Nippur de Lagash

Nippur de Lagash

Nippur de Lagash (English: Nippur from Lagash) is an Argentine historic comic series set on the XXIII century BC (according to the short chronology), about a fictional homonym warrior of Sumer, created by comic scriptwriter Robin Wood and illustrated by Lucho Olivera.[1] It was published by Columba Publishing on the D'Artagnan and later Nippur Magnum comic books from 1967 to 1998, and is considered one of the most important Argentine comics.[2]

Other comic artists who worked later on this comic are: Sergio Mulko, Néstor Barrón, Gustavo Amézaga, Ricardo Villagrán and Jorge Zaffino[3], among others.



His parents named him after the ancient city of Nippur, where they were born. He later gained the epithet "from Lagash" after leaving his home city, Lagash, in forced exile.


His adventures, loosely framed on actual history, start when Nippur, a general of Lagash, is forced to escape from Mesopotamia after its invasion, carried out by Lugal-Zage-Si. He then wanders around the bronze age known world, the Middle East and east Mediterranean, making friends and enemies, before taking part on the Akkadian conquest of the Fertile Crescent. He thus become king of Lagash, but choose to abdicate and comes back to travel.


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