- Triad (anatomy)
In the
histology ofskeletal muscle , a triad is the structure formed by aT tubule with asarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) cisterna on either side. Each skeletal muscle fiber has many thousands of triads, visible in muscle fibers that have been sectioned longitudinally. (This property holds because T tubules run perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the muscle fiber.) In mammals, triads are typically located at the junction between the A and I bands of thesarcomere , which is the smallest unit of a muscle fiber.Triads form the anatomical basis of
excitation-contraction coupling , whereby a stimulus excites the muscle and causes it to contract. A stimulus, in the form of positively charged current, is transmitted from theneuromuscular junction down the length of theT tubule s, activatingdihydropyridine receptor s (DHPRs). Their activation causes 1) a negligible influx ofcalcium and 2) a mechanical interaction with calcium-conductingryanodine receptor s (RyRs) on the adjacent SR membrane. Activation of RyRs causes the release of calcium from the SR, which subsequently initiates a cascade of events leading tomuscle contraction .ee also
Diad , a homologous structure incardiac muscle
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