- List of Washington initiatives to the people
This is a list of all
initiatives to the people that have appeared beforeWashington voters from 1914 to 2007, listed by number, subject, and result. (A) indicates the initiative was approved; (R) indicates it was rejected. "See alsoList of Washington initiatives to the legislature ."1914
*3, regarding alcohol
prohibition (A)
*6, regarding theBlue Sky Law (securities regulation) (R)
*7, abolishing the Bureau of Inspection (R)
*8, abolishing Employment Offices (A)
*9, regardingfirst aid to the injured (R)
*10, regarding convict labor (R)
*13, regarding the Eight-Hour Law (working hours) (R)1916
*18, regarding the Brewers' Hotel (R)
*40, regarding the
poll tax (A)
*46, regarding the "30-10" school plan (R)1924
*49, regarding compulsory school attendance (R)
*50, limitingtaxation (R)
*52, regardingelectric power (R)1930
*57, regarding legislative
redistricting (A)1932
*58, regarding permanent registration (A)
*61, regarding intoxicating liquors (A)
*62, creating a Department of Game (A)
*64, setting atax limit of 40 mills (A)
*69, regarding anincome tax (A)1934
*77, regarding
fishing andfish trap s (A)
*94, regarding atax limit of 40 mills (A)1936
*101, regarding
civil service (R)
*114, regarding atax limit of 40 mills (A)
*115, regarding old-agepension s (R)
*119, regarding production for use (R)1938
*126, establishing nonpartisan
election ofschool board s (A)
*129, regarding atax limit of 40 mills (A)
*130, regarding the regulation of labor disputes (R)1940
*139, regarding
public utility district bonds (R)
*141, regarding old-agepension s (A)1942
*151, liberalizing old-age assistance laws (R)
*157, regarding old-age assistance (R)
*158, regarding old-age assistance (R)1946
*166, regarding
public utility district s (R)1948
*169, paying a bonus to veterans of
World War II (A)
*171, regarding the serving ofliquor by the drink (A)
*172, liberalizing Social Security laws (A)1950
*176, raising public assistance grants to a minimum of $65/month (R)
*178, modifying the Citizens' Security Act and transferring the public assistance medical program to the state Department of Health (A)1952
*180, allowing the manufacture, sale, and use of colored
margarine (A)
*181, establishing the statewide observance ofstandard time (A)
*184, liberalizing old-agepension laws (R)1954
*188, raising standards for
chiropractic examinations (R)
*192, regulating commercialsalmon fishing (R)
*193, establishing the statewide observance ofdaylight saving time (R)
*194, restrictingtelevision ads foralcoholic beverage s (R)1956
*198, regarding employer-employee relations (R)
*199, regarding legislativeredistricting (A)1958
*202, restricting labor agreements (R)
*205, authorizing
liquor intavern s (R)
*207, regardingcivil service for state employees (A)
*208, authorizingjoint tenancy inreal property (A)
*210, establishing the statewide observance ofdaylight saving time (A)1962
*211, regarding legislative
redistricting (R)1964
*215, the Marine Recreation Land Act (A)
*226, allowing cities to share sales and
use tax es (R)
*229, repealing the Sunday Activities Blue Law (A)
*233, repealing the Freight Train Crew Law (A)1968
*242, establishing drivers'
implied consent tointoxication test s (A)
*245, reducing maximum retail service charges (A)1970
*251, regulating the imposition of
tax es (R)
*256, prohibiting certain nonrefundable beverage receptacles (bottle deposit) (R)1972
*258, allowing
greyhound racing in certain cities (R)
*261, regardingliquor sales by retailers (R)
*276, mandating disclosure ofcampaign finance information andlobbying activity (A)1973
*282, limiting state elected officials' and judges'
salary increases to 5.5% over 1965 and 1972 levels, respecitvely (A)1975
*314, establishing a 12% corporate
excise tax on income to reduce or eliminate special school levies (R)
*316, mandating thedeath penalty in the case of aggravatedfirst-degree murder (A)1976
*322, outlawing
fluoridation of publicwater supplies (R)
*325, restricting the future construction ofnuclear power facilities (R)1977
*335, outlawing businesses engaged in regular public display of pornographic films or sale of pornographic publications (A)
*345, exempting mostfood products fromsales tax (A)
*348, repealing the new variablemotor vehicle fuel tax and reinstating the old one (R)1978
*350, prohibiting forced school busing, with limited exceptions (A)
*383, banning non-medical
radioactive waste s generated outside Washington (A). Later declared unconstitutional.1981
*394, requiring voter approval before issuance of bonds for major
public utility energy projects (A)
*402, abolishing inheritance andgift tax es and limiting state estate taxes to the federalestate tax credit allowed (A)1982
*412, setting the maximum
interest rate on retail sales at the higher of 12% or 1% over thefederal funds rate (R)
*414, requiring a minimum five-cent refund on sales ofbeer ,malt , and carbonated beverage containers (bottle deposit) (R)
*435, replacingsales tax es onfood andbusiness and occupation tax es with corporate franchise taxes on net income (R)1984
*456, petitioning Congress to decommercialize steelhead and enacting state policies respecting Indian rights and management of
natural resources (A)
*464, exempting the value of trade-ins from selling price on whichsales tax is calculated (A)
*471, outlawing public funding ofabortion s except to prevent the death of the pregnant woman or her unborn child (R)1988
*518, increasing the state
minimum wage from $2.30 to $3.85 and then to $4.25 (A)1990
*547, implementing state growth and environmental protection goals by local comprehensive
land use planning and development fees (R)1991
*553, setting
term limit s on the offices of Governor and Lieutenant Governor, on state legislators, and on members of theUnited States Congress (R)
*559, setting property values for tax purposes at the January 1, 1985 value or subsequent sales price, adjusted forcost of living changes (R)1992
*573, setting
term limit s for certain offices (A)1993
*593, establishing the
three-strikes law , mandating thatcriminal s who are convicted of "most serious offenses" on three occasions be sentenced tolife imprisonment withoutparole (A)
*601, limiting state spending byinflation rates andpopulation growth , and subjectingtax es exceeding the limit toreferendum (A)
*602, limiting state spending andtax collection by a factor based on personalincome , and repealing certain taxes (R)1994
*607, licensing
denturist s to make and selldenture s to the public (A)1995
*640, establishing state
fishing regulations in order to ensure certain survival rates for non-targeted catch, and prioritizing commercial and recreationalfisheries (R)
*651, allowing unrestrictedgambling on Indian lands (R)1996
*655, outlawing the taking, hunting, or attracting of black bears with bait and the
hunting ofbear s,cougar s,bobcat , andlynx withdog s (A)
*670, requiring the placement of aballot notice next to the names of certain candidates who do not support Congressionalterm limit s (R)
*671, allowing limited electronicgambling on Indian lands for tribal government purposes (R)1997
*673, regarding the regulation of
health insurance plans (R)
*676, requiringtrigger lock s onhandgun s and handgun safety licenses (R)
*677, prohibiting employmentdiscrimination based onsexual orientation (R)
*678, licensing dental hygienists to perform certain services without the supervision of adentist (R)
*685, allowing the medical use of certainillegal drug s (R)1998
*688, increasing the state
minimum wage from $4.90 to $5.70 and then to $6.50, and afterwards annually adjusting it forinflation (A)
*692, allowing the medical use of marijuana (A)
*694, outlawingpartial-birth abortion except when necessary to prevent the pregnant woman's death (R)1999
*695, lowering
motor vehicle excise tax (license tab fees) to $30 per year, requiring voter approval be required for anytax increase, and repealing existingvehicle tax es (A) Later declared unconstitutional.
*696, outlawing commercial net, troll, and trawl fishing, except for tribal fisheries (R)2000
*713, outlawing certain body-gripping animal traps and the
poison ing of animals withsodium fluoroacetate orsodium cyanide (A)
*722, repealing certain 1999tax es, exemptingvehicle s fromproperty tax es, and limiting annual property tax increases to 2% (A) Later declared unconstitutional.
*728, reducing class sizes, extending learning programs, expanding teacher training, and constructingschool facilities (A)
*729, authorizingcharter school s (R)
*732, establishing annual cost-of-livingsalary raises forpublic school teacher s (A)
*745, earmarking 90% oftransport ation funds, includingtransit tax es, forroad s, requiring transportation agency performanceaudit s, and exempting road construction and maintenance fromsales tax (R)2001
*747, limiting annual
property tax increases to 1% unless approved by the voters (A) Court overturned 2006.
*773, imposing additionaltax es oncigarette s andwholesale tobacco products, to be spent on expandedhealth care services for low-income persons (A)
*775, creating a "home care quality authority" to regulatehome care of theelderly anddisabled (A)2002
*776, setting
license tab fees at $30 per year formotor vehicle s, and repealing certain othervehicle excise tax es andtransport ation fees (A)
*790, placing management of the law enforcement officers' andfirefighters ' retirement system, plan 2, in aboard of trustees (A)2003
*841, repealing existing state
ergonomics regulations and prohibiting the adoption of new regulations until a uniform federal standard is required (A)2004
*872, enacting a qualifying
primary election system whereby the two candidates with the most votes advance to thegeneral election regardless of party (A)
*884, increasing thesales tax by 1% to create aneducation trust fund (R)
*892, authorizing "electronic scratch ticket machines" (slot machine s) in non-tribal establishments, part of the revenue generated being used to reduceproperty tax (R)2005
*900, expanding the power of the state auditor to do more performance
audit s and drawing money from the general fund to pay for another layer of audits. (A)
*901, prohibiting smoking in buildings and vehicles open to the public and places of employment, including areas within 25 feet of doorways and ventilation openings. (A)
*912, rolling back a key component (thegas tax ) of the 2005 transportation funding package, which the Legislature passed to improve road safety and relieve congestion. (R)2006
* 920, repealing Washington State estate taxes. (R)
* 933, concerning government regulation ofprivate property , would have compensated property owners when regulations damage the use or value of private property. It would have forbidden further legal restrictions of private property use, and provided exceptions or payments. (R)
* 937, concerning energy use by electrical utilities, required large electric utilities to increaseenergy conservation andrenewable energy use. (A)2007
*960, requiring a supermajority in the Legislature to raise taxes and fees. (A)
*985, would open high-occupancy vehicle lanes to all traffic during specified hours, require traffic light synchronization, increase roadside assistance funding, and dedicate certain taxes, fines, tolls and other revenues to traffic-flow purposes.
*1000, concerns allowing certain terminally ill competent adults to obtain lethal prescriptions.
*1029, concerns long-term care services for the elderly and persons with disabilities.External links
* [http://www.secstate.wa.gov/elections/initiatives/statistics.aspx Washington State Secretary of State: Elections: Initiatives]
* [http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/108131_eyman11.shtml Seattle Post-Intelligencer article regarding unconstitutionality of I-695, I-722, and I-776]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.