- Habit (biology)
Habit, when used in the context of
biology , refers to the instinctive actions ofanimal s and the natural tendencies ofplant s.In
zoology , this term is used most often to describe where an animal spends most of its life cycle. Habit may also refer to specific behavioral characteristics, even when directly related tophysiology . For example:*The
spider monkey has anarboreal "habit" and rarely ventures onto the forest floor.*The
brittlestar has the "habit" of breaking off arms as a means of defenseIn
botany , the term is used most often to describe the general appearance, growth form, or architecture, of a plant. For example:*Many species of
maple have ashrub by "habit" and may form bushes or hedges rather thantree s.*Many
alpine plants have been chosen forcultivation because of their dwarf "habit"References
* [http://www.bartleby.com/cgi-bin/texis/webinator/sitesearch?FILTER=col65&query=habit The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-05]
* [http://biology-online.org/dictionary/Habit Biology-Online.org]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.