List of ships of the Soviet Navy

List of ships of the Soviet Navy

This is a list of ships and classes of the Soviet Navy. It is by no means complete.


* Grisha I class
* Nanuchka I class
* Nanuchka II class
* Grisha II class
* Nanuchka III class
* Nanuchka IV class
* Tarantul I class
* Grisha III class
* Tarantul II class
* Pauk I class
* Dergach class
* Pauk II class
* Parchim II class
* Grisha IV class
* Tarantul III class
* Grisha V class


* Krivak I class
** "Bditelnyy", "Watchful" (1970)
** "Bodryy", "'Brisk'" (1971)
** "Svirepyy" (1971)
** "Storozhevoy", "Vigilant" (1972), involved in a mutiny in 1975, this incident inspired the novel Hunt for Red October.
** "Razyashciy" (1973)
** "Rasumnyy" "Clever"(1974)
** "Druznyy", "'Friendly" (1975)
** "Dostoynyy", "Virtuous" (1971)
** "Doblestnyy", "Valourous" (1973)
** "Deyatelnyy" " Active"(1973)
** "Zharkyy", "Heated" (1975)
** "Bezzevetniy" "Serene"(1978)
** "Retivyy", "Ardent" (1976)
** "Leningradsky Komsomolets" (1976), renamed "Legkiy", "Light" in 1992.
** "Letuchiy", "Flighty" (1977)
** "Pylkiy", "Fervent" (1979)
** "Zadornyy", "Passionate" (1979)
** "Bezukoriznenny" "Irreproachable"(1980)
** "Ladnyy", "Harmonious" (1980)
** "Porvistiy" (1980)

* Mod Krivak I class
* Krivak II class
** "Rezvyy", "Frisky" (1975)
** "Reskiy", "Sharp" (1976)
** "Grozyachiy", "Threatening" (1977)
** "Razitelniyy", "Striking" (1977)
** "Neukrotimyy", "Untamable" (1978)
** "Besmennyy", "Unchanging" (1979)
** "Gordelivyy", "Proud" (1979)
** "Gromkyy", "Loud" (1979)
** "Revnostnyy", "Zealous" (1980)
** "Ryavnyy" (1980)
** "Pitlivyy" (1982)
* Neustrashimy Class
**"Neustrashimy" (Fearless)
* "Tartarstan"/"Gepard" class


* Krasnaya Abkhaziya
* Krasnaya Armeniya
* Krasnaya Gruziya
* "Krasnoye Znamya"
* Krasniy Adzharistan


* Kashin class destroyer
**"Komsomolets Ukrainy" (1960)
**"Soobrazitelny" -"Adaptable"(1961)
**"Provorny" -"Agile"(1962)
**"Obraztsovy" -"Exemplary"(1964)
**"Odarenny" -"Gifted"(1964)
**"Otvazhny" - "Courageous"(1964)
**"Steregushchy" -"Watchful"(1966)
**"Krasny Kavkaz" (1966)
**"Reshitelny" -"Decisive"(1966)
**"Strogiy" -"Severe" (1967)
**"Smetlivy" -"Resourceful"(1967)
**"Krasny Krym" (1969)
**"Sposobny" -"Capable"(1970)
**"Skory" -"Fast"(1971)
* Mod Kashin
**"Ognevoy" -"Fiery"(1963)
**"Slavny" -"Glorious"(1965)
**"Stroyny" -"Harmonious"(1965)
**"Smyshleny" -"Humorous"(1966)
**"Smely" - "Valiant"(1968)
**"Sderzhanny" -"Restrained"(1972)
**"Rajput" (built for Indian Navy)(1980)
**"Rana" (built for Indian Navy)(1982)
**"Ranjit" (built for Indian Navy)(1983)
**"Ranvir" (built for Indian Navy)(1986)
**"Ranvijay" (built for Indian Navy)(1988)
* Kara class
**"Nikolayev" (1969)
**"Ochakov" (1972)
**"Kerch" (1972)
**"Azov" (1973)
**"Petropavlosk" (1974)
**"Tashkent" (1975)
**"Vladivostok" (1976)
* "Marashti" class
* "Novik" class
* "Project 30" class
* "Project 7" class
* "Project 7u" class
* "Regele Ferdinand" class] , ex Romanian
* "Sovremennyy" class
**"Sovremenny" - "Modern" (1980)
**"Otchayanny" - "Merciless" (1982)
**"Otlichnyy" - "Perfect (or Excellent)" (1983)
**"Osmotritelnyy" - "Circumspect" (1984)
**"Bezuprechnyy" - "Irreproachable" (1985)
**"Boyevoy" - "Militant" (1986)
**"Stoykiy" - "Steadfast" (1986)
**"Okrylennyy" - "Inspiring" (1987)
**"Burnyy" - "Fiery" (1988)
**"Gremyashchiy" - "Thunderous" (originally "Vedushchiy")(1988)
**"Bystryy" - "Quick" (1989)
**"Rastoropnyy" - "Prompt" (1989)
**"Bezboyaznenny" - "Intrepid" (1990)
**"Bezuderzhannyy" - "Tenacious" (1991)
**"Bespokoynyy" - "Restless" (1992)
**"Nastoychivyy" - "Reliable" (originally "Moskovskiy Komsomolets") (1993)
**"Besstrashnyy" - "Fearless" (1994)
**"Vazhnyy" - "Eminent" (not completed)
**"Vdumchivyy" - "Thoughtful" (not completed)
* "Town" class, ex Royal Navy, ex United States Navy
* "Udaloy" I class
**"Udaloy" -"Bold"(1980)
**"Vice-Admiral Kulakov" (1980)
**"Marshal Vassilevski" (1982)
**"Admiral Zakharov" (1982)
**"Admiral Spiridonov" (1983)
**"Admiral Tributs" (1983)
**"Marshal Shaposhnikov" (1985)
**"Severomorsk" (1985)
**"Admiral Levchenko" (1987)
**"Admiral Vinogradov" (1987)
**"Admiral Kharlamov" (1988)
**"Admiral Panteleyev" (1990)
* "Udaloy" II class
**"Admiral Chabenko" (1995)
**"Admiral Basisty" (not completed)
**"Admiral Kucherov" (not completed)


*"Diana" class (1898-1945?)
** "Grozny (Terrible)" (Грозный)
** "Admiral Fokin" (Адмирал Фокин)
** "Admiral Golovko" (Адмирал Головко)
** Warship|Soviet cruiser|Varyag|1965
* Komintern, ex Pamyat Merkuriya
* Chervona Ukraina
* Karsnyi Krym, ex Profintern
* Krasnyi Kavkaz
* Kresta I
**"Admiral Zozulya"
**"Vize-Admiral Drozd"
* Kresta II
**"Admiral Isakov"
**"Admiral Nakhimov"
**"Admiral Makarov"
**"Marshall Voroshilov"
**"Admiral Oktyabrsky"
**"Admiral Isachenkov"
**"Marshal Timoshenko"
**"Vasily Chapaev"
**"Admiral Yumashev"
*"Kirov" class (1937-1974?)
** "Kirov" (1973)
** "Voroshilov"
** "Maxim Gorky"
** "Molotov"
** "Kalinin"
** "Kaganovich"
* "Murmansk" (ex USS "Milwaukee")
*Chapayev Class, a upgrade to the Kirov class (1939-1981)
*Sverdlov Class, an enlargement of the Chapayev class(1949-1991)
**"Sverdlov (Свердлов)"
**"Dzerzhinsky (Дзержинский)"
**"Ordzhonikidze (Орджоникидзе)"
**"Zhdanov (Жданов)"
**"Alexander Nevski (Александр Невский)"
**"Admiral Nakhimov (Адмирал Нахимов)"
**"Admiral Ushakov (Адмирал Ушаков)"
**"Admiral Lazarev (Адмирал Лазарев)"
**"Alexander Suvorov (Александр Суворов)"
**"Admiral Senyavin (Адмирал Сенявин)"
**"Dmitry Pozharski (Дмитрий Пожарский)"
**"Oktyabrskaya Revolutsia (Октябрьская Революция)"
**"Murmansk (Мурманск)"'
**"Mikhail Kutuzov (Михаил Кутузов)"
* "Slava" class, a non-nuclear, reduced-size version of the "Kirov" battlecruisers
** "Slava"
** Marshal Ustinov
** "Lobov" later taken over by the Ukraine as Vilna Ukraina
** "Chervona Ukraina", renamed Warship|Russian cruiser|Varyag|1983

Amphibious assault

* "Ivan Rogov" class
** "Ivan Rogov"
* Alligator class


*"Kirov" class (1980-)
**"Kirov", later "Admiral Ushakov" (1977-)
**"Frunze", later "Admiral Lazarev" (1984-1994)
**"Kalinin", later "Admiral Nakhimov" (1988-1999)
**"Yuri Andropov", later "Pyotr Velikhy" (1996-)
**"Dzerzhinsky" (incomplete)


* "Arkhangelsk", ex HMS "Royal Sovereign"
*"Conte di Cavour" class
**"Novorossiisk", formerly the Italian "Giulio Cesare" (1949-1955)
* Gangut class
** "Marat" (1914-1955)
** "Oktyabrskaya Revoluciya" (1914-1952)
** "Parizhskaya Kommuna" (1914-1956)

= Aircraft carriers/Aviation cruisers =

*"Moskva" class (1964–1991)
** "Moskva" (1964–1991)
** "Leningrad" (1968–1991)
*"Kiev" class (1972–1997)
**"Kiev" (1972–1993)
**"Minsk" (1975–1993)
**"Novorossiysk" (1978–1993)
**"Admiral Gorshkov" (1982–1995)
* "Admiral Kuznetsov" class (1985-)
**"Admiral Kuznetsov" (1985–)
**Warship|Soviet aircraft carrier|Varyag (incomplete)
* "Ulyanovsk" class
**"Ulyanovsk" (incomplete)


*List of Soviet and Russian submarine classes


* Zulu class
* Whiskey class
* Quebec class
* Romeo class
* Foxtrot class
**B-37 (?-1962)
** B-427 "Scorpion" (1971-1994)
* Tango class
* Bravo class
* Kilo class
* Losos class


* Golf II class
** K-129 (?-1968), famous for the CIA recovery operation using the "Hughes Glomar Explorer"


* Whiskey class Twin Cylinder
* Whiskey class Long Bin
* Juliett class (1962-1994)
** K-77 (?-1994)

SS (Auxiliary)

* India class
* Belouga class
* Lima class


* November class (1958-?)
** K-3 (1958-?)
** K-8 (?-1970)
** K-159 (1963-1989)
* Victor I class
* Victor II class
* Victor III class
* Alfa class
* Mike class, a successor to the Alfa class
** K-278 "Komsomolets" (?-1989)
* Sierra I class
* Sierra II class
* Akula I/"Bars" class
* Akula II class


* Hotel class
**K-19 (1959-1991)
**K-33 (1969-1990)
**K-55 (1962-?)
**K-178 (1962-?)
**K-40 (1962-1990)
**K-16 (1963-1990)
**K-145 (1963-?)
**K-149 (1964-1990)

* Yankee I class
**K-140 "Leninets"

* Yankee II class (1968-?)
* Yankee Sidecar class
* Yankee Pod class
* Yankee Stretch class
**K-219 (?-1986)
* Delta I class
* Delta II class
* Delta III class
* Delta IV class
** K-129
* Typhoon class (1981-)


* Echo class
** K-131
* Papa class
** K-222 (1970-1988)
* Yankee Notch class
* Charlie I class
* Charlie II class
* Oscar I class
* Oscar II class
**K-141 "Kursk" (?-2002)

SSN (Auxiliary)

* Uniform class
* Graney class


**SSV-33 (Pacific Fleet flagship, based upon the "Kirov" class hull)
**K-27 (1962-1981)

External links

* [ Andrew Toppan's Haze Gray & Underway]

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