- Legendre chi function
mathematics , the Legendre chi function is aspecial function whoseTaylor series is also aDirichlet series , given by:chi_ u(z) = sum_{k=0}^infty frac{z^{2k+1{(2k+1)^ u}.
As such, it resembles the Dirichlet series for the
polylogarithm , and, indeed, is trivially expressible in terms of the polylogarithm as:chi_ u(z) = frac{1}{2}left [operatorname{Li}_ u(z) - operatorname{Li}_ u(-z) ight]
The Legendre chi function appears as the
discrete fourier transform , with respect to the order ν, of theHurwitz zeta function , and also of theEuler polynomial s, with the explicit relationships given in those articles.The Legendre chi function is a special case of the
Lerch transcendent , and is given by :chi_n(z)=2^{-n}z,Phi (z^2,n,1/2).,References
* Djurdje Cvijović and Jacek Klinowski, " [http://www.ams.org/journal-getitem?pii=S0025-5718-99-01091-1 Values of the Legendre chi and Hurwitz zeta functions at rational arguments] ", Mathematics of Computation 68 (1999), 1623-1630.
*cite web|author=Djurdje Cvijović|year= 2006
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accessdate=December 15|accessyear=2006
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