

color = darkgray
name = "Ferroglobus"
domain = Archaea
phylum = Euryarchaeota
classis = Archaeoglobi
ordo = Archaeoglobales
familia = Archaeoglobaceae
genus = "Geoglobus"
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision =
* "G. ahangari"
synonyms =
* "Geoglobus Kashefi et al. 2002"

"Geoglobus" is a hyperthermophilic member of the Archaeoglobaceae within the Euryarchaeota. It consists of one species, "G. ahangari", isolated from the Guaymas Basin hydrothermal system located deep within the Gulf of California. As a hyperthermophile, it grows best at a temperature of 88ºC and cannot grow at temperature below 65ºC or above 90ºC. It possess an S-layer cell wall and a single flagellum. "G. ahangari" is an anaerobe, using poorly soluble ferric iron (Fe3+) as a terminal electron acceptor. It can grow either autotrophically using hydrogen gas (H2) or heterotrophically using a large number of organic compounds, including several types of fatty acids, as energy sources. "G. ahangari" was the first archaeon isolated capable of using hydrogen gas coupled to iron reduction as an energy source and the first anaerobe isolated capable of using long-chain fatty acids as an energy source.


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