List of compositions by Franz Liszt (S.351 - S.999)

List of compositions by Franz Liszt (S.351 - S.999)

This is a thematic list of arranged works by Franz Liszt, based on the catalogue of Humphrey Searle - "The Music of Liszt", 1966; and on the additions by Sharon Winklhofer and Leslie Howard. This list comes from [ International Music Score Library Project] .

This is the second half of the list and spans arranged works only; for original works see the first half: List of compositions by Franz Liszt (S.1 - S.350).

Arrangements, Transcriptions, Fantasies, etc.

Orchestral Works


*S.351, "Mazurka Fantasie, Op. 13" (1865)


*S.352, "Second Overture to The Barber of Baghdad" [completed from Cornelius's sketches] (1877)

Egressy and Erkel

*S.353, "Szózat und Hymnus" (1873)


*S.354, "Deux Légendes" (1863)
*S.355, "Vexilla regis prodeunt" (1864)
*S.356, "Festvorspiel" (1857)
*S.357, "Huldigungsmarsch " [first/second version] (1853, 1857)
*S.358, "Vom Fels zum Meer. Deutscher Siegesmarsch" (1860)
*S.359, "6 Rapsodies hongroises" (Hungarian Rhapsodies) (?)
*S.360, "A la chapelle Sixtine (Allegri & Mozart)" [based on Mozart's Ave verum corpus and Allegri's Misere] (1862)
*S.361, "Pio IX. Der Papsthymnus" (ca. 1863)
*S.362, "Benedictus and Offertorium from the Hungarian Coronation Mass" [from S11] (1875)


*S.363, "4 Marches" [from Opp. 40, 54, 121] (1859-60)


*S.364, "Danses galiciennes" (1881)

Pianoforte and Orchestra


*S.365, "Grand solo de concert" [prepared by Leslie Howard] (1850)
*S.365a, "Concerto pathétique (No. 4) in E minor" [Liszt, Reuss version] (1885-86)
*S.365b, "Hexaméron, Morceau de concert" [orchestration completed by Leslie Howard] (ca. 1839)


*S.366, "Wanderer-Fantasie" (Fantasia in C major, Op. 15) (1851)


*S.367, "Polonaise brillante, Op. 72" (1849)

ongs with Orchestra


*S.368, "2 Songs" (Le Matin by Bizet and Gebet by Geibel) (1883)


*S.369, "Die Lorelei (Heine)" (1860)
*S.370, "Mignons Lied (Kennst du dass Land) (Goethe)" (1860)
*S.371, "Die Vätergruft (Uhland)" (1886)
*S.372, "Songs from Schillers Wilhelm Tell" (ca. 1855)
*S.373, "Jeanne d'Arc au bûcher (Dumas)" [first/second version] (1858, 1874)
*S.374, "Die drei Zigeuner (Lenau)" (1860)


*S.375, "6 Songs" (1860)
*S.376, "Die Allmacht" (1871)


*S.377, "Der Zaubersee. Ballad (Zichy)" (1884)

Chamber Music


*S.377a, "La Notte (Odes Funèbre No. 2)" (1864-66)
*S.378, "Angelus! - Priere aux anges gardiens" [first/second version] (1877, 1880)
*S.379, "Rapsodie hongroise No. 9 (Pester Karneval)" (?)
*S.379a, "Rapsodie hongroise No. 12" (1850-59)
*S.379b, "Puszta-Wehmut (A Puszta Keserve)" (ca. 1871)
*S.380, "O du mein holder Abendstern from Tannhäuser (Wagner)" (1852)
*S.381, "Benedictus and Offertorium from the Hungarian Coronation Mass" [from S11] (1862)
*S.381a, "Ungarns Gott. A magyarok Istene (Petófi)" (1882)
*S.382, "Die Zelle im Nonnenwerth" (ca. 1880-86)
*S.383, "Die drei Zigeuner (Lenau)" (1864)

Pianoforte Solo

Paraphrases, Operatic Transcriptions, etc.


*S.383a, "Elaboration on Virag dál" (1881)

Alabieff (see Alexander Alyabyev)

*S.384, "Mazurka pour piano composée par un amateur de St. Petersbourg" (1863)
*S.384a, "Variations on Tiszántúli azép leány" [anonymous, not by Liszt?] (1846)


*S.385, "Grande Fantaisie sur la Tyrolienne de l'opera La Fiancée" [first/second/third version] (1829, 1835, 1842)
*S.385a, "Tyrolean Melody" (b. 1856)
*S.386, "Tarantelle di bravura dàprès la Tarantelle de La Muette de Portici" [original/Sophie Menter version] (1846, 1869)
*S.387, "Three Pieces on themes by Auber" [with intro piece] (a. 1846)
*S.387a, "Piece on an unknown theme" (1847)


*S.388, "Capriccio alla turca sur des motifs de Beethoven (Ruines d'Athènes)" (1846)
*S.388a, "Marche turque des Ruines d'Athenes" (1846)
*S.388b, "Fantasie über Beethoven's Ruinen von Athen" [first version] (1837)
*S.389, "Fantasie über Beethoven's Ruinen von Athen" [second version] (1852)
*S.389a, "Cadenza to the first movement of Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 3" (1879)


*S.390, "Reminiscences des Puritains" [first/second version] (1836, 1837)
*S.391, "I Puritani. Introduction and Polonaise" (1840)
*S.392, "Hexaméron, Morceau de Concert" (1837)
*S.393, "Fantaisie sur des motifs favoris de l'opéra La Sonnambula" [first/second/third version] (1839, 1840-41, 1874)
*S.394, "Réminiscences de Norma" (1841-43)


*S.395, "L'Idée fixe: Andate amoroso" [first/second version] (1833 or 1846?, 1865)
*S.396, "Benediction et Serment from Benvenuto Cellini" (1852)

Donizetti, Gaetano

*S.397, "Réminiscences de Lucia di Lammermor" (1839)
*S.398, "Marche Funebre et Cavatine de Lucie de Lammermoor" (1839)
*S.399, "Nuit d'Été à Pausilippe" [3 pieces] (1839)
*S.399a, "Lucrezia Borgia - Grande fantaisie" [first version of S400ii] (1840)
*S.400, "Réminiscences de Lucrezia Borgia" [first/second version] 1840
*S.401, "Valse a capriccio sur deux motifs de Lucrezia et Parisina" [first version of S214/3] (1841)
*S.402, "Marche funèbre de Dom Sébastien" (1844)

Donizetti, Giuseppe

*S.403, "Marche pour le Sultan Abdul Medjid-Khan" [first/simplified version] (1847, 1848)

Duke Ernst

*S.404, "Halloh! Jagdchor und Steyrer from the opera Tony" (1849)

Erkel, Franz

*S.405, "Schwanengesang and March from Hunyadi Laszlo" (1847)


*S.405a, "Pásztor Lakodalmus Variations - Mélodies hongroises" [elaboration by Liszt] (1858)


*S.406, "Tscherkessenmarsch from Ruslan i Lyudmila" [first/second version] (1843, 1875)


*S.407, "Valse de l'opéra Faust" (b. 1861)
*S.408, "Les Sabéennes. Berceuse de l'opéra La Reine de Saba" (1861)
*S.409, "Les Adieux. Rêverie sur un motif de l'opéra Romeo et Juliette" (1867)


*S.409a, "Réminiscences de La Juive" (1835)


*S.410, Hochzeitsmarsch und Elfenreigen aus dem Sommernachtstraum" (1847-50)


*S.411, "Soirée italienne. Six amusements" (1838)


*S.412, "Réminiscences des Huguenots - Grande fantaisie dramatique" [first/second version] (1836, 1842)
*S.412a, "Réminiscences de Robert le Diable - Cavatine" (1846?)
*S.413, "Réminiscences de Robert le Diable - Valse infernale" (1840)
*S.414, "Illustrations du Prophète" [4 pieces, 4th=S624] 1849-50
*S.415, "Illustrations de l'Africaine" [2 pieces] 1865
*S.416, "Le Moine" (1841)

Mosonyi, Michael

*S.417, "Fantaisie sur l'opéra hongrois Szép Ilonka" (1865)


*S.418, "Réminiscences de Don Juan" (1841)


*S.419, "Divertissement sur la cavatine "I tuoi frequenti palpiti" (1835)


*S.420, "Grande Fantaisie de bravoure sur La Clochette" (1832-34)


*S.421, "Andante Finale and March from the opera Köning Alfred" [2 pieces] (1853)


*S.421a, "Introduction et Variations from "Siege of Corinth" [introduction only] (1839?)
*S.422, "Première grande fantaisie (Soirées musicales)" [first/second version] (1836)
*S.422i, "La serenate e l'orgia - Première grande fantaisie (Soirées musicales)" [first version] (1836)
*S.423, "Deuxième grande fantaisie (Soirées musicales)" (1836)
*S.424, "Soirées musicales" [12 pieces] (1837)


*S.425, "Mélodies hongroises" [3 pieces] (1839-40)
*S.425a, "Mélodies hongroises" [revised versions] (1846)
*S.426, "Schubert's Marches" [3 pieces] (1846)
*S.426a, "Marche militaire" (ca. 1870)
*S.427, "Soirées de Vienne" [9 pieces] (1852)


*S.428, "Feuille morte. Elégie d'après Sorriano" (1844-45)


*S.429, "Polonaise from Eugene Onegin" (1879)

Végh, Janos

*S.430, "Valse de concert" (1882-83)


*S.431, "Salve Maria de Jerusalem from I Lombardi" [first/second version] (1848, 1882)
*S.431a, "Ernani - Première paraphrase de concert" (1847)
*S.432, "Ernani - Paraphrase de concert (No. 2)" [first/second version] (b. 1849, 1860)
*S.433, "Miserere du Trovatore" (1860)
*S.434, "Rigoletto Paraphrase de Concert" (1859)
*S.435, "Don Carlos Coro e Marcia funebre" (1867-68)
*S.436, "Aida Danza sacra e duetto finale" (1877)
*S.437, "Agnus Dei" (1877)
*S.438, "Réminiscences de Boccanegra" (1882)


*S.439, "Phantasiestück über Motive aus Rienzi" (1859)
*S.440, "Spinnerlied aus Der fliegende Holländer" (1860)
*S.441, "Ballade aus Der fliegende Holländer" (1872)
*S.442, "Ouvertüre zu R. Wagners Tannhäuser" (1848)
*S.443, "Pilgerchor aus Tannhäuser" [first/second version] (1861, 1885)
*S.444, "O du mein holder Abendstern aus Tannhäuser" (1848)
*S.445, "Zwei stücke aus Tannhäuser und Lohengrin" (1852)
*S.446, "Aus Lohengrin" [3 pieces] (1854)
*S.447, "Isoldens Liebestod aus Tristan und Isolde" [first/revised version] (1867, 1875)
*S.448, "Am stillen Herd aus Die Meistersinger" (1871)
*S.449, "Walhall aus Der Ring des Nibelungen" (1875)
*S.450, "Feierlicher Marsch zum heiligen Graal aus Parsifal" (1882)


*S.451, "Freischütz-Fantasie" (1840-41)
*S.452, "Leyer und Schwert" [4 pieces] (1848)
*S.453, "Einsam bin ich, nicht alleine, from Preciosa" (1848)
*S.454, "Schlummerlied mit Arabesken" (1848)
*S.455, "Polonaise brillante" (1851)

Zichy, Count Géza

*S.456, "Valse d'Adele" (1877)


*S.458, "Fantasy on Il Giuramento (Mercadante)" (1838?)
*S.460, "Kavallerie-Geschwindmarsch" [anonymous] (?)

Partitions de Piano, Transcriptions, etc.

Allegri and Mozart

*S.461, "A la chapelle Sixtine" [first/second version] (1862, ?)
*S.461a, "Ave verum corpus, Kv618" (1862)


*S.462, "Sechs Praeludien und Fugen für Orgel" [6 pieces] (1850)
*S.463, "Organ Fantasy and Fugue in G minor" [first/second version] (1860, ?)


*S.463a, "Symphonie No.5" [first version] (1837)
*S.463b, "Symphonie No.6" [first version] (1837)
*S.463c, "Symphonie No.6" [second version. Alternative 5th movement] (1863-64)
*S.463d, "Symphonie No.7" [first version] (1837)
*S.463e, "Marche funèbre" [Beethoven's Eroica Symphony, first version] (1843)
*S.464, "Symphonies de Beethoven" [9 pieces] (1863-64)
*S.465, "Grand Septuor, Op. 20" (1841)
*S.466, "Adelaïde" [third version] (1847)
*S.466a, "Adelaïde" [first version] (1839)
*S.466b, "Adelaïde" [second version] (1840)
*S.467, "Sechs Geistlicher Lieder (Gellert)" [6 pieces] (1840)
*S.468, "Sechs Lieder von Goethe" [6 pieces] (b. 1849)
*S.469, "An die ferne Geliebte - Liederkreis" [6 pieces] (1849)


*S.470, "Symphonie Fantastique" (1833)
*S.471, "Ouverture des Francs-Juges" (1833)
*S.472, "Harold en Italie" (with viola) (1837)
*S.473, "Marche des Pèlerins de la sinfonie Harold en Italie" [first/second version] (1837?, 1862)
*S.474, "Ouverture Le Roi Lear" (1837)
*S.475, "Valse des Sylphes de la Damnation de Faust" (1860)


*S.478, "Russischer Galopp" [first/second version] (1843, 1843)

von Bülow

*S.479, "Dante's Sonnett - Tanto gentile e tanto onesta" (1874)


*S.480, "Six Chants polonais, Op. 74" [6 pieces] (1847-60)


*S.481, "Zigeunerpolka" (1847?)


*S.482, "Tarantella" (1885)


*S.483, "Tarantella" (1879)

David, Ferdinand

*S.484, "Bunte Reihe, Op. 30" [24 pieces] (1850)


*S.485, "Drei Lieder" (1846)

Ernst, Duke

*S.485b, "Die Gräberinsel" (1842)

Egressy and Erkel

*S.486, "Szózat und Hymnus" (1873)


*S.487, "Spanisches Ständchen" 1846


*S.488, "Er ist gekommen in Sturm und Regen" 1848
*S.489, "Zwölf Lieder" [12 pieces] (1848)


*S.490, "Liebesszene und Fortunas Kugel" (1880)


*S.491, Hymne à Sainte Cécile" (1866)


*S.492, "Tanzmomente" [8 pieces] (1869)


*S.493, "Grosses Septett, Op. 74" (1848)


*S.494, "Löse, Himmel, meine Seele" [first/second version] (1861, 1872)
*S.495, "Ich weil' in tiefer Einsamkeit" (1872)
*S.496, "Hebbel's Nibelungen & Goethe's Faust" [4 pieces] (1878-79)
*S.497, "Symphonisches Zwischenspiel ('Über allen Zauber Liebe')" (ca. 1882-83)


*S.498, "Drei Lieder ('Tannhäuser')" (1882?)


*S.498a, "Drei Stücke aus der heilige Elisabeth" (1857-62)
*S.498b, "Zwei Orchesterstücke aus Christus" (1862-66)
*S.498c, "San Francesco - Preludio" (1862-66)
*S.499, "Cantico del Sol di San Francesco d'Assisi" (1881)
*S.499a, "San Francesco - Preludio per il Cantico del Sol" (1880)
*S.500, "Excelsior! - Preludio" (1875)
*S.501, "Benedictus und Offertorium (Missa Coronationalis)" (1867)
*S.502, "Weihnachtslied II" (1864)
*S.503, "Slavimo Slavno Slaveni!" (1863)
*S.504, "Ave Maria II (in D)" [first/second version in D flat] (1870, 1873)
*S.504a, "Via Crucis" [15 pieces] (1878-79)
*S.504b, "Choräle" [11 pieces] (1878-79)
*S.505, "Zum Haus des Herrn (In domum Domini ibimus)" (1884)
*S.506, "Ave maris stella" (1868)
*S.507, "Klavierstück aus der Bonn Beethoven-Cantata" (?)
*S.507a, "Schnitterchor (Pastorale - Schnitterchor aus Prometheus)" (1850)
*S.508, "Pastorale. Schnitterchor aus dem Entfesselten Prometheus" (1861)
*S.509, "Gaudeamus igitur - Humoreske" (1870)
*S.510, "Marche héroïque" (?)
*S.511, "Geharnischte Lieder" [3 pieces] (1861)
*S.511a, "Les Préludes (Poème symphonique No. 3)" [arranged by Karl Klauser, revised by Liszt] (1863) [cite web|title=Hyperion, Liszt Piano Music, Vol 38 (Sleeve notes)|url=|accessdate=2007-12-16] [Liszt, Franz. [ Letters of Franz Liszt, Volume 2.] Letter No. 20: Dr. Franz Brendel. September 7th, 1863]
*S.511b, "Orpheus (Poème symphonique No. 4)" [arranged by Fredrich Spiro, revised by Liszt] (1879) cite web|title=Hyperion, Liszt Piano Music, Vol 56 (Sleeve notes)|url=|accessdate=2007-12-16]
*S.511c, "Mazeppa (Poème symphonique No. 6)" [arranged by Theodor Forchhammer, revised by Liszt] (1870-79)
*S.511d, "Festklänge (Poème symphonique No. 7)" [arranged by Ludwig Stark, revised by Liszt] (1870-79)
*S.511e, "Hungaria (Poème symphonique No. 9)" [arranged by Fredrich Spiro, revised by Liszt] (1872)
*S.512, "Von der Wiege bis zum Grabe (Poème symphonique No. 13)" (1881)
*S.513, "Gretchen aus Faust-Simpfonie" (b 1867 )
*S.513a, "Der nächtliche Zug" (?)
*S.514, "Erster Mephisto-Walzer" (Mephisto Waltz No. 1, Der Tanz in der Dorfschenke) [original version] (1859-62)
*S.514a, "Erster Mephisto-Walzer" (Mephisto Waltz No. 1) [with later additions] (1859-62)
*S.515, "Zweiter Mephisto-Walzer" (Mephisto Waltz No. 2) (1881)
*S.516, "Les Morts (Ode Funèbre No. 1)" (1860)
*S.516a, "La notte (Ode Funèbre No. 2)" (?)
*S.517, "Le Triomphe funèbre du Tasse (Odes Funèbre No. 3)" (1866)
*S.518, "Salve Polonia" (a. 1863)
*S.519, "Deux Polonaises de St Stanislaus" (1870-79)
*S.520, "Künstlerfestzug" [first/second version] (1857-60, 1883)
*S.521, "Festmarsch zur Goethejubiläumsfeier" [first/second version] (1857, 1872)
*S.522, "Festmarsch nach motiven von E.H.z.S.-C.-G" (1857)
*S.523, "Ungarischer Marsch zur Krönungsfeier in Ofen-Pest" (1870)
*S.524, "Ungarischer Sturmmarsch" [first/second version] (?, 1875)
*S.525, "Totentanz. Paraphrase on Dies Irae" (1860-65)
*S.526, "Epithalam zu Eduard Reményis Vermählungsfeier" (?)
*S.527, "Romance oubliée" (?)
*S.527bis, "Romance oubliée" [short draft] (1880)
*S.529, "Fantasie und Fuge über das Thema BACH" [first/second version] (1856, 1870)
*S.530, "L'Hymne du Pape. Inno del Papa. Der Papsthymnus" (1864)
*S.531, "Buch der Lieder I" [5 pieces] (?)
*S.532, "Die Lorelei" (Heine) [second version] (1861)
*S.533, "Il m'aimait tant" (Delphine Gay) (1842)
*S.534, "Die Zelle in Nonnenwerth" (Felix Lichnowski) [first/second/fourth version] (1842, 1860, 1880)
*S.535, "Comment, disaient-ils" [Buch der Lieder II] (1845?)
*S.536, "O quand je dors" [Buch der Lieder II] (1847?)
*S.537, "Enfant, si j'étais roi" [Buch der Lieder II] (1847?)
*S.538, "S'il est un charmant gazon" [Buch der Lieder II] (1847?)
*S.539, "La tombe et la rose" [Buch der Lieder II] (1847?)
*S.540, "Gastibelza" [Buch der Lieder II] (1847?)
*S.541, "Liebesträume. Drei Notturnos" (ca. 1850)
*S.542, "Weimars Volkslied" [first/second version] (1857, ?)
*S.542a, "Ich liebe dich (?)
*S.542b, "Fanfare zur Enthüllung des Carl-Augusts Monument (?)
*S.543, "Ungarns Gott. A magyarok Istene (Petófi)] " [original/(S543bis)left-hand version] (1881)
*S.544, "Ungarisches Königslied. Magyar Király-dal (Ábrányi)" (1883)
*S.545, "Ave Maria IV" (1881)
*S.546, "Der blinde Sänger (Alexei Tolstoy)" [solo version] (1878)
*S.546a, "O Roma nobilis" (1879)


*S.547, "Sieben Lieder (from Opp. 19, 34, 47)" [7 pieces] (1840)
*S.548, "Wasserfahrt and Der Jäger Abschied (from Op. 50)" [2 pieces] (1848)


*S.549, "Festmarsch zu Schillers 100-Jähriger Geburtsfeier" (?)


*S.550, "Zwei Transcriptionen über Themen aus Mozart's Requiem, K626" [2 pieces] (1862)


*S.551, "Una stella amica. Mazurka" (?)


*S.551a, "Einleitung und Coda zu Raffs Walzer in Des-dur (opus 54/1)" (1880)


*S.552, "Ouverture de l'opéra Guillaume Tell" (1838)
*S.552a, "Caritas" [La charité, first version] (1847)
*S.552b, "La caritá" [La charité, simplified version] (1847)
*S.553, "Deux Transcriptions" [2 pieces] (1847)


*S.554, "Zwei Lieder" [2 pieces] (1880)
*S.554a, "Einleitung und Coda sur des notes fausses" (1880)


*S.555, "Danse macabre, Op. 40" (1876)


*S.556, "Die Rose" [first/intermediate/second version] (1832, ca. 1837, 1838)
*S.557, "Lob der Tränen" (1837)
*S.557a, "Erlkönig" [first version] (?)
*S.557b, "Meeresstille" [first version] (?)
*S.557b/bis, "Meeresstille [first version, ossia] (?)
*S.557c, "Frühlingsglaube" [first version] (?)
*S.557d, "Ave Maria" (Ellens dritter Gesang) [first version] (?)
*S.558, "12 Lieder" (1837-38)
*S.558bis, "12 Lieder" [revised versions of Nos. 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11] (ca. 1839)
*S.559, "Der Gondelfahrer, Op. 28" (1838)
*S.559a, "Sérénade" [Ständchen, first version] (1837)
*S.560, "Schwanengesang" [14 pieces] (1838-39)
*S.560bis, "Schwanengesang" [14 pieces, alternative versions] (ca. 1839)
*S.561, "Winterreise" [12 pieces] (1839)
*S.561, "Winterreise" [alternative versions of Nos. 2, 3, 7, 10,] (ca. 1839)
*S.562, "Geistliche Lieder" [4 pieces] (1841)
*S.563, "Six mélodies célèbres" [6 pieces, 1st by Weyrauch] (1844)
*S.564, "Die Forelle" [second version] (1846)
*S.565, "Six Mélodies favorites de La belle meunière" [6 pieces] (1846)
*S.565bis, "Müllerlieder" [6 pieces, revised versions] (ca. 1879)
*S.565a, "Wandererfantasie (Grosse Fantasie in C-dur)" (ca. 1868)
*S.565b, "Schubert's Impromptus" [2 pieces, Op. 90/2-3] (ca. 1868)


*S.566, "Widmung, Liebeslied" (1848)
*S.566a, "Widmung, Liebeslied" [sketch of a more literal transcription] (1848)
*S.567, "An den Sonnenschein, Rotes Röslein" (1861)
*S.568, "Frühlingsnacht (Überm Garten durch die Lüfte)" (1872)
*S.569, "Zehn Lieder von Robert und Clara Schumann" [10 pieces] (1872)
*S.570, "Provençalisches Minnelied" (1881)


*S.570a, "Einleitung und Coda zu Smetanas Polka (de salon, opus 7/1)" (1880)


*S.571, "Die Rose" aus "Zemire und Azor" (1876)


*S.571a, "Einleitung und Schlußtakte zu Tausigs dritter Valse-Caprice" (1880)

zabady and Massenet

*S.572, "Revive Szegedin" (1879)

zéchényi, Count Imre

*S.573, "Bevezetés és magyar indulò" (1872)


*S.573a, "Seconda mazurka variata" (1880)


*S.574, "Ouverture Oberon" (1846?)
*S.575, "Ouverture Der Freischütz" (1840-41)
*S.576, "Jubelouverture" (1846)
*S.576a, "Konzertstück, Op. 79" (ca. 1868)

Wielhorsky, Count Michael

*S.577, "Lyubila ya" [first/second version] (1843, ?)

Pianoforte Duet


*S.577a, "11 Nocturnes" (Nos. 1-9, 14, 18 and Nocturne Pastorale in E) (?)


*S.578, "4 Pieces from St. Elisabeth" (1862)
*S.579, "Christus Oratorio 4th and 5th section" (?)
*S.580, "Excelsior! - Preludio" (?)
*S.581, "Benedictus and Offertorium from the Hungarian Coronation Mass" (1869)
*S.582, "O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig" (1878-79)
*S.583, "Via Crucis" (?)
*S.584, "Festkantate zur Enthüllung des Beethoven-Denkmals in Bonn" (1845)
*S.585, "Pastorale. Schnitterchor aus dem Entfesselten Prometheus" (1861)
*S.586, "Gaudeamus igitur. Humoreske" (1870)
*S.587, "Marche héroique" (?)
*S.588, "Weimars Volkslied (Cornelius)" (1857)
*S.589, "Ce qu'on entend sur la montagne (Poème symphonique No. 1)" (1874)
*S.590, "Tasso, Lamento e Trionfo (Poème symphonique No. 2)" (1858)
*S.591, "Les Préludes (Poème symphonique No. 3)" (ca. 1858)
*S.592, "Orpheus (Poème symphonique No. 4)" (ca. 1858)
*S.593, "Prometheus (Poème symphonique No. 5)" (1858)
*S.594, "Mazeppa (Poème symphonique No. 6)" (1874)
*S.595, "Festklänge (Poème symphonique No. 7)" (1854-61)
*S.596, "Hungaria (Poème symphonique No. 9)" (1874?)
*S.569a, "Héroïde funèbre (Poème symphonique No. 8)" (ca. 1877)
*S.596b, "Hunnenschlacht (Poème symphonique No. 11)" (ca. 1877)
*S.596c, "Die Ideale (Poème symphonique No. 12)" (ca. 1874-77)
*S.597, "Hamlet (Poème symphonique No. 10)" (1874)
*S.598, "Von der Wiege bis zum Grabe (Poème symphonique No. 13)" (From the Cradle to the Grave) (1881)
*S.599, "Two episodes from Lenau's Faust" (1861-62)
*S.600, "Mephisto Waltz No. 2" (1881)
*S.601, "Les Morts (Ode Funébre No. 1)" (1866)
*S.602, "La Notte (Ode Funébre No. 2)" (1866)
*S.603, "Le Triomphe Funèbre du Tasse (Ode Funébre No. 3)" (1866?)
*S.604, "Salve Polonia" (1863)
*S.605, "Künstlerfestzug zur Schillerfeier" (1859)
*S.606, "Festmarsch zur Goethejubiläumsfeier" (ca. 1858)
*S.607, "Festmarsch nach Motiven von E.H. zu S.-C.-G." (ca. 1859)
*S.608, "Rákóczy March" (1870)
*S.609, "Ungarischer Marsch zur Krönungsfeier in Ofen-Pest" (1870)
*S.610, "Ungarischer Sturmmarsch" (1875)
*S.611, "Epithalam" (1872)
*S.612, "Elégie" (1874)
*S.613, "Weihnachtsbaum" (1876)
*S.614, "Dem Andenken Petöfis (Petófi Szellemének)" (1877)
*S.615, "Grande Valse di Bravura" (1836)
*S.616, "Grand Galop Chromatique" (1838)
*S.617, "Csárdás macabre" (1882)
*S.618, "Csárdás obstiné" (ca. 1884)
*S.618a, "Vom Fels zum Meer. Deutscher Siegesmarsch (?)
*S.619, "Bülow-Marsch" (ca. 1883)
*S.619a, "Festpolonaise" (1876) [cite web|title=Festpolonaise (Duet version) Entry|url=|publisher = Allmusic|accessdate=2008-01-01]
*S.620, "Hussitenlied" (Melody by J.Krov) (1840)
*S.621, "6 Hungarian Rhapsodies" [from the orchestral version, S359] (1874)
*S.622, "Rapsodie hongroise No. 16" (1882)
*S.623, "Rapsodie hongroise No. 18" (1885)
*S.623a, "Rapsodie hongroise No. 19" (ca. 1885)
*S.624, "Fantasy and Fugue on the chorale Ad nos, ad salutarem undam" (1850)
*S.625, "L'Hymne du Pape (Der Papsthymnus)" (1865)
*S.626, "Ungarisches Königslied. Magyar Király-dal (Ábrányi)" (1883)
*S.627, "Fantaisie sur des motifs de l'opéra La Sonnambula (Bellini)" (1852)
*S.628, "Bénédiction et serment (Berlioz's 'Benvenuto Cellini')" (1852)
*S.628a, "Marche et cavatine (Donizetti's Lucia)" (?)
*S.628b, "Szózat und Hymnus (Egressy and Erkel)" (1873)
*S.629, "Tscherkessenmarsch (Glinka's Ruslan i Lyudmila)" (1843)
*S.630, "Réminiscences de Robert le Diable - Valse infernale (Meyerbeer)" (1841-43)
*S.631, "Andante finale und Marsch (Raff's 'König Alfred')" (1853)
*S.632, "4 Marches (Schubert)" (1879)
*S.633, "A la chapelle Sixtine (Allegri Mozart)" (1865)
*S.634, "Grand Septuor Op. 20 (Beethoven)" (1841)


*S.634a, "Adagio from Mozart's Die Zauberflöte" (1875-81?)

Two Pianofortes


*S.635, "Ce qu'on entend sur la montagne (Poème symphonique No. 1)" (ca. 1854-57)
*S.636, "Tasso, Lamento e Trionfo (Poème symphonique No. 2)" (ca. 1857)
*S.637, "Les Préludes (Poème symphonique No. 3)" (ca. 1854-56)
*S.638, "Orpheus (Poème symphonique No. 4)" (ca. 1854-56)
*S.639, "Prometheus (Poème symphonique No. 5)" (1855-56)
*S.640, "Mazeppa (Poème symphonique No. 6)" (1855)
*S.641, "Festklänge (Poème symphonique No. 7)" (ca. 1853-56)
*S.642, "Héroide Funèbre (Poème symphonique No. 8)" (ca. 1854-56)
*S.643, "Hungaria (Poème symphonique No. 9)" (ca. 1854-61)
*S.644, "Hamlet (Poème symphonique No. 10)" (ca. 1858-61)
*S.645, "Hunnenschlacht (Poème symphonique No. 11)" (1857)
*S.646, "Die Ideale (Poème symphonique No. 12)" (1857-58)
*S.647, "A Faust Symphony, in three character pictures" (1856)
*S.648, "A Symphony to Dante's Devina Commedia" (ca. 1856-59)
*S.649, "Fantasie über Beethovens Ruinen von Athen" (1865)
*S.650, "Piano Concerto No. 1 in E flat major" (1853)
*S.651, "Piano Concerto No. 2 in A major" (1859)
*S.652, "Totentanz. Paraphrase on Dies Irae" (1859)
*S.653, "Wandererfantasie (Schubert)" (a. 1859)
*S.654, "Hexaméron, Morceau de Concert" (1837)
*S.655, "Réminiscences de Norma (Bellini)" (1841)
*S.656, "Réminiscences de Don Juan (Mozart)" (1841)
*S.657, "Symphony No. 9 (Beethoven)" (1851)
*S.657a/1, "Piano Concerto No. 3 (Beethoven)" (1878)
*S.657a/2, "Piano Concerto No. 4 (Beethoven)" (1878)
*S.657a/3, "Piano Concerto No. 5 (Beethoven)" (1878)
*S.657b, "Bülow-Marsch" [2-pianos, 8-hands] (1884)


Allegri und Mozart

*S.658, "Évocation à la Chapelle Sixtine" (1862)


*S.659, "Ave Maria" (1862)


*S.660, "Einleitung und Fuge aus der Motette Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis und Andante Aus tiefer Not" [2 pieces] (1860)
*S.661, "Adagio from Bach Violin Sonata No. 4 (BWV1017)" (1864)


*S.662, "2 Préludes from Op. 28 (Nos. 4, 9)" (1863)


*S.663, "Regina coeli laetare" (1865)


*S.664, "Tu es Petrus from Christus" (1867)
*S.665, "San Francesco" (1880)
*S.666, "Excelsior! - Preludio" (?)
*S.667, "Offertorium from the Hungarian Coronation Mass" (1867)
*S.668, "Slavimo Slavno Slaveni" (1863)
*S.669, "Zwei Kirchenhymnen" [2 pieces] (1877)
*S.670, "Rosario" [3 pieces] (1879)
*S.671, "Zum Haus des Herrn (In domum Domini ibimus)" (1884)
*S.672, "Weimars Volkslied (Cornelius)" (1865)
*S.673, "Weinen, Klagen' Variationen" (1863)
*S.674, "Ungarns Gott. A magyarok Istene (Petófi)" (1882)
*S.674a, "O sacrum convivium" [2 versions] (?)


*S.675, "Kirchliche Festoverture" (1852)


*S.676, "Pilgerchor from Wagner's Tannhäuser" (1860)

Organ with Other Instruments

*S.677, "Hosannah from Cantico del sol di San Francesco d'Assisi" (for organ and trombone) (1862)
*S.678, "Offertorium and Benedictus from the Hungarian Coronation Mass" (1869)
*S.679, "Aria 'Cujus animam' from Rossini's Stabat Mater" (for organ and trombone) (?)


*S.686, "Helges Treue (Draeseke)" (1860)


Unfinished Works

*S.687, "Sardanapale (Byron)" [opera, partly sketched, 111 pages] (?)
*S.688, "Oratorio - Die Legende vom heiligen Stanislaus" [sacred choral] (1873-85)
*S.688a, "St Stanislaus fragment" [solo piano, Library of Congress] (1880-86)
*S.689, "Singe, wem Gesang gegeben" [secular choral] (1847)
*S.690, "Revolutionary Symphony" [unfinished, revised 1848] (1830)
*S.691, "De Profundis" [piano and orchestra, De Profundis - Psaume instrumental] (1834?)
*S.692, "Violin Concerto" [only sketched] (1860)
*S.692a, "The Four Seasons String quartet (Vivaldi)" (1880?)
*S.692b, "Anfang einer jugendsonate" [solo piano] (1825)
*S.692c, "Allegro maestoso" [solo piano] (1826)
*S.692d, "Rákóczi-Marsch" [solo piano, first version, simplified, unfinished] (1839)
*S.692e, "Winzerchor (Prometheus)" [solo piano] (1850)
*S.693, "Deux marches dans le genre hongrois" [solo piano, 2 pieces] (1840?)
*S.693a, "Zwei Stücke aus der heilige Elisabeth" [solo piano] (1862)
*S.694, "Fantasie über englische Themen" [solo piano] (1840?)
*S.695, "Morceau en fa majeur" [solo piano] (1843?)
*S.695a, "Litanie de Marie" [solo piano] (1847)
*S.695b, "Zigeuner-Epos" [solo piano, 11 pieces] (ca. 1848)
*S.696, "Mephisto Waltz No.4" (1884)
*S.697, "Fantasie über Themen aus Figaro und Don Giovanni (Mozart)" [solo piano arrangement] (1842)
*S.698, "La Mandragore - Ballade de l'opéra Jean de Nivelle de L. Delibes" [solo piano arrangement] (a. 1880)
*S.699, "La Notte (Odes Funèbre no. 2)" [solo piano arrangement] (1864-66)
*S.700, "Grand Fantaisie (Variations) sur des thèmes de Paganini" [ first/second version; completed by Mezö] (1845)
*S.700a, "Variations sur Le Carnaval de Venise (Paganini)" [solo piano arrangement] (?)
*S.701, "Den Felsengipfel stieg ich einst hinan" [song] (?)
*S.701a, "Allegro di bravura [orchestra, arrangement] (ca. 1830)
*S.701b, "Marie-Poème [solo piano] (1837)
*S.701c, "Andante sensibilissimo [solo piano] (1880-86)
*S.701d, "Melodie in Dorische Tonart" [solo piano] (1860)
*S.701e, "Dante fragment" [solo piano] (1839)
*S.701f, "Glasgow fragment" [solo piano] (?)
*S.701g, "Polnisch - sketch" [solo piano] (1870-79)
*S.701h/1, "Operatic aria - and sketched variation" [solo piano] (?)
*S.701h/2, "Valse infernale (Meyerbeer) - theme" [solo piano arrangement] (?)
*S.701j, "Harmonie nach Rossini's Carità (La charité)" [solo piano arrangement] (1847)
*S.701k, "Korrekturblatt (to an earlier version of La lugubre gondola)" [solo piano] (1882)

Doubtful or Lost

acred Choral Works

*S.702, "Tantum Ergo" (1822)
*S.703, "Psalm 2" (1851)
*S.704, "Requiem on the death of Emperor Maximilian of Mexico" (?)
*S.705, "The Creation" (?)
*S.706, "Benedictus" [doubtful] (?)
*S.707, "Excelsior" [arrangement, doubtful] (?)

ecular Choral Works

*S.708, "Rinaldo" [doubtful] (ca. 1848)

Orchestral Works

*S.709, "Salve Polonia" [rediscovered, renumbered as S113] (1863)
*S.710, "Funeral March" (?)
*S.711, "Csárdás macabre" [arrangement] (?)
*S.712, "Romance oubliée" [arrangement] (?)

Piano and Orchestra

*S.713/1, "Piano Concerto in A minor" (1825?)
*S.713/2, "Piano Concerto" (1825?)
*S.714, "Piano Concerto in the Hungarian style" [by Sophie Menter, renumbered as S126a] (1885)
*S.715, "Piano Concerto in the Italian style" (?)
*S.716, "Grande fantaisie symphonique" [orchestral] (?)

Chamber Music

*S.717, "Trio" (1825)
*S.718, "Quintet" (1825)
*S.719, "The Four Seasons String quartet (Vivaldi)" [rediscovered, renumbered as S692a]
*S.720, "Allegro moderato" (?)
*S.721, "Prelude" (?)
*S.722, "La Notte (Odes Funèbre no.2)" [rediscovered, renumbered as S377a] (1864-66)
*S.723, "Tristia" [arrangement, from Vallée d'Obermann S160/6] (1880-86 ?)
*S.723a, "Postlude on theme from Orpheus" [arrangement] (?)

Pianoforte Solo

*S.724, "Rondo and Fantasy" (1824)
*S.725, "3 Sonatas" (1825)
*S.726, "Study" (?)
*S.726a, "Valse" (?)
*S.727, "Prélude omnitonique" (?)
*S.728, "Sospiri (Fünf Klavierstücke)" [rediscovered, renumbered as S192/5] (1879)
*S.729, [rediscovered, renumbered as 42(?)]
*S.730, "Dem Andenken Petöfis (Petófi Szellemének)" [rediscovered, renumbered as S195] (1877)
*S.731, "Valse élégiaque" (?)
*S.732, "Valse Oubliée No.4" [rediscovered, renumbered as S215/4] (1883-84)
*S.733, "Marche hongroise (in E flat minor)" [rediscovered, renumbered as S233b] (1844)
*S.734, "Ländler" (?)
*S.735, "Air cosaque" (?)
*S.736, "Kerepsi csárdás" (?)
*S.737, "3 morceaux en style de danse ancien hongrois" (?)
*S.738, "Spanish folksong arrangement" (?)


*S.739, "Corolian Overture (Beethoven)" (?)
*S.740, "Egmont Overture (Beethoven)" (?)
*S.741, "Le carnaval romain - Overture (Berlioz)" (?)
*S.742, "Duettino (Donizetti)" (?)
*S.743, "Soldiers Chorus from Guonod's Faust" (?)
*S.743a, "Fantasia on themes from Halévy's Guitarero" (b. 1841)
*S.744, "Paraphrase on Act 4 of Kullak's Dom Sebastien" (?)
*S.745, "Funeral March" (?)
*S.746, "Andante Maestoso" (?)
*S.747, "Poco adagio (from Missa Solemnis)" (?)
*S.748, "Overture to Mozarts "Die Zauberflöte" (?)
*S.749, "Preussischer Armeemarsch (Radovsky)" (?)
*S.750, "Siege de Corynthe, Introduction" (?)
*S.751, "Nonetto e Mose, Fantasia on themes by Rossini" (?)
*S.752, "Gelb rollt (Rubinstein)" (?)
*S.753, "Alfonso und Estrella, Act 1 (Schubert)" (?)
*S.754, "Seconda mazurka variata (Tirindelli)" [rediscovered, renumbered as S573a] (1880)

Pianoforte Duet

*S.755, "Sonata" (?)

Two Pianofortes

*S.756, "Mosonyis Grabgeleit" (?)
*S.757, "La triomphe funébre du Tasse" (?)


*S.758, "The Organ (Herder)" (?)
*S.759, "Consolation" [arrangement] (?)
*S.760, "Cantico del sol di St. Francesco" [arrangement] (?)
*S.761, "Marche funèbre (Chopin)" [arrangement] (?)


*S.762, "Air de Chateaubriand" (?)
*S.763, "Strophes de Herlossohn" (?)
*S.764, "Kränze pour chant" (?)
*S.765, "Glöcken (Müller)" (?)
*S.765a, "L'aube naît (Hugo)" (1842?)
*S.766, "Der Papsthymnus" (?)
*S.767, "Excelsior" (?)


*S.768, "Der ewige jude (Schubart)" (?)


*S.990, "Fantasy and Fugue on the chorale "Ad nos, ad salutarem undam"" (played by Liszt to Walter Bache) [solo piano, arrangement] (b. 1862)
*S.991, "Waltz in A major" [chamber, arrangement] (?)
*S.993, "Wartburg Lieder (Scheffel)" [orchestral, arrangement] (?)
*S.994, "Grand solo caractéristique à propos d'une chansonette de Panseron" [solo piano, arrangement] (1830-32)
*S.995, "Variations de bravoure sur des thémes de Paganini" [unfinished] (1845)
*S.996, "Stabat Mater" [solo piano] (1870-79 ?)
*S.997, "5 Variationen über Romanze aus 'Joseph' (Méhul)" (by Franz Xaver Mozart, attributed to Liszt) (ca. 1834)
*S.998, "Adagio in C" [solo piano] (1841)
*S.999, "Andante Maestoso" [organ] (?)


External links

* [ List of works] - The Danish Franz Liszt Project

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