Miss Susie

Miss Susie

Miss Susie (also Miss Suzy, Miss Lucy, Miss Molly, When Maxie, Miss Mary, Miss Cassima or "Helen") is the name of an American schoolyard rhyme and clapping game in which almost each verse leads up to a rude word or profanity which is elided into the next verse as part of an innocuous word or phrase. Sometimes various hand signs accompany the song, such as making a phone with one's hand at "hello operator." As with other clapping games, it is almost exclusively practiced by pre-pubescent girls.[1]

It has also gained popularity in English primary schools know as When Maxie, as in When Maxie was a baby.



The rhyme in arranged in couplets, with a A-B / C-B rhyme scheme. The rhyme is organized by its meter, which is in sprung rhythm with trimeter.[2] Accentual verse (including sprung rhythm) is a common form in English folk verse, including nursery rhymes and skipping-rope rhymes. The rhyme approaches taboo words, only to cut them off and modify them with an enjambment. It shares much of the same melody as the opening theme song of Merrie Melodies cartoons of Warner Brothers fame.[3]


The rhyme has developed in many regional variations over an extended period, as is common for such rhymes.[4] The earliest known form is from the 1950s in Michigan, and consists of the four lines:[5]

Hellen had a steamboat, the steamboat had a bell.
Hellen took some dynamite and blew the bell to Hell
O operator, give me number nine,
If it doesn’t answer, give me back my dime.

Later versions developed by embellishment, with other versions adding and removing stanzas including kissing, boys zipping up their flies, a little black boy, and bras, while the initial "... boat, ... bell / ..., ... Hell / -o ... number nine / If ..." has remained stable, though with variations in the details.

Pop culture

The rhyme is sometimes referenced in popular culture:

  • Bob Saget sings a similar song at the end of his live comedy act.
  • In the White Stripes song "Hello Operator" (on the album De Stijl): "Hello operator / Can you give me number nine?"
  • In the Self song "Pattycake" (a reminiscence of the narrator's 1970s childhood, on the album Gizmodgery, which was performed using only children's toy instruments): Verses 2 through 4 and a modified version of verse 5 as a bridge.
  • In The Simpsons episode Bart Sells His Soul, Sherri and Terri chant, "Bart sold his soul, and that's just swell / Now he's going straight to / Hello operator / give me number nine" in Bart's nightmare. And in Fat Man and Little Boy, Lisa and her friend Janey recite this rhyme. An eavesdropping Homer gasps whenever he expects profanity and lets out sighs of relief when they turn out to be innocuous.
  • On According to Jim in the episode The Bachelor Jim and Andy sing Miss Susie (omitting the first verse) while accompanying the song with the piano and the harmonica.
  • In the episode "Something You Can Do with Your Finger" from the fourth season of South Park, Wendy Testaburger sings a parody song starting with "Ms. Landers".
  • On Rocko's Modern Life, Rocko and Heffer Wolfe sing the first few bars of the song on a car trip.
  • On Hey Arnold, the song was the center of an entire episode. (Version 3, below)
  • Jibjab's 2008 Year in Review was set to the song and featured a similar lyrical concept, for instance "When the maverick tapped a hockey mom the press said, 'What the...' Truck bombs in Islamabad", etc.
  • In the Emilie Autumn song "Miss Lucy Had Some Leeches," the concept of seemingly dark/profane phrases turning into innocuous words is taken further, although sung in the same style and tune as the original. Example lyric: "Miss Lucy had some leeches/ Her leeches liked to suck/ And when they drank up all her blood she didn't give a/ Funny when the doctors..."


Numerous versions exist, varying across time and regionally.[5] A sampling include the following:

Version 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4 Version 5 Version 6 Version 7 Version 8

Miss Susie had a steamboat
The steamboat had a bell
(toot toot)
Miss Susie went to heaven
The steamboat went to...

Hello operator
give me number nine
And if you disconnect me
I'll kick you from...

Behind the frigerator
There was a piece of glass
Miss Susie fell upon it
And hurt her big fat...

Ask me no more questions
Tell me no more lies
The cow are in the meadow
making chocolate pies

Flies are in the meadow
The bees are in the hive
Miss Susie and her boyfriend
Are kissing in the...

D-A-R-K D-A-R-K dark dark dark

Dark is like a movie
A movie's like a show
A show is like a T.V. set
And that is all ...

I Know I know my ma,
I know I know my pa,
I know I know my sister,
With the forty acre bra.

I wish I had a nickel
I wish I had a dime
I wish I had a boyfriend
who kissed me all the time

My Ma gave me a nickel
my Pa gave me a dime
my Sister gave me a boyfriend
Who'd kiss me all the time

My Ma took back the nickel
my Pa took back the dime
my Sister took back her boyfriend
and gave me Frankenstein

He made me wash the dishes
He made me wash the floors
He made me wash his underwear
So I kicked him out the door

I kicked him over London
I kicked him over France
I kicked him to Hawaii
where he learned to Hula dance!

Miss Susie had a steamboat
The steamboat had a bell
Miss Susie went to heaven
The steamboat went to...

Hello operator
Please give me number nine
And if you disconnect me
I'll kick you from...

Behind the frigerator
There was a piece of glass
Miss Susie fell upon it
And broke her little...

Ask me no more questions
Tell me no more lies
Miss Susie told me all this
The day before she ...

Dyed her hair all purple
Dyed her hair all green
Dyed her hair all purple,
And washed it down the stream

Miss Susie had a tugboat
The tugboat had a bell
Miss Susie went to heaven
The tugboat went to...

Hello operator
Please Give me number nine
And if you disconnect me
I'll kick you in the...

Behind the frigerator
There was a piece of glass
Miss Susie fell upon it
And broke her big fat...

Ask me no more questions
Tell me no more lies
The boys are in the bathroom
Zipping up their...

Flies are the meadow
The bees are in the park
The boys and girls are kissing
Way past after dar-ar-ar-ar-ark!

Miss Suzie had a steamboat
The steamboat had a bell
The steamboat went to Heaven
Miss Suzie went to...

Hello operator
Please give me number 9
And if you disconnect me
I'll chop off your...

Behind the fridgerator
There lay a piece of glass
Miss Suzie fell upon it
And it went straight up her...

Ask me no more questions
Tell me no more lies
The boys are in the girlsroom
Pulling down their...

Flies are in the meadow
The bees are in the park
Miss Suzie and her boyfriend
Are kissing in the...

Dark is like a movie
A movie's like a show
A show is like a radio
And that is all...

I know I know my Ma
I know I know my Pop
I know I know my sister
With the polka dotted bra..

(Brother)'s like a sister
My mom said not to tell,
She said I'll go to heaven
But he might go to...

Hello operator
Please give me number ten
And if you disconnect me
I’ll sing this song again!

Miss Suzie had a tugboat
The tugboat had a bell (ding ding)
Miss Suzie went to Heaven
The tugboat went to...

Hello Operator
Please give me number nine
And if you disconnect me
I'll kick you right...

Behind the fridgerator
There laid a piece of glass
Miss Suzie fell upon it
And broke her little...

Ask me no more questions
Please tell me no more lies
Miss Suzie told me this
The day before she...

Died her hair in purple
She died her hair in pink
She died her hair in polka dots
And washed it down the...

Sink me in the ocean
Sink me in the sea
Sink me in the toilet
But please don't pee on me me me!

Miss Susie had a tugboat
The tugboat had a bell
Miss Susie went to heaven
The tugboat went to...

Hello Operator!
Give me number nine
And if you disconnect me
I'll kick you from behind...

The fridgerator
laid a piece of glass
Miss Susie sat upon it
And broke her little...

Ask me no more questions!
Tell me no more lies
The boys are in the bathroom
Zipping up their...

Flies are in the meadow
The bees are in the park
Miss Susie and her boyfriend
are kissing in the
Dark, dark
Darker than the ocean
Darker than the sea
Darker than the underwear my mommy puts on me
My mommy is Godzilla
My daddy is King Kong
My sister is the stupid one who taught me this dumb song

Hello Operator
Give me number ten
If you disconnect me
I'll sing this song again *BEEP*

Miss Susie had a steamboat
The steamboat had a bell
Miss Susie went to heaven
The steamboat went to

HELLO operator
Give me number nine
If you disconnect me
I'll kick you in the

BEHIND the refrigerator
There was a piece of glass
Miss Susie sat upon it
And broke her little

ASK me no more questions
Tell me no more lies
The boys are in the girls' room
Zipping down their

FLIES are in the meadow
Bees are in the park
Miss Susie's in the driveway,
Kissing in the

(from circa 1999)
Miss Suzie had a steamboat
The steamboat had a bell (toot toot)
Miss Suzie went to Heaven and the steamboat went to

Hello operator
Get me number 9
And if you disconnect me
I'll chop off your

Behind the fridgerator
There sat a piece of glass
Miss Suzie sat upon it
And broke her little

Ask me no more questions
Tell me no more lies
The boys are in the bathrooom
Zipping up their

Flies are in the meadow
The bees are in the park
Miss Suzie and her boyfriend
Are kissing in the

Dark dark dark

Is like a movie
A movie's like a show
A show is like a tv set
And that is all I know

I know I know my ma
I know I know my pa
I know I know my sister
With the 80-acre bra

My ma is godzilla
My pa is king kong
My sister is the silly one
Who doesn't know this song

A song is like a rhythm
A rhythm's like a beat
A beet is like a vegetable
That you can really eat eat eat

You eat with your silverware
Your silverware your silverware
You eat with your silverware
And not with your underwear!


  1. ^ "Miss Susie Had a Steamboat: III. Young Women's Unity", the raveled sleeve, 29 Nov 2008, Jessie Henninger
  2. ^ "Miss Susie Had a Steamboat: I. Structure", the raveled sleeve, 29 Nov 2008, Jessie Henninger
  3. ^ Hello Operator
  4. ^ "Miss Susie Had a Steamboat: II. Evolution", the raveled sleeve, 29 Nov 2008, Jessie Henninger
  5. ^ a b "Miss Susie Had a Steamboat: V. Versions of the Rhyme Used in This Essay", the raveled sleeve, 29 Nov 2008, Jessie Henninger

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