- Ellipsometry
Ellipsometry is a versatile and powerful
optical technique for the investigation of thedielectric properties (complexrefractive index ordielectric function ) of thin films. It has applications in many different fields, fromsemiconductor physics tomicroelectronics andbiology , from basic research to industrial applications. Ellipsometry is a very sensitive measurement technique and provides unequalled capabilities for thin filmmetrology . As an optical technique, spectroscopic ellipsometry is non-destructive and contactless.Upon the analysis of the change of
polarization of light, which isreflected off a sample, ellipsometry can yield information about layers that are thinner than thewavelength of the probing light itself, even down to a singleatomic layer or less. Ellipsometry can probe the complexrefractive index ordielectric function tensor, which gives access to fundamental physical parameters and is related to a variety of sample properties, including morphology, crystal quality,chemical composition , orelectrical conductivity . It is commonly used to characterize film thickness for single layers or complex multilayer stacks ranging from a fewangstrom s or tenths of ananometer to several micrometers with an excellent accuracy.The name "ellipsometry" stems from the fact that the most general state of
polarization iselliptic . The technique has been known for almost a century, and has many standard applications today. However, ellipsometry is also becoming more interesting to researchers in other disciplines such asbiology andmedicine . These areas pose new challenges to the technique, such as measurements onunstable liquidsurface s andmicroscopic imaging.Basic principles
Ellipsometry measures the change of
polarization uponreflection ortransmission . Typically, ellipsometry is done only in the reflection setup. The exact nature of the polarization change is determined by the sample's properties (thickness, complexrefractive index ordielectric function tensor). Although optical techniques are inherently diffraction limited, ellipsometry exploits phase information and the polarization state of light, and can achieve angstrom resolution. In its simplest form, the technique is applicable to thin films with thickness less than a nanometer to several micrometers. The sample must be composed of a small number of discrete, well-defined layers that are optically andisotropic . Violation of these assumptions will invalidate the standard ellipsometric modeling procedure, and more advanced variants of the technique must be applied (see below).Experimental details
Experimental setup
Electromagnetic radiation is emitted by alight source and linearly polarized by apolarizer . It can pass through an optional compensator (retarder , quarter wave plate) and falls onto the sample. Afterreflection the radiation passes a compensator (optional) and a secondpolarizer , which is called analyzer, and falls into thedetector . Instead of the compensators some ellipsometers use a phase-modulator in the path of the incident light beam. Ellipsometry is a specular optical technique (theangle of incidence equals the angle of reflection). The incident and the reflected beam span the plane of incidence. Light, which is polarized parallel or perpendicular to the plane of incidence, is called "p" or "s" polarized, respectively.Data acquisition
(Standard) Ellipsometry measures two of the four
Stokes parameters , which are conventionally denoted by Psi and Delta. The polarization state of the light incident upon the sample may be decomposed into an "s" and a "p" component (the "s" component is oscillating perpendicular to the plane of incidence and parallel to the sample surface, and the "p" component is oscillating parallel to the plane of incidence). The amplitudes of the "s" and "p" components, afterreflection and normalized to their initial value, are denoted by r_s and r_p, respectively. Ellipsometry measures the ratio of r_s and r_p, which is described by the fundamental equation of ellipsometry::ho = frac{r_p}{r_s} = an ( Psi ) e^{i Delta}Thus, an Psi is the amplitude ratio uponreflection , and Delta is the phase shift (difference). Since ellipsometry is measuring the ratio (or difference) of two values (rather than the absolute value of either), it is very robust, accurate, and reproducible. For instance, it is relatively insensitive to scatter and fluctuations, and requires no standard sample or reference beam.Data analysis
Ellipsometry is an indirect method, i.e. in general the measured Psi and Delta cannot be converted directly into the optical constants of the sample. Normally, a model analysis must be performed. Direct inversion of Psi and Delta is only possible in very simple cases of
isotropic , and infinitely thick films. In all other cases a layer model must be established, which considers the optical constants (refractive index ordielectric function tensor)and thickness parameters of all individual layers of the sample including the correct layer sequence. Using an iterative procedure (least-squares minimization) unknown optical constants and/or thickness parameters are varied, and Psi and Delta values are calculated using theFresnel equations . The calculated Psi and Delta values, which match the experimental data best, provide the optical constants and thickness parameters of the sample.Definitions
ingle-wavelength vs. spectroscopic ellipsometry
Single-wavelength ellipsometry employs a
monochromatic light source . This is usually alaser in thevisible spectral region, for instance, aHeNe laser with awavelength of 632.8 nm. Therefore, single-wavelength ellipsometry is also called laser ellipsometry. The advantage of laser ellipsometry is that laser beams can be focused on a small spot size. Furthermore, lasers have a higher power than broad band light sources. Therefore, laser ellipsometry can be used for imaging (see below). However, the experimental output is restricted to one set of Psi and Delta values per measurement. Spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE) employs broad bandlight source s, which cover a certain spectral range in theinfrared , visible orultraviolet spectral region. By that the complexrefractive index or thedielectric function tensor in the corresponding spectral region can be obtained, which gives access to a large number of fundamental physical properties. Infrared spectroscopic ellipsometry (IRSE) can probe lattice vibrational (phonon ) and freecharge carrier (plasmon ) properties. Spectroscopic ellipsometry in the near infrared, visible up to ultraviolet spectral region studies therefractive index in the transparency or below-band-gap region and electronic properties, for instance, band-to-band transitions orexciton s.tandard vs. generalized ellipsometry (anisotropy)
Standard ellipsometry (or just short 'ellipsometry') is applied, when no "s" polarized light is converted into "p" polarized light nor vice versa. This is the case for optically isotropic samples, for instance,
amorphous materials orcrystalline materials with acubic crystal structure. Standard ellipsometry is also sufficient for opticallyuniaxial samples in the special case, when the optical axis is aligned parallel to the surface normal. In all other cases, when "s" polarized light is converted into "p" polarized light and/or vice versa, the generalized ellipsometry approach must be applied. Examples are arbitrarily aligned, opticallyuniaxial samples, or optically biaxial samples.Jones matrix vs. Mueller matrix formalism (Depolarisation)
There are two different ways of describing mathematically, how an
electromagnetic wave interacts with a sample, theJones matrix and theMueller matrix formalism. In theJones matrix formalism theelectromagnetic wave before and after interaction is described byJones vector s with two complex-valued entries, and their transformation is described by the complex-valued 2x2Jones matrix . In theMueller matrix formalism theelectromagnetic wave is described byStokes vector s with four real-valued entries, and their transformation is described by the real-valued 4x4Mueller matrix . When nodepolarization occurs both formalisms are fully consistent. Therefore, for non-depolarizing samples the simplerJones matrix formalism is sufficient. If the sample is depolarizing theMueller matrix formalism should be used, because it gives additionally access to the amount ofdepolarization . Reasons fordepolarization are, for instance, thickness non-uniformity or backside-reflections from a transparent substrate.Advanced experimental approaches
Imaging ellipsometry
Ellipsometry can also be done as
imaging ellipsometry by using a CCD camera as a detector. This provides a real time contrast image of the sample, which provides information about film thickness andrefractive index . Advanced imaging ellipsometer technology operates on the principle of classical null ellipsometry and real-time ellipsometric contrast imaging, using a single-wavelength ellipsometer setup with a laser aslight source . The laser beam gets elliptically polarized after passing a linearpolarizer (P) and a quarter-wave plate (C). The elliptically polarized light is reflected off the sample (S), passes an analyzer (A) and is imaged onto a CCD camera by a long working distance objective. In this PCSA configuration, the orientation of the angles of P and C is chosen in such a way that the elliptically polarized light is completely linearly polarized after it is reflected off the sample. The ellipsometric null condition is obtained when A "crosses" O with respect to the polarization axis of the reflected light, i.e., the state at which the absolute minimum of light flux is detected at the CCD camera. The angles of P, C, and A that obtained the null condition are related to the optical properties of the sample. Analysis of the measured data with computerized optical modeling leads to a deduction of spatially resolved film thickness and complex refractive index values.In situ ellipsometry
In situ ellipsometry refers to dynamic measurements during the modification process of a sample. This process can be, for instance, the growth of a thin film, etching or cleaning of a sample. By in situ ellipsometry measurements it is possible to determine fundamental process parameters, such as, growth or etch rates, variation of optical properties with time. In situ ellipsometry measurements require a number of additional considerations: The sample spot is usually not as easily accessible as for ex situ measurements outside the process chamber. Therefore, the mechanical setup has to be adjusted, which can include additional optical elements (mirrors, prisms, or lenses) for redirecting or focusing the light beam. Because the environmental conditions during the process can be harsh, the sensitive optical elements of the ellipsometry setup must be separated from the hot zone. In the simplest case this is done by optical view ports, though strain induced birefringence of the (glass-) windows has to be taken into account or minimized. Furthermore, the samples can be at elevated temperatures, which implies different optical properties compared to samples at room temperature. Despite all these problems, in situ ellipsometry becomes more and more important as process control technique for thin film deposition and modification tools. In situ ellipsometers can be of single-wavelength or spectroscopic type. Spectroscopic in situ ellipsometers use multichannel detectors, for instance CCD detectors, which measure the ellipsometric parameters for all wavelength in the studied spectral range simultaneously.Ellipsometric Porosimetry
Ellipsometric porosimetry measures the change of the optical properties and thickness of the materials during adsorption and desorption of a volatile species at atmospheric pressure or under reduced pressure depending on the application. The EP technique is unique in its ability to measure porosity of very thin films down to 10nm, its reproducibility and speed of measurement. Compared to traditional porosimeters, Ellipsometer porosimeters are well suited to very thin film pore size and pore size distribution measurement. Film porosity is a key factor in silicon based technology using
low-k materials, organic industry (encapsulatedOLED 's) as well as in the coating industry usingSol gel techniques.Magneto-optic generalized ellipsometry
Magneto-optic generalized ellipsometry (MOGE) is an advanced infrared spectroscopic ellipsometry technique for studying free charge carrier properties in conducting samples. By applying an external
magnetic field it is possible to determine independently the density, the optical mobility parameter and theeffective mass parameter of free charge carriers. Without the magnetic field only two out of the three free charge carrier parameters can be extracted independently.Advantages
Ellipsometry has a number of advantages compared to standard reflection intensity measurements:
* Ellipsometry measures at least two parameters at each wavelength of the spectrum. If generalized ellipsometry is applied up to 16 parameters can be measured at each wavelength.
* Ellipsometry measures an intensity ratio instead of pure intensities. Therefore, ellipsometry is less affected by intensity instabilities of the light source or atmospheric absorption.
* No reference measurement is necessary.
* Both real and imaginary part of thedielectric function (or complexrefractive index ) can be extracted without the necessity to perform a Kramers–Kronig analysis.Ellipsometry is especially superior to reflectivity measurements when studying anisotropic samples.References
*R. M. A. Azzam and N. M. Bashara, "Ellipsometry and Polarized Light", Elsevier Science Pub Co (1987) ISBN 0-444-87016-4
*A. Roeseler, "Infrared Spectroscopic Ellipsometry", Akademie-Verlag, Berlin (1990), ISBN 3-05-500623-2
*H. G. Tompkins, "A Users's Guide to Ellipsometry", Academic Press Inc, London (1993), ISBN 0-12-693950-0
*H. G. Tompkins and W. A. McGahan, "Spectroscopic Ellipsometry and Reflectometry", John Wiley & Sons Inc (1999) ISBN 0-471-18172-2
*I. Ohlidal and D. Franta, "Ellipsometry of Thin Film Systems", in Progress in Optics, vol. 41, ed. E. Wolf, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2000, pp. 181–282
*M. Schubert, "Infrared Ellipsometry on semiconductor layer structures: Phonons, Plasmons, and Polaritons", Series: Springer Tracts in Modern Physics, Vol. 209, Springer (2004), ISBN 3-540-23249-4
*H. G. Tompkins and E. A. Irene (Editors), "Handbook of Ellipsometry" William Andrews Publications, Norwich, NY (2005), ISBN 0-8155-1499-9
*H. Fujiwara, " Spectroscopic Ellipsometry: Principles and Applications", John Wiley & Sons Inc (2007), ISBN 0-470-01608-6
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