Confederation of European Paper Industries

Confederation of European Paper Industries


Confederation of European Paper Industries - CEPI

The Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI aisbl) represents the European pulp and paper associations towards the European institutions and has its seat in Brussels, Belgium. It monitors, analyses and acts upon EU legislation and initiatives relevant to the industry, communicating on the industry’s achievements and the benefits of its products. CEPI is member of the International Council of Forest and Paper Associations (ICFPA) and holds the presidency with Teresa Presas, CEPI Managing Director, as the current president of the ICFPA.


In 1992 CEPI was founded by a merger of CEPAC(Confédération Européenne de l’Industrie des pates, papiers et cartons) and EPI (European Paper Institute). At that time CEPI had 15 member organisations.

List of chairmen:

Period Chairman
1992-93 Hartwig Geginat
1994-95 Frank de Wit
1996-97 Lars Helgesson
1998-99 Luis Delanders
2000-01 Juha Niemela
2002-03 Michael Gröller
2004-05 Carl Björnberg
2006-07 Frits Beurskens
2008-09 Magnus Hall
2009-10 Berry Wiersum

In 1997 the Czech Pulp and Paper Association SPPAC became associate member of CEPI and in 1999 the Slovakian association followed. Hungary joined in 2001 and Poland not until 2003. In 2004 all four associate members became regular members, at the same time when their countries officially joined the European Union. In 2006 the Danish and Irish associations ceased to be members of CEPI. Slovenia joined CEPI in January 2010 which brings the number of members to 19.

Member organisations

Through its 19 member countries (17 European Union members plus Norway and Switzerland), CEPI represents 700 pulp, paper and board producing companies across Europe, ranging from small and medium-sized companies to multi-nationals, and 1020 pulp and paper mills.

  • AUSTROPAPIER (Vereiningug der Oesterreichischen Papierindustrie), Austria
  • COBELPA (Association des Fabricants de Pates, Papiers et Cartons de Belgique), Belgium
  • ACPP(Association of the Czech Pulp and Paper Industry), Czech Republic
  • FFIF (Finnish Forest Industry Federation), Finland
  • COPACEL (Confederation Francaise de l'Industrie des Papiers, Cartons et Cellulloses), France
  • VDP (Verband Deutscher Papierfabriken), Germany
  • FedPrint,(Federation of Hungarian Printers and Papermakers), Hungary
  • ASSOCARTA (Associazione Italiana fra gli Industriali della Carta, Cartoni e Paste per Carta), Italy
  • NORSK Industri, Norway
  • SPP (Association of Polish Papermakers), Poland
  • CELPA (Associacao da Industria Papeleira), Portugal
  • ZCPP (Pulp and Paper Industry Federation Slovak Republic), Slovak Republic
  • ASPAPEL (Asociacion Espanola de Fabricantes de Pastas, Papel y Carton), Spain
  • SFIF (Swedish Forest Industry Federation), Sweden
  • ZPK (Verband der Schweizerischen Zellstoff-, Papier- und Kartonindustrie), Switzerland
  • Royal VNP (Royal Netherlands Paper and Board Association), Netherlands
  • CPI (Confederation of Paper Industries), United Kingdom
  • ROMPAP (Romanian Paper Association), Romania
  • GZS (Paper and Paper Converting Industry Association), Slovenia


The European paper industry is producing 100 million tonnes of paper and board and 40 million tonnes of pulp annually. It provides directly 230,000 jobs and indirectly 2,950,000 jobs along the forest and paper chain. Through its 19 member countries CEPI represents 705 pulp, paper and board producing companies across Europe, ranging from small and medium sized companies to multi-nationals, and 1,020 paper mills. Together they represent 22% of world production.

The European pulp and paper industry is the largest industrial producer and consumer of energy from renewable sources. Its share of biomass-based energy exceeds 52.5% of its total primary annual energy consumption of 1.295.000 TJ.

Recovered paper and board are a major source of the paper industry’s raw material, which is why the industry pushes for new heights for the European recycling rate. The recycling rate reached 63.4% in 2006, and reached 66.6% in 2010 which is a great succes as a voluntary target of 66% was set by the industries along the paper value chain (ERPC). The total amount of paper collected and sent to recycling in paper mills in 2006 was 58.2 million tonnes, an increase of 5.7 million tonnes (or +9.8%) since 2004, the base year for the target. Some 7.7 million tonnes (or 13%) of the total 58.2 million tonnes was exported for recycling in third countries.

Fields of Action

  • Energy
  • Environment
  • Sustainability
  • Competitiveness & Trade
  • Recycling
  • Forestry
  • Research
  • Transport
  • Social Affairs

European Paper Week

European Paper Week always takes generally place at the end of November. The event takes place in the heart of Europe - Brussels. Within European Paper Week, the CEPI Annual Meeting is a half-day conference presenting high-level speakers not only from industry, but also the European Institutions and other sectors. It focuses on the big issues shaping the European industry’s future and examines the future of the pulp and paper industry in the context of EU policy and the effects of globalisation. During Paper Week, CEPI also hosts 3 open seminars providing participants with valuable insights into the topical key issues facing the paper industry. A number of other key meetings and seminars are organised in the course of European Paper Week by industry sectors and organisations along the paper chain. More infos, on the European Paper Week website.

External Links and References

  • [1] Official website of the Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI)
  • [2] - CEPI in the European Commission directory for civil society
  • Forestry department of the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
  • [3] Website of the International Council of Forest and Paper Associations (ICFPA)
  • [4] Paper information tool
  • [5] Website of the European Recovered Paper Council (ERPC)
  • [6] Website showing various forest certification schemes
  • [7] Forest-based Sector Technology Platform
  • European Paper Week

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