Comparison of spreadsheet software

Comparison of spreadsheet software


Online versus Desktop

Web-based spreadsheets do not in general depend on a particular operating system or similar constraints and are therefore generally more portable by their nature than desktop applications.

Collaborative spreadsheets

Generally, online spreadsheets offer spreadsheet sharing and public sharing as part of their features which enables collaboration between multiple users.

Remote data update

Some on-line spreadsheets provide "remote data update" allowing data values to be extracted from other users' spreadsheets even though they may be inactive at the time.

Gnumeric (listed below as a desktop spreadsheet) is also used as the "back-end" processor in at least one on-line spreadsheet application (Editgrid).

Online spreadsheets

The following tables only provide a comparison of desktop spreadsheet applications.

For a list and links to comparisons of online (web-based) spreadsheets, see List of online spreadsheets.

Google spreadsheets

Google spreadsheets can be accessed from the documents window Google docs. To create a spreadsheet, the user must create an account.

Once with an account, the user can create a spreadsheet from scratch, or import data from an external spreadsheet or other sources. An example spreadsheet can be found here.

The spreadsheet has the capability of being read and worked on directly by using a web link. If the originating author elects that option, multiple authors can work on the same spreadsheet.

The capabilities of the spreadsheet have been perceived to be quite limited in comparison to, for example, Microsoft Excel. Google spreadsheet does not allow the use of named variables, and until recently had nothing comparable to Excel's programming feature (Visual Basic for Applications), but now Google Spreadsheets supports Javascript-based formulas that are quite powerful and expressive.

Desktop Spreadsheets


Screenshot Creator Development started First public release Latest stable version Cost (USD) License
Gnumeric Gnumeric GNOME community 1998 1998 1.10.13 / 2011-02-03 Free GPL
IBM Lotus Symphony IBM 2008 1.3 / 2009 Free Proprietary
KSpread KSpread KOffice KSpread Team 2.2 / 2010-05-28 Free LGPL
Mariner Calc Mariner Software 1990 1992 5.5.1 $49.95 Proprietary
Mesa P&L Software 1990 1991 3.1 / 2006-08 $34 Proprietary
Microsoft Excel Microsoft Excel Microsoft 1982 1985 14.0.5128.5000 (32-bit) / January 2010 $239 (Standalone price; also can be purchased in various Microsoft Office bundles with varying prices) Proprietary
Numbers Numbers Apple, Inc. August 7, 2007 2.1 / July 20, 2011 $79 (iWork '09 suite; also includes Pages and Keynote)

$20 on Mac App Store

Proprietary Calc Calc Oracle Corporation 2000 Build 638c / October 2001 3.3.0 / January 25, 2011 Free LGPL v3
PlanMaker SoftMaker Software GmbH 1994[1][2] 2010 Free - SoftMaker Office 2008,
or € 69.95 - SoftMaker Office 2010
Quantrix Quantrix Modeler Quantrix  ? Early 1990s 4.0 / 1Q 2011 $1,549, or more Proprietary
Quattro Pro Corel 1988  ? X5  ? Proprietary
Resolver One Resolver One Resolver Systems 2005 2008-01-16 1.9 / 2010-06-04 Free as part of an open source project or to create open source spreadsheet systems or $99 open source / Proprietary
Siag Siag Office Ulric Eriksson 1996 3.6.1 / 2006 Free GPL
SSuite Accel Van Loo Software 2002 2005 8.1 Free Freeware
Tables Daniel Schwill 2004 First Public Beta / 2005-12 1.5.3 / 2009-05-01 $42 Proprietary

Operating system support

The operating systems the software can run on natively (without emulation).

Windows Mac OS X Linux BSD Unix
Gnumeric Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
IBM Lotus Symphony Yes Yes Yes No No
KSpread beta beta Yes Yes Yes
Mariner Calc No Yes No No No
Mesa No Yes No No No
Microsoft Excel Yes Yes No No No
Numbers No Yes No No No Calc Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PlanMaker Yes No Yes No No
SSuite Accel Yes No No No No
Quattro Pro Yes
Resolver One Yes No No No No
Siag No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Tables No Yes No No No
Windows Mac OS X Linux BSD Unix

Import/export capabilities

This table gives a comparison of what file formats each spreadsheet can import and export. "Yes" means can both import and export. XML
CSV Excel
Gnumeric Import Yes Yes Yes Export Yes Yes Export Import
IBM Lotus Symphony Yes Yes Yes Export No Yes Import Export
KSpread Yes Yes Import Export Export Yes No Export
Mariner Calc No Yes Yes No No No No Export
Mesa No Yes Yes No No No No Export
Microsoft Excel No Yes Yes Partial No Yes Yes Export Import
Numbers No Yes Yes No No Import Import Export Calc Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Export Yes
Quattro Pro No Yes Yes Yes No Import Import Export
PlanMaker No Yes Yes Export No No Import Export
Resolver One No Yes Yes No No No No No
Siag Import partial Yes Import partial Yes Export No No Export
Tables Import partial Yes Yes Export Export Yes No Export XML CSV XLS HTML LaTeX ODF .ods OOXML .xlsx PDF DIF

Spreadsheet comparison tools

Looking for changes in spreadsheets or checking to see if two copies of a spreadsheet have identical content can be a mind-numbing exercise, especially for the larger and more complex spreadsheets. For Microsoft Excel, at least, the data file is amended each time the file is opened, even if there are no actual changes in the spreadsheet itself. For this reason; using file comparison will always show differences if the two files have different viewing (file opened) histories, even if the contents are identical. The following tools are helpful to find if there are any actual differences between different spreadsheet files.

Creator Development started First public release Latest stable version Cost (USD) License
Spreadsheet Compare 2004  ? 1.16 / 2010-11-10 Free GPL
Compare Excel files Spreadsheet Advantage  ?  ?  ? / ? $299 (30-day trial) Proprietary
Synkronizer Synkronizer 2000-07  ? 9.5 / 2008-02 €29 to €149 Proprietary
Spreadsheet Professional Miricle Solutions  ?  ?  ? / ?  ? (30-day trial) Proprietary

See also


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