trabeculae splenicae — [TA] trabeculae of spleen: fibrous bands that pass into the spleen from the tunica fibrosa and form the supporting framework of the organ … Medical dictionary
Spleen — An organ located in the upper left part of the abdomen near the stomach. The spleen produces lymphocytes; it is the largest lymphatic organ in the body. The spleen also filters the blood, serves as a major reservoir for blood and destroys blood… … Medical dictionary
Diaphragmatic surface of spleen — The celiac artery and its branches. (Diaphragmatic surface of spleen visible at center right.) Latin facies diaphragmatica splenica Gray s … Wikipedia
central arteries of spleen — branches of the splenic artery after they leave the trabeculae; their tunica adventitia is replaced by a cylindrical lymphoid sheath and they pass through the aggregations of lymphatic nodules and branch out to terminate as splenic penicilli … Medical dictionary
Trabecula — A partition which divides or partly divides a cavity: {{}}One of the strands of connective tissue projecting into an organ that constitutes part of the framework of the organ as, for example, the trabeculae of the spleen. One of a number of small … Medical dictionary
Trabecula — A trabecula (plural trabeculae. From Latin for small beam.) is a small, often microscopic, tissue element in the form of a small beam, strut or rod, generally having a mechanical function, and usually but not necessarily composed of dense… … Wikipedia
White pulp — Transverse section of a portion of the spleen. (Lymphatic nodule labeled at center right.) … Wikipedia
Bone marrow — Simplified illustration of cells in bone marrow. Latin medulla ossium Code TA … Wikipedia
Marginal zone — Transverse section of a portion of the spleen. Gray s subject #278 1284 The marginal zone … Wikipedia
Haematopoiesis — Diagram showing the development of different blood cells from haematopoietic stem cell to mature cells Haematopoiesis (from Ancient Greek: αἷμα, blood ; ποιεῖν to make ) (or hematopoiesis in the United States; sometimes also haemopoiesis or… … Wikipedia