Walter Guinness, 1st Baron Moyne

Walter Guinness, 1st Baron Moyne

Walter Edward Guinness, 1st Baron Moyne DSO and Bar Queen's South Africa Medal MID PC (29 March 18806 November 1944) was a British politician and businessman. He served as the British minister of state in the Middle East until November 1944, when he was assassinated by a militant Zionist group Lehi.

Early life

Walter Guinness was born in Dublin, Ireland, the third son of the 1st Earl of Iveagh. His family homes were at Farmleigh near Dublin, and at Elveden in Suffolk. At Eton, Guinness was elected head of 'Pop', the club for prefects, and was appointed Captain of Boats. [cite book |last= Wilson |first=D. A. |title=Dark and light |location=London |publisher=Weidenfeld & Nicolson |year=1998 |pages=pp. 150 |isbn=0297817183]

On 24 June 1903, he married Lady Evelyn Hilda Stuart Erskine (1883 - 1939), [cite web |url= |title=Lady Evelyn Hilda Stuart Erskine | |date=2006-03-09 |accessdate=2008-03-27] third daughter of the 14th Earl of Buchan. The Earls of Buchan were an ancient family in the Scottish nobility. They had three children, Bryan, Murtogh and Grania.

Military career

Guinness volunteered for service in the Second Boer War, where he was wounded, was mentioned in dispatches and was awarded the Queen's South Africa Medal with four clasps. His unit was the City of London Volunteers within the Imperial Yeomanry. According to Wilson, "they had a devil-may-care ethos and distaste for military discipline...they made lightning raids on Afrikaner positions; they skirmished ahead of advancing columns.". At the end of May 1900, led by Major-General Hamilton, they assaulted the ridge at Doornkop, though Guinness was wounded immediately after the battle in mopping-up at Witpoortjie. [citation |last=Wilson |date=1998 |pages=153154
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During World War I, he served with distinction in the Suffolk Yeomanry in Egypt, and at Gallipoli. In the fighting around Passchendaele, he was awarded the DSO in 1917 and a bar to it in 1918, for personal bravery, which was very rare for an elected politician. [citation |last=Wilson |date=1998 |pages=172173
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] [cite book |title=Requiem for a Family Business |last=Guinness |first=Jonathan |location=London |publisher=Macmillan |year=1997 |pages=pp. 41 |isbn=0333661915] His laconic war diaries speak for themselves and were published. [ cite book | last=Guinness | first=W. | title=Staff Officer: The diaries of Walter Guinness 1914-1918 | editor=Brian Bond & Simon Robbins | pages=pp. 256 | publisher=Leo Cooper | location=London | year=1987 |isbn=0850520533]

Early political career

In 1907, Guinness was elected to the London County Council and also to the House of Commons as Conservative member for Bury St Edmunds, [ pdf - has some results.] which he continued to represent until 1931. He took the conservative line on Home Rule for Ireland, [Hansard 5th series, 39, 1129] suffragism [Hansard 5th 19, 116.] and reform of the House of Lords. [Hansard 5th 22, 311.] He visited eastern Anatolia in 1913 and reported on the Turkish governments concerns about Armenians being armed secretly by Russia. ["The Times", 1913-12-31.] [citation |last=Davison |first=R. H. |title=The Armenian crisis, 1912-1914 |publisher=American Historical Review |location=New York |date=April 1948 |oclc=14285148] Whatever tensions lay behind his story, Armenians accuse Turks of a massacre in 1915 which many Turks still deny. In 1912, the editor of his magazineOutlookbroke the Marconi scandal, accusing Lloyd George and other Liberal ministers of share frauds. Other publications developed the story but it could not be proven after lengthy debate. When his role was debated, Guinness explained that he was on safari in Africa at the start, and that his editors target was inefficiency, not corruption. ["The Times", 1913-06-19.]

World War I reduced Guinness's attendances and opponents accused him of cowardice for being in the House at all. [Hansard 5th, 84, 658, 1023, 2159.] In a heated Armistice speech, he insisted that Germany should pay full war reparations, that no ties should be made with Russian bolshevism, and:Since the days of Mahomet no prophet has been listened to with more superstitious respect than has President Wilson” (of the USA). ["The Times", 1919-02-13.] Irish political developments after 1916 were a concern as the Guinness business was in Dublin. During the Easter Rebellion the brewery first aid teams helped both sides. The Guinnesses were opposed to the Sinn Féin rebels, who hailed the Central Powers as 'gallant allies'. This had to change and by the time of the Treaty debates in 1922 which established the Irish Free State he said he preferreda slippery slope to a precipiceand voted in favour. [Hansard 5th, 153, 2330; The Times 1922-02-17.] Despite their politics, during the Irish War of Independence and the Irish Civil War his family was popular enough to escape loss or injury (although anti-Treaty fighters in the civil war attempted to burn their house in county Kildare). In 1922, the Chanak crisis caused the coalition Prime Minister Lloyd George to step down unexpectedly in favour of Andrew Bonar Law. Guinnesss comments on Turkey were a part of the debate; he had come to admire Atatürk, despite serving at Gallipoli and he was appointed Under-Secretary of State for War under Lord Derby. Hereafter, his pronouncements appear less dogmatic. He lost office on the Labour election victory in January 1924, but the following month, Guinness was sworn of the Privy Council.

Though they had generally been political opponents in 1907-21, Guinnesss working political relationship with Winston Churchill started after the election victory in late 1924, when he was made Financial Secretary under Churchill, the new Chancellor. Together, they put the Pound sterling back on the gold standard; a point of pride, but not a policy that lasted for long. A ministerial vacancy enabled him to join the Cabinet as Minister of Agriculture from November 1925 until June 1929, where his main success was in increasing the sugar beet area. After the Conservative defeat in 1929, he retired from office and was created Baron Moyne of Bury St Edmunds in January 1932.

Business and charitable interests

During his adult life, Moyne was a director of the brewing firm Guinness, established at the St. James's Gate Brewery by his great-great-grandfather Arthur Guinness in 1759. [cite book |first=S.R. |last=Dennison |coauthors=MacDonagh, O. |title=Guinness 1886-1939 : from incorporation to the Second World War |location=Cork |publisher=Cork University Press |year=1998 |format=the whole book |isbn=1859181759] The firm had been listed on the London Stock Exchange in 1886 by his father. [ [ Error Page ] at] Moyne also established British Pacific Properties in Vancouver, Canada. [ [ British Properties: West Vancouver Luxury Real Estate ] ] There he commissioned the Lion's Gate Bridge, then the longest bridge in the British Empire, which was opened by King George VI in 1938. [cite book |first=L. |last=Browne |title=Bridges : masterpieces of architecture |location=New York |publisher=Smithmark |year=1996 |pages=pp. 67 |isbn=0765199424] He was also a trustee of the two charitable housing trusts set up by his father, the Guinness Trust in London (estd.1888) [ [ ] at] and the Iveagh Trust in Dublin (estd.1890). [cite book |first=F.H.A. |last=Aalen |title=The Iveagh Trust: The first hundred years 1890-1990 |location=Dublin |publisher=Iveagh Trust |year=1990 |pages=pp. 58-93 |isbn=0951594206] In 1927-28, he helped arrange the gift to the nation of Kenwood House which contains his father's art collection.

Voyages on the Rosaura

In 1933, Moyne converted a 700-ton ferry and renamed it the 'Rosaura'. He used this boat for social cruises, including a voyage in September 1934 from Marseille on to Greece and Beirut with the Churchills as his guests of honour. [citation |last=Wilson |year=1998 |pages=223226
title =
] From December 1934, he ventured further to the Pacific, with Clementine Churchill as a guest, and brought the first living Komodo dragon back to Britain. He wrote two books about the cultures that he had encountered in thousands of miles of travel around the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic oceans. They are now quite rare: "Walkabout; a Journey between the Pacific and Indian oceans" (1936) and "Atlantic Circle" (1938).

The Rosaura explains Moyne's closer ties to Winston Churchill which were to result in his untimely death. In 1930, they agreed that the government policies of dropping the Pound sterling off the gold standard and de-rating to cope with the Great Depression were inadequate, along with proposals for dominion status for India. When the 1931 coalition government was formed, their criticisms meant that as former ministers they were now out in the political cold. From 1934, they also warned about Hitler's rise to power and German rearmament. [citation |last=Wilson |year=1998 |pages=206
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His ties to Churchill were also strengthened through 'The Other Club', an informal dining club for politicians in London that Churchill had founded in 1911, which Moyne later joined. A rule was that members had to freely express their opinions. Moyne was there on 29 September 1938 when the bad news came of Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's capitulation to Hitler at Munich. Also present were Brendan Bracken, Lloyd George, Bob Boothby, Duff Cooper, J.L. Garvin, editor of "The Observer", and Walter Elliot. "Winston ranted and raved, venting his spleen on the two government ministers present and demanding to know how they could support a policy that was 'sordid, squalid, sub-human and suicidal'." [citation |last=Wilson |year=1998 |pages=222, 227
title =
] At that time, they still shared the minority view in parliament; the majority agreed with Moyne's cousin-in-law 'Chips' Channon MP, who recorded about Munich that 'the whole world rejoices whilst only a few malcontents jeer.' [cite book |first=H. |last=Channon |coauthors=James, R.R. |title=Chips: the diaries of Sir Henry Channon |location=London |publisher=Weidenfield & Nicolson |year=1967 |pages=pp. 172-173 |oclc=53427734]

Later political career

Though an "elevation" to the Lords ends many political lives, Moyne spent part of 1932 in the then-colony of Kenya overseeing its finances. In 1933, he chaired a parliamentary committee supervising English slum clearances, in light of his experience gained in his family's charitable trusts mentioned above. In 1934, he joined the Royal Commission examining Durham University as well as a 1936 committee investigating the British film industry. [citation |last=Wilson |year=1998 |pages=222
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In 1938, Moyne was appointed chairman of the West Indies Royal Commission which was asked to investigate how best the British colonies in the Caribbean should be governed, after labour unrest there. The Report and notes were published in 1939 and are held by the PRO at Kew, London. [cite web |url= |publisher=AIM25: Institute of Commonwealth Studies |title=Moyne papers on West India Royal Commission |date=1938-1945 |first=W.E. |last=Guinness |id=GB 0101 ICS 56] Largely as a result of his travels and his work in the West Indies, Lord Moyne was appointed Colonial Secretary from 8 February 1941 to 22 February 1942 by his friend Winston Churchill. Just before he returned from the Caribbean, his wife Evelyn died on 21 July. [citation |last=Wilson |year=1998 |pages=228
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From the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939, Moyne sought the internment of Diana Mosley, his former daughter-in-law, who had left his son Bryan in 1932. She had remarried in 1936 in Berlin to the British fascist leader Sir Oswald Mosley, with Hitler and Goebbels as witnesses. File No KV 2/1363 at the PRO, Kew, is part of a collection released in 2004 on British right wing extremists. The PRO's on-line archivist notes that:Diana Mosley was not interned on the outbreak of war, and remained at liberty for some time. There is a Home Office letter of May 1940 explaining the Home Secretary's decision not to intern her at that time, and then correspondence from her former father-in-law, Lord Moyne, which seems to have resulted in her detention the following month.” Moyne's friend Churchill had become Prime Minister on 10 May 1940. Moyne's last letter, dated 26 June 1940, is quoted in Anne de Courcy's book on Diana Mosley. Later that day her order of detention was signed by J.S. Hale, a principal Secretary of State. [cite book |first=A. |last=de Courcy |title=Diana Mosley |publisher=Vintage |location=London |year=2004 |pages=pp. 220-222, 367-368 |isbn=0099470276]

From September 1939, given Hitler's Invasion of Poland (1939), Moyne chaired the Polish Relief Fund in London and gave over his London house at 11 Grosvenor Place (which is beside Buckingham Palace) for the use of Polish officers.citation |last=Wilson |year=1998 |pages=229
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] On the elevation of Churchill, Moyne was invited back to serve in the Ministry of Agriculture as a Joint Secretary. In a cabinet reshuffle in February 1941, he took on his post in the Colonial Office and led the Churchill government's business in the House of Lords, with the honorific title of Leader of the House of Lords.

Moyne was next appointed Deputy Resident Minister of state in Cairo from August 1942 to January 1944, and Resident Minister from then until his death. Within the British system at that time, this meant control over Persia, the Middle East and Africa. The main task was to ensure the defeat of the Axis forces in North Africa, principally the Afrika Korps, who were led by General Rommel. Another concern was the influence on Arab opinion of the Grand Mufti, a leader of a revolt in 1936-39, who had moved on to Berlin in 1941.

"Blood for trucks" proposal

Joel Brand, a member of the Jewish-Hungarian Aid and Rescue Committee, approached the British in April 1944 with a proposal from Adolf Eichmann, the SS officer in charge of deporting Hungary's Jews to Auschwitz. Eichmann's so-called "blood for trucks" ("Blut Für Ware"; literally "blood for goods") proposal was that the Nazis would release up to one million Jews in exchange for 10,000 trucks and other goods from the Western Allies.

Brand was arrested and taken to Cairo, where he was questioned for several months. Brand reported that during one of the interrogations an English man he didn't know had asked him about Eichmann's proposal, then replied "What can I do with a million Jews? Where can I put them?". On leaving the room, Brand reported, his military escort had told him that the man who had made that remark was Lord Moyne.. [cite book |first=J. |last=Brand |coauthors=Weissberg-Cybulski, A. |title=Advocate for the Dead - the Story of Joel Brand |location=London |publisher=Andre Duetsch |year=1958 |oclc=1199641] Brand told this story to the Kasztner libel trial in 1953, [cite book |first=Y. |last=Bauer |title=The Holocaust in Historical Perspective |location=Canberra |publisher=Australian National University Press |year=1978] but in his autobiography published in 1956, he added a caveat "I afterwards heard that the man with whom I spoke was not, in fact, Lord Moyne, but another British statesman. Unfortunately I have no means of verifying this." [Weissberg, pp. 167. According to Ben Hecht (citation |last=Hecht |first=B. |title=Perfidy |publisher=Milah Press |year=1997 |pages=280 |isbn=0964688638 |unused_data=|Jerusalem), Jewish Agency official Ehud Avriel had demanded that Brand "change the name of Lord Moyne and state that the man ... was another, unknown, British official."] Brand later testified under oath in the Eichmann trial in 1961 that it was Moyne who said "What should I do with these million Jews?" [cite web |url= |title= Eichmann Trial relevant transcript, Session 59 |] The story of the remark, attributed to Moyne, is regularly quoted by historians. Historian Bernard Wasserstein believes that "the truth is that Brand almost certainly never met Moyne". [citation |last=Wasserstein |year=1980 |pages=34
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During Brand's incarceration, both Brand and Moyne were interviewed by Ira Hirschmann, who had been appointed by Roosevelt as the World Refugee Board delegate in Turkey. According to Hirschmann, Moyne suggested sending Brand back to Hungary with a noncommittal reply that would enable the Jews there to continue talks. [cite book |first=Y. |last=Bauer |title=Jews for Sale? |location=New Haven |publisher=Yale University Press |year=1994 |pages=pp. 194-5 |isbn= 0300059132] Moyne also supported a proposal to offer money to the Germans instead of trucks. [cite journal |first=T. |last=Friling |title=Nazi-Jewish negotiations in Istanbul in mid-1944 |journal=Holocaust and Genocide Studies |volume=13 |number=3 |date=Winter 1999 |pages=405436 |oclc=95792215 |doi=10.1093/hgs/13.3.405] However, the British government did not adopt either proposal.

Derek Wilson has weighed up the matter from the British side: "They concluded that the offer [by Brand] was genuine and reflected the desperation of Hitler's high command. They recommended that it could be safely ignored on the grounds that all the concentration camps would be liberated within weeks and that, in any case, there could be no negotiations with the Nazis." [citation |last=Wilson |year=1998 |pages=238
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Those weeks proved to be crucial. Between mid-May and early July, about 437,000 Hungarian Jews boarded the "resettlement trains" that carried them to the Auschwitz death camps, where most were immediately gassed. [,,1752845,00.html] The first transport of Hungarian Jews to the Auschwitz death camp was on 29 April, 1944 (Yehuda Bauer, Freikauf von Juden). Mass transports of Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz began on 14 May 1944. The last mass transport of 14,491 Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz was on 9 July 1944 where they were gassed upon arrival (Franciszek Piper, "Die Zahl der Opfer von Auschwitz".) The British only released Brand in October 1944 and according to Ben Hecht, would not allow him to travel to Hungary. Shortly after his release by the British, about one month before Moyne's assassination, Brand joined the group "Lehi" which would commit the assassination. [citation |last=Bauer |year=1994 |pages=194
title =
] Long after the war, Brand commented: "I made a terrible mistake in passing this on to the British. It is now clear to me that Himmler sought to sow suspicion among the Allies as a preparation for his much desired Nazi-Western coalition against Moscow." [cite news |title=Allied Rift Called Aim of '44 Nazi Ransom Plan' |publisher="New York Times" |date=1964-05-21]


According to Lehi leader Natan Yellin-Mor, the group's founder Ya'ir Stern had considered the possibility of assassinating the British Minister Resident in the Middle East already in 1941 (before Moyne held the position).citation |last=Ben-Yehuda |year=1993 |pages=207
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] Moyne's predecessor Richard Casey was deemed unsuitable because he was Australian. [citation |last=Wasserstein |year=1980 |pages=33
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] When Moyne replaced Casey in 1944, planning for the operation began.

According to Yaakov Banai (Mazal) who served as the commander of the fighting unit of Lehi, there were 3 purposes in the assassination : [cite book |title=Ḥayalim almonim : sefer mivtseʻe Leḥi (Unknown Soldiers The Operation Book of Lehi) |first=Y. |last=Banai |coauthors=Eldad, I. |year=1987 |pages=pp. 276 |oclc=45473424he icon]

#To show the world that this conflict wasn't between a government and its citizens, like Britain tried to show, but between citizens and a foreign ruler.
#To prove that the conflict was between the Jewish People and the British Empire.
#To take the "War of Liberation" out of the Land of Israel and the Yishuv. The trial wasn't planned but the action had to capture a place in the world press and lead political thoughts.

According to Banai, [citation |last=Banai |year=1977 |pages=279
title =
] Moyne was chosen specifically because he was a notorious antisemite in the British administration, who was personally responsible for the suffering of thousands of Jews.

Moyne's antisemitic beliefs were partly outlined in a speech in the House of Lords on 9 June 1942. Moyne said that the Palestinian Arabs saw the Jews as foreign in both culture and blood, and went so far as to claim that the Jews, "pure as they had kept their culture", had much mixed with gentiles during their diaspora. [The Parliamentary Debates, House of Lords, Fifth Series, Volume CXXIII, columns 195-201.] [This remark was both false and hypocritical, for historian Bernard Wasserstein established that Moyne (noted as an anthropologist himself) should have known that only certain isolated communities such as the tribes of New Guinea were racially uniform. see cite journal |first=B. |last=Wasserstein |title=New Light on the Moyne Murder |journal=Midstream |volume=23 |number=3 |year=1980 |pages=pp. 3038] Because of this, said Moyne, Britain must not allow the Jews to settle in Palestine. Moyne also claimed that Palestine was far too small and already overcrowded to accommodate millions of Jews from Europe.

Moyne supported the White Paper, issued by the British government in 1939. The White Paper greatly restricted Jewish immigration to Palestine on the eve of Holocaust, thus condemning thousands of Jews to death at the hands of Nazis. Back in Palestine Moyne opposed to recruitment of Jews into their own national units. In fact Moyne believed Jews shouldn't be allowed to live in Europe or Palestine and supported the Nazi-developed plan of deporting all Jews to Madagascar. Moyne was regarded to have been responsible for the British hand in the Struma disaster.

But mostly, Moyne was blamed for the failure of "Blood for trucks" proposal.

In the early afternoon of November 6, 1944, Eliyahu Bet-Zuri and Eliyahu Hakim of the Zionist militant group "Lehi" waited for Moyne near his home in Cairo. Moyne arrived in his car with his driver and his secretary. When the driver got out to open the door for Moyne, Hakim shot Moyne three times and Bet-Zuri killed the driver. The two assassins fled on their bicycles, pursued by an Egyptian policeman who happened to be nearby. Hakim tried to shoot the policeman but he fired back and Hakim fell, wounded. The two were surrounded by an angry mob until they were extracted by the police. Moyne was rushed to hospital but died of his wounds that evening. [cite book |first=N. |last=Ben-Yehuda |title=Political ssassinations by Jews a rhetorical device for justice |location=Albany |publisher=SUNY Press |year=1993 |pages=pp. 209 |isbn= 0585091196]


After the assassination, "Lehi" announced:

:"We accuse Lord Moyne and the government he represents, with murdering hundreds and thousands of our brethren; we accuse him of seizing our country and looting our possessions... We were forced to do justice and to fight".

Bet-Zuri and Hakim initially gave false names, but their true identities were soon discovered. They were tried in an Egyptian court. Two prominent Egyptians led the defense team: Tawfiq DusPasha, a Senator and former minister of communications, and Abd al-Fattah alSaid, a former president of the Court of Cassation, which was the highest legal office in Egypt. Tawfiq Dus Pasha delivereda lecture on the sufferings of the Jewish people in Europe, while his colleague traced for the court the connection between European anti-Semitism and recent developments in Anglo-Zionist relations.

Abd al-Fattah al-Said demanded clemency for the accused, arguing that the assassination of Lord Moyne was a forgivable action if considered against the background of the unjust reversals that hadcharacterized British policy toward Zionism. He explained that the British government, by issuing the Balfour Declaration in 1918, had raised Jewish hopes of escaping from oppression in Europe; then, two decades later, London dashed those hopes with the 1939 White Paper, which had restricted Jewish immigration to Palestine. By promising the Jews a National Home and then forbidding them to populate it, the British government, Abd al-Fattah al-Said suggested, simply invited violent attacks against its representatives. The lawyers cast Zionism in a sympathetic light in order, it would appear, to play on the patriotism of the court. They implicitly invited the judges to draw a direct parallel between the Jewish and Egyptian struggles against British imperialism. Tawfiq Dus Pasha, in particular, developed the theme of the understandable excesses of youth, presenting the killers as decent young men who had been swept up by the violent wind of nationalism. Undoubtedly he assumed that the Egyptian judges would liken the case of Eliyahu Hakim and Eliyahu Ben-Zuri to the many cases of decent young Egyptian men who had also been drawn to commit acts of violence against Britain. In short, the implicit messages that the lawyers sent to the Egyptian judges could not have been simpler: Opposition to the British Empire was not a serious crime; Zionism and Egyptian nationalism were cousins. [Doran, Michael. Pan-Arabism before Nasser : Egyptian Power Politics and the Palestine Question. Cary, NC, USA: Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 2002. p 94-95.]

Eventually, the Lehi members were found guilty and on January 11, 1945, they were sentenced to death. Their appeals for clemency were dismissed.

They were hanged on March 23. The gun used to shoot Moyne was found to have been used in a sequence of killings in Palestine going back to 1937. Fact|date=September 2008 Incongruously for people so opposed to the British Empire, while awaiting execution the two asked for (and were given) the poems of Kipling.


Although the group had been targeting British Mandate personnel since 1940, Moyne was the first high-profile British official to be killed by them (several failed attempts had been made to assassinate the British High Commissioner in Palestine, Sir Harold MacMichael). This was therefore the opening shot in the new "Lehi" campaign.

Jewish authorities in Palestine, fearful of British retribution, were quick to distance themselves from "Lehi" actions. On the news of Moyne's death, Chaim Weizmann, who later became the first President of Israel, is reported to have said that the death was more painful to him than that of his own son.Hecht, B.. "Perfidy"(1999). Jerusalem: Milah Press, pp. 280, footnote 195. ISBN 0964688638; Wasserstein (1980), pp. 37.]

British prime minister Winston Churchill, who once described himself as a "Zionist" [ [ The Last Romantic Zionist Gentile]] , for the time being tempered his support for Zionism. [cite book |first=M.J. |last=Cohen |title=Churchill and the Jews |location=London |publisher=Frank Cass |year=1985 |pages=pp. 306-308, 340 |isbn=0714632546] [citation |last=Wasserstein |year=1980 |pages=3637
title =
] Moyne had been sent to Cairo because of their long personal and political friendship, and Churchill told the House of Commons:

:"If our dreams for Zionism are to end in the smoke of an assassin's pistol, and the labours for its future produce a new set of gangsters worthy of Nazi Germany, then many like myself will have to reconsider the position we have maintained so consistently and so long in the past". [cite book |first=M. |last=Gilbert |title=Churchill A Life |location=New York |publisher=Holt |year=1991 |pages=pp. 803 |isbn=080500615X]

The Times of London quoted Ha'aretz's view that the assassins "have done more by this single reprehensible crime to demolish the edifice erected by three generations of Jewish pioneers than is imaginable." ["The Times, 1944-11-09]

Moyne's parliamentary friend and cousin-in-law, Henry 'Chips' Channon M.P. told his diary:

:"I went to sleep last night with strange emotions. Walter Moyne was an extraordinary man, colossally rich, well-meaning, intelligent, scrupulous, yet a viveur, and the only modern Guinness to play a social or political role... He was careful with his huge fortune, though he had probably about three millions." [cite book |first=H. |last=Channon |coauthors=James, R.R. (ed.) |title=Chips: the diaries of Sir Henry Channon |location=London |publisher=Weidenfeld & Nicolson |year=1967 |pages=pp. 396-397 |oclc=12190801]

In November 1943, a committee of the British Cabinet had proposed a partition of Palestine after the war, based loosely on the 1937 Peel Commission proposal. The plan included a Jewish state, a small residual mandatory area under British control, and an Arab state to be joined in a large Arab federation of Greater Syria. The Cabinet approved the plan in principle in January 1944, but it faced severe opposition from the Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden among others. "Moyne's position differed from that of nearly all the British civil and military officials in the Middle East: the consensus of British official opinion in the area opposed partition and opposed a Jewish state; Moyne supported both."citation |last=Wasserstein |year=1980 |pages=36
title =
] The partition plan was before the Cabinet for final approval in the same week that Moyne was assassinated, but the assassination caused it to be immediately shelved and never resurrected. Moyne's successor in Cairo, Sir Edward Grigg, was opposed to partition. [cite book |first=S. |last=Sofer |coauthors=Shefer-Vanson, D. |title=Zionism and the Foundations of Israeli Diplomacy |location=Cambridge |publisher=Cambridge University Press |year=1998 |pages=pp. 37 |isbn=0521630126] Some historians, such as Wasserstein and Porath, have speculated that a Jewish state soon after the war had been a real possibility. [cite book |first=Y. |last=Porath |title=In Search of Arab Unity 1930-1945 |location=London |publisher=Frank Cass |year=1986 |pages=pp. 134-148 |isbn=0714632643]

The historian Brenner writes that the purpose of the attack on Moyne was also in order to show the efficacy of armed resistance and to demonstrate to the British that they weren't safe in any place as long as they remained in Palestine. The assassination also seemed to have an impact on the Arab side, particularly in stimulating Egyptian nationalism. Brenner makes a comparison between Moynes death and the assassination of pro-British Ahmed Mahir. There were Lehi members who advocated the formation of a "Semitic Bloc" opposing foreign domination, and this made it possible for Arabs to actually join Lehi. [cite journal |first=Y.S. |last=Brenner |title=The 'Stern Gang' 1940-48 |journal=Middle Eastern Studies |date=October 1965 |pages=13]

In 1975, the bodies of Ben Zuri and Hakim were returned to Israel in exchange for twenty prisoners from Gaza and Sinai.Mr Rabin leads Israel mourning for assassins, "The Times", 1975-06-27, pp. 1.] They were laid in state in the Jerusalem Hall of Heroism, where they were attended by many dignitaries including Prime Minister Rabin and President Katzir.Beit-Tzuri and Hakim are reinterred, "Jerusalem Post", 1975-06-27, pp. 3.] Then they were buried in the military section of Mount Herzl cemetery in a state funeral.. [Israel honours British minister's assassins, "The Times", 1975-06-26, pp. 1.] Great Britain lodged a formal protest. [Israel defends honours for Moyne killers, "The Times", 1975-07-01, pp. 1.] In 1982, postage stamps were issued in their honour. [citation |last=Ben-Yehuda |year=1993 |pages=210 |title=small image of stamps here |url=]

Published books




*cite web | url = | title = Guinness, Walter Edward, first Baron Moyne (18801944) | date = May 2006 | accessdate = 2007-08-16 | author = Brodie, Marc "rev." | work = Oxford Dictionary of National Biography | publisher = Oxford University Press | doi = 10.1093/ref:odnb/33605
* cite web |author=Canadian Parliament, 1st Session, 38th Parliament, Issue 13
url= |title=Inquires (Canadian parliamentary statement on the sixtieth anniversary of the assassination of Walter Edward Guinness, Lord Moyne) |publisher=Journals of the Senate |year=2004

*cite book | last = Heller | first = Joseph | title = The Stern Gang: Ideology, Politics and Terror, 19401949 | year = 1995 | publisher = Frank Cass Publishers
location = | isbn = 0714641065 | pages = 358


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  • Bryan Guinness, 2nd Baron Moyne — Bryan Walter Guinness, 2nd Baron Moyne (October 27, 1905 July 6, 1992), was an heir to part of the Guinness family brewing fortune, lawyer, poet and novelist. He married Diana Mitford, but later divorced her.He was born to Walter Edward Guinness… …   Wikipedia

  • Baron Moyne — Baron Moyne, of Bury St Edmund in the County of Suffolk, is a title in the Peerage of the United Kingdom. It was created in 1932 for the Conservative politician Walter Guinness. A member of the prominent Guinness brewing family, he was the third… …   Wikipedia

  • Guinness Baronets — refers to two Baronetcies created for members of the prominent Guinness brewing family, both in the Baronetage of the United Kingdom. Both titles are still extant.The Guinness Baronetcy, of Ashford in the County of Galway, is a title in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Guinness (disambiguation) — Guinness may refer to:*Guinness a dry stout *Diageo parent company of Guinness (formerly called Guinness plc) *St. James s Gate Brewery the Guinness Brewery in Dublin *Guinness World Records a book originally published by Guinness in 1955 as The… …   Wikipedia

  • Edward Guinness, 1st Earl of Iveagh — Edward Cecil Guinness, 1st Earl of Iveagh, KP, GCVO, FRS (November 10 1847 October 7 1927) was an Irish philanthropist and businessman. Public lifeBorn in Clontarf, Dublin, he was the third son of Sir Benjamin Guinness, 1st Baronet, and younger… …   Wikipedia

  • Guinness family — The Guinness family is an extensive aristocratic Irish Protestant family noted for their accomplishments in brewing, banking, politics and diplomacy. They are particularly known for their eponymous family firm, Guinness.Four members of the family …   Wikipedia

  • List of Conservative Party (UK) MPs — This is a list of Conservative Party MPs. It includes all Members of Parliament elected to the British House of Commons representing the Conservative Party from 1834 onwards. Members of the Scottish Parliament, the Welsh Assembly or the European… …   Wikipedia

  • Earl of Iveagh — (pronounced eye va ) is a title in the Peerage of the United Kingdom. It was created in 1919 for the businessman and philanthropist Edward Guinness. He was the third son of Sir Benjamin Guinness, 1st Baronet, of Ashford, and the great grandson of …   Wikipedia

  • List of World War II topics (W) — # W, or the Memory of Childhood # W. Andersen # W. Browning # W. D. Workman, Jr. # W. G. E. Luddington # W. G. G. Duncan Smith # W. George Bowdon, Jr. # W. H. Murray # W. Jason Morgan # W. L. Rambo # W. M. W. Fowler # W. Marvin Watson # W. N. T.… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Old Etonians born in the 19th century — The following notable old boys of Eton College were born in the 19th century.1800s* Winthrop Mackworth Praed (1802 ndash;1839), poet and politician * Sir John William Lubbock (1803 ndash;1865), Vice Chancellor, University of London, 1837… …   Wikipedia

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