Framework.References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.