

color = darkgray
name = "Ferroglobus"
domain = Archaea
phylum = Euryarchaeota
classis = Archaeoglobi
ordo = Archaeoglobales
familia = Archaeoglobaceae
genus = "Ferroglobus"
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision =
* "F. placidus" Hafenbradl "et al.", 1997
* "uncultured Ferroglobus sp."
synonyms =
* "Ferroglobus Hafenbradl et al. 1997"

In taxonomy, "Ferroglobus" is a genus of the Archaeoglobaceae. [See the NCBI [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi?mode=Info&id=54260 webpage on Ferroglobus] . Data extracted from the cite web | url=ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/taxonomy/ | title=NCBI taxonomy resources | publisher=National Center for Biotechnology Information | accessdate=2007-03-19]

"Ferroglobus" is a hyperthermophilic genus phylogenetically located within the Euryarchaeota. It consists of one species, "F. placidus", isolated from hydrothermal vent sediment off the coast of Italy. "F. placidus" grows best at 85°C and a neutral pH. It cannot grow at temperatures below 65°C or above 95°C. Cells possess an S-layer cell wall and flagella.

Metabolically, "Ferroglobus" is quite unique compared to its relative "Archaeoglobus". "F. placidus" was the first hyperthermophile discovered to grow anaerobically by oxidizing aromatic compounds such as benzoate coupled to the reduction of ferric iron (Fe3+) to ferrous iron (Fe2+). Hydrogen gas (H2) and sulfide (H2S) can also be used as energy sources. Due to its anaerobic lifestyle, nitrate (NO3-) is used as a terminal electron acceptor whereby it is converted to nitrite (NO2-). Thiosulfate (S2O32-) can also be used as a terminal electron acceptor. "F. placidus" was the first archaeon discovered that can anaerobically oxidize iron coupled to the reduction of nitrate. It is thought that the presence of organisms similar to "F. placidus" in the ancient, anoxic Earth may have led to the formation of banded iron formations often found in ancient rocks.






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