Medical statistics

Medical statistics

Medical statistics deals with applications of statistics to medicine and the health sciences, including epidemiology, public health, forensic medicine, and clinical research. Medical statistics has been a recognized branch of statistics in the UK for more than 40 years but the term does not appear to have come into general use in North America, where the wider term 'biostatistics' is more commonly used.[1][2] However, "biostatistics" more commonly connotes all applications of statistics to biology.[2]

Constantly newer and newer statistical ratios are being developed to help measure the changing Patterns of various disease and health conditions. Addition of HIV health indicators, counting radiation doses, forensic criminal investigation ratios are among the new ones. As such Medical Statistics remains a constantly changing field.


Pharmaceutical statistics

Pharmaceutical statistics is the application of statistics to matters concerning the pharmaceutical industry. This can be from issues of design of experiments, to analysis of drug trials, to issues of commercialization of a medicine.

There are many professional bodies concerned with this field including:

There are also journals including:

Basic concepts

For describing situations
For assessing the effectiveness of an intervention

Statistical Tests

Related statistical theory

See also


  1. ^
  2. ^ a b Dodge, Y. (2003) The Oxford Dictionary of Statistical Terms, OUP. ISBN 0-19-850994-4

Further reading

External links