- List of mammals in Mozambique
This is a list of the mammal species recorded in Mozambique. There are 232 mammal species in
Mozambique , of which 2 are critically endangered, 2 are endangered, 11 are vulnerable, and 10 are near-threatened. [This list is derived from theIUCN Red List which lists species of mammals and includes those mammals that have recently been classified as extinct (since 1500 AD). The taxonomy and naming of the individual species is based on those used in existing Wikipedia articles as of 21 May 2007 and supplemented by the common names and taxonomy from the IUCN, Smithsonian Institute, or University of Michigan where no Wikipedia article was available.]The following tags are used to highlight each species' conservation status as assessed by the IUCN:
Some species were assessed using an earlier set of criteria. Species assessed using this system have the following instead of Near Threatened and Least Concern categories:
Theria Infraclass:
Eutheria Order:
Afrosoricida (tenrecs and golden moles)----The order Afrosoricida contains the golden moles of southern
Africa and the tenrecs ofMadagascar and Africa, two families of small mammals that were traditionally part of the order Insectivora.*Family:
****Golden Mole "Carpitalpa arendsi" VU
****Yellow Golden Mole "Calcochloris obtusirostris" LCOrder:
Macroscelidea (elephant-shrews)----
Often called sengisi, the elephant shrews or jumping shrews are native to southern
Africa . Their common English name derives from their elongated flexible snout and their resemblance to the trueshrew s.*Family:
Macroscelididae (elephant-shrews)
***Short-snouted Sengi "Elephantulus brachyrhynchus" LC
***Dusky Sengi "Elephantulus fuscus" DD
***Eastern Rock Sengi "Elephantulus myurus" LC
***Four-toed Sengi "Petrodromus tetradactylus" LC
***Checkered Sengi "Rhynchocyon cirnei" NTOrder:
Tubulidentata (aardvarks)----The order Tubulidentata consists of a single species, the Aardvark. Tubulidentata are characterised by their teeth which lack a pulp cavity and form thin tubes which are continuously worn down and replaced.
***Aardvark "Orycteropus afer" LCOrder:
Hyracoidea (hyraxes)----The hyraxes are any of four species of fairly small, thickset, herbivorous mammals in the order Hyracoidea. About the size of a domestic cat they are well-furred, with rounded bodies and a stmpy tail. They are native to Africa and the Middle East.
Procaviidae (hylaxes)
***Southern Tree Hyrax "Dendrohyrax arboreus" LC
***Yellow-spotted Rock Hyrax "Heterohyrax brucei" LC
***Cape Hyrax "Procavia capensis" LCOrder:
Proboscidea (elephants)----The elephants comprise three living species and are the largest living land animals.
Elephantidae (elephants)
***African Bush Elephant "Loxodonta africana" VUOrder:
Sirenia (manatees and dugongs)----Sirenia is an order of fully aquatic, herbivorous mammals that inhabit rivers, estuaries, coastal marine waters, swamps, and marine wetlands. All four species are endangered.
***Dugong "Dugong dugon" VUOrder:
Primates ----The order Primates contains all the species commonly related to the
lemur s,monkey s, andape s, with the latter category includinghumans . It is divided informally into three main groupings:prosimian s, monkeys of the New World, and monkeys and apes of the Old World.*Suborder:
*****Grant's Dwarf Galago "Galago granti" DD
*****Mohol Galago "Galago moholi" LR/lc
*****Zanzibar Bushbaby "Galago zanzibaricus" LR/nt
*****Brown Greater Galago "Otolemur crassicaudatus" LR/lc
*****Family:Cercopithecidae (Old World monkeys)
*******Chlorocebus "Cercopithecus aethiops" LR/lc
*******Blue Monkey "Cercopithecus mitis" LR/lc
*******Yellow Baboon "Papio cynocephalus" LR/lc
*******Chacma Baboon "Papio ursinus" LR/lcOrder:
Rodent ia (rodents)----Rodents make up the largest order of mammals, with over 40 percent of mammalian species. They have two
incisor s in the upper and lower jaw which grow continually and must be keep short by gnawing. Most rodents are small though thecapybara can weigh up to 45 kg (100 lb).*Suborder:
****Mashona Mole-rat "Cryptomys darlingi" LC
****African Mole Rat "Cryptomys hottentotus" LC
****Silvery Mole Rat "Heliophobius argenteocinereus" LC
**Family:Hystricidae (Old World porcupines)
****Cape Porcupine "Hystrix africaeaustralis" LC
**Family:Thryonomyidae (cane rats)
****Lesser Cane Rat "Thryonomys gregorianus" LC
****Greater Cane Rat "Thryonomys swinderianus" LC
*****Lord Derby's Scaly-tailed Squirrel "Anomalurus derbianus" LC
**Family:Pedetidae (spring hare)
****Springhare "Pedetes capensis" LC
**Family:Sciuridae (squirrels)
******Mutable Sun Squirrel "Heliosciurus mutabilis" LC
******Smith's Bush Squirrel "Paraxerus cepapi" LC
******Striped Bush Squirrel "Paraxerus flavovittis" DD
******Red Bush Squirrel "Paraxerus palliatus" LC
******Vincent's Bush Squirrel "Paraxerus vincenti" CR
**Family:Gliridae (dormice)
*****Small-eared Dormouse "Graphiurus microtis" LC
*****Rock Dormouse "Graphiurus platyops" LC
*****Gray Glimbing Mouse "Dendromus melanotis" LC
*****Brant's Climbing Mouse "Dendromus mesomelas" LC
*****Chestnut Climbing Mouse "Dendromus mystacalis" LC
*****Nyika Climbing Mouse "Dendromus nyikae" LC
*****Tiny Fat Mouse "Steatomys parvus" LC
*****Fat Mouse "Steatomys pratensis" LC
*****Gambian Pouch Rat "Cricetomys gambianus" LC
*****Phascogalini "Saccostomus campestris" LC
**Family:Muridae (mice, rats, voles, gerbils, hamsters, etc.)
*****Spiny mouse "Acomys spinosissimus" LC
*****Yellow-spotted Brush-furred Rat "Lophuromys flavopunctatus" LC
*****Rudd's Mouse "Uranomys ruddi" LC
*****Angoni Vlei Rat "Otomys angoniensis" LC
*****Vlei Rat "Otomys irroratus" LC
*****Hairy-footed Gerbil "Gerbillurus paeba" LC
*****Boehm's Gerbil "Tatera boehmi" LC
*****Gorongoza Gerbil "Tatera inclusa" LC
*****Bushveld Gerbil "Tatera leucogaster" LC
*****Red Rock Rat "Aethomys chrysophilus" LC
*****Namaqua Rock Rat "Aethomys namaquensis" LC
*****Silinda Rock Rat "Aethomys silindensis" VU
*****Mozambique Thicket Rat "Grammomys cometes" LC
*****Woodland Thicket Rat "Grammomys dolichurus" LC
*****Single-striped Grass Mouse "Lemniscomys rosalia" LC
*****Southern Multimammate Mouse "Mastomys coucha" LC
*****Natal Multimammate Mouse "Mastomys natalensis" LC
****Genus: Mus
*****African Pygmy Mouse "Mus minutoides" LC
*****Neave's Mouse "Mus neavei" DD
*****Gray-bellied Pygmy Mouse "Mus triton" LC
*****Creek Groove-toothed Swamp Rat "Pelomys fallax" LC
*****East African Praomys "Praomys delectorum" NT
*****Four-striped Grass Mouse "Rhabdomys pumilio" LC
*****Acacia rat "Thallomys paedulcus" LCOrder:
Lagomorpha (lagomorphs)----The lagomorphs comprise two families,
Leporidae (hare s andrabbit s), and Ochotonidae (pika s). Though they can resemblerodent s, and were classified as asuperfamily in that order until the earlytwentieth century , they have since been considered a separate order. They differ from rodents in a number of physical characteristics, such as having four incisors in the upper jaw rather than two.*Family:
Leporidae (rabbits, hares)
***Natal Red Rockhare "Pronolagus crassicaudatus" LR/lc
***Jameson's Red Rock Hare "Pronolagus randensis" LR/lc
**Genus: Lepus
***Cape Hare "Lepus capensis" LR/lcOrder:
Erinaceomorpha (hedgehogs and gymnures)----
The order Erinaceomorpha contains a single family, Erinaceidae, which comprise the
hedgehog s andgymnure s. The hedgehogs are easily recognised by their spines while gymnures look more like large rats.*Family:
Erinaceidae (hedgehogs)
****Four-toed Hedgehog "Atelerix albiventris" LR/lcOrder:
Soricomorpha (shrews, moles, and soledons)----The "shrew-forms" are insectivorous mmmals. The shrews and soledons closely resemble mice while the moles are stout bodied burrowers.
Soricidae (shrews)
****Reddish-gray Musk Shrew "Crocidura cyanea" LC
****Greater Red Musk Shrew "Crocidura flavescens" LC
****Tiny Musk Shrew "Crocidura fuscomurina" LC
****Lesser Red Musk Shrew "Crocidura hirta" LC
****Greater Gray-brown Musk Shrew "Crocidura luna" LC
****Swamp Musk Shrew "Crocidura mariquensis" LC
****Olivier's Shrew "Crocidura olivieri" LC
****Lesser Gray-brown Musk Shrew "Crocidura silacea" LC
****Lesser Dwarf Shrew "Suncus varilla" LC
****Climbing Shrew "Sylvisorex megalura" LC
****Dark-footed Forest Shrew "Myosorex cafer" LC
****Thin Mouse Shrew "Myosorex tenuis" DDOrder:
Chiroptera (bats)----The bats' most distinguishing feature is that their forelimbs are developed as wings, making them the only mammals in the world naturally capable of flight. Bat species account for about 20% of all mammals.
Pteropodidae (flying foxes, Old World fruit bats)
***Genus: Eidolon
****Straw-coloured Fruit Bat "Eidolon helvum" LC
****Peters's Epauletted Fruit Bat "Epomophorus crypturus" LC
****Ethiopian Epauletted Fruit Bat "Epomophorus labiatus" LC
****Wahlberg's Epauletted Fruit Bat "Epomophorus wahlbergi" LC
****Dobson's Fruit Bat "Epomops dobsoni" LC
****Harrison's Fruit Bat "Lissonycteris goliath" VU
****Egyptian fruit bat "Rousettus aegyptiacus" LC
****Damara Woolly Bat "Kerivoula argentata" LC
****Rufous Mouse-eared Bat "Myotis bocagii" LC
****Cape Hairy Bat "Myotis tricolor" LC
****Welwitch's Bat "Myotis welwitschii" LC
****Long-tailed House Bat "Eptesicus hottentotus" LC
****Butterfly Bat "Glauconycteris variegata" LC
****Moloney's Flat-headed Bat "Mimetillus moloneyi" LC
****Cape Serotine "Neoromicia capensis" LC
****Yellow Serotine "Neoromicia flavescens" DD
****Melck's House Bat "Neoromicia melckorum" DD
****Banana Pipistrelle "Neoromicia nanus" LC
****Rendall's Serotine "Neoromicia rendalli" LC
****Common Noctule "Nyctalus noctula" LR/lc
****Schlieffen's Twilight Bat "Nycticeinops schlieffeni" LC
****RÜppel's Pipistrelle "Pipistrellus rueppelli" LC
****Rusty Pipistrelle "Pipistrellus rusticus" LC
****White-bellied Lesser House Bat "Scotoecus albigula" DD
****Light-winged Lesser House Bat "Scotoecus albofuscus" DD
****Hinde's Lesser House Bat "Scotoecus hindei" DD
****Dark-winged Lesser House Bat "Scotoecus hirundo" DD
****African Yellow Bat "Scotophilus dinganii" LC
****Schreber's Yellow Bat "Scotophilus nigrita" NT
****Greenish Yellow Bat "Scotophilus viridis" LC
****Lesser Long-fingered Bat "Miniopterus fraterculus" LC
****Greater Long-fingered Bat "Miniopterus inflatus" LC
****Natal Long-fingered Bat "Miniopterus natalensis" NT
***Spotted Free-tailed Bat "Chaerephon bivittata" LC
***Nigerian Free-tailed Bat "Chaerephon nigeriae" LC
***Little Free-tailed Bat "Chaerephon pumila" LC
**Genus: Mops
***Sierra Leone Free-tailed Bat "Mops brachypterus" LC
***Angolan Free-tailed Bat "Mops condylurus" LC
***Midas Free-tailed Bat "Mops midas" LC
***Roberts's Flat-headed Bat "Sauromys petrophilus" LC
***African Giant Free-tailed Bat "Tadarida ventralis" NT
***African Sheath-tailed Bat "Coleura afra" LC
***Mauritian Tomb Bat "Taphozous mauritianus" LC
***Large Slit-Faced Bat "Nycteris grandis" LC
***Hairy Slit-Faced Bat "Nycteris hispida" LC
***Large-Eared Slit-Faced Bat "Nycteris macrotis" LC
***Egyptian Slit-Faced Bat "Nycteris thebaica" LC
***Vinson's Slit-Faced Bat "Nycteris vinsoni" DD
***Wood's Slit-Faced Bat "Nycteris woodi" NT
****Blasius's Horseshoe Bat "Rhinolophus blasii" NT
****Geoffroy's Horseshoe Bat "Rhinolophus clivosus" LC
****Darling's Horseshoe Bat "Rhinolophus darlingi" LC
****RÜppell's Horseshoe Bat "Rhinolophus fumigatus" LC
****Hildebrandt's Horseshoe Bat "Rhinolophus hildebrandti" LC
****Lander's Horseshoe Bat "Rhinolophus landeri" LC
****Bushveld Horseshoe Bat "Rhinolophus simulator" LC
****Swinny's Horseshoe Bat "Rhinolophus swinnyi" NT
****Percival's Trident Bat "Cloeotis percivali" VU
****Sundevall's Roundleaf Bat "Hipposideros caffer" LC
**** "Hipposideros marungensis " NT
****Noack's Roundleaf Bat "Hipposideros ruber" LC
****Persian Trident Bat "Triaenops persicus" LCOrder:
Pholidota (pangolins)----
The order Philodota comprises the eight species of pangolin. Pangolins are anteaters and have the powerful claws, elongated snout and long tongue seen in the other unrelated
anteater species.*Family:
***Ground Pangolin "Manis temminckii" LR/ntOrder:
Cetacea (whales)----
The order Cetacea includes
whale s,dolphin s andporpoise s. They are the mammals most fully adapted to aquatic life with a spindle-shaped nearly hairless body, protected by a thick layer of blubber, and forelimbs and tail modified to provide propulsion underwater.*Suborder:
****Southern Right Whale "Eubalaena australis" LR/cd
*****Sei Whale "Balaenoptera borealis" EN
*****Bryde's Whale "Balaenoptera edeni" DD
*****Humpback Whale "Megaptera novaeangliae" VU
*****Sperm Whale "Physeter macrocephalus" VU
*****Pygmy Sperm Whale "Kogia breviceps" LR/lc
*****Dwarf Sperm Whale "Kogia sima" LR/lc
******Blainville's Beaked Whale "Mesoplodon densirostris" DD
******Gray's Beaked Whale "Mesoplodon grayi" DD
******Hector's Beaked Whale "Mesoplodon hectori" DD
******Layard's Beaked Whale "Mesoplodon layardii" DD
******True's Beaked Whale "Mesoplodon mirus" DD
***Family:Delphinidae (marine dolphins)
****Genus: Steno
*****Rough-toothed Dolphin "Steno bredanensis" DD
****Genus: Sousa
***** "Sousa chinensis " DD
*****Bottlenose Dolphin "Tursiops aduncus" DD
*****Bottlenose Dolphin "Tursiops truncatus" DD
*****Striped Dolphin "Stenella coeruleoalba" LR/cd
*****Spinner Dolphin "Stenella longirostris" LR/cd
*****Fraser's Dolphin "Lagenodelphis hosei" DD
*****Southern Right Whale Dolphin "Lissodelphis peronii" DD
*****Pygmy Killer Whale "Feresa attenuata" DD
*****Orca "Orcinus orca" LR/cdOrder:
Carnivora (carnivores)----
The carnivores include over 260 species, the majority of which eat meat as their primary dietary item. Carnivores have a characteristic skull shape and dentition.
**Family:Felidae (cats)
*****Cheetah "Acinonyx jubatus" VU
*****Caracal "Caracal caracal" LC
*****Wildcat "Felis silvestris" LC
*****Serval "Leptailurus serval" LC
*****Lion "Panthera leo" VU
*****Leopard "Panthera pardus" LC
**Family:Viverridae (civets, mongooses, etc.)
*****African Civet "Civettictis civetta" LR/lc
*****Angolan Genet "Genetta angolensis" LR/lc
*****Common Genet "Genetta genetta" LR/lc
*****Rusty-spotted Genet "Genetta maculata" LR/lc
****African Palm Civet "Nandinia binotata" LR/lc
**Family:Herpestidae (mongooses)
****Marsh Mongoose "Atilax paludinosus" LR/lc
****Slender Mongoose "Galerella sanguinea" LR/lc
****Common Dwarf Mongoose "Helogale parvula" LR/lc
****Egyptian Mongoose "Herpestes ichneumon" LR/lc
****White-tailed Mongoose "Ichneumia albicauda" LR/lc
****Banded Mongoose "Mungos mungo" LR/lc
****Selous' Mongoose "Paracynictis selousi" LR/lc
****Meller's Mongoose "Rhynchogale melleri" LR/lc
**Family:Hyaenidae (hyaenas)
****Spotted Hyena "Crocuta crocuta" LR/cd
****Brown Hyena "Hyaena brunnea" LR/nt
****Aardwolf "Proteles cristatus" LR/lc
**Family:Canidae (dogs, foxes)
****Side-striped Jackal "Canis adustus" LC
****Black-backed Jackal "Canis mesomelas" LC
****Bat-eared Fox "Otocyon megalotis" LC
***Genus: Lycaon
****African Wild Dog "Lycaon pictus" EN
**Family:Mustelidae (mustelids)
****Striped Polecat "Ictonyx striatus" LR/lc
****African Striped Weasel "Poecilogale albinucha" LR/lc
****Ratel "Mellivora capensis" LR/lc
****Speckle-throated Otter "Lutra maculicollis" LC
****African Clawless Otter "Aonyx capensis" LC
**Family:Otariidae (eared seals, sealions)
****Cape Fur Seal "Arctocephalus pusillus" LR/lc
**Family:Phocidae (earless seals)
****Southern Elephant Seal "Mirounga leonina" LR/lcOrder:
Perissodactyla (odd-toed ungulates)----The odd-toed ungulates are browsing and
grazing mammals. They are usually large to very large, and have relatively simple stomachs and a large middle toe.*Family:
Equidae (horses etc.)
**Genus: Equus
***Burchell's Zebra "Equus burchellii" LC
***Black Rhinoceros "Diceros bicornis" CR
***White Rhinoceros "Ceratotherium simum" NTOrder:
Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates)----
Nyala ] The even-toed ungulates areungulate s whose weight is borne about equally by the third and fourth toes, rather than mostly or entirely by the third as inperissodactyls . There are about 220 artiodactyl species, including many that are of greateconomic importance tohuman s.*Family:
Suidae (pigs)
****Warthog "Phacochoerus africanus" LR/lc
****Bushpig "Potamochoerus larvatus" LR/lc
*Family:Hippopotamidae (hippopotamuses)
***Hippopotamus "Hippopotamus amphibius" VU
*Family:Giraffidae (giraffe, okapi)
***Giraffe "Giraffa camelopardalis" LR/cd
*Family:Bovidae (cattle, antelope, sheep, goats)
****Lichtenstein's Hartebeest "Alcelaphus lichtensteinii" LR/cd
****Blue Wildebeest "Connochaetes taurinus" LR/cd
****Topi "Damaliscus lunatus" LR/cd
****Suni "Neotragus moschatus" LR/cd
****Klipspringer "Oreotragus oreotragus" LR/cd
****Oribi "Ourebia ourebi" LR/cd
****Steenbok "Raphicerus campestris" LR/lc
****Sharpe's Grysbok "Raphicerus sharpei" LR/cd
****African Buffalo "Syncerus caffer" LR/cd
****Nyala "Tragelaphus angasii" LR/cd
****Common Eland "Tragelaphus oryx" LR/cd
****Bushbuck "Tragelaphus scriptus" LR/lc
****Sitatunga "Tragelaphus spekii" LR/nt
****Greater Kudu "Tragelaphus strepsiceros" LR/cd
****Blue Duiker "Cephalophus monticola" LR/lc
****Red Forest Duiker "Cephalophus natalensis" LR/cd
****Common Duiker "Sylvicapra grimmia" LR/lc
****Roan Antelope "Hippotragus equinus" LR/cd
****Sable Antelope " _la. Hippotragus niger" LR/cd
****Impala "Aepyceros melampus" LR/cd
***Genus: Kobus
****Waterbuck "Kobus ellipsiprymnus" LR/cd
****Southern Reedbuck "Redunca arundinum" LR/cd
****Mountain Reedbuck "Redunca fulvorufula" LCNotes
*cite web
title=The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Mammals of Mozambique
accessdaymonth =22 May
*cite web
title=Mammal Species of the World
publisher=Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
accessdaymonth =22 May
*cite web
title=Animal Diversity Web
publisher=University of Michigan Museum of Zoology
accessdaymonth =22 May
accessyear=2007ee also
List of chordate orders
*List of regional mammals lists
*List of prehistoric mammals
*Mammal classification
*New mammal species
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.