- Litoměřice District
Litoměřice District
Okres Litoměřice— District — Old Town Hall and All Saints church in Litoměřice District location in the Ústí nad Labem Region within the Czech Republic Municipalities of Litoměřice District Country Czech Republic
Region Ústí nad Labem Region Capital Litoměřice Area – Total 1,032.16 km2 (398.5 sq mi) Population (2009) – Total 121,425 – Density 117.64/km2 (304.7/sq mi) Time zone CET (UTC+1) – Summer (DST) CEST (UTC+2) Litoměřice District (Okres Litoměřice in Czech) is one of seven districts (okres) located within the Ústí nad Labem Region (Ústecký kraj) in the Czech Republic. Its capital is the city of Litoměřice.
Complete list of municipalities
Bechlín - Bohušovice nad Ohří - Brňany - Brozany nad Ohří - Brzánky - Bříza - Budyně nad Ohří - Býčkovice - Ctiněves - Černěves - Černiv - Černouček - Chodouny - Chodovlice - Chotěšov - Chotiměř - Chotiněves - Chudoslavice - Čížkovice - Děčany - Dlažkovice - Dobříň - Doksany - Dolánky nad Ohří - Drahobuz - Dušníky - Evaň - Hlinná - Horní Beřkovice - Horní Řepčice - Hoštka - Hrobce - Jenčice - Kamýk - Keblice - Klapý - Kleneč - Kostomlaty pod Řípem - Krabčice - Křesín - Křešice - Kyškovice - Levín - Lhotka nad Labem - Liběšice - Libkovice pod Řípem - Libochovany - Libochovice - Libotenice - Litoměřice - Lkáň - Lovečkovice - Lovosice - Lukavec - Malé Žernoseky - Malíč - Martiněves - Michalovice - Miřejovice - Mlékojedy - Mnetěš - Mšené-lázně - Nové Dvory - Oleško - Píšťany - Ploskovice - Podsedice - Polepy - Prackovice nad Labem - Přestavlky - Račice - Račiněves - Radovesice - Rochov - Roudnice nad Labem - Sedlec - Siřejovice - Slatina - Snědovice - Staňkovice - Straškov-Vodochody - Sulejovice - Štětí - Terezín - Travčice - Trnovany - Třebenice - Třebívlice - Třebušín - Úpohlavy - Úštěk - Vědomice - Velemín - Velké Žernoseky - Vchynice - Vlastislav - Vražkov - Vrbice - Vrbičany - Vrutice - Záluží - Žabovřesky nad Ohří - Žalhostice - Židovice - Žitenice
Confluence of the Elbe and the Ohře in Litoměřice
Winter in the mountains of České středohoří
Mountains in central part of the České středohoří
Mt. Milešovka (837 m) with village of Milešov at its foothill is the highest point of the district
Mt. Lovoš (570 m) rises above Lovosice
Hill of Radobýl (399 m) near Litoměřice. The abandoned quarry with exposed basalt columns is a protected landmark.
Main square in Litoměřice as seen from the Chalice House
St Stephen Cathedral and residence of Roman Catholic Bishop of Litoměřice. Hill of Hazmburk rises from the flatland in the background.
Bell tower and Gothic church of Nativity of the Virgin Mary in Roudnice nad Labem
Medieval houses in town square of Úštěk
Town of Lovosice and the Elbe River as seen from summit of Mt. Lovoš
A street in Lovosice
Small town of Třebenice
A street in centre of Terezín
Gate of the Little Fort in Terezín, an infamous Nazi prison during World War II
Common in Vchynice, a small village which gave name to the House of Kinsky. In the background Mt. Lovoš
Village of Michalovice as seen from summit of Radobýl
Village of Krabčice as seen from Mt. Říp
Bohušovice nad Ohří railway station on trunk line connecting Prague and Dresden
D8 motorway in flatland southeast of Lovosice
Rowing and flatwater canoeing venue in Račice
Romanesque rotunda on top of the Mt. Říp commemorates victory of Sobeslaus I of Bohemia over Lothair III of Germany in Battle of Chlumec (1126)
Premonstratensian convent in Doksany whose church crypt is among the foremost examples of Romanesque architecture in Bohemia
Ploskovice Chateau, former summer residence of retired Emperor Ferdinand I of Austria
Ruin of mighty Hazmburk Castle on a solitary hill (418 m) near Libochovice
Ruin of the Oltářík Castle, one of many small medieval castles built on hills of the České středohoří
Another timbered house in Vinné near Ploskovice
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