

Klik or Click is a term used to describe a software created with one of Clickteam's software products. The term Klik originates from the name of the first product in the Klik range of products, Klik & Play, where the alternative spelling "Click" originates from the name "Clickteam", the creators of the software product range. The Klik range of products provides a more intuitive and high level method over traditional line-upon-line programming languages. With point-and-click there is a more interactive interface, where the user achieves their goal by clicking buttons, navigating menus, etc.



The Games Factory, created by Clickteam, is one example of this type of point-and-click authoring tool. Clickteam is associated with many such authoring, or programming tools. Despite the fact that each new product is based on its predecessor, most of the products have been assigned new names. This is primarily due to the distributors deciding on new names to increase sales and better target different markets. The computer program The Games Factory, and all the other products in the Click series were produced by Clickteam S.A.R.L..

Clickteam became their own distributor on November 1, 1999, announcing through their newsletter that "after a long and hard work to make it safe and powerful, we are proud to open the online shop". They previously required other companiesrelationships with the High Street stores to sell their creations. Clickteam bought the rights for the name of their latest creation from IMSI, which enabled them to continue selling new products in the Click series using the Multimedia Fusion name.

All of the Click products enable people with no coding experience to make their own computer games. The latest products in the Click series are also designed to be able to create utilities and applications. An example of an application would be a calculator designed to project the amount of interest your bank account will receive. This application would only require the end-user to input relevant information, such as their bank balance and interest rate.

In recent years, the Click series has increasingly tried to appeal to the embedded internet applications sector. To add functionality to standard internet web-pages, you can place a file inside a page which can be opened by aninterpreter”. Clickteam has used this system to allow The Games Factory, Click & Create and Multimedia Fusion to have games and applications run inside a web-page, so you could, for example, have a fully animated menu created using one of the Click series. The name for the online side of the Click series isVitalize”, but unfortunately to run any of theVitalizedgames/applications you are required to do a one-off installation of the Vitalize file interpreter. The new builds of MMF2 and TGF2 are able to build into Java applets, but only MMF2 Developer can build into Java Applications. A newly released Flash (SWF) exporter can be purchased as an add-on to MMF2 or TGF2.

History of Click

The products in the Click series are listed below; inside the brackets are the approximate years of release, publishers, and other relevant information. The list is as follows:

Klik & Play Logo
  • Klik & Play (1994: Maxis in the US, Europress in Europe, and Ubisoft in France1996: Portuguese edition distributed by MSD Multimídia in Brazil, this edition was released with a video cassette of a soccer class. More recently, a version of the product was released called "K&P For Schools", which comes with a license restricting it to educational use);

Klik 'n' Play was designed and part programmed by François Lionet, the creator of AMOS Basic on the Amiga, and STOS Basic on the Atari.

  • Click & Create (1996-1998: Corel);
  • The Games Factory (1996: Europress in Europe, Australia, and China1998: Europress Brasil in Brazil - 2002: Xplosiv unboxed. TGF is a cut-down version of Click & Create);
  • Multimedia Fusion 1.0 (1998: IMSI in various countries. Although not generally sold in Brazil, a free copy of this product was made available on a cover-CD which was attached to the 21st issue of a Brazilian magazine called PC Master in 2001);
  • Multimedia Fusion Express (1999: IMSI, re-release of Click & Create);
  • Multimedia Fusion 1.2 (2000: IMSI/Clickteam, only available from internet shop);
  • The Games Factory Pro (2000: re-release of The Games Factory with a different distribution agreement. This program came free with issues 161 and 162 of PC Format Magazine, along with a tutorial on how to use it. This was as part of the GameMaker supplement, which when a magazine in its own right during late 2003 also contained a copy of TGF Pro);
  • Multimedia Fusion 1.5 (2001: IMSI/Clickteam, only available from internet shop - 2004: Also available through SoftwareToGo in America and from Tiger Direct);
  • Multimedia Fusion Pro (2002: IMSI/Clickteam, only available from internet shop - 2004: Also available through SoftwareToGo in America and from Tiger Direct);
  • The Games Factory 2 (June 30, 2006: Initially to be sold only at their online shop);
  • Multimedia Fusion 2 (June 30, 2006: Initially to be sold only at their online shop);
  • Multimedia Fusion 2 Developer (June 30, 2006: Initially to be sold only at their online shop);

Interestingly, the first few hundred copies of Click & Create were sold asKlik and Createby Europress. Furthermore, the unreleased versions of MultiMedia Fusion were titledClick and Create 2”, which may have been the name given to the product as part of a mass-transfer of distribution rights, this transfer resulted in IMSI gaining rights to many Corel products. Similarly, The Games Factory was originally going to be released asKlik & Play 2”. The distributors of these products had the final say in the naming processes, and decided on the new titles for various reasons.

The Click Community

Because it offers an easy but powerful form of game programming, the Click series of products has created a large community of users that like to play the games made by others and keep updated on what various members are developing. Since the beginning of the Click series many of the games produced have achieved high levels of presentation, gameplay and design, and have thus received wide acclaim across the community. In rough order of release-date, here are some well-known games that are famous within the community (all of them freeware):

The Community is currently held together through the game developers' own websites and a very small amount of "Community Sites" that keep viewers updated on newly released games and development logs, maintain forums and occasionally provide time-limited game making competitions. Two well-known Click communities are GameBuilder.info [1] and The Daily Click, both known for their members who regularly participate in community events and the sharing of projects. Notable Click developers that are still producing include, Natomic Studios and Apocalyptic Coders.

As with many creative internet communities, various trends have occurred in Click, most obviously the more recent preoccupation with making games that feel extremely retro, as though they have been ported from the NES or an arcade game.

Some of the more popular games go on to appear in magazines, usually from European, Australian, or US publishers. Most notable developers to achieve this status are Fallen Angel Industries, Natomic Studios, Crobasoft, Starlord Interactive and the now deceased team Newklear .

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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