Ralph Flanders

Ralph Flanders

Infobox Senator
name = Ralph Edward Flanders

imagesize = 175px
birth_date = birth date|mf=yes|1880|9|28
birth_place = Barnet, Vermont
death_date = death date and age|mf=yes|1970|2|19|1880|9|28
death_place = Springfield, Vermont
resting_place = Summer Hill Cemetery, Springfield, Vermont
occupation = Mechanical Engineer, Industrialist, U.S. Senator
jr/sr=United States Senator
term_start = November 1, 1946
term_end=January 3, 1959
predecessor = Warren R. Austin
successor = Winston L. Prouty
party = Republican
religion = Congregationalist
spouse = Helen Hartness Flanders
partner =
children = 3
parents =
relatives = James Hartness (father-in-law)

website =
footnotes =

Ralph Edward Flanders (September 28, 1880February 19, 1970) was an American mechanical engineer, industrialist and Republican U.S. Senator from the state of Vermont. He grew up on subsistence farms in Vermont and Rhode Island, became an apprentice first as a machinist, then as a draftsman, before training as a mechanical engineer. He spent five years in New York City as an editor for a machine tool magazine. After moving to Vermont, he managed and then became president of a successful machine tool company. Flanders used his experience as an industrialist to advise state and national commissions in Vermont, New England and Washington, D.C. on public economic policy. He was president of the Boston Federal Reserve Bank for two years before being elected U.S. Senator from Vermont.

Flanders was noted for introducing a 1954 motion in the Senate to censure Senator Joseph McCarthy. McCarthy had made sensational claims that there were large numbers of Communists and Soviet spies and sympathizers inside the federal government and elsewhere. He used his Senate committee as a nationally televised forum for attacks on individuals whom he accused. Flanders felt that McCarthys attacks distracted the nation from a much greater threat of Communist successes elsewhere in the world and that they had the effect of creating division and confusion within the United States, to the advantage of its enemies. Ultimately, McCarthy's tactics and his inability to substantiate his claims led to his being discredited and censured by the United States Senate. [Harvnb|Klingaman|1996|p= ]


Flanders was born oldest of ten children in Barnet, a town in Caledonia County in northeastern Vermont, and spent much of his childhood in Rhode Island. In his autobiography, "Senator from Vermont", [Harvnb|Flanders|1961|pp= 5258] Flanders described life on his familys subsistence farms in Vermont and Rhode Island, before he left to work in the machine tool industry for most of his career. In his first years as a machinist and draftsman, he spent his vacations traveling by bicycle over country roads between Rhode Island and Vermont and New Hampshire. Later, he lived for a time in New York City where he edited a machine tool magazine, [Harvnb|Flanders|1961| pp= 82103] but after five years decided to move back to Vermont. In 1911, he married Helen Edith Hartness, daughter of inventor and industrialist James Hartness. They made their home in Springfield, Vermont, where Flanders became president of the Jones & Lamson Machine Company. Flanders and his wife had three children: Elizabeth (born 1912), Anna (also known as Nancyborn 1918), and James (born 1923). [Harvnb|Flanders|1961| pp= 104121]

Professional career

Flanderss career began with an apprenticeship, progressed into engineering, journalism, management, policy consulting, banking, finance, and finally politics when he was elected U.S. Senator from Vermont. [Harvnb|Vermont Encyclopedia|2003|p= 127]

Education and apprenticeship

Flanders had no formal education beyond the high schools that he attended in Pawtucket and Central Falls, Rhode Island. But even so, he achieved a solid grounding in mathematics, literature, Latin and Classical Greek there. Unable to afford college tuition, his father bought a two-year apprenticeship for him in 1896 at the Brown & Sharpe Manufacturing Company, a leading machine tool builder. There and through the International Correspondence School he learned machinist and drafting skills. Following his apprenticeship, he worked for various machine tool companies in New England. Despite his lack of a formal university education, he was a self-taught scholar, who read extensively in the literatures of science, engineering and the liberal arts. [Harvnb|Flanders|1961| pp= 37, 47, 6465]

Technical journalism

Flanders began writing early in his career. His published articles on machine tool technology led to a job as an editor of "Machine" magazine in New York City. This job, which he held between 1905 and 1910, required him to cover developments in the machine tool industry. He traveled widely to visit the companies that he wrote about, which provided him many valuable contacts with leaders in the industry. As editor, he wrote articles on gear tooth systems, [Harvnb|Flanders|1909a|p= ] gear cutting machinery, [Harvnb|Flanders|1909b|p= ] hobs, [Harvnb|Flanders|1909c|p=
[http://www.drgears.com/gearterms/terms/hobflutes.htm Click here to see examples of hobs.]
] the manufacture of cans, [Harvnb|Flanders|1909d|p= ] and of motor cars, [Harvnb|Flanders|1909e|p= ] including "Machinerys" reference series on the subject. [Harvnb|Flanders|1910|p= ]

In 1909, while working long hours on his definitive book on gear cutting machinery, his energy gave out and he suffered anervous breakdown.” He had to take time off to recover. [Harvnb|Flanders|1909f|p= ] In 1910, he accepted a job offer to work in a machine tool company in Vermont. [Harvnb|Flanders|1961|p= 100103] He continued to write on technical and other matters throughout his life and would develop a broader philosophy of the role of industry in society. [Harvnb|Flanders|1935|pp= R1-77] [Harvnb|Flanders|1936a|p= 3] In 1938, he received a Worcester Reed Warner Medal in recognition for his technical writing. [Harvnb|Flanders|1961|p= 139]


Flanders's first major experience in machine design came when he helped an entrepreneur in Nashua, New Hampshire develop a box-folding machine. After that, he worked as a draftsman for General Electric until 1905, when he moved to New York City to work for "Machine". [Harvnb|Flanders|1961| pp= 75, 78, 81]

In 1910, he moved to Springfield, Vermont to work as a mechanical engineer for the Fellows Gear Shaper Company. [Harvnb|Flanders|1961|p= 103] He was already friendly with James Hartness, the president of the Jones & Lamson Machine Company (J&L), another company in town. In 1911, Flanders married Hartness' daughter, Helen. Shortly afterwards, Hartness hired Flanders as a manager of theFay Lathe Departmentat J&L. [Harvnb|Roe|1937|p= 111] Flanders redesigned that lathe to achieve higher productivity and accuracy. He became a director in 1912 and president of the company in 1933 after Hartness retired. [Harvnb|Flanders|1961|p= 117] [Harvnb|The Tech|1949|p= 4] As president of J&L, Flanders implemented a continuous production line to manufacture the Hartness Turret Lathe instead of building each machine individually, attempting to bring some of the efficiencies of mass production to machine tool building. [Harvnb|Flanders|1961|p= 117] By 1923, he had acquired and assigned more than twenty patents to J&L. [Harvnb|Flanders|1925| pp= 2837]

as recognition for this accomplishment. They had improved the accurate manufacture of die-cut screws in soft metal and solved the problem of thread-grinding on hardened work. [Harvnb|Flanders|1961|pp= 116117]

Professional societies

Flanders became president of the National Machine-Tool Builders Association in 1923. [Harvnb|Flanders|1961|p= 118] He served as president of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) from 1934 to 1936. He was vice president of the American Engineering Council in 1937. Throughout the 1930s, Flanders served as chairman of the Screw-Thread Committee of the American Standards Association. [Harvnb|Flanders|1961| pp= 111112] In 1944 the ASME awarded him the Hoover Medal for hispublic service in the field of social, civic and humanitarian effort [s] .” [ [http://www.asme.org/Governance/Honors/UnitAwards/Past_Hoover_Medal_Recipients.cfm/ ASME website: Hoover Medal awardees] ] The British Institution of Mechanical Engineers made him an honorary member. [Harvnb|Flanders|1961|p= 147]

Public life

In 1917, Flanders served in the Machine-Tool Section of the War Industries Board. After World War I, he oversaw the completion of international standards for screw threads through the 1930s, first as a member, then as chairman of the Screw-Thread Committee of the American Standards Association. [Harvnb|Flanders|1961| pp= 111112]

During the Great Depression Flanders began to write about social policy. His major concern was human development in a technological era. [Harvnb|Flanders|1930|p= ] He addressed employing spiritual guidance with aprogram of human valuesto achieve a good life. [Harvnb|Flanders|1931|p= ] Nevertheless, his underlying goal was to achievefull employment.” [Harvnb|Dennison|Filene|Flanders|Leeds|1938|p= ] [Harvnb|Flanders|1936a|p= ] So, he kept himself grounded in economic principles, as understood and debated during that era. [Harvnb|Flanders|1932| pp= 121126]

In 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelts Secretary of Commerce, Daniel Roper, appointed Flanders to the Business Advisory Council, which was created to provide input to the administration on matters affecting business. The Council then made Flanders chairman of the Committee on Unemployment. This committee recommended addressing the problem both geographically and by industry. Flanders reported, [Harvnb|Flanders|1961| pp= 179180] however, that when the committee made its recommendations President Roosevelt was preoccupied with augmenting the Supreme Court and ultimately chose the undistributed profits tax insteada choice that Flanders felt discouraged capital investment.

In 1933, the National Industrial Recovery Act created the National Recovery Administration (NRA). The NRA allowed industries to create "codes of fair competition," intended to reduce destructive competition and to help workers by setting minimum wages and maximum weekly hours. Flanders was appointed to the industrial advisory board of the NRA. [Harvnb|Vermont Encyclopedia|2003|p= 127] In a speech before a 1934 conference of the code authority members, attended by President Roosevelt, Flanders opposed a proposal by the Roosevelt administration to require that businesses cut worker hours by 10 percent and raise wages by 10 percent in order to spread employment more widely. Ultimately, economic policy moved away from the codes system. [Harvnb|Flanders|1961| pp= 175178]

In 1937, Vermont Governor George Aiken appointed Flanders to two commissions: first, the Special Milk Investigative Committee to study ways to modernize dairying in Vermont; and second, the Flood Control Commission, which chose Flanders as its chairman. This commission was to negotiate with other New England states a means of sharing costs in a system of flood-control dams. [Harvnb|Flanders|1961|p= 170]

In 1940, the New England Council elected Flanders president. The governors of the New England states had established this council to study industry and commerce in their states. Flanderss role increased his awareness of the labor and business assets in New England. He also tried to alert his peers to the prospect of U.S. involvement in the expanding Second World War. [Harvnb|Flanders|1961|p= 186]

In 1942, Flanders became involved in the Committee for Economic Development (CED), an offshoot of the [http://www.ced.org/ Business Advisory Council] , whose purpose was to help re-align the nation to a peacetime economy after the war. Flanders reported [Harvnb|Flanders|1961| pp= 189192] helping to shape the CEDs recommendations to Congress on roles for the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.

Banking and investment

Starting in the 1930s, Flanders held directorships on the boards of the Shawmut Bank (193841), Federal Reserve Bank (194144) [Harvnb|Fortune|1945|pp= 135-272] Boston and Maine Railroad, National Life Insurance Company, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Norwich University. [Harvnb|Flanders|1961| pp= 186, 209]

In 1944, he was elected to a two-year term as president of the Federal Reserve Bank in Boston, Massachusetts. [Harvnb|Vermont Encyclopedia|2003|p= 127] During this period, the bank helped establish the [http://www.massport.com/default.aspx/ Boston Port Authority] to revitalize the capacity for cargo from New England. [Harvnb|Flanders|1961|p= 187]

In 1946, Georges Doriot, Flanders, Karl Compton and others organized American Research & Development (AR&D). [ [http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/theymadeamerica/whomade/doriot_hi.html/ WGBH Public Broadcasting Service, “Who made America-George Doriot] ] This was the first venture capital company to investaccording to a set of investment rules and goalsin a pool of fledgling companies. [ [http://vcexperts.com/vce/library/encyclopedia/documents_view.asp?document_id=15/ Joseph W. Bartlett, "What Is Venture Capital?"] ] Flanders served as a director of AR&D. [Harvnb|Flanders|1961| pp= 188189]

U.S. Senate career

In 1940, Flanders ran an unsuccessful campaign for the U. S. Senate. His Republican primary opponent was George Aiken, the popular two-term Governor of Vermont. Although Flanders admired and liked Aiken, he felt that Aiken's "liberal" ideas would not help the nations economic recovery. [Harvnb|Flanders|1961|p= 185] In 1990, one of Vermonts major newspapers, The "Rutland Herald" described the 1940 Republican primary campaign as dirty and mean. Aikens side accused Flanders of selling arms to the Nazis, and Flanderss side suggested that "Aiken was unduly influenced by his administrative assistant, a pretty 24-year-old with a fondness for power." [Harvnb|Porter|Terry|1990|p= ] In retrospect, Flanders felt that he had allowed his campaign advisers to make too many of the decisions. [Harvnb|Flanders|1961|p= 185] For example, a campaign brochure showed the candidate wearing a three-piece suit and holding a piglet in his arms. Although he had grown up on a subsistence farm and had an active interest in Vermont agricultureespecially in the type of hog shown in the picturethis had the effect of making him appear to be a phony. The "Rutland Herald" observed that, “In Vermont in 1940, pigs were common to many households. But so was common sense. There were many people, most in fact, who did not want as their representative someone who would wear his best clothes if he intended to be handling pigs.” Aiken won by 7,000 votes, having spent $3,219.50 to Flanderss $18,698.45. [Harvnb|Porter|Terry|1990|p= ] This campaign taught Flanders thatI had to be myself.” [Harvnb|Flanders|1961|p= 186] On November 1, 1946, Vermont Governor Mortimer R. Proctor appointed Flanders to the U.S. Senate as a Republican to complete the term of Republican Senator Warren Austin. Austin had just been appointed by U.S. President Harry S. Truman as Ambassador to the United Nations. [Harvnb|Vermont Encyclopedia|2003|p= 127] Flanders's appointment gave him seniority over the freshman Senators who would be elected four days later on November 5. Flanders ran for the office then, as well, and was elected to a full term. He was overwhelmingly reelected in 1952. [Harvnb|Flanders|1961|p= 209] He declined to seek a third term in 1958. [Harvnb|Flanders|1961|p= 290] [Harvnb|Vermont Encyclopedia|2003|p= 127]

enate record and committee assignments

Flanders's voting record in the Senate was more conservative than his senior colleague, George Aiken, and reflected Flanders's business orientation. [Harvnb|Vermont Encyclopedia|2003|p= 127] In his second term, a Republican majority allowed Flanders to obtain seats on the Joint Economic Committeethis committee acted in an investigatory and advisory capacity to both Houses of the Congressthe Finance Committee and the Committee on Armed Services. [Harvnb|Flanders|1961|p= 248, 250] These assignments reflected his interests as a senator.

Political philosophy

Flanders, although himself a conservative, espoused a constructive competition between conservatism and liberalism. He felt that liberalism represented the welfare of individual people, as opposed to organizationsgovernments, businesses, etc.—preserving freedom of thought and action. For him, conservatism was concerned with preserving institutions that serve the interests of people, collectively. Conservatives, according to Flanders, could find themselves offering "reasoned objections to foolish proposals" by emotionally motivated liberals. [Harvnb|Flanders|1961|p= 264] He observed that, “Even in the established democracies,… the voters are easily seduced into leaving politics to skillful politicians who are themselves without a sense of general, social responsibility.” [Harvnb|Flanders|1963|p= 5]

On moral law in policy formulation

Flanders had a strict Congregationalist religious beginning, which evolved with his experience into a belief inmoral law.” He felt thatrecognition of moral law is as much a necessary requirement of social achievement as physical law is of material advancement.” In Flanderss view, moral law required honesty, compassion, responsibility, cooperation, humility, and wisdomvalues that all cultures hold in common. [Harvnb|Flanders|1963|p= 24] . For him it was an absolute standard. He spoke of aPresenceordaimonthatrenewed his courageandindicated directionin everything he did. [Harvnb|Flanders|1961| pp= 311, 130]

Flanders referred to the Marshall Plan as an important application of moral law to public policy. He said that the plans true purpose was to fend off Communism through the economic restoration of Europenot to provide relief to Europe (something beyond the powers of the U.S.), nor to enhance gratitude towards the U.S., its prestige or power. [Harvnb|Flanders|1961| pp= 222223]

On labor and business

In testifying on the Employment Act (of 1946) before the Banking and Currency Committee of the Senate in 1945, Flanders defined theright to a job,” as implying a responsibility shared among individuals, organized labor, businesses, and governments, as follows:
*Each individual should beproductive, self-reliant and energetically in search of employment, when out of a job.”
*Organized Labor should avoid wage demands that upset costs of production in a manner that decreases the total volume of employment.
*Business should operate efficiently to allow for expansion of production and employment.
*State and local governments can help preserve human rights and property rights that foster investment, while the Federal Government shouldencourage business to expand and investors to undertake new ventures.” [Harvnb|Flanders|1961|p= 194]

Flanders felt that, to quell inflation, wage increases should be tied to productivity increases, rather than the cost of living. He recommended splitting gains in productivity three ways: to the worker for higher wages, to the company for higher profits and to the consumer for lower prices. He felt that with this approach everyone would benefit at the company level and in the national economy. Such an approach would require mutual respect and understanding between labor and management. [Harvnb|Flanders|1961|p= 310]

Flanderss relations with organized labor were amicable. He welcomed the United Electrical Workers Union into Jones & Lamson Machine Company. J&L became the first company in Springfield, Vermont to be unionized. [Harvnb|Editorial|1970|p=]

On Franklin D. Roosevelt

Flanders met with President Roosevelt on several occasions. He felt that Roosevelt and his advisors did not heed Secretary of the Navy, Frank Knoxs warning that it waseasily possible that hostilities would be initiated by a surprise attack upon the fleet or the Naval Base at Pearl Harbor.” He further faulted the president for failing to recognize the growing threat of Communism in China. In Flanderss opinion, he sold out on Mongolia, Nationalist China and Central Europe to Communist powers at the 1943 Tehran Conference. Flanders recognized the presidents political genius and leadership skills, but deplored his advocacy of raising taxes. He characterized the Roosevelt philosophy as one where re-employmentmust come from Governmentnot privateaction.” [Harvnb|Flanders|1961| pp= 201204, 182] Flanders felt that large social programs were an ineffective approach to solve national problems.

Cold War policies

National policy relating to the Cold War interested Flanders greatly. He was concerned about the world-wide encroachment of Communism even without force of arms. He felt that President Truman was generally a good president, but was hampered by the Roosevelt legacy of appeasing the Soviets. He also felt that Truman's commitment to bringing the Nationalist and Communist Chinese factions together into an alliance was mistaken. He endorsed the Marshall Plan as a way to avoid Communist influence in Western Europe. However, he was critical of John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State, for mishandling opportunities to create friendly alignment with Egypt and India, countries which instead sided with the Soviet Union. [Harvnb|Flanders|1961|p= 228, 303306, 277278]

Flanders felt that spending 62% of federal income on defense was irrational, when the Soviet government claimed it wished to avoid nuclear conflict. [Harvnb|Flanders|1963|p= 5] He advocated that the development ofA [tomic] - and H [ydrogen] -bombs be paralleled with equally intense negotiations towards disarmament.” For him, “gaining the co-operation of the Soviet government on an effective armament control,” was most important. [Harvnb|Flanders|1961|p= 237]

The censure of Joseph McCarthy

Flanders was an early and strong critic of fellow Republican Senator Joseph McCarthys "misdirection of our efforts at fighting communismand his role inthe loss of respect for us in the world at large.” He felt that rather than looking inward for communists within U.S. borders, the nation should look outward at thealarming world-wide advance of Communist powerthat would leave the United States and Canada asthe last remnants of the free world.” On March 9, 1954 he [http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/a/a0/Flanders3-9-1954Speech.jpg/ addressed Senator McCarthy] on the Senate floor, expressing these concerns. (McCarthy had been advised of the speech, but was absent at the time.) Apart from a brief note of encouragement after this speech, Flanders was grateful that the president stayed out of the McCarthy controversy. Members of President Eisenhowers cabinet passed along the message that Flanders shouldlay off.” [Harvnb|Flanders|1961| pp= 267, 255257, 262]

The "Times-Argus" newspaper of Randolph, Vermont reported: [Harvnb|Crozier|1979|p= ]

The speech was a sensation, and the next day Vonda Bergman reported to the Herald that Flanders was unable to appear on the Senate floor because of the flood of telephone calls and telegrams, said to run 6-1 in his support. One message called his speech "a fine example of Vermont courage, humor and decency," while another told him, "Your remarks brought a breath of fresh clean air from the Green Mountains."

Two Senate colleagues, John Sherman Cooper, R-Kentucky, and Herbert Lehman, D-New York, were among those who heaped praise on the Vermont senator. The editor of a national publication said: "It was one of the few recent indications that the Republican Party on Capitol Hill is not wholly devoid of courageous moral leadership." And an editorial in the Rutland Herald stated, "the effect of the speech was to hearten that vast majority of Americans who hate communism but who also revere the Constitution."


Other reactions were not so favorable. People who wrote the "Rutland Herald" “hinted at retribution for McCarthys foesand called McCarthya demigod above the law of the U.S.A. … If you disagree, you are RED.” William Loeb, owner of the "Burlington Daily News", wrote, “It would take somebody as stupid as Senator Flanders to finally swallow the Democratic bait on the subject of Senator McCarthy.” [Harvnb|Hill|1989|p= ] In a speech that Flanders did not mention in his autobiography, the "Times-Argus" article reported that on June 1, 1954 Flanders [Harvnb|Crozier|1979|p= ]

addressed the Senate on "the colossal innocence of the junior Senator from Wisconsin." Comparing McCarthy to "Dennis the Menace" of cartoon fame, the Vermonter delivered a scathing address in which he lambasted the Wisconsin man for dividing the nation. "In every country in which communism has taken over, " he reminded the Senate, "the beginning has been a successful campaign of division and confusion." He marveled at the way the Soviet Union was winning military successes in Asia without risking its own resources or men, and said this nation was witnessing "another example of economy of effort...in the conquest of this country for communism. He added, "One of the characteristic elements of communist and fascist tyranny is at hand as citizens are set to spy upon each other." "Were the junior Senator from Wisconsin in the pay of the communists, he could not have done a better job for them." "This is a colossal innocence, indeed."

On June 11, 1954, Flanders introduced a resolution [Harvnb|Vermont Encyclopedia|2003|p= 127] charging McCarthywith unbecoming conduct and calling for his removal from his committee membership.” Upon the advice of Senators Cooper and Fulbright and legal assistance from the Committee for a More Effective Congress he modified his resolution tobring it in line with previous actions of censure.” [Harvnb|Flanders|1961| pp= 260, 261, 267] The text of the resolution of censure condemns the senator forobstructing the constitutional processes of the Senatewhen hefailed to cooperate with the Subcommittee on Privileges and Elections of the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration and actingcontrary to senatorial ethicswhen he described the Select Committee to Study Censure Charges and its chairman in slanderous terms. "Time" reported that agroup of 23 top businessmen, labor leaders and educatorswired every U.S. Senator (except McCarthy himself) urging a favorable voteto curb the flagrant abuse of power by Senator McCarthy.’" [Harvnb|Time|1954|] The Senate censured McCarthy in December 2, 1954 by a vote of 65 to 22. [http://usinfo.state.gov/usa/infousa/facts/democrac/60.htm Info USA facts:Censure of Senator Joseph McCarthy (1954)”] ] The Senate Republicans were split 22 to 22. [Harvnb|Crozier|1979|p= ] For a further treatment of this episode, refer to Joseph McCarthyCensure and the Watkins Committee.

A 1990 article in the "Rutland Herald" characterized the reaction in Vermont to Flanderss role in the McCarthy censure assour.” It concludes that Flanderss convictions did not necessarily reflect the priorities of his constituency, which regarded the issue asnot our problem.” [Harvnb|Porter|Terry|1990|p= ]


Flanders was the author or coauthor of eight books, including his autobiography, "Senator from Vermont". [Harvnb|Flanders|1961|p= ] He wrote about many issues: the problems of unemployment, [Harvnb|Flanders|1936b|p= ] [Harvnb|Dennison|Filene|Flanders|Leeds|1938|p= ] inflation, ways for achieving a cooperative relationship between management and labor, [Harvnb|Flanders|1949|p= ] and his belief thatmoral law is natural lawand should be an integral part of everyones education. [Harvnb|Flanders|1956|p= ] His papers are located at the [http://library.syr.edu/information/spcollections/index.html/ Special Collections Research Center] at Syracuse University Library and at the [http://cdi.uvm.edu/collections/getCollection.xql?title=Congressional%20Papers/ Special Collections of the University of Vermonts Bailey-Howe Library] .

During his lifetime, Flanders received more than sixteen honorary degrees from institutions that included Dartmouth College, Harvard University (LL.D.), Middlebury College (D. Sc.) and the University of Vermont (D. Eng.). [Harvnb|Massachusetts Institute of Technology|1970|p= ] His wife, Helen Hartness Flanders, was a folk song collector and author of several books on New England ballads.

Respected hundred and two year old camp, Camp Billings in Fairlee, Vermont named Senior Girl's Cabin number four after the Senator. The Cabin is named 'Senator Flanders Lodge'.

Flanders died in 1970 and he is buried in the Summer Hill Cemetery in Springfield, Vermont, alongside his wife Helen, and members of the Hartness family.




last = Flanders
first = Ralph E.
title = Interchangeable Involute Gear Tooth Systems
journal = Journal of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
volume =
issue = 2410 F
year = 1909a
date = Feb. 1909
last = Flanders
first = Ralph E.
title = Recent developments in gear-cutting machinery
journal =Machinery
volume =
issue = 2242 C
pages =
year = 1909b
date = Feb. 1909
last = Flanders
first = Ralph E.
title = How many gashes should a hob have?
journal = Machinery
volume =
issue = 1550 C
pages =
year = 1909c
date = Jan. 1909
last = Flanders
first = Ralph E.
title = Making solderless cans for food products
journal =Machinery
volume =
issue = 7500 C
year =1909d
date = 1909
last = Flanders
first = Ralph E.
title = The design and manufacture of a high-grade motor carIllustrated detailed description of the factory, methods and products of the Stevens-Duryea Co.
journal =Machinery
volume =
issue = 8279 C
pages =
year = 1909e
date = Oct. 1909
last = Flanders
first = Ralph E.
title = Gear-cutting machinery, comprising a complete review of contemporary American and European practice, together with a logical classification and explanation of the principles involved
publication-place = New York
place =
publisher = J. Wiley & sons
date =1909
year =1909f
last = Flanders
first = Ralph E.
title = Construction and Manufacture of Automobiles, Machinerys Reference Series. No. 60
publisher = The Industrial Press
year =1910
location =New York
last = Flanders
first = Ralph E.
year =1925
title = Design manufacture and production control of a standard machine
edition =
volume =46
series =
publication-place =New York
place =
publisher = ASME Transactions
last = Flanders
first = Ralph E.
year =1930
date= 1930
contribution=The new age and the new man
editor-first=Charles A.
title = Toward Civilization
publication-place= New York
publisher= Longmans, Green & Co.
last = Flanders
first = Ralph E.
year =1931
title = Taming Our Machines; The Attainment of Human Values in a Mechanized Society
publication-place = New York
place =
publisher = R.R. Smith, Inc
last= Flanders
first= Ralph E.
publication-date= July, 1932
title = Limitations and possibilities of economic planning
periodical= Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
last = Flanders
first = Ralph E.
year =1935
title = New pioneers on a new frontier
edition =
volume =46
series =
publication-place =New York
place =
publisher = ASME Transactions
pages = R1-77
last = Flanders
first = Ralph E.
title = New pioneers on a new frontier
journal = Mechanical Engineering Magazine
pages =P. 3
date =1936
year = 1936a
last = Flanders
first = Ralph E.
year =1936b
title = Platform for America
publication-place = New York
publisher = Whittlesy House, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc
last = Dennison
first = Henry S.
last2 = Filene
first2 = L.
last3 = Flanders
first3 = R.
last4 = Leeds
first4 = M.
year =1938
title = Toward full employment
publication-place = New York
publisher = McGraw-Hill Book
last = Flanders
first = Ralph E.
date =1949
year = Palo Alto
title = The Function of Management in American Life
publication-place =
publisher = Graduate School of Business, Stanford University
last = Flanders
first = Ralph E.
publication-date =
year =1956
title = Letter to a generation
publication-place =Boston
publisher = Beacon Press
last = Flanders
first = Ralph E.
year =1961
title = Senator from Vermont
publication-place = Boston
publisher = Little, Brown
last = Flanders
first = Ralph E.
year =1963
title = A Search for Meaning
publication-place = Springfield, Vermont
publisher = Hurds Offset Printing


last = Crozier
first = Barney
title = Vermont Senator's Speech Heralded McCarthy's End
newspaper = Times-Argus (Randolph, Vermont)
pages =
year =1979
date =September 29, 1979
url =
last =Editorial
first =“In our opinion.”
title =Sen. Flanders of Vermont
newspaper =Burlington Free Press
year =1970
date =February 21, 1970
url =

last = Fortune
first =
title =Flanders of New England
journal =Fortune Magazine
volume =32
issue =2
pages =
date =August, 1945
year =1945

last = Hill
first = Tom
title = Vt.'s Senator Ralph Flanders took on McCarthy, and won
newspaper = Sunday Rutland Herald and Sunday Times Argus (Vermont)
pages = E1, E4
year =1989
date =December 3, 1989
url =
last = Klingaman
first = William
publication-date =
date =1996
year =1996
title = The Encyclopedia of the McCarthy Era
publication-place =
place =
publisher = Facts on File
id =
isbn = 0816030979
accessdate =
last = Massachusetts Institute of Technology
title =Ralph Edward Flanders 1880-1970
journal =Resolutions of the Corporation of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on the death of Ralph Edward Flanders Life Member Emeritus
volume =
issue =
pages =
date =March 6, 1970
year =1970
url =
doi =
id =
last =Porter
first =Bill
last2 =Terry
first2 =Stephen C.
author2-link =
title =Down & DirtyThe Aiken-Flanders Primary of 1940
newspaper =Vermont Sunday Magazine of the "Rutland Herald" and the "Times Argus" of Rutland and Randolph, Vermont
pages =
year =1990
date =September 9, 1990
url =
last = Roe
first = James W.
year =1937
title = James HartnessA Representative of the Machine Age at Its Best
publication-place = New York
publisher = The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
last = The Tech
title =Sen. Flanders to Discuss Welfare
journal =The Tech (MIT newspaper)
volume =
issue =
pages =4
date =November 15, 1949
year = 1949
url = http://www-tech.mit.edu/V69/PDF/N46.pdf#4

last =Time
title =The Dispensible Man
newspaper = Time Magazine
pages =
year =1954
date =August 2, 1954
url = http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,890959,00.html
last=Vermont Encyclopedia
contribution=Flanders, Ralph E.
editor-first=John J.
editor2-first=Samuel B.
editor3-first=Ralph H.
title=The Vermont Encyclopedia
publication-place= Lebanon, New Hampshire
publisher= University Press of New England
isbn =1-58465-086-9

External links

* [http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=F000190 United States Congress Biography]
* [http://members.localnet.com/~jeflan/evf/rflandersmccarthy.html/ Times-Argus Article on the Flanders's Censure of McCarthy.]
* [http://www.vpr.net/episode/31630/ Vermont Public Radio commentary commemorating the 50th anniversary of Flanders's senate speech on McCarthy.]

Further reading

last =Margolis
first =Jon
title =A mighty fallHow an obscure Vermont senator brought down Joseph McCarthy 50 years ago.
newspaper =Sunday Rutland Herald & Sunday Times-Argus
pages =8-11
year =
date =July 11, 2004
url =

last =Shannon
first =William V.
title =An old-timer says a mouthful
newspaper =New York Post
pages = 2M
year =
date =March 14, 1954
url =

NAME = Flanders, Ralph Edward
ALTERNATIVE NAMES = Flanders, Ralph E.; Flanders, Ralph
SHORT DESCRIPTION = Mechanical engineer, industrialist, U.S. Senator from Vermont
DATE OF BIRTH = September 28, 1880
PLACE OF BIRTH = Barnet, Vermont
DATE OF DEATH = February 19, 1970
PLACE OF DEATH = Springfield, Vermont

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