


Dock may refer to:

In transportation

  • Dock (maritime), a structure for handling ships
    • Drydock, a basin that can be flooded and drained to allow a load to come to rest on a dry platform
    • Ferry slip, a docking facility that receives a ferryboat
    • Floating dock, a dock resting on pontoons
    • Harbor
    • Jetty
    • Marina
    • Pier, a raised walkway over water, supported by widely spread piles or pillars
    • Pontoon (boat), a buoyant device, used to support docks or floating bridges
    • Wharf, a fixed platform, commonly on pilings, where ships are loaded and unloaded
  • Loading dock or cargo bay, an unloading area for trucks to deliver cargo
  • Space rendezvous, if it includes docking
  • Stevedore, a worker who loads and unloads ships, also known as a docker or longshoreman

In natural sciences

In molecular biology

  • DOCK (protein) (dedicator of cytokinesis), a family of proteins involved in cell signalling
  • Docking (molecular), a research technique for predicting the relative orientation of two molecules to each other in a bimolecular complex
  • DOCK (UCSF), the docking program

In computing



See also

  • Dox: various meanings including a supposed hybrid between a dog and a fox
  • DOC (disambiguation)
  • Docklands (disambiguation)
  • Docs (disambiguation)
  • Hohe Dock, one of the highest peaks in the Glockner Group of the Austrian Alps

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  • dock — [ dɔk ] n. m. • 1826; 1671 en parlant de l Angleterre; dogue 1679; mot angl., du néerl. docke 1 ♦ Vaste bassin entouré de quais et destiné au chargement et au déchargement des navires. « des grands docks rayonnants où les transatlantiques ont l… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Dock — Dock, n. [Akin to D. dok; of uncertain origin; cf. LL. doga ditch, L. doga ditch, L. doga sort of vessel, Gr. ? receptacle, fr. ? to receive.] 1. An artificial basin or an inclosure in connection with a harbor or river, used for the reception of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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