Monthly Index of Medical Specialities

Monthly Index of Medical Specialities

The Monthly Index of Medical Specialities (MIMS) is a pharmaceutical prescribing reference guide published in the UK since 1957 by Haymarket Group[1]. The guide contains information about all drugs in the UK formulary. The title is published monthly, being sent gratis to all UK general practitioners and on a paid basis to subscribers. An electronic version, eMIMS, is part of the Healthcare Republic website,[2] also published by Haymarket Group.

MIMS also serves as a medical advertising medium and has been published in various forms since the 1960s by unrelated organisations in China [3], Europe, Hong Kong[4], India[5], the Middle East, Ireland,[6] Australia and New Zealand.

Transnational consolidation of non-UK versions

Many of the MIMS versions and other medical titles in Europe and Asia, including Australia[7] and New Zealand[8], were acquired and consolidated by the US MediMedia group which, in 2004, sold them to the UK-based United Business Media for 282.5m euros.[9][10] These publications are now produced by the subsidiary organisation CMPMedica which "provide[s] reference data, decision support solutions, news and education to communities of general practitioners, specialist doctors, pharmacists, nurses and patients across 26 countries".[11]

The publisher's big stable of medical media are presented as online digital publications as well as print versions. In July 2009, CMPMedica ceased to publish traditional print versions of two of its titlesInfections in Medicine and AIDS Readerdue to a continuing decline in print advertising sales, but announced that there was positive growth in digital advertising. Its other publications include Psychiatric Times, The Journal of Respiratory Diseases, Physicians Practice and Oncology News International.[12]

The U.K family company of A.E.Morgan publications Ltd publishes three versions of MIMS, Middle East, Africa and Caribbean. The company also has a controlling interest in MIMS India.


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