Movimiento Etnocacerista

Movimiento Etnocacerista

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Peru's Movimiento Etnocacerista (aka Movimiento Nacionalista Peruano or "Peruvian Nationalist Movement") is a group of ethnic nationalists. The name etnocacerista is composed of two parts: the first evokes Peru's ethnic identity (specifically, its origins with the Quechua, a Native American people often identified in the popular imagination with the Inca, a pre-Columbian royal group); the second indicates the group's veneration of 19th century president and war hero Andrés Avelino Cáceres, who led a guerrilla resistance campaign against occupying Chilean troops during the War of the Pacific.

Most of its members are armed forces veterans of Peru's internal war or the border disputes with Ecuador and Chile in the 1980s and 1990s.

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