Chas Ghodegaon

Chas Ghodegaon

Chas - Narodi

—  town  —
Country India
State Maharashtra
District(s) Pune
Nearest city Manchar
Parliamentary constituency Shirur
Assembly constituency Ambegaon
Population 2,000
Sex ratio 1000 M / 980 F /
Literacy 60% 
Time zone IST (UTC+05:30)

Chas [Narodi] is located on 19 03'15.21 N 73 53'23.67 S ref:google earth. Chas is the real name of this village but it is famous as chas Ghodegaon. It covers the area from Ghodegaon (Chinchawalee) to Kalambh on Pune Nashik road. This Village come under the taluka name Ambegaon and district pune. Chas has his own natuaral beauty which invite all visitors to visit this place. The river called Ghodnadi also flows from this village providing water supply for farm. This village is also got connected by Dimbha Dam water canal. Agriculture is the main occupation of this village.

The most commonly grown crop is Bajara and vegetables like Potato, Tomato, onions are also grown and fruits like Grapes, Banana, Tomato and Potato are grown. This village falls to the foothill of Sahyadri Mountain range and which is towards the west side of Pune city.

Pournima Utsav is the famous Indian festival of this village while other functions for yatra, wrestling, Tamasha and numerous religious programmes are held by various Mandals. Ganesh utsav, Navratra utsav etc. are also celebrated with great enthusiasm. The village farmers have made their own image on the basis of their hard work. Bullock cart races are an inseparable part of this village which is very prominent throughout Pune district.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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