- Sieving coefficient
mass transfer , the sievingcoefficient is a measure of equilibration between of theconcentration s of two mass transfer streams. It is defined as themean pre- and post-contact concentration of the mass receiving stream divided by the pre- and post-contact concentration of the mass donating stream.S = frac{C_r}{C_d}
* "S" is the sieving coefficient
* "C"r is the mean concentration mass receiving stream
* "C"d is the mean concentration mass donating streamA sieving coefficient of unity implies that the concentrations of the receiving and donating stream equilibrate, i.e. the out-flow concentrations (post-mass transfer) of the mass donating and receiving stream are equal to one another. Systems with sieving coefficient that are greater than one require an external
energy source, as they would otherwise violate thelaws of thermodynamics .Sieving coefficients less than one represent a mass transfer process where the concentrations have not equilibrated.
Contact time between mass streams in important in consider in mass transfer and affects the sieving coefficient.
In kidney
renal physiology , the sieving coefficient can be expressed as:sieving coefficient = clearance /ultrafiltration rate [ [http://www.aic.cuhk.edu.hk/web8/Renal%20replacement%20therapy%20-%20CVVH.htm Sieving coefficient in drug clearance] - cuhk.edu.hk]ee also
Heat exchanger
*Condenser pinch point
*Sieve References
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