Professional Engineer

Professional Engineer

Professional Engineer (P.E.) is the term for registered or licensed engineers in some countries who are permitted to offer their professional services directly to the public.

The term Professional Engineer and the actual practice of professional engineering is legally defined and protected by a government body. In some jurisdictions only registered or licensed Professional Engineers are permitted to use the title, or to practice Professional Engineering.

The earmark that distinguishes a licensed/registered Professional Engineer is the authority to sign and seal or "stamp" engineering documents (reports, drawings, and calculations) for a study, estimate, design or analysis, thus taking legal responsibility for it.


Post-nominal letters used vary by location:


* "Ing." in Ghana (for engineers holding a B.Sc. or higher with relevant engineering experience) and a registered member of the Ghana Institute of Engineers (GhIE)

* "Pr.Eng." or "PrEng" in South Africa (for engineers holding a B.Eng., B.Sc. or B.Sc.Eng. with relevant experience)
* "Pr.Tech.Eng." in South Africa (for engineers holding a B.Tech. with relevant experience and three years of practicing in the engineering field)"Pr.Tech.Eng" standing for Professional Engineering Technologist

* "R.Eng" standing for Registered Engineer in Kenya (Holders of Four years post-secondary Engineering Education and four years of work experience)
* "Mohandes" is used as a pre-nominal in Arab country like Egypt

* "Engr" is used as a pre-nominal in Nigeria (for holders of bachelor degree with relevant experience and having successfully passed the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) Professional Exams and fulfilled other NSE requirements)"

* "CEng" is used as post-nominal in Nigeria (after fulfilling both Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) and Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) requirements)

* "Eng" is used as a pre-nominal in Uganda for registered engineers .e.g (Eng. Emmanuel Jjunju). In Uganda, a registered Engineer must as a prerequisite be a member of the Uganda Institution of professional Engineers (UIPE) and must have a B.Sc. or higher in Engineering together with relevant engineering experience which must be documented, supported by 2-registered engineers and defended by the applicant in an interview with the Engineers' Registration Board (ERB) which has the power to confirm one as a Registered Engineer. Annual fees must be paid to the ERB by all registered engineers.The following links may provide more information on Uganda's engineering profession.UIPE:; UACE:


* "Mohandess Payeh 1" and "Mohandess Payeh 2" are titles used respectively for Professional Engineer and Engineer in Training in Iran
* "Ir" is used as a pre-nominal in Hong Kong , Malaysia and Indonesia
* "C.Eng" in India Institution of Engineering under Royal Charter
* "P.E.Jp" as a pre-nominal in Japan
* "P.Eng." is used in Bangladesh
* "Er." is used as a pre-nominal in Singapore
* "Engineer" or "Engr" is used as a pre-nominal (similar to Dr. or Prof.) in Pakistan
* "Mohandes" is used as a pre-nominal in Arab country like Jordan
* "Engr. or Engineer" is used as a pre-nominal in the Philippines for individuals passing the government regulated professional licensure examination, which is only given for certain fields of engineering.


* "EurIng" (European Engineer) in Europe, used as a pre-nominal (similar to Dr. or Prof).
* "Ing.P.Eur" (European Professional Engineer) in Europe, used as a pre-nominal
* "Ing." ("Ingeniero") in Spain, used as a pre-nominal, for the engineers who hold a master's degree. Also exists the "Ingeniero Técnico" ("I.T."), who is a professional which a "Degree" and a minimum formation of three courses in an engineering official college. Both types of engineers have full competency in their respective professional field of engineering. The Bologna process will change this structure into a more modern and competitive one, not so outdated.
* "Eng." ("Engenheiro") in Portugal, used as a pre-nominal. An "Engenheiro" is a full chartered professional in engineering who was awarded a masters' degree (2nd study cycle according to the Bologna process system) by an accredited engineering school. In Portugal, accredited degrees in engineering are regulated and certified by the Ordem dos Engenheiros (Order of Engineers), and every professional full chartered engineer is registered at the Ordem.
* "Dipl.-Ing." (Diplomingenieur) and "Ing." (Ingenieur) (awarded by the authorities of the Lander-Law called Ingenieurgesetz) in Germany (pre-nominal letters)
* " Ing. EurEta" - used as a pre-nominal (similar to Dr. or Prof). An engineer registered with EurEta "European Higher Engineering and Technical Professionals Association" is called an "EurEta Registered Engineer", and has the right to use this title in Europe, [] .
* "State-certified Engineer BVT". These titles are the respective translations, authorised by the German Federal Government, of "Staatlich geprüfter Techniker", in Europe. []
* "Ir." in the Netherlands (for engineers holding a Master's degree from a university) or "Ing." (for engineers holding a Bachelor's degree from a professional school). (pre-nominal letters)
* "Ir." in Belgium (for engineers holding a Master's degree in "engineering/bio-engineering sciences" from a university) or "Ing." (for engineers holding a Master's degree in "applied engineering" from other institutes of higher education). (pre-nominal letters)
* "Ing." in Italy (for engineers holding a Master's degree) or "Ing.jr" (Bachelor's). A state exam is required. (pre-nominal letters)
* "Siv. Ing." (Sivilingeniør, M.Sc) and "ing." (Høyskoleingeniør, B.Sc) in Norway. The titled is used by persons holding degrees from accredited engineering colleges and universities.
* "CEng" (Chartered Engineer) and "IEng" (Incorporated Engineer) in the UK & Republic of Ireland. UK and Irish engineers may also carry post-nominal letters specific to their specialist engineering institute, such as MIET (professional engineers and graduate professionals registered with the IET). In the UK these are recognised as regulated professions. [ [ Regulated Professions in the UK] . (UK) Department for children, schools and families. Accessed 2007-11-2.]

* "Civ. Ing." in Sweden (for engineers holding a Master's degree in Engineering)
* "Ing." in Romania, used as a pre-nominal (similar to Dr. or Prof.).
* "Ing." for engineers holding a Master's degree in Czech Republic and Slovak republic, used as a pre-nominal (similar to Dr. or Prof.).
* "inż." (abbreviation for "inżynier") in Poland, very often the engineers graduate with Master of Science title. Then they use pre-nominal "mgr inż" ("magister inżynier").

Latin America

* "Ing." in most Spanish speaking countries (pre-nominal letters) (similar to Dr. or Prof). Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras, México, Perú, Uruguay, Venezuela.

* In Chile customary practice consists in placing the post-nominal word "Ingeniero" plus the specialty area, such as "Ingeniero Civil", "Ingeniero Electricista" or "Ingeniero Comercial".

North America

* "P.Eng." is used in Canada (as a post-nominal), except in the province of Quebec.
* "Eng." ( _fr. ing.) is used in Quebec.
* "P.E." or "PE" is used in the U.S.


* "CPEng" is used as a post nomial in Australia and New Zealand subject to CPD requirements to maintain status.
* "MIEAust" is used as a post nomial to designate a member of the Institution of Engineers Australia. This is the minimum requirement to operate as a Professional Engineer in Australia.
* "FIEAust" is used to designate a fellow (highest category) of membership of the Institution of Engineers Australia.

Registration and regulation

Each country or state/province has specific procedures and requirements for the license or registration.

United States

In the United States, registration or licensure of Professional Engineers is performed by the individual states. Each registration or license is valid only in the state in which it is granted. Many Professional Engineers maintain licenses in several states for this reason, and comity between states can make it easy to obtain a license in one state based on licensure in another state without going through the full application process. [cite web| url=| publisher=National Society of Professional Engineers| accessdate=2008-03-14| year=2008| title=Licensure by Comity ] The licensing procedure varies but the general process is: [cite web| url=| publisher=National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying| accessdate=2007-09-20| year=2006| title=Model Law|format=PDF ]
#Graduate with a degree from an accredited four-year university program in engineering.
#Complete a standard Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) written examination, which tests applicants on breadth of understanding of basic engineering principles, and optionally some elements of an engineering specialty. Completion of the first two steps typically qualifies for certification in the U.S. as an Engineer-In-Training (EIT), sometimes also called an Engineer Intern (EI). [59 Okla. Stat. Sec. 475.12. Retrieved August 16 2006 from [ Oklahoma state board of licensure for professional Engineers and Land Surveyors] .]
#Accumulate a certain amount of engineering experience under the supervision of a P.E. In most states the requirement is four years, but in others the requirement is lower.
#Complete a written Principles and Practice in Engineering ('PE') examination, testing the applicant's knowledge and skills in a chosen engineering discipline (mechanical, electrical, civil, for example), as well as engineering ethics.

Degree requirements in the United States are evolving. Effective January, 1 2015, the NCEES model will require a minimum of a master of science degree in engineering or a bachelor of science degree with additional 30 credits of equivalent graduate level work. [cite web| url=| publisher=National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying| accessdate=2007-09-20| year=2006| title=Model Law|format=PDF ] . This has received strong support from civil engineers. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) (2001) "Academic Prerequisites for Licensure and Professional Practice". Policy Statement [ 465] .] American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) (2007) White Paper on Implementation of Additional Engineering Education Requirements as a Prerequisite for Licensure [ ] ]

There is a fairly large range in exam pass rates for these exams (FE and PE), but the pass rate for repeat test takers is significantly lower. [cite web | author = NCEES | authorlink = NCEES | title = Exam Pass Rates | url = | accessdate = 2007-08-05 ]

In a few states it is still possible for an individual to bypass Step 1, and apply to take the registration examinations as long as a P.E. will sponsor the applicant, and work experience can be substituted for academic experience. The years of experience may also vary; for instance, in California it is possible to take a Principles and Practice in Engineering examination with only two years of experience after a bachelor's degree, or one year of experience after graduate school. In Nevada, college graduates are eligible to take the Principles and Practice exam immediately after graduation and passing the EIT, before acquiring the required experience. [] Some states also have state-specific examinations, most notably California where there is a state-specific structural engineering exam and two additional exams in land surveying and earthquake engineering for civil engineering candidates.

Some states issue generic Professional Engineering licenses. Others, known as "discipline states", issue licenses for specific disciplines of engineering, such as Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering. In all cases, however, engineers are ethically required to limit their practice to their area of competency, which is usually a small portion of a discipline. While licensing boards do not often enforce this limitation, it can be a factor in negligence lawsuits.

Discipline distribution

Civil engineers account for a large portion of licensed Professional Engineers. In Texas, for example, about one-third of licenses are for civil engineers, and civil exams make up over half of the exams taken. [cite web| url=| publisher=Texas Board of Professional Engineers| accessdate=2007-01-24| year=2007| title=Texas PE License Information Roster] [cite web| url=| publisher=Texas Board of Professional Engineers| accessdate=2007-01-24| year=2006| title=Examination Pass/Fail Rates] Many of the remainder are mechanical, electrical, and structural engineers whose practice involves areas that states regulate, such as HVAC, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection systems for buildings or public infrastructure. However, some engineers in other fields obtain licenses for the ability to serve as professional witnesses, or just for prestige, even though they may never sign and seal design documents.

The "Engineer" title

The title "Engineer" is legally protected in many states, meaning that it is unlawful to use it to offer engineering services to the public unless permission is specifically granted by that state, through a Professional Engineering license, an "Industrial Exemption", or certain other non-engineering titles such as "operating engineer". Employees of state or federal agencies may also call themselves engineers if that term appears in their official job title.

A business generally cannot offer engineering services to the public or have a name that implies that it does so unless it employs at least one Professional Engineer.

Unlicensed practice

Since regulation of the practice of engineering is performed by the individual states in the U.S., areas of engineering involved in interstate commerce are essentially unregulated. These areas include much of Mechanical Engineering, such as Automotive Engineering and Aerospace Engineering, and Chemical Engineering, and may be specifically exempted from regulation under an "Industrial Exemption". An industrial exemption covers engineers who design products such as automobiles that are sold (or have the potential to be sold) outside the state in which they are produced, as well as the equipment used to produce the product. Structures subject to building codes are not covered by an industrial exemption, except small residential buildings often do not require an engineer's seal. In many jurisdictions, the role of architects and structural engineers overlap.

Many private companies employ non-degreed workers in technical positions with engineering titles such as "test engineer" or "field engineer". Such position may not require an engineering degree at the discretion of the company. It is important however, to make a distinction between a "graduate engineer" and a "professional (or licensed) engineer". A "graduate engineer" is anyone holding a degree in engineering from an accredited four-year university.

Land surveying

In many states, Professional Land Surveyors are regulated in a similar manner, often by the same state board as engineers or architects: Land Surveyors are required to pass a Fundamentals of Surveying (FS) exam, perform a period of internship and then pass a Practices of Surveying (PS) Exam. A four-year degree in engineering or land surveying may also be required. In a few states, licensed Civil Engineers may also perform land surveys.


In Canada, regulation and registration are accomplished through a self governing body, that is given the power to register and discipline engineers as well as regulate the field of engineering in their province, such as Professional Engineers Ontario. Many of these associations are also responsible for regulating other related professions. The process for registration is generally as follows:

#Graduate with a degree from an accredited program in engineering or applied science,
#Complete an "Engineer in Training" program under the direction of a P.Eng. (This is normally a four-year program)
#Review of work experience by the Association,
#Pass a "professional practice" exam (essentially an engineering ethics and law exam).

Engineers are not registered in a specific discipline but are prohibited by the Code of Ethics from practicing beyond their training and experience. Breaches of the code are often sufficient grounds for enforcement, which may include the suspension or loss of license, as well as financial penalties and now, through recent changes to Canadian law, could also result in jail time should negligence be shown to have played a part in any incident in which there is loss of human life.

Engineers are not tested on technical knowledge during the licensing process; however, the accreditation of schools and their accredited degree granting status are tightly monitored and controlled. The Canadian system thus ensures that a specific and regimented curriculum is offered and tested with strict accordance to set national standards. This streamlines the overall licensing process and ensures a firm national standard on the quality of engineering in Canada. This accreditation process is governed by the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers through their active group the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board. The accreditation process is continuous and enforced through regular accreditation reviews of each school. These reviews typically include the review of the school's curriculum (including marked final exams and assignments), interviews of current students, extra curricular activities and teaching staff as well additional areas the visiting board may feel need addressing. The specific areas considered are Curriculum Content, Program Environment, and General Criteria. The associations are granted both an exclusive right to title and an exclusive right to practice.

There are only a few exceptions specifically noted in the acts and it does not include any "industrial exemptions". Therefore, a practicing engineer is legally required to be registered. The level of enforcement varies depending on the specific industry. The federal government is exempt from provincial laws, but in general the federal government will only give the title "engineer" to their employees who as part of their job requirements are able to be registered as a licensed Professional Engineer.

The iron ring typically worn on the little finger of a Canadian engineer is not a trademark of a Professional engineer, rather it is given upon completion of a bachelors degree in applied science or engineering.

Controversy over the term "Engineer"


The use of the term "engineer" has been an ongoing issue between professional licensing bodies and the IT industry, where companies typically issue certification titles with word "engineer" as part of the title (such as Certified Novell Engineer and Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer).

United Kingdom

In general, there is no restriction on the right to practice as an engineer in the UK. There are a few fields of practice, generally safety related, which are reserved by statute to licensed persons. [ [ ECUK - About the International Registers ] ] The Engineering Council UK grants the titles Charter or Incorporated Engineer, and declares them to be "professional engineers." [ [ C&IEWeb06 ] ]

Europe and Latin America

In Germany and some other European and Latin American countries, the term Diploma Engineer implies that the person has completed typically one more year of academic work beyond the basic engineering Bachelor's degree. A major academic project or thesis is completed as well. Diploma Engineer is therefore a university degree, and not a professional registration or license.


See also

*Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge
*Ordem dos Engenheiros
*State-certified Engineer BVT
*Chartered Engineer
*Incorporated Engineer

External links

* [ American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)] :* [ Links to seven specialty institutes]
* [ Canadian Council of Professional Engineers (CCPE)] :* [ Links to all provincial associations]
* [ Colegio Ingenieros y Agrimensores de Puerto Rico (CIAPR)] Organization which registers engineers in Puerto Rico (US)
* [ Engineering Council (ECUK)] UK Authority for the registration of the CEng, IEng, Eng Tech
* [ Society of Operations Engineers] UK membership organisation licensed by the ECUK to register engineers at CEng, IEng and Eng Tech level.
* [ Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN)] :* [ Links to all Registered Professional Engineers (CEng, 'Engr') in Nigeria]
* [ Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA)]
* [ The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE)]
* [ The Institution of Engineers Australia (IEAust)]
* [ The Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM)]
* [ The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)] UK
* [ The Institution of Professional Engineers, Japan (IPEJ)] ja icon
* [ The Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand (IPENZ)]
* [ National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE)] US Inter-disciplinary Professional Society:* [ NSPE — "What is a Professional Engineer?"] :* [!-02affiliations.asp US NSPE and UK SPE to sign affiliation agreement]
* [ National Council of Examiners of Engineering and Surveying (NCEES)]
* [ Nezam Mohandesie Iran] fa icon
* [ Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC)]
* [ Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE)] United Kingdom's qualifying body for Chartered and Incorporated mechanical engineers
* [ Professional Engineering magazine website ] UK

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