Maya Pencheva

Maya Pencheva
Prof. Maya Pencheva

Maya Pencheva (Bulgarian: Майя Стефанова Пенчева, pronounced [ˈmajə ˈpɛntʃevə]; born 3 May 1947) is a Bulgarian linguist best known for her work on English word formation, semantics and language typology.
Maya Pencheva, D.Litt., is Professor of English Linguistics at the Department of English and American Studies, St Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia.




Maya Pencheva received her masters degree in English Studies from the St Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia in 1970. She defended her PhD thesis on English converted verbs in 1976, and in 1999 was awarded a higher doctorate (D.Litt.) for her dissertation on the category of animacy from a typological perspective.

Academic career

Maya Pencheva has taught on the faculty of the Department of English and American Studies, University of Sofia, since 1975 (lecturer 19751983; reader 19832001; professor since 2001). She has also taught courses or delivered lectures at UCLA, the University of Reading, the University of Helsinki, the University of Leeds, Durham University, King's College London (University of London), the University of Lisbon, the Catholic University of Portugal at Viseu, the Sorbonne (University of Paris IV), Université Blaise-Pascal at Clermont-Ferrand, the Free University of Berlin, and the University of Seoul.
Maya Pencheva has taught a number of courses, including Introduction to General Linguistics, Language Typology, Cognitive Linguistics, Semantics, History of English Vocabulary, Worldviews and Languages, English Word Formation, English Morphology, English Syntax.
On her 60th birthday, 3 May 2007, Maya Pencheva was awarded Sofia University's badge of honour, the Blue Ribbon.

Maya Pencheva has served on the Specialized Academic Board on Linguistics at the Higher Attestation Commission, the national body awarding doctoral degrees, since 1995, and has chaired the Specialized Academic Board on Classical and Modern Languages since 2007.

Administrative career

Maya Pencheva was Vice-Rector of the St Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia from 1999 to 2001, as well as Dean (19952003) and Vice-Dean (19851988, 19921994) of the Faculty of Classical and Modern Languages.
In June 2007, M. Pencheva was elected Head of the Department of English and American Studies, St Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia.


Maya Pencheva is the author of numerous books and articles, including the ones listed below. She is also the author of a series of course books in English, as well as the translator of many books.

In English

  • Pencheva, M. (1976). Verbs Related by Modelled Homonymy. In University of Sofia Annual Journal, Faculty of Classical and Modern Languages, vol. LXIX, 1. Sofia: St Kliment Ohridski University Press.
  • Pencheva, M. (1981). SomeRule-breakersin Word Formation (back-formation, shortening, blending). In University of Sofia Annual Journal, vol. LXXIII, 3. Sofia: St Kliment Ohridski University Press.
  • Pencheva, M. (1981). The Importance of ОneMinorProcess of Word Formation. In English Studies. Sofia: St Kliment Ohridski University Press.
  • Nitsolova, R., M. Pencheva. (1982). Logic, Pragmatics and Grammar. In Contrastive Linguistics, 3. Sofia.
  • Pencheva, M. (1983). Readings in the Theory of English Word Formation. Sofia: St Kliment Ohridski University Press.
  • Molhova, J., M. Pencheva, J. Konstantinov, C. Stamenov, A. Stoevsky. (1992). Readings in English Theoretical Grammar. Basic Concepts. Sofia: St Kliment Ohridski University Press.
  • Рencheva, M. (1991). The Animacy-Сontrol Hypothesis. In English Papers, 4. Sofia: St Kliment Ohridski University Press.
  • Pencheva, M. (1992). SemanticOppositions’ (Animacy). In Current Trends in Linguistic Theory, 73. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Pencheva, M. (1996). Cognitive Science and the Classroom. In Foreign Language Teaching, 3-4. Sofia.
  • Pencheva, M. (1997). Form and Content. Quality and Quantity in Language Typology. In Proceedings of the Second National Symposium on Korean Studies, Koreana. Sofia: St Kliment Ohridski University Press.
  • Pencheva, M., T. Shopov. (1999). Whole Language, Whole Person. (A Handbook of Language Teaching Methodology). Viseu: Passagem. (Translated into French and Danish.)
  • Pencheva, M. (2001). Sociolinguistic and Psycholinguistic Aspects of Animacy. In University of Sofia Annual Journal, Faculty of Classical and Modern Languages, 2001. Sofia: St Kliment Ohridski University Press.
  • Pencheva, M. (2001). A Nice Little Piece of Furniture. In Europe and Britain: the case for women. Sofia: St Kliment Ohridski University Press.
  • Pencheva, M. (2001). Whats in a Word. Sofia: St Kliment Ohridski University Press.
  • Pencheva, M., T. Shopov. (2001). Autonomy, Awareness and Authenticity: a New Course in Modern Foreign Language Teaching. In Journal of Korean Studies, 5.
  • Pencheva, M., T. Shopov. (2003). Understanding Babel. Sofia: St Kliment Ohridski University Press.

In Bulgarian

  • Pencheva, M. (1977). The category of gender in designations for male and female human beings in English and Bulgarian. (Категорията род и названия на лица от мъжки и женски пол в английски и български език). In Bulletin of Contrastive Studies of Bulgarian with Other Languages, 4-5.
  • Pencheva, M., M. Savova. (1977). Observations on some English and Bulgarian impersonal constructions denoting natural phenomena (Наблюдения върху някои английски и български безлични конструкции, изразяващи природни явления). In Bulletin of Contrastive Studies of Bulgarian with Other Languages, 4-5.
  • Pencheva, M. (1978). New studies in English word formation (Нови изследвания за английското словообразуване). In Contrastive Linguistics, 6.
  • Pencheva, M. (1983). On the nature and place of word formation in the system of language (За характера и мястото на словообразуването в системата на езика). In Contrastive Linguistics, 4.
  • Pencheva, M. (1991). English Word Formation (Английското словообразуване). Sofia: St Kliment Ohridski University Press.
  • Pencheva, M. (1996). Semantic oppositionsmanner of thinking (Семантични опозицииначин на мислене). In Contrastive Linguistics, 3.
  • Pencheva, M. (1999). Slang as mythology (Жаргонът като митология). In Journal of Korean Studies, 2.
  • Pencheva, M. (2000). The world of mythology and the mythology of the world (Светът на митологията и митологията на света). In Journal of Korean Studies, 3.
  • Pencheva, M. (2001). Man in language. Language in man (Човекът в езика. Езикът в човека). Sofia: St Kliment Ohridski University Press.
  • Pencheva, M. (2004). Language as a matter of legal regulation (Езикът като обект на правно регулиране). In Proceedings of the First International Conference "Law and Language", Sv. Vlas, Sept. 2003.
  • Pencheva, M. (2004). English Words (Английските думи). Sofia: St Kliment Ohridski University Press.
  • Pencheva, M. (2005). The Constitution: ideology and text (Конституциятаидеология и текст). In Proceedings of the Second International Conference "Law and Language", Sv. Vlas, Sept. 2004.
  • Pencheva, M. (2005). Linguistic relativity revisited (Отново за езиковата относителност). In Bulgarian Language, 4.
  • Pencheva, M. (2006). Linguistic Universals and Typology. From Description to Explanation (Езикови универсалии и типология. От описание към обяснение). Sofia: St Kliment Ohridski University Press.
  • Pencheva, M. (2006). On linguistic evolution (За езиковата еволюция). In Papers in Memory of Prof. Yordan Penchev. Sofia: St Kliment Ohridski University Press.

See also

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