- Tweddle Place, Edmonton
Tweddle Place is a residential neighbourhood in the Millbourne community in the
Mill Woods area ofEdmonton ,Alberta ,Canada . It is named for a former city commissioner, Malcolm Tweddle. [Neighbourhood description in the City of Edmonton [http://maps.edmonton.ca map utility] .]The neighbourhood is bounded on the north by Whitemud Drive, on the west by 91 Street, on the east by 76 Street, and on the south by Mill Woods Road and by 38 Avenue. Millbourne Road West cuts through the neighbourhood.
The Edmonton Transit System's Millgate Transit Centre is located just to the north of the neighbourhood on the other side of Whitemud Drive.
Residential development
According to the 2001 federal census, the bulk of the residential construction in Tweddle Place occurred during the 1970s when roughly eight out of ten (82.1%) residences were built. substantially all residential construction was complete by 1990. [http://censusdocs.edmonton.ca/DD23/FEDERAL%202001/Neighbourhood/TWEDDLE%20PLACE.pdf]
Roughly half (50%) of the residences in the neighbourhood, according to the 2005 municipal census, are single family dwellings. Another three in ten (28%) are rented
apartment s in low rise buildings with fewer than five stories. One in five (18%) arerow house s and 5% are duplexes. [Duplexes include triplexes and quadruplexes.] Six out of ten residences (59%) are owner occupied and four out of ten (41%) are rented. [http://censusdocs.edmonton.ca/C05002/MUNICIPAL%202005/Neighbourhood/TWEDDLE%20PLACE.pdf]Population mobility
The residential population in the neighbourhood is somewhat mobile, with almost one in five residents (17.3%) having moved within the preceding 12 months according to the 2005 municipal census. Another one in five (18.0%) had moved within the previous one to three years. At the same time, just over half (53.4%) had been at the same address for at least five years. [http://censusdocs.edmonton.ca/C05022B/MUNICIPAL%202005/Neighbourhood/TWEDDLE%20PLACE.pdf]
There are four schools located in the neighbourhood. The Edmonton Public School System operates the Malcolm Tweddle Elementary School and the Edith Rogers Junior High School. The Edmonton Catholic School System operates the St. Hilda Junior High School. There is also an independent school, the Millwoods Christian School, located in the neighbourhood.
urrounding Neighborhoods
Canadian City Geographic Location (8-way)
Northwest = Papaschase Industrial
North = McIntyre Industrial
Northeast = McIntyre Industrial
West = Strathcona Industrial Park
Centre = Tweddle Place
East = Michaels Park
Southwest = Strathcona Industrial Park
South = Richfield
Southeast = Lee Ridge
External links
* [http://censusdocs.edmonton.ca/DD34/MultiSource/Neighbourhood/TWEDDLE%20PLACE.pdf Tweddle Place Neighbourhood Profile]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.