Military Revolution

Military Revolution

The Military Revolution refers to a radical change in military strategy and tactics with resulting major changes in government. The concept was introduced by Michael Roberts in the 1950s as he focused on Sweden 15601660 searching for major changes in the European way of war caused by introduction of portable firearms. Roberts linked military technology with larger historical consequences, arguing that innovations in tactics, drill and doctrine by the Dutch and Swedes 15601660, which maximized the utility of firearms, led to a need for more trained troops and thus for permanent forces. These changes in turn had major political consequences in the level of administrative support and the supply of money, men and provisions, producing new financial demands and the creation of new governmental institutions. "Thus, argued Roberts, the modern art of war made possibleand necessarythe creation of the modern state."[1]

The concept was further expanded by Geoffrey Parker in Parker (1976) and Parker (1996) to cover the trace italienne capable of withstanding the new siege artillery, the growing Spanish army, and such naval innovations as capital ships firing broadsides. Parker also stressed the worldwide implications, linking the Military Revolution inside Europe to the rise of the West to global dominance. Some historians have found the concept exaggerated or misleading, including Christopher Duffy.


Origin of the concept

The concept of a Military Revolution was first proposed by Roberts in 1955. On 21 January of that year, he delivered a lecture before the Queen's University of Belfast; later published as an article, "The Military Revolution, 15601660", that has fueled debate in historical circles for five decades, in which the concept has been continually redefined. Though historians often challenge Roberts' findings, they usually agree with his basic proposal that European methods of warfare changed profoundly somewhere around or during the Early Modern Period.[2]


Roberts placed his military revolution around 15601660 as the period in which linear tactics were developed to take advantage of the increasingly effective fire weapons[3]; however, that chronology has been challenged by many scholars.

Ayton and Price have remarked the importance of theInfantry Revolutiontaking place in the early 14th century,[4] and David Eltis has pointed that the real change to fire weapons and the elaboration of a military doctrine according to that change took place in the early 16th century, not, as Roberts defended, in the late 16th century.[5]

Others have defended a later period for the military change, thus Jeremy Black thinks that the key time period was that of 16601710, which saw an exponential growth in the size of European armies,[6] while Clifford J. Rogers has developed the idea of successive military revolutions at different periods, first aninfantry revolutionin the 14th century, secondly anartillery revolutionin the 15th century, thirdly afortifications revolutionin the 16th , fourth afire weaponsrevolution between 1580 and 1630, and finally a fifth revolution, the increase in size of European armies, between 1650 and 1715.[7] Similarly, Geoffrey Parker has extended the period of the military revolution from 1450 to 1800, the period in which Europeans achieved supremacy over the rest of the world.[8] Not surprisingly, some scholars have questioned the revolutionary character of an evolution through four centuries.[9] Clifford Rogers has suggested that the military revolution can best be compared with the concept of "punctuated equilibrium evolution" (a theory originating in biology), meaning short bursts of rapid military innovation followed by longer periods of relative stagnation.[10]


Linear tactics

Swedish Brigade deployed in 6 ranks, one company deep (every flag represents a company
Breitenfeld. The Catholic formations (to the left) are deployed 2 companies deep, while the Swedish (to the right) are deployed just one company deep
Alte Veste. Swedish assault columns deployed 2 companies deep

Shallow formations are ideally suited for defensive deployments, but they are clumsy in offensive missions, the longer the frontage, the more difficult to maintain order and cohesion, or to perform any maneuver, especially wheeling; Gustavus Adolphus understood well that far from being slow and ponderous, the assault columns like those used by Tilly were in fact faster and more flexible, and the Swedish King made use of them when required, like in the battle of Alte Veste (see picture 3).

In conclusion, armies did start to use thinner formations, but in a slow evolution, and subjected to tactical considerations.[11] Firearms were not that effective as to rule exclusively the deployment of troops,[12] other considerations were also observed, like units experience,[13] assigned mission, terrain, or the need to meet a required frontage with an understrength unit. The debate line vs column was carried through the 18th Century up to Napoleonic times, with a temporary reverse to deep columns in the later campaigns of the Napoleonic Wars.[14]

Ironically, depth reduction in cavalry formations was a more permanent change introduced by Gustavus Adolphus. In conjunction with less reliance on pistol fire it had the net effect of favouring shock action over firepower, contrary to the tendency defended by Roberts.

Trace Italienne

Roberts´ linear tactics concept had an early critic in his disciple Geoffrey Parker, who asked why the supposedly outdated Spanish Tercio crushed the Swedish at the battle of Nördlingen[15] Parker instead suggested as the key technological element the appearance of the trace italienne in early modern Europe. In this view, the difficulty of taking such fortifications resulted in a profound change in military strategy. 'Wars became a series of protracted sieges', Parker suggests, and open-pitch battles became 'irrelevant' in regions where the trace italienne existed. Ultimately, Parker argues, 'military geography', in other words the existence or absence of the trace italienne in a given area, shaped military strategy in the early modern period, and lead to the creation of larger armies, necessary to besiege the new fortresses and to garrison them. In this way, Parker placed the birth of the Military Revolution in the early 16th century. He also gives it a new significance, not only was a factor in the growth of the State, it was also the main factor, together with theNaval Revolutionto the rise of the West over other Civilizations.[8]

This model has been criticised on several grounds. Jeremy Black pointed that it was the development of the State that allowed the growth in size of the armies, not the other way around, and found Parker guilty ofTechnological Determinism”.[6] More tellingly, the figures presented by Parker to sustain his idea about the growth of armies have been severely criticised by David Eltis as lacking consistency[5] and David Parrott has proved that the period of the trace italienne did not show any significant growth in the size of French armies[16] and that the late period of the Thirty Years War showed an increase in the proportion of cavalry in the armies,[17] contrary to Parker's Thesis that the prevalence of siege warfare marked a decrease of its importance.

The infantry revolution and the decline of cavalry

Some Medieval specialists elaborated on the idea of an infantry revolution happening early in the 14th century, when in some relevant battles, like Courtrai, Bannockburn or Halmyros heavy cavalry was routed by infantry;[18] however, it can be pointed out that in all those battles infantry was entrenched or positioned in rough terrain unsuited for cavalry, like in other battles of the 14th and 15th century in which cavalry was defeated. In fact infantry had been victorious in earlier times in similar situations, for instance at the battle of Legnano in 1176, but in open ground infantry still had the worst, as shown for instance at the battle of Patay and the battle of Formigny in which the vaunted English longbowmen were easily run down; however, the experience of battles like Courtrai and Bannockburn meant that the myth of the invincible knight disappeared, which was in itself important for transforming medieval warfare.

More substance has the case for thereturn of Heavy Infantryas Carey has named it.[19] Pikemen, unlike other infantry, could stand in the open against heavy cavalry. While requiring drill and discipline, individual training requirements were much lower than those for archers or knights, and the switch from heavily armoured knight to footsoldier made possible the expansion in the size of armies from the late 15th century onwards as infantry could be trained more quickly and could be hired in great numbers. But that change was slow.

The full development, in the 15th century, of plate armour for both man and horse, combined with the use of the arret (lance rest) which could support a heavier lance, ensured that the heavy cavalryman remained a formidable warrior. Without cavalry, a 15th-century army was unlikely to achieve a decisive victory on the field of battle; battle might be decided by archers or pikemen, but a retreat could only be cut off effectively or followed-up by cavalry.[20] In the 16th century, a lighter, less expensive and more professional cavalry gained ground, so that the proportion of cavalry in the armies actually grew continually, so that in the last battles of the Thirty Years War cavalry actually outnumbered infantry as never before since the high feudal period.[21]

Another change that took place in the late 15th century was the improvement in siege artillery as to render old style fortifications very vulnerable. But the supremacy of tactical offence in siege warfare was not to last for very long. As Philippe Contamine has noted, by a dialectical process which may be found in all periods, progress in the art of siege was answered by progress in the art of fortification, and vice versa.[22] Charles VIII's invasion of Italy in 1494 demonstrated the potency of siege artillery; but in this region by the early years of the 16th century there were beginning to emerge fortifications which had been designed specifically to resist artillery bombardment. The full impact the 15th-century "artillery revolution" was blunted fairly quickly by the development of the bastion and the trace italienne. But the military supremacy which the possession of a powerful siege train conferred contributed in no small degree to that strengthening of royal authority which we find in some European states in the later 15th century.[23]

Size of armies

The increase in army size and its influence on the development of Modern States is an important point in the military revolution theory. There are several sources for the study of the size of armies in different periods.

Administrative sources

By their own nature they are the more objective sources available. Since Napoleonic Wars European Commanders had at their disposal periodical strength reports of their units. Those strength reports are the main source for research in conflicts in 19th and 20th centuries, however they are not without problems, different armies count effective strength in different ways, and in some instances reports are inflated by commanding officers to look good to their superiors.

Another source was muster calls, non-periodical strength reports of the personnel ready for duty. Muster calls are the main source for the strength of armies before the 19th century, but by their own nature they lack continuity and are ill suited for long time period analysis. They are, however, the most reliable source for the period and do provide a general picture of army strengths and their variability.[24]

Thirdly, pay rolls provide another set of information. They are especially useful to study army costs, but they are not so reliable as muster calls as they only show payments, not real soldiers ready for duty, and before the 19th centuryghost soldiers”, men falsely enlisted by officers in order to get the fees for themselves, were a very common occurrence.

Finally, Orders of Battle, lists of units without specifying strength, are very important for the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. Before that period armies lacked the organization to deploy permanent units, so that orders of battle usually consist in an enumeration of leaders with commands. The exception for Ancient Times would be the Roman army, that from an early period developed a considerable military organization. An Order of Battle is not a reliable source for army strength, since units in campaign, or even in peace time periods, are rarely if ever at full authorized strength.

Narrative sources

Modern historians make use of the large amount of administrative sources available now, however things were very different in the past. Ancient writers too many times give numbers without naming sources, and there are few cases in which we can be sure they are actually using any administrative source. That is especially true when they speak about enemy armies, in which the access to administrative sources was in any case problematic. Besides that, there are a number of additional problems concerning Ancient historians; they could be very biased in their reports, as inflating the number of enemies has been one of the favourite propagandistic resources of all times. Even when presenting a balanced account, many historians did not possess military experience, thus they lacked the technical judgement to properly assess and critique their sources. On the other hand, they had access to first hand accounts that could be very interesting, although in the subject of numbers were rarely accurate.

Historians consider ancient narrative sources to be highly unreliable on the subject of numbers, so that it is not possible to make use of them in a pair to administrative sources. Comparatives between modern and ancient periods are thus very difficult.

Size of overall armies

A clear differentiation should be established between Overall armies, i.e. the overall armed forces of a given political entity, and Field Armies, tactical units capable of moving as a single force along a campaign. The growth in size of overall armies has been considered by several scholars as a key issue of the Military revolution. There are two main thesis, it has been either considered a consequence of the economic and demographic growth of the 17th18th century[25] or the main cause for the growth of the administration and centralization of the Modern State in the same period.[26]

However, some opponents of the general thesis have challenged those views, for instance I.A.A. Thompson has noted how the growth in size of the Spanish army in the 16th17th centuries contributed rather to the economic collapse of Spain and to the weakness of the central government against regional rebellions[27] while Simon Adams has put in question if there was any growth at all in the first half of the 17th century.[28] The growth is however clear in the second half of the 17th century, when the States embrace the task of recruiting and arming themselves their armies, abandoning the system of commission, prevalent until the end of the Thirty YearsWar. The organization of a system of Local and Provincial Militias around this period in several countries (and the growing importance of Local Aristocracy, the so calledrefeudalization of the armiesespecially in Eastern Europe) contributed to the extension of manpower base of the national armies, although foreign mercenaries still remained a considerable percentage in all European armies.

Size of field armies

This has been dictated through history by logistical constraints, mainly the supply of food. Before the mid-17th century, armies basically lived off the land. They didn't have supply lines; they moved to the supply, and many times their movements were dictated by supply considerations.[29] While some regions with good communications could supply large armies for longer periods, still they had to disperse when they moved from these well supplied areas. The maximum size of field armies remained under 50,000 for most of this period, and strength reports over this figure are always from unreliable narrative sources and must be regarded with scepticism. In the second half of the 17th century things changed greatly. Armies began to be supplied through a net of depots linked by supply lines,[30] that greatly increased the size of Field Armies. In the 18th century and early 19th century, before the advent of the railway, the size of Field Armies reached figures over 100,000.


The deterministic concept of a Military Revolution based upon technology has given way to models based more on a slow evolution on which technology plays a minor role to organization, command and control, logistics and in general non material improvements. The revolutionary nature of these changes were only visible after a long evolution that handed Europe a predominant place in World Warfare, a place that the Industrial Revolution would confirm.


  1. ^ Black 2008
  2. ^ See Black (2008)
  3. ^ Roberts, The Military Revolution
  4. ^ Ayton and Price, The Medieval Military
  5. ^ a b Eltis, The Military
  6. ^ a b Black, A Military
  7. ^ Rogers, The Military
  8. ^ a b Parker, The Military Revolution, 15001800
  9. ^ see Ayton and Price, The Medieval Military, and also Childs, Warfare
  10. ^ Clifford J. Rogers, 'The Military Revolutions of the Hundred Years' War' in: The military Revolution Debate. Readings on the Military Transformation of Early Modern Europe, C.J. Rogers, ed. (Oxford 1995), p. 76-77
  11. ^ Linear formations marked an increase in infantry defensive capacity through the emphasis on static firepower and a decrease in offensive capability due to shallower formations, battle will tend to be resolved by the cavalry wings instead, see Parrott, Strategy p.227-252
  12. ^ In this regard, the introduction of regimental guns should be considered as anoptionrather than adevelopmentbecause the increase in firepower was offset by other considerations, they slowed down the advance of infantry and added a considerable logistic burden that many considered they were not worth, for instance France, the rising Big Power at the time, discarded them after a brief experience in her army
  13. ^ Barker, Military Intellectual p.91 the more experienced the unit, the thinner the formation
  14. ^ see Chandler, Art of Warfare p.130-137
  15. ^ The Military Revolution, A myth?
  16. ^ Parrott, Richelieu's Army
  17. ^ Parrott, Strategy and Tactics
  18. ^ Ayton and Price, The Medieval Military, see also Verbruggen, Art of Warfare
  19. ^ Carey, Warfare in the Medieval World
  20. ^ Vale, War and Chivalry p.127
  21. ^ Guthrie, The Later Thirty Years War p.42
  22. ^ Contamine, War in the Middle Ages p.101
  23. ^ Rogers, The military revolutions of the Hundred Years War p.272-275
  24. ^ For instance between the muster at Duben and the Muster at Breitenfeld the Swedish army lost more than 10% of its infantry in just two days (see Guthie, Battles p.23), this kind of conduct would be typical before a major battle was to be fought.
  25. ^ see Lynn, Clio in arms
  26. ^ Charles Tilly, Coercion Capital and European States
  27. ^ Thompson, War and Government
  28. ^ Adams, Tactics or Politics?
  29. ^ see Engels, Alexander the Great, for a treatment of the subject
  30. ^ see Lynn, Feeding Mars, for a discussion on the subject

The deterministic concept of a Military Revolution based upon technology has given way to models based more on a slow evolution on which technology plays a minor role to organization, command and control, logistics and in general non material improvements. The revolutionary nature of these changes were only visible after a long evolution that handed Europe a predominant place in World Warfare, a place that the Industrial Revolution would confirm.


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  • McNeill, William H. The Pursuit of Power: Technology, Armed Force and Society since AD 1000 (Chicago, 1982)
  • Parker, Geoffrey. "The Military Revolution, 15601660A Myth?" Journal of Modern History, 48 (1976); reprinted in his Spain and the Netherlands 15591659: Ten Studies (1979)
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  • Parrott, David A. "The Military revolution in Early Modern Europe", History Today, 42 (1992)
  • Parrott, David A. "Strategy and Tactics in the Thirty YearsWar" in Rogers, Clifford J (editor). The Military Revolution. Readings on the military transformation of Early Modern Europe (Oxford 1995)
  • Parrott, David A. Richelieus Army: War, Government and Society in France, 16241642 (Cambridge 2001) ISBN 0-521-79209-6
  • Paul, Michael C. "The Military Revolution in Russia, 15501682," Journal of Military History 2004 68(1): 945,
  • Raudzens, George. "War-Winning Weapons: The Measurement of Technological Determinism in Military History", The Journal of Military History, Vol. 54, No. 4 (1990), pp403434.
  • Roberts, Michael. The Military Revolution, 15601660 (Belfast, 1956); reprinted with some amendments in his Essays in Swedish History (London, 1967) and Roberts (1995)
  • Rogers, Clifford J. (editor). The Military Revolution. Readings on the military transformation of Early Modern Europe (Oxford 1995)
  • Rogers, Clifford J."The military revolutions of the Hundred Years War", The Journal of Military History 57 (1993), pp 25875.
  • Rothenberg, G. E. "Maurice of Nassau, Gustavus Adolphus, Raimondo Montecuccoli and theMilitary Revolutionof the 17th century" in P. Paret, G.A. Gordon and F. Gilbert (eds.), Makers of Modern Strategy (1986), pp3263.
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