Odo of Châteauroux

Odo of Châteauroux

Odo of Châteauroux[1] (born ca. 1190, Châteauroux – died on January 25, 1273 in Orvieto) was a French theologian and scholastic philosopher, papal legate and Cardinal. He was “an experienced preacher and promoter of crusades”[2]. Over 1000 of his sermons survive[3].



He preached crusade in 1226[4]. He was chancellor of the University of Paris 1238-1244[5], and perhaps also Cistercian abbot of Ourscamp, and then abbot of Grandselve.[6].

He was involved in the aftermath of the Paris disputation of 1240, and subsequent condemnation of the Talmud[7]. He was made cardinal-bishop of Frascati (1244)[8], and legate, and was sent to preach crusade in France by Pope Innocent IV[9]. He accompanied Louis IX of France on the Seventh Crusade, and is mentioned by Joinville, returning in 1254, via Cyprus[10]. Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals from December 1254 and Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church in 1270[11].

He brought back relics, which he gave to Viterbo, Tournai[12] and Neuvy-Saint-Sépulcre, Indre, France[13]. He also consecrated relics in the Sainte-Chapelle[14]. He led the enquiry into the canonization of Richard of Chichester[15]. In 1270, on the death of Louis XI, he announced official mourning for the whole of Christendom[16].


  • Super Psalterium
  • MLXXVII Sermones de tempore et de sanctis et de diversis casibus[17]


  • Letter in August Potthast, Regesta Pontificum Romanorum[18]
  • Callebant, A., Le sermon historique d’Eudes de Châteauroux à Paris, le 18 mars 1229. Autour de l'origine du grève universitaire et de l’enseignement des mendiants, Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, 28 (1936), 81–114.
  • Fortunato Iozzelli (1994), Odo da Châteauroux: politica e religione nei sermoni inediti
  • C. T. Maier, Crusade and rhetoric against the Muslim colony of Lucera: Eudes of Chateauroux's Sermones de Rebellione Sarracenorum Lucherie in Apulia, Journal of Medieval History, Volume 21, Number 4, December 1995 , pp. 343-385 (abstract)
  • Alexis Charansonnet, Du Berry en Curie. La carrière du Cardinal Eudes de Châteauroux (1190?-1273) et son reflet dans sa prédication, Rev. Hist. Égl. France 86 (2000), 5-37


  1. ^ Odo of Tusculum, Odon de Tusculum, Otho de Tusculum, Odo de Châteauroux, Odon de Châteauroux, Eudes de Châteauroux, Odo de Castroradulpho, Odo de Castro Radulphi, Odo Gallus, Ottone , de Castro Rodolfi, Oddone di Castro Radulfi, Ottone de Castel Ridolfi, Ottone di Tuscolo.
  2. ^ (PDF), p. 3.
  3. ^ Détails de l'enregistrement
  4. ^ Nicole Bériou, La prédication de croisade de Philippe le Chancelier et d'Eudes de Châteauroux en 1226, in La prédication en pays d'Oc (XIIe-début XVe siècle), Toulouse, Privat, 1997, p. 85-109.
  5. ^ Charles H. Haskins, The University of Paris in the Sermons of the Thirteenth Century, The American Historical Review, Vol. 10, No. 1 (Oct., 1904), pp. 1-27.
  6. ^ [1], French. Odo of Ourscamp is a different figure, of the twelfth century. However, several sources deny, doubt or ignore that he was a monk [2].
  7. ^ After the disputation a tribunal was appointed to pass judgment upon the Talmud, among its members being Eudes de Chateauroux, Chancellor of the University of Paris; Guillaume d'Auvergne, Bishop of Paris; and the Inquisitor Henri de Cologne. After the same rabbis had been heard a second time, the Talmud was condemned to be burned. Two years after (in the middle of 1242) twenty-four cartloads of Hebrew books were solemnly burned at Paris. [...] A little later, while at Lyons, the pope listened to the complaints of the Jews, and in 1247 he asked Eudes de Chateauroux to examine the Talmud from the Jewish standpoint, and to ascertain whether it might not be tolerated as harmless to the Christian faith, and whether the copies which had been confiscated might not be returned to their owners. The rabbis had represented to him that without the aid of the Talmud they could not understand the Bible or the rest of their statutes. Eudes informed the pope that the change of attitude involved in such a decision would be wrongly interpreted; and on May 15, 1248, the Talmud was condemned for the second time. (From 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia, article France); A long list of errors and blasphemies contained the Talmud was compiled by Eudes de Chateauroux, much in the same manner as philosophical errors would also be condemned.[3]
  8. ^ [4]. He is given also as bishop of Toulouse[5] and bishop of Maguelonne.
  9. ^ Steven Runciman, A History of the Crusades III p. 256.
  10. ^ The Thirteenth Century
  11. ^ The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church - Biographical Dictionary - Consistory of May 28, 1244
  12. ^ (French) cathedrale-tournai.be - La châsse Saint-Eleuthère
  13. ^ [6]. Odo had dedicated an altar in 1246 at the Basilique Saint-Etienne, in Neuvy.[7] La légende du Pas-de-la-Mule.
  14. ^ Old book page, in Latin (Otho de Castro-Rodolphi)
  15. ^ S Richard of Chichester: Readings
  16. ^ 25 août Saint Louis
  17. ^ Autorenliste – Autoren O
  18. ^ Adressaten/Empfänger in Potthast: Regesta Pontificum Romanorum - Testversion

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Catholic Church titles
Preceded by
Jacques de Vitry
Bishop of Frascati
Succeeded by
João Pedro Julião

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