List of mammals of Madagascar

List of mammals of Madagascar

This is a list of the mammal species recorded in Madagascar. There are 137 mammal species in Madagascar, of which 6 are critically endangered, 16 are endangered, 26 are vulnerable, and 1 is near-threatened.2 of the species listed for Madagascar are considered to be extinct. [This list is derived from the IUCN Red List which lists species of mammals and includes those mammals that have recently been classified as extinct (since 1500 AD). The taxonomy and naming of the individual species is based on those used in existing Wikipedia articles as of 21 May 2007 and supplemented by the common names and taxonomy from the IUCN, Smithsonian Institute, or University of Michigan where no Wikipedia article was available.]

The following tags are used to highlight each species' conservation status as assessed by the IUCN:

Some species were assessed using an earlier set of criteria. Species assessed using this system have the following instead of Near Threatened and Least Concern categories:

ubclass: Theria

Infraclass: Eutheria

Order: Afrosoricida (tenrecs and golden moles)

-----The order Afrosoricida contains the golden moles of southern Africa and the tenrecs of Madagascar and Africa, two families of small mammals that were traditionally part of the order Insectivora.

*Family: Tenrecidae (tenrecs)
**Subfamily: Geogalinae
***Genus: Geogale
**** Large-eared Tenrec "Geogale aurita" LC
**Subfamily: Oryzorictinae
***Genus: Limnogale
**** Web-footed Tenrec "Limnogale mergulus" VU
***Genus: Microgale
**** Short-tailed Shrew Tenrec "Microgale brevicaudata" LC
**** Cowan's Shrew Tenrec "Microgale cowani" LC
**** Dobson's Shrew Tenrec "Microgale dobsoni" LC
**** Striped Shrew Tenrec "Microgale drouhardi" LC
**** Tree Shrew Tenrec "Microgale dryas" VU
**** Pale-footed Shrew Tenrec "Microgale fotsifotsy" LC
**** Gracile Shrew Tenrec "Microgale gracilis" LC
**** Naked Nosed Shrew Tenrec "Microgale gymnorhyncha" LC
**** "Microgale jenkinsae" EN
**** Lesser Long-tailed Shrew Tenrec "Microgale longicaudata" LC
**** Montane Shrew Tenrec "Microgale monticola" VU
**** Nasolo's Shrew Tenrec "Microgale nasoloi" EN
**** Pygmy Shrew Tenrec "Microgale parvula" LC
**** Greater Long-tailed Shrew Tenrec "Microgale principula" LC
**** Lesser Shrew Tenrec "Microgale pusilla" LC
**** Shrew-toothed Shrew Tenrec "Microgale soricoides" LC
**** Taiva Shrew Tenrec "Microgale taiva" LC
**** Talzac's Shrew Tenrec "Microgale talazaci" LC
**** Thomas's Shrew Tenrec "Microgale thomasi" LC
***Genus: Oryzorictes
**** Hova Rice Tenrec "Oryzorictes hova" LC
**** Four-toed Rice Tenrec "Oryzorictes teradactylus" DD
**Subfamily: Tenrecinae
***Genus: Echinops
**** Lesser Hedgehog Tenrec "Echinops telfairi" LC
***Genus: Hemicentetes
**** Highland Streaked Tenrec "Hemicentetes nigriceps" LC
**** Lowland Streaked Tenrec "Hemicentetes semispinosus" LC
***Genus: Setifer
**** Large Madagascar Hedgehog "Setifer setosus" LC
***Genus: Tenrec
**** Tailess Tenrec "Tenrec ecaudatus" LC

Order: Sirenia (manatees and dugongs)

-----Sirenia is an order of fully aquatic, herbivorous mammals that inhabit rivers, estuaries, coastal marine waters, swamps, and marine wetlands. All four species are endangered.

*Family: Dugongidae
**Genus: Dugong
*** Dugong "Dugong dugon" VU

Order: Primates

----- The order Primates contains all the species commonly related to the lemurs, monkeys, and apes, with the latter category including humans. It is divided informally into three main groupings: prosimians, monkeys of the New World, and monkeys and apes of the Old World.

*Suborder: Strepsirrhini
**Infraorder: Lemuriformes
***Superfamily: Cheirogaleoidea
****Family: Cheirogaleidae
*****Genus: Cheirogaleus
****** Greater Dwarf Lemur "Cheirogaleus major" LR/lc
****** Fat-tailed Dwarf Lemur "Cheirogaleus medius" LR/lc
*****Genus: Microcebus
****** Gray Mouse Lemur "Microcebus murinus" LR/lc
****** Pygmy Mouse Lemur "Microcebus myoxinus" EN
****** Golden-brown Mouse Lemur "Microcebus ravelobensis" EN
****** Brown Mouse Lemur "Microcebus rufus" LR/lc
*****Genus: Mirza
****** Coquerel's Giant Mouse Lemur "Mirza coquereli" VU
*****Genus: Allocebus
****** Hairy-eared Dwarf Lemur "Allocebus trichotis" EN
*****Genus: Phaner
****** Eastern Fork-marked Lemur "Phaner furcifer" LR/nt
***Superfamily: Lemuroidea
****Family: Lemuridae (large lemurs)
*****Genus: Lemur
****** Ring-tailed Lemur "Lemur catta" VU
*****Genus: Eulemur
****** Crowned Lemur "Eulemur coronatus" VU
****** True lemur "Eulemur fulvus" LR/lc
****** Black Lemur "Eulemur macaco" VU
****** Mongoose Lemur "Eulemur mongoz" VU
****** Red-bellied Lemur "Eulemur rubriventer" VU
*****Genus: Hapalemur
****** Golden Bamboo Lemur "Hapalemur aureus" CR
****** Eastern Lesser Bamboo Lemur "Hapalemur griseus" LR/lc
****** Broad-nosed Gentle Lemur "Hapalemur simus" CR
*****Genus: Varecia
****** Black-and-white Ruffed Lemur "Varecia variegata" EN
****Family: Lepilemuridae
*****Genus: Lepilemur
****** Grey-backed Sportive Lemur "Lepilemur dorsalis" VU
****** Milne-edwards's Sportive Lemur "Lepilemur edwardsi" LR/nt
****** Dry-bush Weasel Lemur "Lepilemur leucopus" LR/nt
****** Light-necked Sportive Lemur "Lepilemur microdon" LR/nt
****** Weasel Sportive Lemur "Lepilemur mustelinus" LR/nt
****** Red-tailed Sportive Lemur "Lepilemur ruficaudatus" LR/nt
****** Northern Sportive Lemur "Lepilemur septentrionalis" VU
****Family: Indriidae
*****Genus: Indri
****** Indri "Indri indri" EN
*****Genus: Avahi
****** Eastern Woolly Lemur "Avahi laniger" LR/nt
****** Western Woolly Lemur "Avahi occidentalis" VU
*****Genus: Propithecus
****** Diademed Sifaka "Propithecus diadema" EN
****** Golden-crowned Sifaka "Propithecus tattersalli" CR
****** Verreaux's Sifaka "Propithecus verreauxi" VU
**Infraorder: Chiromyiformes
***Family: Daubentoniidae
****Genus: Daubentonia
***** Aye-aye "Daubentonia madagascariensis" EN

Order: Rodentia (rodents)

-----Rodents make up the largest order of mammals, with over 40 percent of mammalian species. They have two incisors in the upper and lower jaw which grow continually and must be keep short by gnawing. Most rodents are small though the capybara can weigh up to 45 kg (100 lb).

*Suborder: Sciurognathi
**Family: Nesomyidae
***Subfamily: Nesomyinae
****Genus: Brachytarsomys
***** White-tailed Antsangy "Brachytarsomys albicauda" LR/lc
****Genus: Brachyuromys
***** Betsileo Short-tailed Rat "Brachyuromys betsileoensis" LR/nt
***** Gregarious Short-tailed Rat "Brachyuromys ramirohitra" LR/nt
****Genus: Eliurus
***** Major's Tufted-tailed Rat "Eliurus majori" EN
***** Lesser Tufted-tailed Rat "Eliurus minor" LR/lc
***** Dormouse Tufted-tailed Rat "Eliurus myoxinus" LR/lc
***** White-tipped tufted-tailed rat "Eliurus penicillatus" CR
***** Tanala Tufted-tailed Rat "Eliurus tanala" LR/lc
***** Webb's Tufted-tailed Rat "Eliurus webbi" LR/nt
****Genus: Gymnuromys
***** Voalavoanala "Gymnuromys roberti" VU
****Genus: Hypogeomys
***** Malagasy Giant Rat "Hypogeomys antimena" EN
****Genus: Macrotarsomys
***** Bastard Big-footed Mouse "Macrotarsomys bastardi" LR/lc
***** Greater big-footed mouse "Macrotarsomys ingens" CR
****Genus: Nesomys
***** Island Mouse "Nesomys rufus" LR/lc

Order: Soricomorpha (shrews, moles, and soledons)

-----The "shrew-forms" are insectivorous mammals. The shrews and soledons closely resemble mice while the moles are stout bodied burrowers.

*Family: Soricidae (shrews)
**Subfamily: Crocidurinae
***Genus: Suncus
**** Madagascan Shrew "Suncus madagascariensis" LR/lc

Order: Chiroptera (bats)

-----The bats' most distinguishing feature is that their forelimbs are developed as wings, making them the only mammals in the world naturally capable of flight. Bat species account for about 20% of all mammals.

*Family: Pteropodidae (flying foxes, Old World fruit bats)
**Subfamily: Pteropodinae
***Genus: Eidolon
**** Madagascan Fruit Bat "Eidolon dupreanum" LR/lc
***Genus: Pteropus
**** Madagascan Flying Fox "Pteropus rufus" VU
***Genus: Rousettus
**** Madagascan Rousette "Rousettus madagascariensis" LR/nt
*Family: Vespertilionidae
**Subfamily: Myotinae
***Genus: Myotis
**** Malagasy Mouse-eared Bat "Myotis goudoti" LR/nt
**Subfamily: Vespertilioninae
***Genus: Eptesicus
**** "Eptesicus matroka" DD
***Genus: Neoromicia
**** Cape Serotine "Neoromicia capensis" LC
**** Somali Serotine "Neoromicia somalicus" LC
***Genus: Scotophilus
**** Lesser Yellow Bat "Scotophilus borbonicus" CR
**** Robust Yellow Bat "Scotophilus robustus" LR/nt
**** Greenish Yellow Bat "Scotophilus viridis" LC
**Subfamily: Miniopterinae
***Genus: Miniopterus
**** Lesser Long-fingered Bat "Miniopterus fraterculus" LC
**** "Miniopterus gleni" LR/nt
**** Greater Long-fingered Bat "Miniopterus inflatus" LC
**** "Miniopterus majori" DD
**** Manavi Long-fingered Bat "Miniopterus manavi" DD
*Family: Molossidae
**Genus: Chaerephon
*** Grandidier's Free-tailed Bat "Chaerephon leucogaster" DD
*** Little Free-tailed Bat "Chaerephon pumila" LC
**Genus: Mops
*** "Mops leucostigma" DD
*** Midas Free-tailed Bat "Mops midas" LC
**Genus: Mormopterus
*** Natal Free-Tailed Bat "Mormopterus acetabulosus" VU
*** Peter's Wrinkle-Lipped Bat "Mormopterus jugularis" VU
**Genus: Otomops
*** Large-eared Free-tailed Bat "Otomops martiensseni" NT
**Genus: Tadarida
*** Madagascan Large Free-tailed Bat "Tadarida fulminans" LC
*Family: Emballonuridae
**Genus: Emballonura
*** Peters's Sheath-tailed Bat "Emballonura atrata" VU
**Genus: Taphozous
*** Mauritian Tomb Bat "Taphozous mauritianus" LC
*Family: Nycteridae
**Genus: Nycteris
*** "Nycteris madagascariensis" DD
*Family: Rhinolophidae
**Subfamily: Hipposiderinae
***Genus: Triaenops
**** "Triaenops auritus" DD
**** Trouessart's Triden Bat "Triaenops furculus" VU
**** "Triaenops rufus" DD
*Family: Myzopodidae
**Genus: Myzopoda
*** Sucker-footed Bat "Myzopoda aurita" VU

Order: Cetacea (whales)


The order Cetacea includes whales, dolphins and porpoises. They are the mammals most fully adapted to aquatic life with a spindle-shaped nearly hairless body, protected by a thick layer of blubber, and forelimbs and tail modified to provide propulsion underwater.

*Suborder: Mysticeti
**Family: Balaenopteridae
***Subfamily: Balaenopterinae
****Genus: Balaenoptera
***** Bryde's Whale "Balaenoptera edeni" DD
***** Fin Whale "Balaenoptera physalus" EN
***** Blue Whale"Balaenoptera musculus" EN
***** Pygmy Blue Whale"Balaenoptera musculus brevicauda" EN
***Family: Megapterinae
****Genus: Megaptera
***** Humpback Whale "Megaptera novaeangliae" VU
***** Southern Right Whale"Eubalaena australis " EN
*Suborder: Odontoceti
**Superfamily: Platanistoidea
***Family: Kogiidae
****Genus: Kogia
***** Pygmy Sperm Whale "Kogia breviceps" LR/lc
***** Dwarf Sperm Whale "Kogia sima" LR/lc
***Family: Ziphidae
****Subfamily: Hyperoodontidae
*****Genus: Mesoplodon
****** Blainville's Beaked Whale "Mesoplodon densirostris" DD
****** Gray's Beaked Whale "Mesoplodon grayi" DD
****** Hector's Beaked Whale "Mesoplodon hectori" DD
****** Layard's Beaked Whale "Mesoplodon layardii" DD
****** True's Beaked Whale "Mesoplodon mirus" DD
***Family: Delphinidae (marine dolphins)
****Genus: Steno
***** Rough-toothed Dolphin "Steno bredanensis" DD
****Genus: Sousa
***** "Sousa chinensis" DD
****Genus: Tursiops
***** Bottlenose Dolphin "Tursiops aduncus" DD
****Genus: Stenella
***** Pantropical Spotted Dolphin "Stenella attenuata" LR/cd
***** Spinner Dolphin "Stenella longirostris" LR/cd
****Genus: Delphinus
***** Common dolphin "Delphinus capensis" LR/lc
****Genus: Lagenodelphis
***** Fraser's Dolphin "Lagenodelphis hosei" DD
****Genus: Feresa
***** Pygmy Killer Whale "Feresa attenuata" DD
****Genus: Orcinus
***** Orca "Orcinus orca" LR/cd

Order: Carnivora (carnivores)

-----The carnivores include over 260 species, the majority of which eat meat as their primary dietary item. Carnivores have a characteristic skull shape and dentition.

*Suborder: Feliformia
**Family: Eupleridae
***Subfamily: Euplerinae
****Genus: Cryptoprocta
***** Fossa (animal) "Cryptoprocta ferox" EN
****Genus: Eupleres
***** Falanouc "Eupleres goudotii" EN
****Genus: Fossa
***** Malagasy Civet "Fossa fossana" VU
***Subfamily: Galidiinae
****Genus: Galidia
***** Ring-tailed Mongoose "Galidia elegans" VU
****Genus: Galidictis
***** Broad-striped mongoose "Galidictis fasciata" VU
***** Grandidier's Mongoose "Galidictis grandidieri" EN
****Genus: Mungotictis
***** Narrow-striped Mongoose "Mungotictis decemlineata" EN
****Genus: Salanoia
***** Salano "Salanoia concolor" VU
*Suborder: Caniformia
**Family: Otariidae (eared seals, sealions)
***Genus: Arctocephalus
**** Subantarctic Fur Seal "Arctocephalus tropicalis" LR/lc

Order: Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates)


The even-toed ungulates are ungulates whose weight is borne about equally by the third and fourth toes, rather than mostly or entirely by the third as in perissodactyls. There are about 220 artiodactyl species, including many that are of great economic importance to humans.

*Family: Hippopotamidae (hippopotamuses)
**Genus: Hippopotamus
*** Madagascan Dwarf Hippopotamus "Hippopotamus lemerlei" EX
*** Madagascan Pygmy Hippopotamus "Hippopotamus madagascariensis" EX



*cite web
title=The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Mammals of Madagascar
accessdaymonth = 22 May

*cite web
title=Mammal Species of the World
publisher=Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
accessdaymonth = 22 May

*cite web
title=Animal Diversity Web
publisher=University of Michigan Museum of Zoology
accessdaymonth = 22 May

ee also

*List of chordate orders
*List of regional mammals lists
*List of prehistoric mammals
*Mammal classification
*New mammal species

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