Coalition for the Advancement of Jewish Education

Coalition for the Advancement of Jewish Education

The Coalition for the Advancement of Jewish Education (CAJE), founded as the Coalition for Alternatives in Jewish Education, is a non-profit organization based in New York City. Its activities include an annual conference that draws more Jewish educators than any other similar event, advocacy for Jewish educators, various education-related publications, and more. Its founding was the brainchild of Jerry Benjamin and Cherie Koller-Fox.



According to its bylaws, the purpose of CAJE is to "bring together Jews of all ideologies for work, study, and sharing in discussion of issues in the field of Jewish education."


Also according to the bylaws, "[t]he conduct of educational conferences shall be a primary activity of [CAJE]."

The yearly CAJE conference draws between 1,000 and 2,000 Jewish educators from around the world.

Unlike other conferences of its size, the CAJE conference typically offers several hundred workshops over the course of only a few days. The daily workshops are supplemented by evening keynote addresses and musical and theatrical entertainment. In recent years, sub-conferences such as the "Consortium for the Future of the Jewish Family" have run concurrently with the CAJE conference.

The first CAJE conference was held in August 1976 at Brown University. Around 350 people attended.

Due to its size and nature, the CAJE conference is generally held on a university campus.

The CAJE conference has inspired similar conferences around the world, including the very popular Limmud conference in England.

Recent and Future Locations

  • 2011: American Hebrew Academy ([1])
  • 2010: A new organization called NewCAJE arose, led by founder Cherie Koller-Fox. The first conference was held at Gann Academy in Waltham, Massachusetts. It had 350 attendees, most notably 75 young professionals.
  • 2009: CAJE closed its doors and has officially gone out of business
  • 2009: Trinity University (CAJE 34) This conference was canceled due to the economic downturn on January 9th, 2009 via email to all CAJE members.
  • 2008: University of Vermont (CAJE 33, chaired by Mel Birger-Bray and Joel M. Hoffman)
  • 2007: Washington University in St. Louis (CAJE 32, chaired by Peter Eckstein, co-chaired by Iris Schwartz)

Highlights of CAJE 33 Aug 10-14 2008

  • The Future of Congregational Education: Evolution & Revolution<
  • The Roundtable Fishbowl
  • Green Judaism: The Moral Imperative to Care for the Earth
  • Early Childhood Conference @ CAJE 33: Sharing a Vision --- Early Childhood as the Gateway to Jewish Learning and Living
  • Hands-on Technology: Virtual Community, Actual Learning
  • Principals' Intensives
  • Teachers' Intensives
  • National Educators Institute with PANIM: The Institute for Jewish Leadership and Values

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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