List of scholastic philosophers

List of scholastic philosophers

This is a list of philosophers working in the Christian tradition in Western Europe during the medieval period. "See also" scholasticism."



*Abélard, Pierre (1079-1142)
*Adam Parvipontanus
*Adam Pulchrae Mulieris/Adam de Puteorumvilla
*Adelard of Bath
*Alain, bishop of Auxerre
*Alain de Lille / Alanus de Insulis / Montepessulano, (c. 1128-1202)
*Alain de Podio
*Albric of London
*Alberich of Reims
*Albert of Saxony, (1316-1390)
*Albertus Magnus
*Alexander of Hales, (died 1475)
*Alexander Nequam/Neckam/of St Alban's
*Alfred of Sareshel/Alfredus Anglicus
*Amalric of Bena/Bène, (d.c. 1204-1207)
*Anselm of Laon, (died 1117)
*Anselm of Canterbury, (1034-1109)
*Arnaldus de Villanova


*Baldwin of Maflix
*Bartholomew of Bologna
*Bartholomew of Salerno
*Bartholomew of Tours
*Benedict of Nursia
*Bernard of Chartres
*Bernard of Clairvaux, (1090-1153)
*Bernard Silvestris
*Berthold of Moosburg
*Boetius of Dacia
*Bonushomo Brito
*Burgundio of Pisa


* Cesare Cremonini (1550-1631) alias Caesar Cremoninus
*Clarembald of Arras


*Daniel of Morley
*Dante Alighieri, (1265-1321)
*David of Dinant
*Denys the Carthusian
*Dietrich of Freiburg
*Dominicus Gundissalinus
*(John) Duns Scotus, (c. 1266-1308)
*Durand of St Pourçain


*Meister Eckhart
*Edmund of Abingdon
*Elias Burneti of Bergerac
*Everard of Ypres


*Francis of Marchia
*Francis of Meyronnes
*Francisco Suárez, (1548-1617 CE)
*Florentius of Hesden


*Gabriel Biel
*Gaetano of Thiene
*Garlandus Compotista
*Gaunilo(n) of Montmoutiers
*Gerard of Abbeville
*Gerard of Cremona
*Gerho of Reichersberg
*Gersonides, (1288-1344 CE)
*Gilbert de Oves (van Eyen) Flamingus
*Gilbert of Poitiers
*Gilbert de la Porrée
*Giles of Rome
*Gonsalvo of Spain
*Guerric of Saint-Quentin
*Godfrey of Fontaines
*Godfrey of Poitiers
*Godefroid de Bleneau
*Gregory of Rimini
*Guiard of Laon
*Guido of Orchelles
*Guido Terrena


*Hannibaldus of Hannibaldus
*Henry Aristippus
*Henry Bate
*Henry of Ghent
*Henry of Harclay
*Henry of Langenstein
*Herbert of Auxerre
*Hermann of Carinthia
*Hervaeus Natalis
*Heymeric of Camp
*Honorius Augustodunensis
*Hugh of St. Cher
*Hugh of St. Victor


*Ivo of Chartres


*James of Metz
*James of Venice
*James of Viterbo
*Jacques de Vitry
*Jean Pointlasne
*Jean de la Rochelle
*Jerome of Prague
*Jocelin, Bishop of Soissons
*John Baconthorpe
*John Blund
*John Buridan
*John Capreolus
*John Dumbleton
*John Gerson, (1363-1429)
*John Halgren of Abbeville
*John of Jandun
*John of Mirecourt
*John de Moussy
*John Pagus
*John of Paris
*John Pecham
*John of Reading
*John of Salisbury, (c. 1115-1180)
*Johannes Scotus Eriugena
*John of Seville
*John of St. Gilles
*John of Treviso
*John Wyclif, (born 1324)



*Landulph Caracciolo
*Lawrence de Fourgère


*Manegold of Lautenbach
*Master Martin
*Marsilius of Inghen
*Marsilius of Padua
*Martin of Dacia
*Matthew of Aquasparta
*Maurus of Salerno
*Michael of Massa


*Nicholas of Amiens
*Nicholas of Autrecourt
*Nicholas of Cusa
*Nicole Oresme


*Odo of Châteauroux


*Paul of Pergula
*Paul of Venice
*Peter Abelard, (1079-1142)
*Peter Alfonsi
*Peter the Archbishop
*Peter Auriol
*Peter of Auvergne
*Peter le Bar
*Peter of Candia
*Peter of Capua
*Peter Ceffons
*Peter of Corbeil
*Peter Damian
*Peter Helias
*Peter of Lamballe
*Peter Lombard
*Peter Musandinus
*Peter Olivi
*Peter of Poitiers (canon)
*Peter of Poitiers (Chancellor)
*Peter de Rivo
*Peter the Small
*Peter of Spain
*Peter the Venerable
*Pierre d'Ailly
*Pierre de Maricourt
*Philip the Chancellor
*Plato of Tivoli
*Prévostin of Cremona



*Radulphus Brito
*Radulphus de Longo Campo
*Ralph of Beauvais
*Ralph Strode
*Ramon Lull
*Raoul Ardens
*Richard Brinkley
*Richard of Campsall
*Richard l'Evêque
*Richard Fishacre
*Richard Fitzralph
*Richard de Fournival
*Richard Kilvington
*Richard of Middleton
*Richard Rufus of Cornwall
*Richard of Saint-Laurent
*Richard of St. Victor, (died 1173)
*Richard Swineshead
*Robert Blund
*Robert of Courson
*Robert Grosseteste, (c. 1175-1253)
*Robert of Halifax
*Robert Holcot
*Robert Kilwardby, (died 1279)
*Robert of Melun
*Robert of Paris
*Robert Pullus
*Robert de Sorbon, (1201-1274)
*Roger Bacon, (1214-1294)
*Roger Marston
*Roland of Cremona
*Roscelin of Compiègne


*Siger of Brabant, (1240-1284)
*Simon of Faversham
*Simon of Poissy
*Simon of Tournai
*Stephen Bérout
*Stephen Langton, (c 1150-1228)
*Stephen of Poligny
*Stephen of Venizy


*Thierry of Chartres/Theodoricus Carnotensis
*Thomas Aquinas, (1225-1274)
*Thomas Bradwardine, (c. 1290-1349)
*Thomas of Chobham
*Thomas of Erfurt
*Thomas Gallus
*Thomas à Kempis, (1380-1471)
*Thomas of Sutton
*Thomas Wilton


*Ulrich of Strassburg
*Urso of Salerno


*Vital du Four


*Walter Burley
*Walter Chatton
*Walter of Château-Thierry
*Walter of Mortagne
*William of Alnwick
*William of Altona
*William Arnaud
*William of Auvergne
*William of Auxerre
*William of Champeaux
*William of Conches
*William Crathorne
*William of Durham
*William d'Etampes (Gallicus) (de Stampis)
*William of Falagar
*William Heytesbury
*William of Lucca
*William de la Mare
*William of Ockham, (ca. 1285-1349)
*William of Saint-Amour
*William of Sherwood
*William of Ware




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