- Zilog Z8
Zilog Z8 is amicrocontroller architecture, originally introduced in 1979, which today also includes the eZ8 Encore! ["The "Encore!" products contains the newer eZ8 core which is 2-3 times as clock cycle efficient as the original Z8 core."] , eZ8 Encore! XP, and eZ8 Encore! MC families.Signifying features of the architecture are up to 4096 fast on-chip registers which may be used as accumulators, pointers, or as ordinary
RAM . A 16-bit address space for between 1K and 64K of eitherOTP ROM orFlash memory are used to store code and constants, and there is also a second 16-bit address space which may be used for large applications.On chip
peripheral s include A/D converters, SPI andI²C channels,IrDA encoders/decoders etc. There are versions with from 8 up to 80 pins, housed inPDIP , MLF, SSOP, SOIC andLQFP packages. The eZ8 Encore! series can be programmed and debugged through a single pin serial interface.The basic architecture, a modified (non strict)
Harvard architecture , is "technically" very different from theZilog Z80 . Despite this, theinstruction set and assemblysyntax are quite similar to other Zilog processors: Load/store operations uses the same LD mnemonic (no MOV or MOVEs), typifying instructions such as DJNZ, are the same, and so on.A free C compiler and IDE can be downloaded from Zilogs site.
Primary competitors include the somewhat similar ["The PIC and the 8051 are using Harvard architectures as well, but in a more rigid manner."] Microchip PIC family, and all the
Intel 8051 descendants. Also more traditional "von Neumann based" single chipmicrocontroller s may be regarded as competitors, such as the 6800/6809 basedMotorola 68HC11 , theHitachi H8 family, andZ80 -derivatives, such asToshiba TLCS-870, to name just a few.Product line
*ROMless: Models without integrated ROM.
*ROM: Models with integrated ROM.
*OTP: Models with integrated OTP ROM.
*Low Voltage: Working voltage run as low as 2V.
*GP: General purpose microcontroller.
*Encore!: Integrated flash-based memory.
*Encore! XP: Encore! with sensors.
*Encore! MC (Motor Control): Motor control applications.Notes
External links
* [http://www.zilog.com/products/family.asp?fam=225 Official page about Z8 Encore! Product Family ]
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