- Papermaking
thumb|230px|right|The_Diamond_Sutra_of_the_ChineseTang Dynasty , the oldest dated printed book in the world, found atDunhuang , from 868 AD.]Papermaking is the process of making
paper , a material which is used ubiquitously today for writing and packaging.In papermaking a dilute suspension of
fiber s in water is drained through a screen, so that a mat of randomly interwoven fibers is laid down. Water is removed from this mat of fibers by pressing and drying to make paper. Most paper is made fromwood pulp , but other fiber sources such ascotton andtextile s may be used.The history of papermaking can be traced to China about AD 105, when it was made by
Cai Lun . Modern papermaking began in the early 1800s in Europe with the development of theFourdrinier machine , which produces a continuous roll of paper rather than individual sheets. These machines have become very large, up to 500 feet (~150 m) in length, producing a sheet 400 inches (~10 m) wide, and operating at speeds of over 60 mph (100 km/h).cite web|url=http://www.metsoautomation.com/News/newsdocuments.nsf/Web2NewsDoc/CAC7C79ED6B6E117C22572A00048448C?OpenDocument&ch=ChMetsoPaperWebEng&id=CAC7C79ED6B6E117C22572A00048448C&|title=Metso supplied SC paper machine line sets a new world speed record at Stora Enso Kvarnsveden|accessdate=2008-04-12]History
The word "paper" derives from its mistaken identity by Greek-speaking scholars with the ancient
Egypt ian writing material called papyrus, which was woven from papyrus plants. The Egyptians invented papyrus around 3000 BC. It is made by crisscrossing thin sections of the papyrus reed, which grows in thedelta of theNile river and is held together by naturalglue s within the reeds. Papyrus was smoothed on one side by rubbing it against a flat stone surface.cite book
last = Biermann
first = Christopher J.
authorlink =
coauthors =
title = Handbook of Pulping and Papermaking
publisher = Academic Press
date = 1993
location = San Diego
pages =
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doi =
id =
isbn = 0-12-097360-X] The development of the great library of Alexandria resulted in a shortage of papyrus, which pushed Attalus of Pergamum (who was building his own rival library) to search for a substitute for papyrus.Fact|date=April 2008Parchment
Around 200 BC
parchment , the split skin of a sheep or goat, was developed. ["Handbook of Pulping and Papermaking", Second Edition (Hardcover) by Christopher J. Biermann (Author). Page number 1. Hardcover: 754 pages. Publisher: Academic Press; 2 edition (July 22, 1996)] Parchment, orvellum , which is the best quality material, has the great benefit over papyrus of extreme longevity, but was always expensive. The ancient world continued to use papyrus (thus accounting for much of the loss of classical literature, as outside the very dry conditions of Egypt it has a short life) but parchment became increasingly important, and by Late Antiquity had very largely superseded papyrus.True paper
Papermaking has traditionally been traced to
China about 105 AD, whenCai Lun , an official attached to the Imperial court during theHan Dynasty (202 BC -220 AD ), created a sheet of paper usingmulberry and otherbast fibre s along withfishnets , old rags, andhemp waste. [papermaking. (2007). In: "Encyclopedia Britannica". Retrieved April 9, 2007, from Encyclopedia Britannica Online] However a recent archaeological discovery has been reported from nearDunhuang of paper with writing on it dating from 8 BC [World Archaeological Congress eNewsletter 11 August 2006 [http://www.worldarchaeologicalcongress.org/site/newsletters_11.php] ] , while paper had been used inChina for wrapping and padding since the 2nd century BC.Needham, Volume 5, 122.] Paper used as a writing medium became widespread by the 3rd century,Needham, Volume 5, 1.] and by the 6th centurytoilet paper was starting to be used in China as well.Needham, Volume 5, 123.] During theTang Dynasty (618 -907 AD) paper was folded and sewn into square bags to preserve the flavor of tea, while the laterSong Dynasty (960 -1279 AD) was the first government on Earth to issue paper-printed money (seebanknote ).Diffusion of paper
The technology was first transferred to
Korea in600 and then imported toJapan by a Buddhist priest,Dam Jing (曇徴) around610 fromGoguryeo , wherebast fiber s from themulberry tree were used. Printing seems to have been invented in Japan, where 1000 prayers were printed for temples in 760 from stone 'blocks'. The idea went back to China, where the widespread use of paper also enhanced two innovations in the field ofprinting :woodblock printing by at least the 9th century (see the "Diamond Sutra ") andmovable type printing, first invented byBi Sheng (990 -1051 AD) during the Song Dynasty.Water was the problem for papermakers in the dry western part of China, and the slow westward progress of printing reflects experiments with different raw materials. Western paper was made from old clothes. In
751 , the secret of papermaking reachedSamarkand , inCentral Asia , after papermakers were captured by the Arabs at theBattle of Talas . The method spread through the Arabic empire, and paper was first made inBaghdad during the time ofHarun in793 . [papermaking. (2007). In: "Encyclopedia Britannica". Retrieved April 9, 2007, from Encyclopedia Britannica Online] Soon after, the firstpaper mill s were invented in Baghdad in 794, which transformed papermaking from an art into a major industry. [citation|first=Farid|last=Mahdavi|title=Review: "Paper Before Print: The History and Impact of Paper in the Islamic World" by Jonathan M. Bloom|journal=Journal of Interdisciplinary History |publisher=MIT Press |volume=34|issue=1|year=2003|pages=129-30] [ [http://www.muslimheritage.com/topics/default.cfm?ArticleID=329 The Beginning of the Paper Industry] , Foundation for Science Technology and Civilisation.]The secret of paper and silk manufacture had by then diffused to
Damascus , and from there to the rest of the Muslim world, reaching India via Persia. It reached Western Europe viaIslamic Spain : the earliest Christian book, or document, on paper was the 11th centuryMozarab Missal of Silos , no doubt on Muslim-made paper. Production of paper moved toItaly in the13th century . They usedhemp andlinen rags as a source of fiber. Rags from old clothing etc. were commonly bought by rag collectors and sold to paper makers. Bones were collected to make glue size to seal the paper.The use of paper became increasingly common during the 14th century, and is documented as being manufactured in both Italy and Germany by 1400. Paper then spread rapidly, and was used for letters, records,
old master print s,popular prints andmanuscript books. Prints were initially inwoodcut , and from the 1430s inengraving also.But it was not until printing with movable type was invented that rag paper became more popular. Parchment was not ideal for printing, being expensive and susceptible to humidity. Paper on the other hand was ideal. But as the demand for books rose, the supply of rags became more and more inadequate and other sources of fiber were actively sought.
By the time of the invention of
movable type printing inGermany about 1450, paper was readily available, although still expensive.Vellum remained in use as well, and it was on this that the most expensive copies of theGutenberg Bible were first printed.In America, archaeological evidence indicates that paper was invented by the Mayas no later than the 5th century AD. [ [http://www.mathcs.duq.edu/~tobin/maya/ The Construction of the Codex In Classic- and Postclassic-Period Maya Civilization] Maya Codex and Paper Making] Called
Amate , it was in widespread use among Mesoamerican cultures until the Spanish conquest. In small quantities, traditional Maya papermaking techniques are still practiced today.The Bataks, living in
Sumatra , sometimes use as writing material long strips of bamboo, welded by "beating" them together, then folded together, accordion-like, between wooden covers, and bound together with a string of woven rushes. Often long strips of the thin bark of trees -- such books being known as pustakas -- are used. David Diringer. "The Book Before Printing: Ancient, Medieval, and Oriental" by David Diringer. Originally published in 1953 as: "The Hand-Produced Book". (London: Hutchinson). Reprint. New York: Dover Publications, 1982. ISBN 0486242439 (page 37). ] Specimens of writing on bark fromIndia are preserved in theBritish Museum . The people of theMalabar coast also frequently wrote upon bark with a stylus. Ancient books of the Bataks were written in ink on paper made of bark. The Lampong and Rendjang tribes, also inhabiting Sumatra, scratch their messages and books on bamboo, tree bark, or certain kinds of leaves.ignificance
Chinese papermaking, outlined byCai Lun in105 AD .] Some historians speculate that paper was the key element in global cultural advancement. According to this theory,Chinese culture was less developed than the West in early ancient times becausebamboo , while abundant, was a clumsier writing material than papyrus (althoughsilk was used as a writing medium, but was often too expensive).Chinese culture advanced during theHan Dynasty and preceding centuries due to the Chinese invention of paper; and Europe advanced during theRenaissance due to the introduction of paper and theprinting press .In the very small quantities needed for
popular prints , paper was affordable by the European urban working class and many peasants even in the 1400s, but books remained expensive until the 19th century. However even poor families could often afford a few books by the 1700s in England, if they so chose.Paper remained relatively expensive, at least in book-sized quantities, through the centuries, until the advent in the 19th century of steam-driven paper making machines, which could make paper with
fibres fromwood pulp . Although it was not the earliest of its kind, the Fourdrinier paper making machine became the basis for most modern papermaking. Together with the invention of the practicalfountain pen and the mass producedpencil in the same period, and in conjunction with the advent of the steam driven rotaryprinting press , wood based paper caused a major transformation of the 19th century economy and society in industrialized countries. With the introduction of cheaper paper, schoolbooks, fiction, non-fiction, and newspapers gradually became available to everyone by 1900. Cheap wood based paper also meant that everyone literate could keep a personal diary and write letters. Theclerk , or writer, ceased to be a high-status job, and by 1850 had become a mere "office worker" orwhite-collar worker . This transformation can be considered as a part of theindustrial revolution .The demand for paper has increased steadily. For example, in 1900, the U.S. papermaking industry produced approximately 5,000,000 tons of paper per year. A century later that industry produced over 90,000,000 tons of paper and paperboard per year. [cite web|url=http://www.tappi.org/paperu/all_about_paper/paperClips.htm|title= Paper Clips: Online Slide Show|publisher =
TAPPI | accessdate=2008-04-12] Predictions that electronic storage of data would lead to a decline in the demand for paper have not been realized. It has been estimated that by 2020 paper mills will produce almost 500,000,000 tons of paper and paperboard per year [ cite web|url=http://seekingalpha.com/article/55553-kadant-inc-pulp-and-papermaking-non-fiction|title=Pulp (and Papermaking) Non-Fiction
publisher=Kadant Inc|accessdate=2008-04-12]Method
Papermaking, regardless of the scale on which it is done, involves making a dilute suspension of
fiber s in water and allowing this suspension to drain through a screen so that a mat of randomly interwoven fibers is laid down. Water is removed from this mat of fibers by pressing and drying to make paper.Manual preparation
Fibers are suspended in water to form a slurry in a large vat. The mold is a wire screen in a wooden frame (somewhat similar to an old window screen), which is used to scoop some of the slurry out of the vat. The slurry in the screen mold is sloshed around the mold until it forms a uniform thin coating. The fibers are allowed to settle and the water to drain. When the fibers have stabilized in place but are still damp, they are turned out onto a felt sheet which was generally made of an animal product such as wool or rabbit fur, and the screen mold immediately reused. Layers of paper and felt build up in a pile (called a 'post') then a weight is placed on top to press out excess water and keep the paper fibers flat and tight. The sheets are then removed from the post and hung or laid out to dry. A step-by-step procedure for making paper with readily available materials can be found online. [cite web|url=http://www.tappi.org/paperu/art_class/makingPaper.htm|title=Making Paper By Hand|publisher=
TAPPI |accessdate=2008-04-16]When the paper pages are dry, they are frequently run between rollers (
calender ed) to produce a harder writing surface. Papers may be sized withgelatin or similar to bind the fibres into the sheet. Papers can be made with different surfaces depending on their intended purpose. Paper intended for printing or writing with ink is fairly hard, while paper to be used for water color, for instance, is heavily sized, and can be fairly soft.The wooden frame is called a "deckle". The deckle leaves the edges of the paper slightly irregular and wavy, called "deckle edges", one of the indications that the paper was made by hand. Deckle-edged paper is occasionally mechanically imitated today to create the impression of old-fashioned luxury. The impressions in paper caused by the wires in the screen that run sideways are called "laid lines" and the impressions made, usually from top to bottom, by the wires holding the sideways wires together are called "chain lines".
Watermark s are created by weaving a designe into the wires in the mold. This is essentially true of Oriental molds made of other substances, such as bamboo. Hand-made paper generally folds and tears more evenly along the laid lines.Laboratory-made paper
Hand-made paper is also prepared in laboratories studying papermaking and in
paper mill quality labs. The "handsheets" made according toTAPPI Standard T 205 [cite web|url=http://www.tappi.org/s_tappi/doc_bookstore.asp?CID=7370&DID=519870|title=Forming Handsheets for Physical Tests of Pulp, Test Method|publisher=TAPPI |accessdate=2008-04-15] are circular sheets 15.9 cm (6.25 in) in diameter and are used to measure paper brightness, strength, degree ofsizing and so on.Industrial papermaking
The following section is a simple overview of a complex industrial process. There are variants of the basic equipment and processes which are described in numerous books on papermaking.cite book
last = Clark
first = James d'A
authorlink =
coauthors =
title = Pulp Technology and Treatment for Paper
publisher =Miller Freeman
date = 1985
location = San Francisco
pages =
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doi =
id =
isbn = 0-87930-164-3]A modern paper mill is divided into several sections, roughly corresponding to the processes involved in making hand-made paper. Pulp is refined and mixed in water with other additives to make a pulp slurry, the headbox distributes the slurry onto a moving, continuous screen, water drains from the slurry (by gravity or under vacuum), the wet paper sheet goes through presses and driers and is finally rolled into large rolls, often weighing several tonnes.
The fibers in the pulp must be separated and made pliable. This process is known as "beating" and is usually accomplished by passing the fibers between a rotating drum and a fixed plate. Ideally the fibers are not shortened or broken during beating. Beating fibrillates or "roughens" the surface of the fibers so that the fiber surface becomes frayed. This helps in bonding the fibers when the paper sheet is formed. One measure of how well a pulp has been beaten is how quickly water drains from a pulp slurry. A well-beaten pulp will retain water longer and remain in suspension to allow good sheet formation.
Wet end chemistry
After the pulp has been beaten, various additives are introduced to the slurry to give the paper desired properties. Internal sizing agents like alkylketene dimer (AKD) or alkylsuccinic anhydride (ASA) are added to control the hydrophobicity of the paper, which determines how much water the paper will absorb. For example toilet paper needs to absorb water quickly, printing paper needs carefully controlled uptake so that water-based inks can be used and paper used for disposable paper cups must be very resistant to water uptake. Fillers such as
clay ,talc ,calcium carbonate andtitanium dioxide are added to increase the opacity of the paper. Materials to increase the strength of the paper when it is wet, dyes, and so on are also added to the pulp slurry.It was common practice to add
alum to the pulp slurry to assist in paper sizing withrosin . One side effect of the use of alum was to make the paper slightly acidic. Acidic paper degrades faster, by a process known asslow fires .Headbox
The pulp slurry prepared in the wet end contains between 0.1% and 1% pulp fibers by weight.cite web|url=http://www.paperonline.org/cycle/paperboard/paperboard_frame.html|title=Paper and board: The production process|publisher=PaperOnLine|accessdate=2008-06-07] The slurry passes through a slit 2-6 mm wide and is spread onto a moving mesh belt called the "wire" which is the full width of the paper machine. The key function of the headbox is to distribute the slurry very uniformly and consistently across its full width.
The wire
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