- Seal of Virginia
The Seal of Virginia is the official symbol of the Commonwealth of
Virginia . In May of1776 the Virginiacolony declared its independence from Great Britain. On the first day of July,1776 , a committee of four was appointed to make a proper seal for the Commonwealth of Virginia. The four men wereRichard Henry Lee ,George Mason ,George Wythe , andRobert Carter Nicholas . Four days later the committee's report for a design of the seal was read, and George Mason presented it to the Virginiagovernment . It was voted on and approved that same day. It is not known for certain which members of the committee were chiefly responsible for the design of the seal, but it is generally believed to be principally the work ofGeorge Wythe .The seal makers did not want a design which in any way resembled the style of
coats-of-arms used in Britain. Because of the strong admiration for theRoman Republic felt by the Virginia leaders, the design of the new seal was taken from the mythology ofAncient Rome . They also chose a two-sided design, as shown above.For the
obverse of the seal, a female figure personifying the Roman virtue of Virtus was selected to represent the genius of the new Commonwealth. We call her Virtue, but her true nature is better indicated by her other nameFortitudo , or Courage. Virginia's Virtus is a figure ofpeace , standing in a pose which indicates a battle already won. She rests on her longspear , its point turned downward to the ground. Her otherweapon , aparazonium , issheath ed; it is thesword ofauthority rather than that ofcombat . Virtus is typically shown with a bare left breast; this is commonly recognized as the only use of nudity among theseals of the U.S. states .Tyranny lies prostrate beneath the foot of Virtus, symbolizing Great Britain's defeat byVirginia . The royal crown which has fallen to the ground beside him symbolizes the newrepublic 's release from the monarchical control of Great Britain; Only Virginia and New York have a crown that appears on the seal or flag of any U.S. state. The broken chain in Tyranny's left hand represents Virginia's freedom from Britain's restriction of colonialtrade and westward expansion. The useless whip in his right hand signifies Virginia's relief from the torturing whip of acts ofpunishment such as theIntolerable Acts . His robe is purple, a reference toJulius Caesar and the Etruscan king ofRome ,Tarquinius Priscus .The
motto selected for theobverse of the Virginia seal is "Sic Semper Tyrannis ", or in English, "Thus Always to Tyrants". This is a derived quote from the famous events inRoman history , attributed toBrutus upon his partication in the slaying ofJulius Caesar . (Caesar had been named perpetual dictator of Rome in the same year, and some Senators believed had ambitions to abolish theRoman Republic and establish himself as amonarch .)The obverse is "the" official seal ofVirginia and is used on all the official papers and documents of the Commonwealth'sgovernment , as well as on its flag.The reverse of the seal pictures the
blessing s of freedom andpeace , as represented by three Romangoddess es. In the center is the matronLibertas the goddess of individual liberties. In her hand she holds awand showing her magical gifts, at the top of the wand hangs aPhrygian Cap , also called a Liberty Cap - later made popular by French revolutionaries.To the left of
Libertas stands Ceres, the Roman goddess ofagriculture . In her left hand is ahorn of plenty overflowing with the abundance of Virginia'sharvest s, while in her right hand is an enormous stalk ofwheat , representing one of Virginia's leading crops.Aeternitas , representing Virginia'seternity , stands at the right ofLibertas . In her right hand is a golden ball, anemblem ofauthority , and atop the ball is a Phoenix, symbolizingimmortality . On the Virginia seal, the phoenix represents effectivegovernment .The
motto gracing the reverse with its trio of Libertas, Ceres, and Aeternitas is "Perservando", or in English, "Persevering", a reminder to future generations of the need to persist in maintaining the blessings ofliberty .The ornamental border on both sides of the seal consists of sprigs of "Parthenocissus quinquefolia", or commonly,
Virginia Creeper . In 1930 another committee was charged with standardizing the seal's design because of all the variations that came into use over the years. The seals that now adorn the doors of the Southern Portico of the Capitol in Richmond were designed by Charles Keck. What the committee approved was basically adopting the 1776 seal as the standard. In 1949, another standard was implemented, when Virginia's Art Commission defined the official color scheme for the seal.Under Virginia
law , the Secretary of the Commonwealth is the Keeper of the Seals of the Commonwealth. TheGreat Seal and the lesser seal are the same except for size. The lesser seal is used on commissions of commonwealth officials and notaries, and on other papers which remain within the boundaries of, or relate only to, Virginia.The Seal of Virginia, as defined in the
Code of Virginia [http://leg1.state.va.us/000/src.htm] :§1-500 The great seal.
The great seal of the Commonwealth of Virginia shall consist of two metallic discs, two and one-fourth inches in diameter, with an ornamental border one fourth of an inch wide, with such words and figures engraved thereon as will, when used, produce impressions to be described as follows: On the obverse, Virtus, the genius of the Commonwealth, dressed as an Amazon, resting on a spear in her right hand, point downward, touching the earth; and holding in her left hand, a sheathed sword, or parazonium, pointing upward; her head erect and face upturned; her left foot on the form of Tyranny represented by the prostrate body of a man, with his head to her left, his fallen crown nearby, a broken chain in his left hand, and a scourge in his right. Above the group and within the border conforming therewith, shall be the word "Virginia," and, in the space below, on a curved line, shall be the motto, "Sic Semper Tyrannis." On the reverse, shall be placed a group consisting of Libertas, holding a wand and pileus in her right hand; on her right, Aeternitas, with a globe and phoenix in her right hand; on the left of Libertas, Ceres, with a cornucopia in her left hand, and an ear of wheat in her right; over this device, in a curved line, the word "Perseverando."
*Adapted from
Simkins, Francis Butler ; Jones, Spotswood Hunnicutt; & Poole, Sidman P. (1964). "Virginia: History, Government, Geography (Revised Edition)". Charles Scribner's Sons. pp 673-675.
* [1] The Virginia Legislative Information Service: http://leg1.state.va.us/000/src.htm
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.