
For the film, see Matariki (film).
Matariki, the Māori name for the Pleiades (pictured).
An infrared image revealing interstellar detail.

In the Māori language Matariki is both the name of the Pleiades star cluster and also of the season of its first rising[1] in late May or early June - taken as the beginning of the new year.[2] Similar words occur in most Polynesian languages, deriving from Proto-Polynesian *mataliki, meaning minute, small, and the use of the term for the Pleiades constellation is also ancient and has been reconstructed to Eastern Oceanic.[3][4]


Māori traditions

The constellation was important for navigation and timing the seasons. The first rising of the Pleiades and of Rigel (Puanga in Māori) occurs just prior to sunrise in late May or early June. The actual time for the celebration of Matariki varies, some iwi (tribe or clan) celebrate it immediately, others wait until the rising of the next full moon, or the dawn of the next new moon - and others use the rising of Puanga/Rigel in a similar way.[5][6]

In traditional times, Matariki was a season to celebrate and to prepare the ground for the coming year. Offerings of the produce of the land were made to the gods, including Rongo, god of cultivated food. This time of the year was also a good time to instruct young people in the lore of the land and the forest. In addition, certain birds and fish were especially easy to harvest at this time.

The name Matariki is used also for the central star in the cluster, with the surrounding stars named Tupu-a-nuku, Tupu-a-rangi, Waiti, Waita, Waipunarangi and Ururangi.[7]

Recent revival

Since The Māori Language Commission began a move in 2001 to "reclaim Matariki, or Aotearoa Pacific New Year, as an important focus for Māori language regeneration" it has increasingly become common practice for various private and public institutions to celebrate Matariki[8][9] in a range of ways[10] and over the period of a week or month anywhere from early June to late august

National holiday proposals

With the wider recognition there have been proposals to make Matariki an official holiday in New Zealand - in particular Māori Party MP Rahui Katene's private member's bill 'Te Ra o Matariki Bill/Matariki Day Bill' drawn from the ballot in June 2009.

The Bill would have fixed the date of a public holiday using the New Moon in June [11] however this was later changed to the new moon of the helical rising of Matariki when the bill was drawn a month later and set down for introduction into parliament.[12] Mayor of Waitakere City Bob Harvey supported the call to make Matariki a public holiday to replace Queen's Birthday,[13] along with the Republican Movement, which found none of New Zealand's local authorities held celebrations for Queen's Birthday, but many held celebrations for Matariki.[14] However, the Bill was voted down at its first reading.[15]

Matariki (2010 Film)

A 2010 New Zealand drama film set in Otara, South Auckland. Starring: Sara Wiseman, Susana Tang, Alix Bushnell and Jason Wu.

See also


External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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