- Po Valley
The Po Valley ( _it. Pianura Padana "or" Val Padana) is a major geographical feature of
Italy . It extends some 600 km in an east-west direction, including its Venetic extension not actually related to thePo river ; it runs from the WesternAlps to theAdriatic Sea . The flatlands of Veneto andFriuli are often considered apart since they do not drain into the Po, but they effectively combine into an unbroken plain.The altitude varies from sea level (and below in the
Polesine subregion, where the Po approaches its delta) to about 500 meters high (1600 ft.) in the southernPiedmont eseprovince of Cuneo , also known as the "Provincia granda". It is crossed by a number of affluents of the Po river from both sides, waters running down from the Alps in the north and from the Apennines in the south. Po's major affluents includeTanaro ,Scrivia ,Trebbia ,Panaro andSecchia in the south,Dora Riparia ,Dora Baltea ,Sesia ,Ticino (drainingLago Maggiore , Adda (drainingLake Como ),Oglio (drainingLake Iseo ) andMincio (drainingLake Garda and calledSarca in its upper reaches) in the north.Geology, population and surface waters
The plain was literally created by the Po and its tributaries over relatively short geological times. Huge quantities of silt ran down from the Alps with the superficial waters over an immense span of time, gradually closing what had been a maritime
gulf , the northernmost extremity of the Adriatic Sea. Around 5 million years ago the silting process had built a deep sedimentary layer, thicker in the lower parts, more permeable in the upper reaches. This slow, unrelenting phenomenon continues to the present day - in perspective, the upper Adriatic could be almost completely closed by the advancing Po Delta in what is, geologically speaking, a very short time.The Po valley's western-central section, north of the Po river can broadly be divided into an upper, drier part, often not particularly suited for agriculture (the Piedmontese "vaude" and "baragge", the Lombard "brughiere" and "Groane"), and a southern, very fertile, and well irrigated section, known in
Lombardy and westernEmilia as "la Bassa", "the Low (plain)". This last part was settled and farmed in Etruscan and Roman times, and has been completely devoted to agriculture since theMiddle Ages , when efforts from monastic orders, feudal lords and towns ("Comuni") converged. The northern part, suffering a relative lack of water because of its heavier and more porous soil, has become the center of economic development andindustry in Italy, and has now become an almost continuousmegalopolis stretching fromTurin toTrieste . At least 22 million people inhabit the plain, including alsoVeneto andFriuli Venezia Giulia .In
Lombardy , surface water is either confined to lesser valleys carved out over geologic time (as for the major rivers), or tends to disappear below ground in the upper plain and spring out again lower down at the so-called "fontanili" line and moisten the soil, making it excellent for most uses.Climate
The Po has a mild
continental climate and ahumid subtropical climate , depending on the part of the Po Valley one is referring to. Winters are not long, but foggy, damp and chilly, with sudden bursts of frost from the Siberian anticyclone; the urban heat effect has made them less foggy and cold than before. Snow was once commonplace, but is now scarce; prolonged winterdroughts increasingly deny sufficient moisture to the soil. Spring and autumn are well marked and pleasant, while summer can be quite oppressive, hot and humid, with sudden violenthail storms and, sometimes, what amounts to minortornado es. Both winter and summer are more extreme in the lower parts along the Po; the great lakes moderate the local climate around them. Wind is quite rare; only sudden bursts offoehn or thunderstorms manage to sweep the air clean. The almost enclosed nature of the Padan basin, indeed, added to the crushing weight of road traffic, makes it prone to a high level of pollution, especially in winter when cold air clings to the soil.Ancient history
Cities are more recent by the Po than in Southern Italy or Greece. The first known inhabitants of the thick forests and swamps that dotted the area in ancient times were the
Ligurians , a people ofpre-Indo-European stock. After the progressive immigration of Indo-European peoples ofUmbrian (Italic ) stock, known as theInsubres (hence the name ofInsubria sometimes given to northwesternLombardy ), in the7th century BC the southern and central regions were conquered and colonized here and there by another non-Indoeuropean people, theEtruscans , who left some city names such asParma ,Ravenna or Felsina, the ancient name ofBologna , as part of their cultural heritage. The Etruscan domination left significant marks and introduced urban civilization, but was short-lived. As the5th century BC dawned, aCelt ichorde swarmed through the easy passes of theWestern Alps and conquered most of the Po Valley, apartVeneto which had its inhabitants, likely of mixed Illyrian-Italic stock and in time already influenced by bothEtruscans andGreeks .The
Gaulish conquerors, divided in major tribes as theBoii (hence Bononia--->Bologna ), theTaurini (--->Torino ) or the Cenomani, dwelled mostly into the plains, in time absorbing the Alpine populations. A warlike people, they even raided and burntRome itself in390 BC under a leader namedBrennus . Roman revenge took time, but was total and definitive: Celticity, while leaving significant traces in the substratum ofGallo-Italic languages , was cancelled from northern Italy and replaced byLatin language and culture. This happened after the Romans defeated theGauls at theBattle of Clastidium and later subdued them for good afterHannibal 's final defeat at Zama. By196 BC Rome was master of the woody plains and soon took over the role of the Etruscans, dotting the region with bustling colonies, clearing the land, fighting the last rebel tribes and gradually imposing its civilization.The centuries of Roman domination decided forever the main aspect of the Po Valley. Cities dotted the areas at the foothills of the Alps and Apennines in two stretches; in the south along the
via Aemilia , in the north along aMilan -Aquileia route.Julius Caesar grantedRoman citizenship to these lands, whence he recruited many of his bravest troops. The Po Valley for a time hosted the capital of theWestern Roman Empire , in Mediolanum from 286 to 403, and then inRavenna till the end. It was attacked in the 3rd century by Germanic tribes bursting out from the Alps and sacked two centuries later byAttila the Hun , till its final conquest first byOdoacer , then at the hands of theOstrogoths of kingTheoderic the Great in the final years of the 5th century.Middle Ages
Gothic War and Justinian's plague devastated the Padan Plain, bringing urban life to an almostpost-nuclear level. In this scenario of desolation, where many people had fled to the mountains for safety (making them fairly populated till the 20th century) came the GermanicLombards , a warrior people who gave their name to almost the whole of the Po valley:Lombardy still retains their name, and in the Middle Ages the term was used to indicate all of northern Italy. The Lombards divided their domain in duchies, often infighting for the throne;Turin and Friuli, in the extreme west and east end respectively, seem to have been the most powerful, whereas the capital soon shifted fromVerona toPavia ; alsoMonza was an important town in that time, more than ruinedMilan . The Lombards' harsh,caste -like domain on the natives softened somewhat with their conversion fromArianism toCatholicism .The
Lombard kingdom was overthrown in 774 byCharlemagne and hisFrankish armies, becoming a prized part of theCarolingian Empire . After the chaotic feudal dissolution of the empire and much infighting among pretenders to the imperial crown,Otto I ofSaxony set the stage for the following phase of the region's history by adding the Po Valley to theHoly Roman Empire of the Germanic nation in 962, whereas inVeneto the lagoon capital ofVenice emerged to great sea power in alliance with its old master theByzantine Empire . In time theComuni emerged, as towns thrived in commerce. SoonMilan became the most powerful city of the central plain of Lombardy proper, and despite being razed in 1162, it was a Milan-drivenLombard League with Papal benediction that defeated emperorFrederick Barbarossa at theBattle of Legnano in 1176.Further civil wars escalated in the Guelph-Ghibelline reciprocate bloodbath of the 13th and 14th century, till the
Signorie were born out the spent outCommunal institutions. WithVenice 's expansion on the eastern mainland in the first half of the 15th century andMilan 's supremacy in the center and west the region, not too heavily hit by theBlack Death of 1348, reached unprecentended peaks of prosperity and population, with vast areas irrigated and cultivated with the most modern techniques available, averaging some 50 people per square kilometer, a very high standard for those times.Modern era
This good time came to an end in 1494, when the ruinous
Italian Wars began, tearing the land betweenFrance andSpain for decades (" _it. Franza o Spagna pur che se magna", the desperate Italians said, "France or Spain, provided we have something to eat"). Even tinySwitzerland got some Italian-speaking lands in the north (Canton Ticino , not technically a part of the Padan region), and the Venetian domain was invaded, forcingVenice into a cowering neutrality for the rest of its history as an independent power. In the end,Spain prevailed with Charles V's victory overFrancis I ofFrance at theBattle of Pavia in 1525.The Spanish domination was heavy and oppressive, adding its burden to the unhealthy climate of the
Counterreformation imposed by thearchbishopric of Milan ;Protestantism was strongly prevented from making inroads in the area. On the other hands,burning at the stake became more and more common practice duringwitchhunts , especially in the neighboringAlpine lands. It was during this bleak period, however, that Lombardindustry recovered quickly and grew strong again, especially in thetextile branch, its pillar.When theWar of Spanish Succession tradedMilan toAustria , soon things improved significantly in matters of government and administration, though the peasantry began a century-long plunge into misery. Cities, on the other hand, prospered and grew wider.When
Napoleon I entered the Po Valley during some of his brightest campaigns (1796 and 1800, culminating in the historicalBattle of Marengo ), he found an advanced country, the bulk of his Kingdom of Italy. Then with Napoleon's final defeat theAustrians came back, but they were no more welcome: the inhabitants of the region had discovered they were capable and ready to rule themselves as well as any foreign master, plus in the westPiedmont , ruled by the ItalianizedSavoy dynasty who had emerged from its Alpine domains in the 16th century, was overly ambitious.The
Risorgimento , after a sputtered start in 1848 and 1849, triumphed ten years later inLombardy , conquered by a Franco-Piedmontese army. In 1866Veneto joined young Italy, despite the Italians' bad proof on the battlefield, thanks toPrussia 's military might forcingAustria to bow. Poverty in the countryside stepped up emigration to theAmericas , a phenomenon which subsided in the central region towards the end of the 19th century, but persisted in poorVeneto well into the 20th century. In the meantime industry took off at astonishing rate, thanks to abundance of manpower, water and an ingenious, hard-working, literate people. TheWorld Wars did not damage significantly the area, despite the grievous destructions wrought by Alliedaerial bombing over many cities and heavy frontline fighting inRomagna . The Resistance was able to protect the main industries, which the Germans had been exploiting for war production, avoiding their destruction: on the 25th of April, 1945 a general insurrection in the wake of the German defeat was called to huge success. Most cities and town, notably Milan and Turin, were freed arms in hand by the partisans days before the Allies arrived.In the aftermath of the war the Padan area confirmed itself as the most advanced in Italy, being the number one player in the economic miracle of the 1950s and 60s. It tended to polarize politically, with
Emilia-Romagna , south of the Po, mostly Communist and still today stronglyleftist , nonetheless rich and productive thanks to a tightly knit net ofcooperatives ;Veneto , traditionally poor, remained staunchly Catholic in politics and took off in the 70s, enriching and changing later to an unrecognizable degree;Lombardy saw a prevalence of the Catholic side (Christian Democracy ),Piedmont of leftist forces. In recent times, whileEmilia-Romagna , whence former Prime MinisterRomano Prodi comes, has remained a firm pillar of the center-left, the remaining regions have become increasinglyrightist , following the lead of theMilanese Silvio Berlusconi . Since1989 ,Lega Nord , a federation of Northern regionalist parties, has promoted eithersecession or larger autonomy for the Padan area which they call "Padania ".
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