Daniel R. White

Daniel R. White
Daniel R. White
Personal details
Born August 2, 1953 (1953-08-02) (age 58)
Nationality American

Daniel R. White (b. 1953, Atlanta, Georgia) rose to prominence on the basis of his first book, The Official Lawyers Handbook,[1] a satire of the legal profession that vaulted onto bestseller lists across the United States in the early 1980s.[2] The success of the Handbook, which ranked #1 on The Washington Post best seller list and presumably drew on White's personal experience practicing law with the Washington, D.C., law firm of Hogan & Hartson,[3] led to television appearances, speaking engagements, and other books, as a result of which The American Lawyer magazine declared WhiteThe Official Lawyers Comedian.”[4]

Calling the Handbook his "vehicle of liberation from the practice of law," White left the private practice of law in 1983. He now makes his living in various word-related ways, including as a writer, editor, corporate entertainer, legal comedian, legal writing instructor, and college essay consultant.



White graduated from The Westminster Schools,[5] a co-educational college preparatory school in Atlanta, Georgia. He obtained a B.A. in Government from Harvard College, graduating magna cum laude in 1975.

After college, he traveled to Seoul, Korea, where he wrote and edited travel articles for the Korea National Tourism Corporation (later renamed the Korea Tourism Organization), an agency of the Republic of Korea.[6]

The following year he attended Columbia Law School, where he obtained a J.D. in 1979. He served as Articles Editor of the Columbia Law Review,[7] which published his first legal writing, "Pacifica Foundation v. FCC:Filthy Words,’ the First Amendment, and the Broadcast Media,"[8] during Whites second year. That article, which discussed a ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on comedian George Carlins famous "Seven Dirty Words" monologue,[9] was cited by the U.S. Supreme Court in a related ruling.[10]

At Columbia, White was a Harlan Fiske Stone scholar and the recipient of the Archie O. Dawson Advocacy Award, which provided clerkships for the study of advocacy at the three levels of the federal judiciary, including a period in the chambers of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall.

White served as law clerk to the Hon. Thomas A. Flannery, [11] a judge on the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, and then joined Hogan & Hartson, where he spent roughly 2 years, 11 months and 4 days. Upon leaving Hogan & Hartson, he devoted approximately four years to promoting his first book, commencing his career as a public speaker and corporate entertainer, and attempting without success to become a screenwriter. For several years White practiced law sporadically with the firm of Ross, Dixon & Masback.[12] Thereafter, for just over a year, White worked as a legal business consultant for the accounting and consulting firm Arthur Andersen. There he consulted primarily for corporate law departments, where he performed such tasks as a substantive and stylistic overhaul of Exxon's "Guidelines for Use of Outside Counsel."

An extraordinary number of lawyers populate White's family tree. These include his oldest brother, Ben White;[13] his father, Ed White;[14] his Grandfather B.B. Taylor, Sr.;[15] Uncles B.B. Taylor, Jr., and John Taylor; Aunt Mary White; Great Uncle Pettus White; Cousins Pollard White, Lee White,[16] Steve White, Jr., Steve White III, John White, and Amy White.[17]

White now lives with his wife and daughter in Los Angeles, where he continues to work as a professional editor, legal comedian, corporate entertainer, writing tutor for high school and college students, and college essay counselor. In addition, as a legal writing instructor for the Professional Education Group, a Minneapolis-based provider of continuing legal education programs, White puts on seminars for lawyers, paralegals and others across the United States.[18]



Daniel White's first book, The Official Lawyers Handbook, ranked #1 on The Washington Post best seller list and #5 on the Publishers Weekly national list. On the basis of this book The Washington Post declared Whitethe legal professions court jester[19] and credited him with havinghelped launch the current wave of legal humor.”[20]

This book was re-released in updated form as Still the Official Lawyers Handbook,[21] and then released in revised form in Britain, with Philip R. Jenks as co-author.[22]

Whites reputation as a legal humorist was fostered by his other books, especially Whites Law Dictionary,[23] a parody of the classic legal lexicon, Black's Law Dictionary; Trials and TribulationsAn Anthology of Appealing Legal Humor;[24] and What Lawyers DoAnd How To Make Them Work for You,[25] a light-in-tone but essentially substantive book that enjoyed the distinction of becoming a Book-of-the-Month Club selection.

White has also written a number of relatively minor volumes,[26] a nonexhaustive list of which includes The Classic Cocktails Book, The Martini, Really Redneck, The Birthday Book, and Horrorscopes.[27]

Less known as a journalist, White has published articles for publications ranging from the American Bar Association Journal[28] to Cosmopolitan.[29] A number of other publications have carried articles by Daniel R. White, including Of Counsel, Barrister, Medical Meetings,[30] the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Atlanta, The Washington Weekly, Minnesota Law & Politics, Docket (ACCA), Employment Law Strategist, Marketing for Lawyers, and Law Firm Partnership & Benefits Report.

Although even less known as a poet, White's epic tribute to legal warriors, "An Ode to Litigation,"[31] met with general acclaim when it appared in the National Law Journal, and one of its 32 stanzas is quoted in Jennifer L. Pierce's treatise, Gender Bender Trials: Emotional Lives in Contemporary Law Firms:[32]

My basic goal would be of course, my client's exculpation,
But also, for myself, the other lawyer's subjugation.
So word would spread that nothing but complete humiliation
Awaits the fool who dares to take me on in litigation.[33]


At the New York Law Publishing Company, where he worked from 1994 to 1996, White served as editor-in-chief and primary writer for Law Firm Partnership & Benefits Report, a national newsletter for law firm partners and managers.[34] He served as managing editor of two other national newsletters for lawyers, Employment Law Strategist[35] and Marketing for Lawyers,[36] and edited articles for the National Law Journal.[37]

White has also established himself as a freelance editor of non-fiction monographs.[38]


Although his roots lie in legal comedy, White has demonstrated a broader range, beginning in 1992-1993, when he served as editor-in-chief of, and primary writer for, Current Comedy, a twice-monthly "Humor Service for Public Speakers & Business Executives"[39] founded by former television gag writer and presidential speechwriter Robert Orben.

White has written jokes for corporate executives and Jay Leno. His parody of Ernest Hemingway's writing style appeared in The Best of Bad Hemingway, an anthology.[40]


White has appeared as a legal humorist on CNN, CBS, NPR, and numerous other television and radio shows across the country. He has been profiled in dozens of publications, including The New York Times,[41] The Washington Post,[42] Time magazine,[43] and the International Herald Tribune.[44]

As a result of this publicity, he came into demand as a public speaker and corporate entertainer. He has addressed bar associations, medical conventions, law firms, and other gatherings across the United States and abroad.[45][46]

Contrasting himself with lawyers who ridicule the legal profession with "lawyer jokes"[47] and engage in "lawyer bashing,"[48] White has said his jabs are soft-gloved and affectionate, because he is "a member of that union,"[47] being a lawyer himself and coming from a family of lawyers.



  1. ^ D. Robert White, The Official Lawyers Handbook (1983). New York: Simon & Schuster. ISBN 0-671-53137-9. White wrote this book under the pen name D. Robert White. He has joked that he did this to maintain "plausible deniability."
  2. ^ Ken Ringle, "Wit of Habeas Corpus," Style p.2, The Washington Post, (Aug. 30, 1989).
  3. ^ Hogan & Hartson was an international law firm and, for a while, the home of John Roberts, who later became Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court Hogan & Hartson subsequently merged with the firm of Lovells to produce Hogan Lovells, a merger that became effective as of May 1, 2010.
  4. ^ Diane Goldner, "The Official Lawyers Comedian," The American Lawyer, p. 106 (April 1984).
  5. ^ The Westminster Schools
  6. ^ See, e.g., Daniel White, "A Young American Visits Pan Mun Jom," Korea Calling, Vol. XV, No. 5 (May 1976); Daniel White, "Korea Not America," The Korea Herald (February 8, 1976). Diane Goldner, "The Official Lawyers Comedian," The American Lawyer, p. 107 (April 1984).
  7. ^ See masthead, Columbia Law Review (1978-79 academic year).
  8. ^ White, D., 78 Columbia Law Review, No. 1 (Jan. 1978), p. 164.
  9. ^ See Pacifica Foundation v. FCC, 556 F.2d 9 (D.C. Cir. 1977).
  10. ^ Consolidated Edison Co. v. Public Serv. Commn., 447 U.S. 530, fn. 2 (Mr. Justice Stevens, concurring) (1980).
  11. ^ Judge Flannery died in 2007. See Patricia Sullivan, "Obituaries," Washington Post (Sept. 27, 2007).
  12. ^ Originally a spinoff of Hogan & Hartson, Ross, Dixon & Masback passed through multiple incarnations before eventually merging with the Atlanta-based firm of Troutman Sanders.
  13. ^ Benjamin T. White is currently a partner at the Atlanta-based law firm Alston & Bird.
  14. ^ Edward S. White was a distinguised Atlanta lawyer and former president of the Atlanta Bar Association.
  15. ^ Benjamin Brown Taylor, Sr., was a distinguished Louisiana lawyer and the founding partner of the largest firm in Baton Rouge, Taylor, Porter, Brooks & Philips. See: http://www.taylorporter.com/firm_overview/history.asp
  16. ^ Lee White is currently a name partner at the Hopkinsville, Kentucky, law firm White, White & Crenshaw. Pettus White founded the firm in 1910, and Pollard White practiced in it until his death.
  17. ^ See D. Robert White, D., Still The Official Lawyers Handbook, Dedication page. New York: Plume, a division of Penguin Books USA Inc. 1991. ISBN 0-452-26694-7. Diane Goldner, "The Official Lawyers Comedian," The American Lawyer, p. 107 (April 1984).
  18. ^ See profile of Daniel R. White at Pro Ed Group.
  19. ^ Saundra Torry, "Legal Professions Court Jester Sees No Bar to Humor," The Washington Post (Dec. 9,1991).
  20. ^ Ken Ringle, "Wit of Habeas Corpus," Style, p. 1,The Washington Post, (Aug. 30, 1989).
  21. ^ Still the Official Lawyers Handbook was released in 1991 under the Plume imprint of the New American Library, a division of Penguin Books USA Inc. ISBN 0-452-26694-7.
  22. ^ Daniel R. White & Philip R. Jenks, ‘’The Official Lawyers Handbook’’ (Harriman House 1992). ISBN 1-897597-00-2. This edition was revised for a British audience, substituting local geographic, political and professional references where appropriate.
  23. ^ D. Robert White, Whites Law Dictionary (1985). New York: Warner Books. ISBN 0-446-38259-0. As with The Official Lawyers Handbook, White wrote this book under the pen name D. Robert White.
  24. ^ Daniel R. White, Trials and TribulationsAn Anthology of Appealing Legal Humor (1989). New York: Plume, a division of Penguin Books USA Inc. ISBN 0-452-26558-4.
  25. ^ Daniel R. White, What Lawyers Do - And How To Make Them Work For You (1987). New York: E.P. Dutton. ISBN 0-525-24478-6.
  26. ^ White has said of these books, “They arent exactly things I go out of my way to publicize. They barely qualify asbooks.’”
  27. ^ See e.g., http://www.librarything.com/author/whitedanielr (Jan. 5, 2010). These books were all published by Andrews McMeel.
  28. ^ Daniel White, Americas Most Wanted, American Bar Association Journal, p. 92 (October 1989), now called The ABA Journal
  29. ^ Daniel White, "How To Find a Good Divorce Lawyer," p._, Cosmopolitan (199_)
  30. ^ See, e.g., Daniel White, "Management Forum: Common Mistakes in Associate Training," Of CounselThe Legal Practice Report, Vol. 7, No. 20 (Oct. 17, 1988), p. 4; http://www.aspenpublishers.com/product.asp?catalog_name=Aspen&product_id=SS07303815&cookie%5Ftest=1
  31. ^ National Law Journal(Feb. 13, 1989)
  32. ^ (1995) Berkeley: University of California Press. ISBN 9780520201088.
  33. ^ Research has turned up no other published monograph in which White's poem and the philosopher Hegel are mentioned on the same page.
  34. ^ See, e.g., Law Firm Partnership & Benefits Report, Vol. 1, No. 12 (January 1996) (published by Leader Publications, A Division of the New York Law Publishing Co.). http://www.lawjournalnewsletters.com/newsletters/home/ljn_partnership.html. The New York Law Publishing Co. is now owned by ALM, formerly the American Lawyer Media.
  35. ^ http://www.lawjournalnewsletters.com/newsletters/home/ljn_emplaw.html
  36. ^ http://www.lawjournalnewsletters.com/newsletters/home/ljn_marketing.html
  37. ^ See, e.g., Daniel White, "An Ode to Litigation," The National Law Journal (Feb. 13, 1989).
  38. ^ See, e.g.,Law Department BenchmarksMyths, Metrics and Management, by Morrison, R. (Glasser LegalWorks).
  39. ^ See, e.g., Current Comedy, Vol. 36, No. 19 (Wilmington, DE: Oct. 4, 1993).
  40. ^ Daniel White, "Across the Mall and Into the White House," The Best of Bad Hemingway, with an Introduction by George Plimpton, p. 115, New York: Harvest/Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (1989). ISBN 0-15-611861-0.
  41. ^ Laura Mansnerus, "Lawyers Arent So Bad, Really, Says a Humorist, With a Laugh," in "Conversations/Dan White," The New York Times, August 8, 1993. http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9F0CE2DF1E3DF93BA3575BC0A965958260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=1
  42. ^ Carol Krucoff, "Objection Sustained!" The Washington Post, November 9, 1983.
  43. ^ "Lawyer Mocking," Time, Vol. 122, No. 22, November 21, 1983.
  44. ^ "American TopicsLawyers Handbook," International Herald Tribune, Nov. 12-13, 1983.
  45. ^ Laura Mansnerus, "Lawyers Arent So Bad, Really, Says a Humorist, With a Laugh," in "Conversations/Dan White," The New York Times, August 8, 1993; Diane Goldner, "The Official Lawyers Comedian," The American Lawyer, p. 106 (April 1984).
  46. ^ Daniel R. White, Esq. - Professional Education Group, Inc
  47. ^ a b Laura Mansnerus, "Lawyers Arent So Bad, Really, Says a Humorist, With a Laugh," in "Conversations/Dan White," The New York Times, August 8, 1993.
  48. ^ Ken Ringle, "Wit of Habeas CorpusThrowing the Books at the Barrister," The Washington Post (August 30, 1989), p. B1.

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