- Hannathon
Hannathon, and of the 1350-1335 BC
Amarna letters , Hinnatuna, or Hinnatuni/Hinnatunu, is theBiblical city/city-state of Hannathon, (meaning: "the Gift of Grace"); in the Amarna letters correspondence as "Hinnatuna", it is a site in southernCanaan , site uncertain.Amarna letters "Hinnatuna"Hinnatuna is referenced in 2 Amarna letters, EA 8, and EA 245, (EA for (el
Amarna ').EA 8, is a letter to
Pharaoh byBurna-Buriash ofKaraduniyaš -(i.e.Babylon ). The letter, entitled: "Merchants murdered, vengeance demanded", states near the letter beginning: "...Now, my merchants who were on their way with Ahu-tabu, were detained inCanaan for business matters. After Ahu-tabu went on to my brother-(the pharaoh), –in" Hinnatuna "of Canaan, Šum-Adda, the son of Balumme, and Šutatna, the son of Šaratum of Akka-(modern Acre), having sent their men, killed my merchants and took away [th] eir money."Burna-Buriash continues, and states that he demands retribution, as well as he makes a warning to the pharaoh, that his own merchants/envoys are in danger.
Letter EA 245, title: "Assignment of guilt"
Letter EA 245, to pharaoh, letter no. 4 of 7 by
Biridiya , concerns the rebel, and mayor ofShechem -(Amarna Šakmu),Labayu , and his cohort and protector: Surata of Akka-(modernAcre, Israel ).EA 245 is the second tablet of a 2–Tablet letter-(Part 1 lost).
Letter Part 2 of 2::(1-7)"Moreover, I urged my brothers, "If the god of the king, our lord, brings it about that we overcome Lab'ayu, then we must bring him alive: "ha-ia-ma" to the king, our lord.":(8-12)My mare, however, "having been put out of action: tu-ra (having been shot), I took my place behind him: ah-ru-un-ú" and rode withYašdata .:(13-20)But before my arrival they had struck him down: "ma-ah-sú-ú,"-(mahāsū). Yašdata being truly your servant, he it was that entered with me into [Battle|batt [le] ] .:(21-47)("bottom/tablet and reverse")May ... [...] the "life" of the king, my [lord] , that "he may br [ing peace to ever] yone" in ["the lands of"] the king, [my] lord. It had been Surata that took Lab'ayu from Magidda and said to me, "I will send him to the king by boat: "a-na-yi"." Surata took him, but he sent him from "Hinnatunu" to his home, for it was Surata that had accepted from him: "ba-di-ú" his ransom.:(?41-47)Moreover, what have I done to the king, my lord, that he has treated me with contempt: "ia8-qí-ìl-li-ni" and honored: "ia8-ka-bi-id" my "less important" brothers?:(?41-47)It was Surata that let Lab'ayu go, and it was Surata that let "Ba'l-mehir" go, (both) to their homes. And may the king, my lord, know." -EA 245, lines 1-47 (complete, (minor 1-sentence lacuna))(Letter Part 2 of 2; Letter Part 1–lost)ee also
Biridiya of Megiddo
*Surata (Akka mayor) , Akka/Acre, Israel
*Amarna letters Amarna letters (photos)
King of Babylon:
* [http://www.reshafim.org.il/ad/egypt/a-burnaburiash3.htm EA 9-(Obverse)] ; see:Karaduniyaš Tushratta :
* [http://www.sacred-texts.com/ane/mba/img/28000.jpgEA 19-(Obverse)] , [http://www.sacred-texts.com/ane/mba/mba18.htm Article] , Tushratta
* [http://www.reshafim.org.il/ad/egypt/amarnaletters.htm EA 23-(Reverse)] , with " "Black"Hieratic "; [http://www.reshafim.org.il/ad/egypt/a-tushratta_3.htm Article] -(British Museum ); see:Shaushka * [http://www.katapi.org.uk/BibleMSS/ElAmarnaT.htm EA 28-(Obverse)] , see:
Pirissi and Tulubri Rib-Hadda letters:
* [http://bible.gen.nz/amos/pics/amarna_sm.jpgEA 126-(Obverse)] ; [http://bible.gen.nz/amos/archaeology/amarna.htm#amarna Article-(Click for larger Picture)] ; See:Salhi (region) Abi-Milku:
* [http://katherinestange.com/egypt/tablet.jpgEA 147-(Obverse)] ; see:Abi-Milku
* [http://www.courses.psu.edu/cams/cams400w_aek11/amarnabw.jpg#1: EA 153-(Obverse)] ; [http://www.courses.psu.edu/cams/cams400w_aek11/amarnal.html Article]
* [ EA 153-(Obverse)-2nd] ; see:Abi-Milku Abdi-Tirši :
* [http://www.greatcommission.com/london/2003035.jpgEA 228-(Obverse)//(228,330,299,245,252)] , (EA 330, forŠipti-Ba'lu ); [http://www.greatcommission.com/london/ Article] , [http://www.greatcommission.com/london/2003036.jpgPic writeup]Biridiya :
* [http://www.lidden.demon.co.uk/temples/amarna.jpgEA 245-(Obverse)] [http://www.egiptomania.com/historia/imagen/origen8.jpgEA 245-(Reverse)] ; [http://www.lidden.demon.co.uk/temples/datum1.htm Article-1] ; [http://www.egiptomania.com/historia/origen_hebreos.htm Article-2] ; Hannathon/"Hinnatuna"Labaya:
* [http://www.egiptomania.com/historia/imagen/origen7.jpgEA 252-(Obverse)] , [http://www.egiptomania.com/historia/origen_hebreos.htm Article] , seeLabaya Others:
* [http://www.econ.iastate.edu/classes/econ355/choi/images/bb005.jpgEA 299-(High Res.)(Obverse)] ; seeYapahu
* [http://www.globalegyptianmuseum.org/record.aspx?id=1105&lan=A EA 369-Front/Back-(Click on each)] ; see:Milkilu External links
* [http://www.lidden.demon.co.uk/temples/amarna.jpgEA 245-(Obverse)] [http://www.egiptomania.com/historia/imagen/origen8.jpgEA 245-(Reverse)] ; [http://www.lidden.demon.co.uk/temples/datum1.htm Article-1] ; [http://www.egiptomania.com/historia/origen_hebreos.htm Article-2] ; Note: Reverse up-side-down to Front.
*Moran, William L. "The Amarna Letters." John Hopkins University Press, 1987, 1992. (softcover, ISBN 0-8018-6715-0)
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