Chez Scheme

Chez Scheme
Chez Scheme
Developer(s) Cadence Research Systems
Stable release 8.0 / March 2010; 18 months ago (2010-03)
Operating system Cross-platform
Type Programming language
License Proprietary

Chez Scheme is a proprietary Scheme implementation by R. Kent Dybvig, first released in 1985, which uses incremental native-code compilation to produce native binaries for the PowerPC, SPARC; x86 and x86-64 processor architectures. Chez Scheme supports R6RS[1] since version 7.9.1.

Chez Scheme has a windowing and graphics package called the Scheme Widget Library, and is supported by the portable SLIB library.

According to several benchmarks,[2] Chez Scheme is among the fastest available Scheme implementations.

Petite Chez Scheme is its sibling implementation which uses a threaded interpreter design in place of Chez Scheme's incremental native-code compiler. Programs written for Chez Scheme run unchanged in Petite Chez Scheme, as long as they do not depend specifically on the compiler (for example foreign function interface is only available in the compiler). Petite Chez Scheme is freely distributable and may be used without royalty fees, subject to the license agreement.[3]


  1. ^ "Chez Scheme Version 8.0 Release Notes". March 2010. 
  2. ^ William D Clinger (2007-07-05). "Twobit: Benchmarks". Retrieved 2008-08-05. 
  3. ^ "Petite Chez Scheme Software License Agreement". Retrieved 2007-08-05. 

See also

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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