List of fantasy authors

List of fantasy authors

This partial list of fantasy authors, perhaps unsurprisingly, contains many overlaps with the list of science fiction authors. will eventually be more complete than this list.__NOTOC__


*Lynn Abbey (born 1948)
*Joe Abercrombie
*Daniel Abraham
*Richard Adams, (born 1920) author of "Watership Down"
*Joan Aiken, (1924-2004)
*Lloyd Alexander, (1924-2007) author of the "Chronicles of Prydain"
*Alan Burt Akers, pseudonym of Kenneth Bulmer
*Hans Christian Andersen, (1805-1875) authored fairy tales, including "The Little Mermaid"
*Poul Anderson, (1926-2001)
*F. Anstey, (1856-1934)
*Piers Anthony, (born 1934) author of "Xanth"
*K.A. Applegate, (born 1956) author of "Everworld"
*Tom Arden, (born 1966)
*Kelley Armstrong, author of the "Women of the Otherworld"
*Danilo Arona
*Sarah Ash
*Mike Ashley
*Nancy Asire
*Robert Lynn Asprin, (born 1946) author of the "Myth Adventures" and contributing author to "Thieves World"
*A.A. Attanasio, (born 1951)
*Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, (born 1984)
*Anselm Audley, (born 1982)
*Fiona Avery


*Keith Baker
*R. Scott Bakker, (born 1967) author of the "Prince of Nothing" series
*Ashok K. Banker, (born 1964) author of the "Ramayana" series
*Gloria Barberi, (born 1955)
*James Barclay
*Clive Barker, author of the "Abarat" series
*William Barnwell, (born 1943) author of the "Blessing Papers" series
*J.M. Barrie
*T.A. Barron
*Don Bassingthwaite
*Samit Basu
*Gael Baudino
*L. Frank Baum, (1856-1919) author of the "Land of Oz" series
*Peter S. Beagle, (born 1939)
*John Bellairs, (1938-1991)
*Carol Berg
*Steve Berman
*Julie Bertagna
*James Bibby
*Anne Bishop, author of the "Black Jewels Trilogy"
*Holly Black
*James P. Blaylock, (born 1950)
*Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff, (born 1954)
*Pseudonymous Bosch author of The Name of This Book is Secret and If you're reading this, it's too late Her actuall name is Edie Bilmann. Pseudonymous Bosch is her nom de plume.
*Hannes Bok, (1914-1964)
*Ray Bradbury
*Marion Zimmer Bradley, (1930-1999) author of the "Darkover" series and editor of the "Sword and Sorceress series" of anthologies
*Rebecca Bradley
*Gillian Bradshaw, (born 1956) (also writes historical fiction and science fiction novels)
*Ernest Bramah (1868-1942) author of the Kai Lung stories
*Libba Bray
*Marie Brennan, author of "Doppelganger"
*Patricia Briggs, author of Moon Called and Blood Bound
*Kristen Britain, author of the "Green Rider" novels
*C. Dale Brittain, author of the Yurt novels
*Terry Brooks, (born 1944) author of the "Shannara" novels, "Magic Kingdom of Landover" novels and "Word & Void series"
*Steven Brust, (born 1955) author of the "Dragaera" novels
*Lois McMaster Bujold
*Emma Bull
*Kenneth Bulmer
*Chris Bunch
*Edgar Rice Burroughs, author of "Tarzan of the Apes" novels
*Jim Butcher, (born 1971), author of "Dresden Files" and "Codex Alera" novels


* Rachel Caine, author of the "Weather Warden" and "Morganville Vampires" novels
* James Branch Cabell, (1879-1958)
* Trudi Canavan, author of the "The Black Magician Trilogy" and "Age of the Five" novels
* Orson Scott Card, author of the "Ender's Game" & "Hart's Hope"
* Jacqueline Carey
* Jonathan Carroll
* Lewis Carroll, (pseudonym of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson 1832-1898) author of "Alice in Wonderland"
* Lin Carter, (1930-1988)
* Vittorio Catani, (born 1940)
* Juraj Červenák, (born 1974)
* Mark Chadbourn
* Robert W. Chambers, author of "The King in Yellow"
* Jack L. Chalker, (1944-2005)
* C. J. Cherryh, (born 1942)
* G. K. Chesterton, (1874-1936)
* Massimo Citi, (born 1955)
* Cassandra Clare
* Susanna Clarke
* David B. Coe
* Ronan Coghlan, author of Sherlockian fantasy.
* Adrian Cole
* Eoin Colfer, (born 1965), author of the "Artemis Fowl (series)"
* Suzanne Collins
* Storm Constantine, (born 1956)
* Glen Cook, (born 1944) author of the "Black Company" novels and "Garrett P.I." novels
* Hugh Cook, (born 1956) author of the "Chronicles of an Age of Darkness"
* Rick Cook, author of the "Wizardry" series
* Louise Cooper
* Susan Cooper, (born 1935) author of the "The Dark Is Rising Sequence"
* Drew J. Cormack, (born 1980) author of "The Alefin Warlock" (Book One of The War of Wills).
* Elaine Corvidae
* John Crowley, (born 1942)
* Elaine Cunningham
* Jane Louise Curry


*Avram Davidson, (1923-1993)
*Pamela Dean, (born 1953)
*John DeChancie
*L. Sprague de Camp, (1907-2000) author of "The Compleat Enchanter" & "Conan" stories
*Alessandro Defilippi
*Michael de Larrabeiti, (born 1934)
*Charles de Lint, (born 1951)
*Kathryn Deans, author of "Shimmer"
*Troy Denning
*Graham Diamond
*Stephen Donaldson, (born 1947) author of "The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant"
*Sara Douglass
*Ann Downer, (born 1960)
*David Drake
*Tobias Druitt, author of the Corydon Trilogy
*Diane Duane, (born 1952) author of the "Young Wizards"
*Dave Duncan
*Lord Dunsany, (1878-1957) (Edward Plunkett)
*Jeanne DuPrau
*David Anthony Durham, (born 1969) author of ""


* David Eddings, (born 1931) author of "Belgariad", "Malloreon", "Elenium", "Tamuli" and "The Dreamers" novels
* E. R. Eddison, (18821945) author of "The Worm Ouroboros"
* Graham Edwards (born 1965) writer of the "Dragoncharm" and "Stone and Sky" trilogies
* Phyllis Eisenstein, (born 1946), author of "Shadow of Earth" and "Born to Exile"
* Mircea Eliade, (19071986)
* Kate Elliott, (born 1958) author of the "Crown of Stars" series
* Harlan Ellison, (born 1934)
* Steven Erikson, (born 1959), co-author of the "Malazan Book of the Fallen"
* Javier Abril Espinoza, (born 1967)
* Ian Cameron Esslemont, co-author of the "Malazan Book of the Fallen"
* Lloyd Arthur Eshbach, (19102003) author and proprietor of Fantasy Press
* Rose Estes


*Nancy Yi Fan, author of "Swordbird"
*David Farland, author of "The Runelords" series
*Nancy Farmer, (born 1941)
*Philip Jose Farmer, (born 1918) author of the "Riverworld" saga
*Christine Feehan, author of the "Dark" series
*Raymond E. Feist, (born 1945) author of the "Riftwar Saga"
*Jean-Louis Fetjaine, (born 1956)
*Charles G. Finney, (1905-1984) author of "The Circus of Dr. Lao"
*Lynn Flewelling, (born 1958)
*Eric Flint, author of the "Belisarius series"
*John M. Ford, (1957-2006) author of "The Dragon Waiting"
*Alan Dean Foster, (born 1946) author of the "Humanx Commonwealth" novels, particularly those involving "Flinx"
*Laura Frankos, (born 1960)
*Steven Frankos
*C. S. Friedman
*Cornelia Funke, author of "Inkheart", "Inkspell", "The Thief Lord", and "Dragon Rider"
*Maggie Furey


*Diana Gabaldon, (born 1952)
*Neil Gaiman, (born 1960) author of novels, short stories, "The Books of Magic" and other graphic novels
*Sara Gallardo (1931-1988), Argentinian
*Alan Garner, (born 1934) author of "Elidor" and "The Weirdstone of Brisingamen"
*Richard Garnett (1835-1906) author of "The Twilight of the Gods and Other Tales"
*Randall Garrett, (born 1927) author of the "Lord Darcy" novels
*David Gemmell, (1948-2006) author of the "Drenai" novels
*Mary Gentle
*ElizaBeth Gilligan
*Christie Golden
*Christopher Golden
*Terry Goodkind, (born 1948) author of "The Sword of Truth" novels
*Gayle Greeno
*Jim Grimsley, author of the high fantasy novel "Kirith Kirin"
*Jeff Grubb, author of the "Finder's Stone" trilogy with Kate Novak
*Jyoti Guptara, (born 1988) twin co-author of "Conspiracy of Calaspia"
*Suresh Guptara, (born 1988) twin co-author of "Conspiracy of Calaspia"
*Gary Gygax, (1938-2008) author of Dungeons and Dragons, other game rules, and fantasy books


*Barbara Hambly, (born 1951)
*Laurell K. Hamilton, (born 1963) author of the "" series
*Traci Harding
*Lyndon Hardy
*Charlaine Harris
*Geraldine Harris
*Edith Ogden Harrison
*Kim Harrison
*M. John Harrison, (born 1945)
*Simon Hawke, (born 1951)
*Hayami Yuji, (born 1961)
*Elizabeth Haydon
*Tracy Hickman, author of the "Dragonlance" novels
*Jim C. Hines, (born 1974)
*Robin Hobb, (born 1952) pseudonym of Margaret Astrid Lindholm Ogden who also writes as Megan Lindholm
*John C. Hocking, (born 1960)
*P. C. Hodgell, (born 1951)
*William Hope Hodgson, (1877-1918)
*E. T. A. Hoffmann, (1776-1822) author of "The Nutcracker" and other fantastic stories
*Wolfgang Hohlbein (born 1953)
*Robert Holdstock (born 1948)
*Tom Holt, (born 1961) writes mostly humorous fantasy
*Nina Kiriki Hoffman, (born 1955)
*Robert E. Howard, (1906-1936) creator of "Conan the Barbarian"
*Tanya Huff
*Barry Hughart, writes Chinese historical fantasies
*Robert Don Hughes, (born 1949)


*Francisco Javier Illán Vivas, (born 1958)
*Ian Irvine, (born 1950)
*Eva Ibbotson,


*Brian Jacques, (born 1939) author of the "Redwall" series
*L. Dean James, (born 1947)
*Tove Jansson, (1914-2001) author of the "Moomin" novels
*K. V. Johansen, (born 1968)
*Diana Wynne Jones, (born 1934) author of the "Chrestomanci" series
*J. V. Jones
*Robert Jordan (pseudonym of James Oliver Rigney, Jr.), (1948-2007) author of "The Wheel of Time" series


*Lene Kaaberbøl, (born 1960) author of the "Shamer series"
*Guy Gavriel Kay, (born 1954) author of "The Fionavar Tapestry" and "Tigana"
*Paul Kearney, (born 1967)
*Sylvia Kelso
*Debra A. Kemp, (born 1957)
*Paul S. Kemp
*Katharine Kerr, (born 1944) author of the "Deverry" novels and others
*Greg Keyes
*Caitlin R. Kiernan, (born 1964)
*Stephen King author of "The Eyes of the Dragon" and The Dark Tower Series
*Russell Kirkpatrick, (born 1961) author of "Fire of Heaven" trilogy
*Mindy L. Klasky
*Annette Curtis Klause
*Richard A. Knaak, (born 1961)
*Feliks W. Kres
*Katherine Kurtz, (born 1944) author the "Deryni novels"
*Ellen Kushner


*Mercedes Lackey, (born 1950) author of the "Velgarth"/"Valdemar" novels
*R.A. Lafferty, (1914-2002)
*Sterling E. Lanier, (1927-2007)
*Rick Law, (born 1969)
*Stephen R. Lawhead, (born 1950)
*Tanith Lee, (born 1947)
*Lee Yeongdo, (born 1972) author of the "Dragon Raja"
*Ursula K. Le Guin, (born 1929) author of the "Earthsea" novels
*Fritz Leiber, (1910-1992) author of the "Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser" stories
*Valery Leith, (born 1968) pseudonym of Tricia Sullivan
*Madeleine L'Engle, (1918-2007) author of "A Wrinkle in Time"
*C.S. Lewis, (1898-1963) author of "The Chronicles of Narnia" series, "The Space Trilogy", and "The Screwtape Letters"
*Astrid Lindgren, (1907-2002), author of "Pippi Longstocking"
*Megan Lindholm, (born 1952) pseudonym of Margaret Astrid Lindholm Ogden who also writes as Robin Hobb
*David Lindsay, (1876-1945)
*Jane Lindskold, author of the "Firekeeper" saga
*Holly Lisle, (born 1960) author of "The Secret Texts" series
*Massimo Lo Jacono
*Karawynn Long, (born 1970)
*H. P. Lovecraft, (1890-1937) author of the "Cthulhu" mythos stories
*Lois Lowry, (born 1937)
*Elizabeth A. Lynn
*Scott Lynch, (born 1978) author of "The Gentleman Bastard" sequence


*Julian May author of Boreal Moon Tale
*R. A. MacAvoy, (born 1949)
*George MacDonald, (1824-1905) author of "Lilith"
*D. J. MacHale, (born 1956) author of the "Pendragon series"
*Arthur Machen, (1863-1947)
*Juliet Marillier, author of the Sevenwaters Trilogy
*Stephen Marley, author of the Chia Black Dragon series
*George R. R. Martin, (born 1948) author of "A Song of Ice and Fire"
*Thomas K. Martin, (born 1960)
*Anne McCaffrey, (born 1926) author of the "Dragonriders of Pern" novels and the "Brainship" stories
*Robert Wayne McCoy, (born 1970) author of "The King of Ice Cream"
*Fiona McIntosh
*Juliet E. McKenna
*Dennis L. McKiernan, (born 1932)
*Patricia A. McKillip, (born 1948)
*Robin McKinley, (born 1952) author of the "Damar" stories
*Virginia G. McMorrow
*Abraham Merritt, (1884-1943)
*Stephenie Meyer, (born 1973) author of the "Twilight" series and "The Host"
*Gustav Meyrink, (1868-1932)
*China Miéville, (born 1972)
*Hope Mirrlees, (1887-1978) author of "Lud-in-the-Mist"
*L. E. Modesitt, Jr., (born 1943) author of the "Recluce" novels
*Elizabeth Moon, (born 1945)
*Michael Moorcock, (born 1939) author of the "Eternal Champion" sequence
*Christopher Moore
*Caiseal Mor, author of 12 novels including "The Wanderers" and "The Watchers" trilogies.
*John Morressy
*Chris Morris, (born 1946)
*Janet Morris, (born 1946)
*William Morris, (1834-1896)
*H. Warner Munn, (1903-1981)
*C. E. Murphy
*Pat Murphy
*John Myers Myers, (1906-1988)


*Robert Nathan, (18941985) author of "Portrait of Jennie"
*William Nicholson, (born 1948)
*Douglas Niles, author of the "Watershed" trilogy and other series
*Jenny Nimmo, author of the "Charlie Bone" series and "The Magician Trilogy"
*Garth Nix, (born 1963) author of "Sabriel" and sequels
*John Norman, (born 1931) author of the "Gor" series
*Andre Norton, (born 1912)
*Kate Novak, author of the "Finder's Stone" trilogy with Jeff Grubb
*Naomi Novik, author of the "Temeraire" series
*Eric S. Nylund


*Noriko Ogiwara
*Nnedi Okorafor-Mbachu


*Christopher Paolini (born 1983) author of the "Inheritance cycle"
*Diana L. Paxson (born 1943)
*Mervyn Peake, (1911-1968) author of the "Gormenghast series"
*Frank E. Peretti, (born 1951) author of "This Present Darkness" and "The Oath"
*Anne Perry, (born 1938)
*Nick Perumov, (born 1963) author of "Ring of Darkness", "Chronicles of Hjorward" and "Keeper of Swords" series.
*Uroš Petrović, (born 1967)
*Eden Philpotts (1862-1960)
*Meredith Ann Pierce, (born 1958)
*Tamora Pierce, (born 1954) author of the "Tortall" books, "The Song of the Lioness" series and the "Circle of Magic" books
*Ricardo Pinto, (born in 1961) author of "The Stone Dance of the Chameleon" series
*Tim Powers, (born 1952) author of "The Anubis Gates"
*Terry Pratchett, (born 1948) author of "Discworld"
*Fletcher Pratt, (1897-1956)
*Philip Pullman, (born 1946) author of "His Dark Materials" trilogy


*Melanie Rawn, (born 1954) author of "Dragon Prince"
*Mickey Zucker Reichert, (pseudonym of Miriam Susan Zucker Reichert, born 1962)
*Anne Rice, author of "The Vampire Chronicles"
*Katherine Roberts, (born 1962) author of "The Echorium Sequence" trilogy
*Kenneth Robeson, (pseudonym of Lester Dent among others) "Doc Savage" stories
*Joel Rosenberg, (born 1954)
*Patrick Rothfuss, (born 1973) author of "The Name of the Wind"
*J. K. Rowling, (born 1965) author of the "Harry Potter" books
*Don Roff, (born 1966)
*Matt Ruff
*Kristine Kathryn Rusch, (born 1960) "Fey" series and others, former editor of F&SF
*Sean Russell


*Fred Saberhagen, (1930-2007)
*Michelle Sagara West
*Angie Sage, author of the "Septimus Heap" series
*R.A. Salvatore, (born 1959)
*Brandon Sanderson
*Andrzej Sapkowski, (born 1948)
*Charles R. Saunders, (born 1946)
*Martin Scott, (born 1959), author of "Thraxas"
*Darren Shan, author of "The Saga of Darren Shan", "The Demonata" and short stories
*Robert Sheckley, (born 1928)
*Mary Shelley, (1797-1851) author of "Frankenstein" and short stories
*Will Shetterly
*Sharon Shinn
*Gary Shipman, (born 1966) author of "Pakkins' Land"
*Rhoda Shipman, (born 1968) author of "Pakkins' Land"
*Robert Silverberg, (born 1935)
*William Mark Simmons (Wm. Mark Simmons), (born 1953) author of the "Dreamland Chronicles" series and the "Halflife Chronicles" series
*Johanna Sinisalo, (born 1958)
*Isaac Bashevis Singer, (1902-1991)
*Clark Ashton Smith, (1893-1961)
*Sherwood Smith
*Thorne Smith, (1892-1934)
*S.P. Somtow, pseudonym of Somtow Sucharitkul
*Alison Spedding
*Wen Spencer, (born 1963)
*Michael A. Stackpole, (born 1957)
*Christopher Stasheff, (born 1944) author of the "Warlock of Gramarye" series and the "Wizard in Rhyme" series
*Mary Stewart, (born 1916)
*Paul Stewart, author of "The Edge Chronicles"
*Caroline Stevermer
*Frank R. Stockton, (1834-1902)
*David Lee Stone, author of "The Illmoor Chronicles"
*Jonathan Stroud, author of "The Bartimaeus Trilogy"
*Tricia Sullivan, (born 1968) writes as Valery Leith
*Thomas Burnett Swann, (1928-1976)
*Jonathan Swift, (1667-1745)


*Judith Tarr
*Tais Teng
*Patrick Tilley, (born 1928) author of "The Amtrak Wars" series
*Sheri S. Tepper
*Kate Thompson (born 1956)
*J. R. R. Tolkien, (1892-1973) author of "The Hobbit", "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Silmarillion"
*Harry Turtledove, (born 1949) author of the "Videssos" series and "Darkness" series


*Unno Juza, (1897-1949)


*Jack Vance, (born 1916) (John Holbrook Vance) author of the "Dying Earth" series, the "Lyonesse Trilogy" and the "Demon Princes" series


*Tim Waggoner
*Karl Edward Wagner, (1945-1994) author of "Kane"
*Mervyn Wall, (1908-1997)
*Evangeline Walton
*Jo Walton, (born 1964)
*Lawrence Watt-Evans, (born 1954)
*Catherine Webb, (born 1986)
*David Weber
*Margaret Weis, (born 1948) co-author of several "Dragonlance" books
*Manly Wade Wellman, (1903-1986)
*Martha Wells, (born 1964)
*Suzanne Weyn, (born 1955)
*Chuck Whelon, (born 1969)
*T.H. White, (1906-1964) (Terence Hanbury White) author of "The Once and Future King"
*Kit Whitfield
*Jack Whyte, (born 1939)
*Cherry Wilder, (1930-2002) author of "The Wanderer"
*Paul O. Williams, (born 1935)
*Tad Williams, (born 1957) author of the "Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn" trilogy
*Terri Windling, (born 1958) author of the "Bordertown" series
*Gene Wolfe, (born 1931)
*Patricia Wrede, author of the "Lyra" books
*Janny Wurts, author of the "Wars of Light and Shadow" and the "Empire Trilogy" (with Raymond E. Feist)
*James Wyatt (game designer) and author


*Yamamura Bocho
*Nicholas Yermakov, (born 1951)
*Jane Yolen


*Roger Zelazny, (1937-1995) author of "The Chronicles of Amber"
* Sarah Zettel

ee also

*List of fantasy novels
*List of high fantasy fiction
*List of horror fiction authors
*List of science fiction authors
*Lists of authors

External links

* [ website] for Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America

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