- List of attractions in Hamilton, Ontario
Hamilton, Ontario has a large variety of historical sites and cultural and educational institutions.Historical sites/ Museums
* [http://www.battlefieldhouse.ca/] Battlefield House Museum, Stoney Creek
* [http://www.warplane.com/]Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum , home of one of the last two remaining operational Lancaster bombers, also in operation Spitfire, Hawker Hurricane, Bristol Bolingbroke.
* [http://www.myhamilton.ca/myhamilton/CityandGovernment/CultureandRecreation/Arts_Culture_And_Museums/HamiltonCivicMuseums/Dundurn/Dundurn_Castle.htm]Dundurn Castle , including the Hamilton Military Museum and Dundurn Park, west end. Home of Sir Allan Napier MacNab, former Prime Minister ofUpper Canada .
* [http://www.fwio.on.ca/Contribute/erland_lee/erland_lee.asp/]Erland Lee House , birthplace of Women's Institutes, Upper Stoney Creek.
*Fieldcote Memorial Park & Museum
*Giant's Rib Discovery Centre (learn about the Niagara Escarpment a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve)
* [http://www.greenventure.ca]Green Venture EcoHouse , east end
* [http://www.myhamilton.ca/NR/exeres/B2B339B6-B8ED-41AE-9149-9C494C5F29BC,frameless.htm?NRMODE=Publish]Hamilton Children's Museum , east end.
* [http://www.dachamilton.com]Hamilton Downtown Arts Centre
* [http://www.myhamilton.ca/myhamilton/CityandGovernment/CultureandRecreation/HamiltonFarmersMarket/]Hamilton Farmer's Market , founded in 1837.
* [http://www.ghostwalks.com]Haunted Hamilton Ghost Walks , Haunted Walks of Downtown Hamilton, the Historic Customs House, the Hermitage Ruins in Ancaster and Old TownNiagara-on-the-Lake - done regularly throughout the year.
* [http://www.myhamilton.ca/myhamilton/CityandGovernment/CultureandRecreation/Arts_Culture_And_Museums/HamiltonCivicMuseums/SteamTechnology/]Hamilton Museum of Steam and Technology , east end
* [http://www.hmcshaida.ca/]HMCS Haida National Historic Site, historic naval ship; Canada's most famous warship and the last remaining Tribal Class in the world.
* [http://www.shopottawastreet.com/] Ottawa Street North, Textile district (Hamilton's #1 tourist destination).
* [http://war1812.tripod.com/nashjack.html]Nash-Jackson House , atStoney Creek Battlefield Park .
* [http://www.pc.gc.ca/canada/decouvertes-discovery/index_E.asp]Parks Canada Discovery Centre .
*Royal Hamilton Light Infantry Heritage Museum, downtown
* [http://www.myhamilton.ca/myhamilton/CityandGovernment/CultureandRecreation/Arts_Culture_And_Museums/HamiltonCivicMuseums/Whitehern/]Whitehern Historic House & Garden, downtown
* [http://www.wahc-museum.ca]Workers Arts & Heritage Centre, in the former Custom House, a National Historic Site, north endCultural institutions
* Arctic Gallery
* [http://www.artgalleryofhamilton.on.ca/]Art Gallery of Hamilton , downtown. Second largest permanent collection inOntario , and third largest inCanada .
* [http://www.imperialcottoncentre.com/]Imperial Cotton Centre for the Arts
* [http://www.jamestreetnorth.ca/] James Street North Art District
* [http://www.mcmaster.ca/museum/]McMaster Museum of Art , west end
* Transit GalleryMusic
* [http://www.bachelgar.com/]
Bach Elgar Choir
* [http://www.brottmusic.com]Boris Brott Summer Festival Hamilton, Dundas, Ancaster, Burlington
* [http://www.chamberworksmusicensemble.com] ChamberWORKS! music ensemble (Hamilton)
* [http://www.corktownpub.ca/] The Corktown Pub
* [http://www.hpyo.com/]Hamilton Philharmonic Youth Orchestra
* [http://www.hessvillage.com/] Hess Village, a popular summer patio hangout. Many bars, clubs and restaurants feature live music and attractions all year round. Hess Street, downtown.
* [http://www.nationalacademyorchestra.com] National Academy Orchestra of Canada (Hamilton, Dundas, Ancaster, Burlington)
* [http://www.operaontario.com/] Opera Ontario
* [http://www.symphonyhamilton.ca] Symphony Hamilton (Hamilton, Burlington)
* [http://www.undergroundrocks.ca/] The Underground, Steel City Music Venue.Theatre
* [http://www.hamiltontheatre.com/] Hamilton Theatre Inc., musical theatre
* [http://www.playersguild.org/]Players' Guild of Hamilton, Inc. (plays) Queen Street South
* [http://www.hecfi.on.ca/hamiltonplace/]Ron V. Joyce Centre for the Performing Arts at Hamilton Place , downtown
* [http://www.theatreaquarius.org/]Theatre Aquarius , Dofasco Centre for the Performing Arts, downtown
* [http://www.westsidelive.com/] Westside Concert Theatre, former CHCH TV 11 studios.Other popular attractions
* [http://www.eventinfo.ca/view/westjet_festival_of_friends/]
Festival of Friends , founded in 1975, is the largest annual free music event in Canada.
* [http://www.foodanddrinkfest.com/]Food & Drink Fest ..."Hamilton's Festival with Taste!" Hamilton's largest culinary event with over 120 exhibitors displaying a variety of local and international wines, specialty beers, and culinary samples created by Hamilton, Halton and Niagara restaurants, breweries, and wineries. To support the local arts movement in Hamilton, Food & Drink Fest which is produced by [http://www.beaumondeproductions.com] Beau Monde Productions donates a dollar from each attendee to [http://www.artgalleryofhamilton.com/images/aa/FoodDrinkFest08-release.pdf] Children’s Programming at theArt Gallery of Hamilton
* [http://www.itsyourfestival.ca/]It's Your Festival
* [http://www.hamiltoninternationalvillage.ca/MFEntertainment.asp]Mustard Festival , in the heart of International Village, Ferguson Avenue
* [http://www.winonapeach.com/]Winona Peach Festival ports
* [http://www.aroundthebayroadrace.com/]
Around the Bay Road Race , is the longest continuously held long distance foot race in North America. (since 1894)
* [http://www.footballhof.com]Canadian Football Hall of Fame , downtown.
* [http://www.canusagames.com/]CANUSA Games ; Hamilton is twinned withFlint, Michigan , and its amateur athletes compete in these Games, since 1958.
* [http://www.cayugaracing.com/] Cayuga Speedway Park; a 5/8-mile oval auto racing track,Cayuga, Ontario .
* [http://www.flamborodowns.com/]Flamboro Downs / Flamboro Slots, horse racing as well ascar racing .
* Kinsman Parade of Lights
*Spectator Indoor Games Parks, trails & waterfront
* [http://www.lionsafari.com/]
African Lion Safari , Flamborough
* [http://www.ancasterfair.ca/]Ancaster Fairgrounds
* Bayfront Park, (Pier 4 Park/ Harbour West/ Cootes Paradise/ Waterfront trail)
* [http://www.science.mcmaster.ca/Biology/Harbour/RECREAT/BEACH.HTM] Beach Strip and Lighthouse Pier (Beach trail)
* [http://www.brucetrail.org]Bruce Trail , Stoney Creek, Hamilton, Dundas, Flamborough.
* [http://www.hamrca.on.ca/parks/visit/confederation.asp] Confederation Park, featuring largest outdoor wave pool;Wild Waterworks , waterslides, lazy river, batting cages, mini put, picnic area.
* [http://www.conservationhamilton.ca/parks/visit/christie.asp]Christie Conservation Area
* Dragon Boat Festival Championships
* [http://www.conservationhamilton.ca/parks/visit/dundas_valley.asp]Dundas Valley Conservation Area , Dundas
* Emerald Lake (quarry, beach, popular with bikers)
* [http://www.thefourseasons.com/] Four Seasons Nudist Resort
* Gage Park (large historical park in the middle of the city)
* Gore Park (urban park)
* Hamilton Industrial Heritage Trail - 19th century
* Hamilton Industrial Heritage Trail - 20th century
* [http://www.hamiltonwaterfront.com/] Hamilton Waterfront, Hamilton Harbour
* [http://www.hamiltonharbourcruises.com/main.php/] Hamilton Harbour Cruises,Hamilton Harbour Queen
* [http://www.hamiltonport.ca/portdays/] Hamilton Port Days
* [http://www.city.hamilton.on.ca/Parks/Trails/HamBran.asp] Hamilton to Brantford Rail Trail, Hamilton, Dundas, Ancaster
* Pier 4 Park
* [http://www.cybernude.com/parks/pnr/] Ponderosa Naturist (nudist) Park
* Redhill Valley Trail
* [http://www.rbg.ca/] Royal Botanical Gardens, west end
*Valen's Conservation Area
* [http://www.concessionstreet.com] Sam Lawrence Park/Viewpoint
* Tall Ship Regatta
* Trans Canada Trail
* Westdale Aviary
* [http://www.conservationhamilton.ca/parks/visit/westfield.asp]Westfield Heritage Centre , Flamborough
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