List of community currencies in the United States

List of community currencies in the United States

Community currencies that have been used in the United States:


*Time Dollar


* Amesbury Hours Amesbury, Massachusetts
* Anacostia Hours [] Mount Rainier, Maryland
* Area Bucks Palo Alto, California
* Atlanta Hours Atlanta, Georgia
* Bainbridge Island Bucks Bainbridge Island, Washington
* Baltimore Hours [] Baltimore, Maryland
* Barter Bucks Indianapolis, Indiana
* Bay Area Bucks [] Traverse City, Michigan
* Berea Bucks Berea, Kentucky
* Berkeley Barter Network [] Berkeley, California
* Berkeley Bread Berkeley, California
* BerkShares, Southern Berkshires, Massachusetts
* BloomingHours [] Bloomington, Indiana
* Blue Money Brattleboro, Vermont
* BNI [] Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey
* Boise Hours Boise, Idaho
* Brattleboro Hours Chesterfield, New Hampshire
* Brookings Bucks Brookings, South Dakota
* Brooklyn Greenbacks Brooklyn, New York
* Buffalo Hours Buffalo, New York
* Buffalo Mountain Hours Hardwick, Vermont
* Bull City Bucks Durham, North Carolina
* Burlington Bread [] Burlington, Vermont
* Butte Bucks Crested Butte, Colorado
* Cape Anne Dollars Gloucester, Massachusetts
* Capitol Area Self-Sustaining Hours Albany, New York
* Carbondale Spuds Carbondale, Colorado
* Chenango Hours New Berlin, New York
* Columbia County Hours Philmont, New York
* Columbia Hours Columbia, Missouri
* Community Cash Durango, Colorado
* Cuyahoga Hours Cleveland, Ohio
* Dillo Hours Austin, Texas
* Disney Dollar Disneyland and Disneyworld
* Flagstaff Neighborly Notes [] Flagstaff, Arizona
* Floyd Hours Floyd, Virginia
* Fourth Corner Exchange [] Pacific Northwest
* Great Lakes Hours Detroit, Michigan
* Green Mountain Hours [] Montpelier, Vermont
* Greyhound Bucks Taft, Texas
* Hero dollar Minneapolis, Minnesota
* High Desert Dollars Prescott, Arizona
* Hobo Dough South Dakota State University, Brookings, South Dakota
* Hollandollars Holland, Michigan
* Houston Hours Houston, Texas
* Humboldt Hours Eureka, California
* Arcata, California
* Ithaca Hours Ithaca, New York
* Kansas City Barter Bucks Kansas City, Missouri
* Kauai Barter and Trade Network [] Kilauea, Hawaii
* Kettle River Hours Kettle Falls, Washington
* Kitsap Hours Bremerton, Washington
* Lehigh Valley Barter Hours Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
* Liberty Dollars [] Evansville, IN
* Lopez Island Hours Lopez Island, Washington
* Madison Hours [] Madison, Wisconsin
* Mendocino SEED Fort Bragg, California
* Middletown Cash Middletown, CT, Wesleyan University
* Milwaukee Hours Milwaukee, Wisconsin
* Missoula Hours Missoula, Montana
* Mo' Money [] New Orleans, Louisiana
* Mountain Money [] Mars Hill, North Carolina
* NOCO Hours [] Fort Collins, Greeley, and Loveland, Colorado
* North Fork Helping Hands Paonia, Colorado
* PDXhours Portland, Oregon
* P.E.N. Neighborhood Exchange Takoma Park, Maryland
* Plenty [] Carrboro, North Carolina
* Portage Hours Kent, Ohio
* REAL Dollars [] Lawrence, Kansas
* RiverHOURS [] Columbia River Gorge, USA
* San Luis Obispo Hours San Luis Obispo, California
* Sand Dollars Bolinas, California
* Santa Barbara Hours Santa Barbara, California
* Santa Fe Hours Santa Fe, New Mexico
* Santa Monica Hours Santa Monica, California
* Sequoia Hours Garberville, California
* Simply Hours Columbus, Ohio
* Skagit Dollars Mount Vernon, Washington
* Sonoma County Community Cash Santa Rosa, California
* Stoneridge Hours Kerhonkson, New York
* Summit Hours Akron, Ohio
* Thread City Bread Willimantic, Connecticut
* Time Bucks [] Seattle, Washington
* Tulsa Hours Tulsa, Oklahoma
* Ukiah Hours [] Ukiah, California
* Valley Dollars Greenfield, Massachusetts
* Waldo Hours Unity, Maine
* Wash Bucks Sioux City, Iowa
* Wooster Hours Apple Creek, Ohio

See also

*Local currency
*Time-based currency
*Local Exchange Trading Systems

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