Holographic paradigm — The holographic paradigm is a form of quantum mysticism extrapolated from two theories: * That the universe is in some sense a holographic structure proposed by David Bohm * That consciousness is dependent on holographic structure proposed by… … Wikipedia
Diffraction grating — A very large reflecting diffraction grating. In optics, a diffraction grating is an optical component with a periodic structure, which splits and diffracts light into several beams travelling in different directions. The directions of these beams … Wikipedia
Fiber Bragg grating — A fiber Bragg grating (FBG) is a type of distributed Bragg reflector constructed in a short segment of optical fiber that reflects particular wavelengths of light and transmits all others. This is achieved by adding a periodic variation to the… … Wikipedia
Volume hologram — Volume holograms are holograms where the thickness of the recording material is much larger than the light wavelength used for recording. In this case diffraction of light from the hologram is possible only as Bragg diffraction, i.e., the light… … Wikipedia
Photonics — Refraction of waves of photons (light) by a prism The science of photonics[1] includes the generation, emission, transmission, modulation, signal processing, switching … Wikipedia
Microphotonics — is a branch of technology that deals with directing light on a microscopic scale. It is used in optical networking. Microphotonics employs at least two different materials with a large differential index of refraction to squeeze the light down to … Wikipedia
Nanophotonics — Part of a series of articles on Nanoelectronics Single molecule electronics … Wikipedia
Holography — (from the Greek, ὅλος hólos whole + γραφή grafē writing, drawing) is a technique that allows the light scattered from an object to be recorded and later reconstructed so that it appears as if the object is in the same position relative to the… … Wikipedia
optics — /op tiks/, n. (used with a sing. v.) the branch of physical science that deals with the properties and phenomena of both visible and invisible light and with vision. [1605 15; < ML optica < Gk optiká, n. use of neut. pl. of OPTIKÓS; see OPTIC,… … Universalium
Monochromator — in a x ray beamline at the Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory. A monochromator is an optical device that transmits a mechanically selectable narrow band of wavelengths of light or other radiation chosen from a wider range of… … Wikipedia