List of fantasy novels

List of fantasy novels

This page lists a broad variety of fantasy novels (and novel series) --some old, some new; some famous, some obscure; some well-written, some ill-written--and so may be considered a representative slice of the field. The books appear in alphabetical order by title (ignoring "A", "An", and "The"); series are alphabetical by author-designated name or, if there is no such, some reasonable designation.

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*"Abhorsen Trilogy" by Garth Nix
** namely, "Sabriel", "Lirael", "Abhorsen"
*"" by David Anthony Durham
*"Aegypt" series by John Crowley
** namely "Aegypt", "Love and Sleep", "Daemonomania", and last forthcoming
*"Alice" duo by Lewis Carroll
** namely "Alice in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking-glass"
*"All Hallows' Eve" by Charles Williams
*"All the Bells on Earth" by James Blaylock
*"Alphabet Thorn" by Patricia McKillip
*"The Tales of Alvin Maker" series by Orson Scott Card
** namely, "Seventh Son", "Red Prophet", "Prentice Alvin", "Alvin Journeyman", "Heartfire", "The Crystal City", "Master Alvin" (forthcoming)
*"The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay" (apparently mainstream but has a fantasy element) by Michael Chabon
*"The Amber" series by Roger Zelazny
** namely, "Nine Princes in Amber", "The Guns of Avalon", "Sign of the Unicorn", "The Hand of Oberon", "The Courts of Chaos", "Trumps of Doom", "Blood of Amber", "Sign of Chaos", "Knight of Shadows", "Prince of Chaos"
*"American Gods" by Neil Gaiman
*"The Anubis Gates" by Tim Powers
*"Apprentice Adept" series by Piers Anthony
** namely, "Split Infinity", "Blue Adept", "Juxtaposition", "Out of Phaze", "Robot Adept", "Unicorn Point", "Phaze Doubt"
*"Arafel" duo by C. J. Cherryh
** namely, "The Dreamstone", "The Tree of Swords and Jewels"
*"Argo" by R. A. Lafferty, a complex mythos encompassing nested sub-series
**namely, "The Devil Is Dead" series: "Archipelago", "The Devil is Dead"; "More Than Melchisedech" (one novel in three volumes): "Tales of Chicago", "Tales of Midnight", "Argo"; "Episodes of the Argo" (possibly subsumed in "Argo"): "How Many Miles to Babylon?"; "Coscuin" (the final two of this quartet exist only in mss form):"The Flame Is Green", "Half a Sky", "Dotty"
*"The Artefacts of Power by Maggie Furey
**namely, "Aurian", "The Harp of Winds", "The Sword of Flame" and "Dhiammara"
*"Artemis Fowl series" by Eoin Colfer.
*"At Swim-Two-Birds" by Flann O'Brien
*"At the Back of the North Wind" by George MacDonald


* " [ The Banjo Players Must Die] " by Josef Assad
* "The Bard of Sorcery" by Gerard Daniel Houarner
* "Bardic Voices" series by Mercedes Lackey
** namely, " [ The Lark and the Wren] ", "The Robin and the Kestrel", "The Eagle and the Nightingale", " [ Four and Twenty Blackbirds] "
*"Barking" (forthcoming) by Tom Holt
*"The Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud
** namely "The Amulet of Samarkand", "The Golem's Eye", and "Ptolemy's Gate"
*"Bas-Lag" by China Miéville
** namely, "Perdido Street Station", "The Scar"
*"" by Robin McKinley
* "Bedlam's Bard" series by Mercedes Lackey
** namely, "Knight of Ghosts and Shadows" with Ellen Guon, "Summoned to Tourney" with Ellen Guon, "Bedlam Boyz" with Ellen Guon, "Beyond World's End" with Rosemary Edghill, "Spirits White as Lightning" with Rosemary Edghill, "Mad Maudlin" with Rosemary Edghill, "Bedlam's Edge" with Rosemary Edghill, "Music to My Sorrow" with Rosemary Edghill
* "The Belgariad" series by David Eddings
** namely, "Pawn of Prophecy", "Queen of Sorcery", "Magician's Gambit", "Castle of Wizardry", "Enchanters' End Game"
*"Biography of Manuel" cycle by James Branch Cabell
** contains 20 (or more, depending on how counted) works; the Storisende Edition in 18 volumes is definitive
*"Black Cocktail (novella)" by Jonathan Carroll
*"The Black Company" saga by Glen Cook, a nested set of sub-series:
**"Annals of the Black Company"
***namely, "The Black Company", "Shadows Linger", and "The White Rose"
**"Books of the South"
***namely, "The Silver Spike" (not listed as a "Book of the South," but it is), "Shadow Games", and "Dreams of Steel"
**"Glittering Stone"
***namely, "Bleak Seasons", "She is the Darkness", "Water Sleeps", and "Soldiers Live"
* "The Black Swan" by Mercedes Lackey
*"The Blessing of Pan" by Lord Dunsany
*"Bloodring" by Faith Hunter
*"The Blue Hawk" by Peter Dickinson
*"The Blue Star" by Fletcher Pratt
*"Boggart" series by Susan Cooper
** namely, "The Boggart" and "The Boggart and the Monster"
*"The Book of Atrix Wolfe" by Patricia McKillip
*"Book of Enchantments" by Patricia C. Wrede
*"The Book of Shadows" by James Killus
*"Books of the House" series by James Stoddard
*"The Books of Parable" duology by Walter Wangerin, Jr.
**namely, "The Book of the Dun Cow" and "The Book of Sorrows"
*"The Borders of Life" by G. A. Kathryns (pen name of Gael Baudino)
*"The Boss in the Wall" by Avram Davidson
*"The Bitterbynde" trilogy by Cecilia Dart-Thornton
**namely, "The Ill-Made Mute", "The Lady of the Sorrows", and "The Battle of Evernight".
*"Brisingr" by Christopher Paolini


*"Caliban's Hour" by Tad Williams
*"Captain Slaughterboard Drops Anchor" by Mervyn Peake
*"The Cat's Cradle-Book" by Sylvia Townsend Warner
*"Cats Have No Lord" by Will Shetterly
*"Chalion" series by Lois McMaster Bujold
** namely, "The Curse of Chalion", "Paladin of Souls", "The Hallowed Hunt"
*"The Changeling Sea" by Patricia McKillip
*"Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" by Roald Dahl
*"Charlie Bone" Series by Jenny Nimmo
** namely"Midnight for Charlie Bone", "The Time Twister", "Charlie Bone and the Blue Boa", "The Castle of Mirrors", "Charlie Bone and the Hidden King", "Charlie Bone and the Wilderness Wolf" (some have different titles in the U.S.A and the U.K)
*"The "Chathrand" Voyage" by Robert V.S. Reddick
*"Chimera" by John Barth
*"Chrestomanci" series by Diana Wynne Jones
** namely, "Charmed Life", "The Lives of Christopher Chant", "The Magicians of Caprona", "Witch Week", "Conrad's Fate", "The Pinhoe Egg"
*"The Chronicles of Narnia" by C.S. Lewis - see at N, below
*"Cinder" by Rick DeMarinis
*The "Circle" series by Tamora Pierce (comprises three sub-series)
**"Circle of Magic"
*** namely, "Sandry's Book," "Tris's Book," "Daja's Book" and "Briar's Book"
**"The Circle Opens"
*** namely, "Magic Steps," "Street Magic," "Cold Fire" and "Shatterglass"
**"The Circle Reforged"
***namely, "The Will of the Empress", "Melting Stones"
*"The Circus of Dr. Lao" by Charles G. Finney
*"Cloud's End" by Sean Stewart
*"The Claidi Journals" by Tanith Lee
** namely, "Law of the Wolf Tower", "Wolf Star Rise", "Queen of the Wolves", "Wolf Wing"
*"College of Magics" series by Caroline Stevermer
*"Conclave of the Shadows" trilogy by Raymond E. Feist
** namely, "Talon of the Silver Hawk", "King of Foxes" and "Exile's Return"
*"Coraline" by Neil Gaiman
*"The Course of the Heart" by M. John Harrison
*"The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant" series by Stephen R. Donaldson - see at T, below
*"Crane's View" series by Jonathan Carroll
** namely, "Kissing the Beehive", "The Marriage of Sticks", "The Wooden Sea"
*"Cray Ormoru" by Phyllis Eisenstein
** namely, "Sorcerer's Son", "The Crystal Palace", "The City in Stone" (forthcoming)
*"The Crock of Gold" by James Stephens
*"Curdie" series by George MacDonald
** namely, "The Princess and the Goblin", "The Princess and Curdie"
*"The Curse of the Wise Woman" by Lord Dunsany
*"Cygnet" series by Patricia McKillip
*"Cyrion" by Tanith Lee


*"Dalemark Quartet" by Diana Wynne Jones
** namely, "Cart and Cwidder", "Drowned Ammet", "The Spellcoats", "The Crown of Dalemark"
*"The Dalkey Archive" by Flann O'Brien
*"Damiano" series by R. A. MacAvoy
** namely, "Damiano", "Damiano's Lute", "Raphael"
*"Dark Castle, White Horse" (two novellas) by Tanith Lee
*"Dark Cities Underground" by Lisa Goldstein
*"The Dark Is Rising" sequence by Susan Cooper
** namely, "Over Sea, Under Stone", "The Dark Is Rising", "Greenwitch", "The Grey King", and "Silver on the Tree"
*"The Dark Tower Series" by "Stephen King"
*"Darkangel" series by Meredith Ann Pierce
** namely, "The Darkangel", "A Gathering of Gargoyles", "The Pearl of the Soul of the World"
*"Daughter of the Lioness" series by Tamora Pierce
** namely, "Trickster's Choice" and "Trickster's Queen"
*"The Death of the Necromancer" by Martha Wells
*"Deliverers of Their Country" by E. Nesbit
*"The Deptford Mice" by Robin Jarvis
*"Derkholm" series by Diana Wynne Jones
** namely, "Dark Lord of Derkholm" and "Year of the Griffin"
*"Descent Into Hell" by Charles Williams
*"The Devil Wives of Li-Fong" by E. Hoffmann Price
*"Dirk Gently" series by Douglas Adams
** namely, "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency", "The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul"
*"Discworld" series by Terry Pratchett
** 30 titles, starting with "The Colour of Magic", the latest being "Making Money"
*"The Djinn in the Nightingale's Eye" by A. S. Byatt
*"Djinn Rummy" by Tom Holt
*"The Door in the Hedge" by Robin McKinley
*"Dorothea Dreams" by Suzy McKee Charnas
*"Dragoncharm" trilogy by Graham Edwards
*"Dragon Raja" by Lee Yeongdo
*"Dragons in Our Midst" series by Bryan Davis
** namely, "Raising Dragons," "The Candlestone," "Circles of Seven," and "Tears of a Dragon"
*"Dragonvarld" trilogy by Margaret Weis
** namely, "Mistress of Dragons," "The Dragon's Son'," and "Master of Dragons"
*"The Drawing of the Dark" by Tim Powers
*"Dread Empire" series by Glen Cook", "With Mercy Toward None" (prequel), "The Fire in His Hands" (prequel), "A Shadow of All Night Falling", "October's Baby", "All Darkness Met", "Reap the East Wind", "An Ill Fate Marshalling
*"Drinker of Souls" series by Jo Clayton
** namely, "Drinker of Souls", "Blue Magic", "A Gathering of Stones"
*"Druid's Blood" by Esther Friesner
*"The Dying Earth" series by Jack Vance
** namely, "The Dying Earth" (aka "Mazirian the Magician"), "The Eyes of the Overworld" (aka "Cugel the Clever"), "Rhialto the Marvellous", and "Cugel's Saga" (aka "")("The Cry of the Icemark")


*"Earthsea series by Ursula K. Le Guin
** namely, "The Word of Unbinding" (a short story), "The Rule of Names" (a short story), "A Wizard of Earthsea", "The Tombs of Atuan", "The Farthest Shore", "Tehanu", "Tales from Earthsea" and "The Other Wind"
*"Elantris" by Brandon Sanderson
*"The Element of Fire" by Martha Wells
*"The Elephant and the Kangaroo" by T. H. White
*"The Eleventh Hour" by Brian Stableford
*"The Empire Trilogy" by Raymond E. Feist
** namely, "Daughter of the Empire," "Servant of the Empire," and "Mistress of the Empire"
*"The Enchanted Castle" by E. Nesbit
*"Enchanted Forest" series by Patricia C. Wrede
** namely, "Dealing with Dragons" (aka "Dragonsbane"), "Searching for Dragons" (aka "Dragon Search"), "Calling on Dragons", and "Talking to Dragons"
*"Enchanted Night" (novella) by Steven Millhauser
*"The Enquiries of Dr. Eszterhazy" by Avram Davidson
*"Euryale" by Kara Dalkey
*"Expecting Someone Taller" by Tom Holt
*"The Eyes of the Dragon" by Stephen King


*"The Face in the Frost" by John Bellairs
*"Falling Sideways" by Tom Holt
*"Fanuilh" series by Daniel Hood
** namely, "Fanuilh", "Wizard's Heir", "Beggar's Banquet", "Scales of Justice"
*"Farsala" trilogy by Hilari Bell
** namely, "The Fall of a Kingdom", "The Rise of a Hero" , and "Forging the Sword"
* "The Farseer Trilogy" by Robin Hobb
** namely, "Assassin's Apprentice", "Royal Assassin", and "Assassin's Quest"
*"Faust Among Equals" by Tom Holt
*"The Figure in the Shadows" by John Bellairs
*"A Fine and Private Place" by Peter S. Beagle
*"Fisher King" series by Tim Powers
** namely, "Last Call", "Expiration Date", "Earthquake Weather", "Declare"
*"Five Children" series by E. Nesbit
** namely, "Five Children and It", "The Phoenix and the Carpet", "The Story of the Amulet"
*"Florida" series by James Branch Cabell
** namely, "The St. Johns" (with A.J. Hanna) - nonfiction that reads like fantasy, "There Were Two Pirates", "The Devil's Own Dear Son"
*"Flying Dutch" by Tom Holt
*"The Fool on the Hill" by Matt Ruff
*"Forest Kingdom" series by Simon R. Green
** namely, "Blue Moon Rising", "Blood and Honor", "Down Among the Dead Men"
*"The Forgotten Beasts of Eld" by Patricia McKillip
*"Forgotten Realms" series by R. A. Salvatore
** namely, The Icewind Dale Trilogy, The Dark Elf Trilogy, Legacy of the Drow, Paths of Darkness, The Cleric Quintet and others.
*"Fortress" series by C. J. Cherryh
**namely, "Fortress in the Eye of Time", "Fortress of Eagles", "Fortress of Owls", "Fortress of Dragons", "Fortress of Ice"

*"The Four Wise Men" by Michel Tournier
*"Fourth Mansions" by R. A. Lafferty
*"Freddy's Book" by John Gardner
*"From the Realm of Morpheus" by Steven Millhauser


*"Galveston" by Sean Stewart
*"Garrett" series by Glen Cook
** namely, "Sweet Silver Blues", "Bitter Gold Hearts", "Cold Copper Tears", "Old Tin Sorrows", "Dread Brass Shadows", "Red Iron Nights", "Deadly Quicksilver Lies", "Petty Pewter Gods", "Faded Steel Heat", "Angry Lead Skies", "Whispering Nickel Idols", "Cruel Zinc Memories" (forthcoming)
*"Ghostwritten" by David Mitchell
*"The Girl in a Swing" by Richard Adams
*"Gloriana, or The Unfulfill'd Queen" by Michael Moorcock
*"The Glorious Pool" by Thorne Smith
*"Good Omens" by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
*"Gormenghast" series by Mervyn Peake - see at T ("Titus"), below
*"Grailblazers" by Tom Holt
*"The Great God Pan" by Arthur Machen
*"Great Mischief" by Josephine Pinckney
*"The Greater Trumps" by Charles Williams
*"The Green Child" by Herbert Read
*"The Green Round" by Arthur Machen
*"Grendel" by John Gardner
*"Grimbold's Other World" by Nicholas Stuart Gray


*"The Hagwood Books" by Robin Jarvis
*"Halfblood Chronicles" by Mercedes Lackey and Andre Norton
** namely, "The Elvenbane", "Elvenblood", "Elvenborn", "Elvenbred"
*"The Harem of Aman Akbar" by Elizabeth Scarborough
*"Haroun and the Sea of Stories" by Salman Rushdie
*"Harrowing the Dragon" by Patricia McKillip
*"Harry Potter" series by J. K. Rowling
** namely, "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" ("Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" in the United States), "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban", "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix", "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", and "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"
*"Hart's Hope" by Orson Scott Card
*"Haunted Waters" by Mary Pope Osborne
*"The Haunting of Hill House" by Shirley Jackson
*"Heirs and Assigns" series by James Branch Cabell
** namely, "Hamlet Had an Uncle", "The King Was in His Counting House", "The First Gentleman of America"
*"Here Comes the Sun" by Tom Holt
*"The Hereafter Gang" by Neal Barrett, Jr.
*"Hexwood" by Diana Wynne Jones
*"The Hill of Dreams" by Arthur Machen
*"His Dark Materials" series by Phillip Pullman
** namely, "Northern Lights" ("The Golden Compass" in the US), "Subtle Knife", "The Amber Spyglass", and supplementary books: "Lyra's Oxford", "Once Upon a Time in the North", and "The Book of Dust"
*"The Hobbit" by J. R. R. Tolkien
*"The House on the Borderland" by William Hope Hodgson
*"The House of Souls" by Arthur Machen
*"The House with a Clock in Its Walls" by John Bellairs
*"Howl's Moving Castle" by Diana Wynne Jones
*"How the Gods Wove in Kyrannon" by Ardath Mayhar


*"If I Pay Thee Not in Gold" by Piers Anthony and Mercedes Lackey
*"Ile-Rien" series by Martha Wells
*"The Immortals" series by Tamora Pierce
** namely, "Wild Magic," "Wolf-Speaker," "The Emperor Mage" and "The Realm of the Gods"
*"Incarnations of Immortality" series by Piers Anthony
** namely, "On a Pale Horse", "Bearing an Hourglass", "With a Tangled Skein", "Wielding a Red Sword", "Being a Green Mother", "For Love of Evil", "And Eternity", and "Under a Velvet Cloak"
*"In the Forests of Serre" by Patricia McKillip
*"The Infernal Desire Machines of Doctor Hoffman" (aka "The War of Dreams") by Angela Carter
*"Inheritance Cycle" by Christopher Paolini
** namely, "Eragon", "Eldest", "Brisingr", and one unnamed sequel
*"Inkheart" Trilogy by Cornelia Funke
**"Inkheart", "Inkspell", "Inkdeath"(Not yet published)
*"The Inmost Light" by Arthur Machen
*"The Innamorati" by Midori Snyder
*"Interstate Dreams" by Neal Barrett, Jr.
*"The Island Under the Earth" by Avram Davidson
*"Islandia" by Austin Tappan Wright


*"J. W. Wells & Co." series by Tom Holt
*"The Jade Enchantress" by E. Hoffmann Price
*"The Jerusalem Quartet" by Edward Whittemore
*"The Jonah Watch" by Jack Cady
*"Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell" by Susanna Clarke


*"Kai Lung" series by Ernest Bramah
** namely, "The Wallet of Kai Lung", "Kai Lung's Golden Hours", "Kai Lung Unrolls His Mat", "Kai Lung Beneath the Mulberry Tree", "", and "The Moon of Much Gladness" (aka "The Return of Kai Lung")
*"Kencyrath Chronicles" by P. C. Hodgell
** namely, "God Stalk", "Dark of the Moon", "Seeker's Mask", "Blood and Ivory", "To Ride a Rathorn"
* The Khaavren Romances by Steven Brust
** namely, "The Phoenix Guards", "Five Hundred Years After", and "The Viscout of Adrilankha" (which consists of "The Paths of the Dead", "The Lord of Castle Black", and "Sethra Lavode")
*"Khaled" by F. Marion Crawford
*"Kill the Dead" by Tanith Lee
*"The King in Yellow" by Robert W. Chambers
*"King Kabul the First and Gawain the Kitchen Boy" by Max Jacob
*"The King of Elfland's Daughter" by Lord Dunsany
*"King Rat" by China Miéville
*"Kingdoms of Elfin" by Sylvia Townsend Warner
*"The Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone" by Greg Keyes
** namely, "The Briar King", "The Charnel Prince", "The Blood Knight", and "The Born Queen" (Forthcoming)
*"The Kingkiller Chronicle" by Patrick Rothfuss
**namely "The Name of the Wind", "The Wise Man's Fear", and "The Doors of Stone" (Published 2007, 2009, 2010 respectively)
*"Kevin of Rud" series by Piers Anthony
*"Krondor's Sons" (The Riftwar Stories) by Raymond E. Feist
** namely, "Prince of the Blood," and "The King's Buccaneer"
*"Kushiel's Legacy" by Jacqueline Carey
** namely, "Kushiel's Dart, Kushiel's Chosen, " and "Kushiel's Avatar"


*"Land of Dreams" by James Blaylock
*"The Land of Laughs" by Jonathan Carroll
*"The Land of Unreason" by Fletcher Pratt & amp; L. Sprague De Camp
*"The Last Apprentice"
*"The Last Coin" by James Blaylock
*"The Last Days of the Edge of the World" by Brian Stableford
*"The Last Unicorn" by Peter S. Beagle
*"The Last Voyage of Somebody the Sailor" by John Barth
*"Latro" series by Gene Wolfe
*"The Lays of Beleriand" by J. R. R. Tolkien
*"Legends of the Riftwar" by Raymond E. Feist
** namely, "Honoured Enemy", "Murder in LaMut" and "Jimmy the Hand"
*"The Lemurian Stone" by Stephen Hickman
*"Lens of the World" by R. A. MacAvoy
** namely, "Lens of the World", "King of the Dead", "The Belly of the Wolf" aka "Winter of the Wolf"
*"Letters From a Lost Uncle" by Mervyn Peake
*"Life of Pi" by Yann Martel
*"The Life and Opinions of the Tomcat Murr" by E. T. A. Hoffmann
*"Lilith" by George MacDonald
*"The Lion of Boaz-Jachin and Jachin-Boaz" by Russell Hoban
*"Little People" by Tom Holt
*"Little, Big" by John Crowley
*"Lolly Willowes" by Sylvia Townsend Warner
*"The Lord of the Rings" by J. R. R. Tolkien
** often issued in three separately titled volumes ("The Fellowship of the Ring", "The Two Towers", "The Return of the King"), and thus wrongly called "a trilogy"
*"Lud-in-the-Mist" by Hope Mirrlees
*"Lyonesse" series by Jack Vance
*"Lyra" series by Patricia Wrede
** namely, "Caught in Crystal," "The Raven Ring," "Shadow Magic," "Daughter of Witches," and "The Harp of Imach Thyssel"


*"Magic and Malice" series by Patricia Wrede
*"The Magic City" by E. Nesbit
*"The Magic Spectacles" by James Blaylock
*"The Magician Out of Manchuria" by Charles G. Finney
*"The Magician Trilogy" by Jenny Nimmo
** namely "The Snow Spider", "Emlyn's Moon", "The Chestnut Soldier"
*"Magyk" by Angie Sage
*"Malazan Book of the Fallen" series by Steven Erikson
** namely, "Gardens of the Moon", "Deadhouse Gates", "Memories of Ice", "House of Chains", "Midnight Tides", "The Bonehunters", "Reaper's Gale", "Toll the Hounds", "Dust of Dreams" and "The Crippled God"
*"The Man Who Was Thursday" by G. K. Chesterton
*"Many Dimensions" by Charles Williams
*"Marco Polo and the Sleeping Beauty" by Avram Davidson
*"Marianne" by Sheri S. Tepper
*"Martin Dressler" by Steven Millhauser
*"Mary Poppins" series by P. L. Travers
** namely, "Mary Poppins", "Mary Poppins Comes Back", "Mary Poppins Opens the Door", "Mary Poppins in the Park", "Mary Poppins in Cherry Tree Lane", "Mary Poppins and the House Next Door"
*"The Master and Margarita" by Mikhail Bulgakov
*"Master Li" by Barry Hughart
** namely, "Bridge of Birds", "The Story of the Stone", "Eight Skilled Gentlemen"
*"Mickelsson's Ghosts" by John Gardner
*"Millroy the Magician" by Paul Theroux
*"Mirage" by Louise Cooper
*"Mistress Masham's Repose" by T. H. White
*"Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn" by Tad Williams
** namely, "The Dragonbone Chair", "Stone of Farewell", and "To Green Angel Tower"
*"Mojo and the Pickle Jar" by Douglas Bell
*"Moonheart" by Charles de Lint
*"The Moon's Fire-Eating Daughter" by John Myers Myers
*"Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium" by Suzanne Weyn
*"Mr. Pye" by Mervyn Peake
*"Mustapha and His Wise Dog" by Esther Friesner
*"My Hero" by Tom Holt
*"My Talks With Dean Spanley" by Lord Dunsany


*"The Nightrunner Trilogy" by Lynn Flewelling
**namely, "Luck in the Shadows", "Stalking Darkness", and "Traitor Moon". There is also a prequel trilogy.
*"The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss
*"The Chronicles of Narnia series by C.S. Lewis
**namely, "The Magician's Nephew", "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe", "The Horse and His Boy", "Prince Caspian", "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader", "The Silver Chair", "The Last Battle"
*"Neverwhere" by Neil Gaiman
*"New York by Knight" by Esther Friesner
*"Nifft" series by Michael Shea
*"A Night in the Lonesome October" by Roger Zelazny
*"The Night Land" by William Hope Hodgson
*"The Night Life of the Gods" by Thorne Smith
*"Night Relics" by James Blaylock
*"The Nightmare Has Triplets" series by James Branch Cabell
** namely, "Smirt", "Smith", and "Smire"
*"Nights at the Circus" by Angela Carter
*"Nothing But Blue Skies" by Tom Holt
*"Number9Dream" by David Mitchell


*"The Once and Future King" series by T.H. White
** namely "The Sword in the Stone", "The Queen of Air and Darkness", "The Witch in the Wood", "The Ill-Made Knight", "The Candle in the Wind", "The Book of Merlyn"
*"Od Magic" by Patricia McKillip
*"Odds and Gods" by Tom Holt
*"Ombria in Shadow" by Patricia McKillip
*"On Stranger Tides" by Tim Powers
*"Only Human" by Tom Holt
*"Open Sesame" by Tom Holt
*"" by Virginia Woolf
*"Ou Lu Khen and the Beautiful Madwoman" by Jessica Amanda Salmonson
*"Our Ancestors" a set by Italo Calvino
** namely, "The Baron in the Trees", "The Cloven Viscount", and "The Non-Existent Knight" ("Baron" is arguably not truly fantasy)
*"Overtime" by Tom Holt
*"Oz" cycle (40 "canonical" titles) by L. Frank Baum, Ruth Plumly Thompson, Rachel R. Cosgrove, John R. Neill, Jack Snow, and Eloise Jarvis McGraw & Lauren McGraw Wagner (many more "non-canonical" Oz authors and titles exist)
** Baum (who created Oz): 14 books, starting with "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"
** Thompson: 19 books, starting with "The Royal Book of Oz"
** Cosgrove: 1 book, "The Hidden Valley of Oz"
** Neill (who illustrated many earlier Oz books): 3 books, "The Wonder City of Oz", "The Scalawagons of Oz", "Lucky Bucky in Oz"
** Snow: 2 books, "The Magical Mimics in Oz" and "The Shaggy Man of Oz"
** McGraw & Wagner: 1 book, "Merry-Go-Round in Oz"


*"Paint Your Dragon" by Tom Holt
*"The Panorama Egg" by A. E. Silas
*"The Paper Grail" by James Blaylock
*"Paradys" series by Tanith Lee
** namely, "The Book of the Damned", "The Book of the Beast", "The Book of the Dead", and "The Book of the Mad"
*"Parsival" series by Richard Monaco
** namely, "Parsival, a Knight's Tale", "The Grail War", "The Final Quest", "Blood and Dreams"
*"Past Master" by R. A. Lafferty (superficially science fiction but actually fantasy)
*"Peace" by Gene Wolfe
*"The Pedant and the Shuffly" by John Bellairs
*"The Pendragon Adventure" by D.J MacHale
*"Peregrine" by Avram Davidson
*"Peter and Wendy" aka "Peter Pan" by J. M. Barrie
*"Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens" by J. M. Barrie
*"Phantastes" by George MacDonald
*"Pilgermann" by Russell Hoban
*"Pilgrim" by Timothy Findley
*"Pinocchio" by Carlo Collodi
*"The Piratica Series by Tanith Lee
** namely, "Piratica", ', '
*"The Place of the Lion" by Charles Williams
*"Plantagenet" series by Allen Andrews
** namely, "The Pig Plantagenet", "Castle Crespin"
*"The Porcelain Dove" by Delia Sherman
*"Portrait of Jennie" by Robert Nathan
*"Practical Magic" by Alice Hoffman
*"The Prince of Morning Bells" by Nancy Kress
*"Prince of Nothing" trilogy by R. Scott Bakker
** namely, "The Darkness That Comes Before", "The Warrior Prophet", "The Thousandfold Thought"
*"Protector of the Small" series by Tamora Pierce
** namely, "First Test," "Page," "Squire" and "Lady Knight"
*"The Chronicles of Prydain" by Lloyd Alexander
** namely, "The Book of Three", "The Black Cauldron", "The Castle of Llyr", "Taran Wanderer", "The High King", and "The Foundling and Other Tales from Prydain"


*"Queste" by Angie Sage


*"Rain in the Doorway" by Thorne Smith
*"The Rainy Season" by James Blaylock
*"The Red Hand" by Arthur Machen
*"The Red Magician" by Lisa Goldstein
*"Redwall" by Brian Jacques
*"Resurrection Man" by Sean Stewart
*"The Revenants" by Sheri S. Tepper
*"Riddlemaster" by Patricia McKillip
** namely, "The Riddle-Master of Hed", "Heir of Sea and Fire", "Harpist in the Wind"
*"Riftwar" series by Raymond E. Feist
**"The Riftwar Legacy"
*** namely, "Krondor The Betrayal", "Krondor The Assassins" and "Krondor Tear of the Gods"
**"The Riftwar Saga"
*** namely, "Magician: Apprentice", "Magician: Master", "Silverthorn" and "A Darkness at Sethanon"
*"Rondua" series by Jonathan Carroll
** namely, "Bones of the Moon", "Sleeping in Flame", "A Child Across the Sky", "From the Teeth of Angels", "Outside the Dog Museum", and "After Silence"
*"Rose Daughter" by Robin McKinley
*"Roverandom" by J. R. R. Tolkien
*"The Runelords" series by David Farland
** namely, "The Runelords", "Sum of All Men", "Brotherhood of the Wolf", "Wizardborn", "Lair of Bones"
*"Rusalka" series by C. J. Cherryh
** namely, "Rusalka", "Chernevog", "Yvgenie"

*"The Sea of Trolls" by Nancy Farmer
*"The Seekers of Shar-Nuhn" by Ardath Mayhar
*"Septimus Heap" series by Angie Sage
** namely "Magyk", "Flyte", "Physik", "Queste" and another future book
*"Serpent War" series by Raymond E. Feist
** namely, "Shadow of a Dark Queen", "Rise of a Merchant Prince", "Rage of a Demon King" and "Shards of a Broken Crown"
*"Shadowslayers" by Charlie Martin
*"Shadows Fall" by Simon R. Green
*"Shadows of Ecstasy" by Charles Williams
*"The Shadow Valley Chronicles" by Lord Dunsany
** namely, "The Chronicles of Rodrigues" (aka "Don Rodriguez") and "The Charwoman's Shadow"
*"Shannara" series by Terry Brooks
** namely, "The Sword of Shannara" Trilogy, "The Heritage of Shannara" Tetralogy, "The Voyage of the Jerle Shannara", "High Druid of Shannara"
*"The Shape-Changer's Wife" by Sharon Shinn
*"Shardik" by Richard Adams
*"The Shattered Horse" by S. P. Somtow
*"The Shining Pyramid" by Arthur Machen
*"The Silmarillion" by J. R. R. Tolkien
*"Silver John" series by Manly Wade Wellman
** namely, "The Old Gods Waken", "After Dark", "The Lost and the Lurking", "The Hanging Stones", "The Voice of the Mountain"
*"Silverlock" by John Myers Myers
*"Snow White and Rose Red" by Patricia C. Wrede
*"Snow White and the Seven Samurai" by Tom Holt
*"Solstice Wood" by Patricia McKillip
*"Song for the Basilisk" by Patricia McKillip
*"Song of Ice and Fire" series by George R. R. Martin
** namely, "A Game of Thrones", "A Clash of Kings", "A Storm of Swords", "A Feast for Crows", "A Dance with Dragons" (forthcoming), "The Winds of Winter" (forthcoming), "A Dream of Spring" (forthcoming)
*"The Song of the Lioness" series by Tamora Pierce
**namely, "Alanna: The First Adventure," "In the Hand of the Goddess," "The Women Who Rides Like A Man," and "Lioness Rampant."
*"Song of the Pearl" by Ruth Nichols
*"Sorcerors' World" by Sean Russell, a nested set of sub-series:
**"Moontide and Magic Rise"
*** namely, "World Without End" and "Sea Without a Shore"
**"River into Darkness"
*** namely, "Beneath the Vaulted Hills" and "The Compass of the Soul"
**"Swans' War"
*** namely, "The One Kingdom", "The Isle of Battle", and "Shadow Roads"
*"Spindle's End" by Robin McKinley
*"Stardust" by Neil Gaiman
*"The Starcatchers trilogy" series by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson
*"namely, "Peter and the Starcatchers", Peter and the Shadow Thieves", and "Peter and the Secret of Rundoon
*"Stone and Sky" trilogy by Graham Edwards (writer)
*"The Stirk of Stirk" by Peter Tinniswood
*"The Strange Journeys of Colonel Polders" by Lord Dunsany
*"The Stravaganza series"by Mary Hoffman
*"The Stray Lamb" by Thorne Smith
*"The Stress of Her Regard" by Tim Powers
*"Stuart Little" by E. B. White
*"A Sudden Wild Magic" by Diana Wynne Jones
*"Summers at Castle Auburn" by Sharon Shinn
*"The Sundering Flood" by William Morris
*"The Sunlight Dialogs" by John Gardner
*"Sunset Warrior" series by Eric Van Lustbader
** namely, "The Sunset Warrior", "Shallows of Night", "Dai-San", "Beneath an Opal Moon"
*"Sword of the Demon" by Richard Lupoff
*"The Sword of Truth" series by Terry Goodkind
** namely, "Wizard's First Rule", "Stone of Tears", "Blood of the Fold", "Temple of the Winds", "Soul of the Fire", "Faith of the Fallen", "The Pillars of Creation", "Naked Empire", "Chainfire", "Phantom", "Confessor
*"The Sword Smith" by Eleanor Arnason
*"The Swordbearer" by Glen Cook
*"Swordbird" by Nancy Yi Fan"
*"Swords Against Death" aka "Two Sought Adventure" by Fritz Leiber
*"Symphony of Ages" series by Elizabeth Haydon
** namely, "", "Prophecy: Child of Earth", "Destiny: Child of the Sky", "Requiem for the Sun", "Elegy for a Lost Star"


*"The Princes of the Golden Cage" by Nathalie Mallet
*"The Tales of Alvin Maker", see at A, above
*"Tales From The Flat Earth" series by Tanith Lee
** namely, "Night's Master", "Death's Master", "Delusion's Master", "Delirium's Mistress", and "Night's Sorceries"
* The "Tales of the Otori" by Lian Hearn
*"Talking Man" by Terry Bisson
*"Tam Lin" by Pamela Dean
*"Tex and Molly in the Afterlife" by Richard Grant
*"The Thief of Always" by Clive Barker
*"The Thief Lord" by Cornelia Funke
*"The Third Policeman" by Flann O'Brien
*"The Three Impostors" by Arthur Machen
*"The Three Worlds Cycle" by Ian Irvine
*"The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant" series by Stephen R. Donaldson
** namely, "Lord Foul's Bane", "The Illearth War", "The Power that Preserves", "Gildenfire", "The Wounded Land", "The One Tree", "White Gold Wielder", "The Runes of the Earth"
*"Three Hearts and Three Lions" by Poul Anderson
*"Three to See the King" by Magnus Mills
*"The Throme of the Erril of Sherill" by Patricia McKillip
*"Through a Brazen Mirror" by Delia Sherman
*"Thunder on the Left" by Christopher Morley
*"Tigana" by Guy Gavriel Kay
*"Tinker" series by Wen Spencer
** namely, "Tinker" and "Wolf Who Rules"
*"Titus" series (aka "Gormenghast") by Mervyn Peake
** namely, "Titus Groan", "Gormenghast", "Titus Alone", and the short story "Boy in Darkness"
*"Tomoe Gozen" series by Jessica Amanda Salmonson
*"Topper" duo by Thorne Smith
** namely, "Topper", "Topper Takes a Trip"
*"Topher" by Sean Corrigan
*"The Torque of Kernow" by Raymond Buckland
*"The Tower at Stony Wood" by Patricia McKillip
*"The Tower of Fear" by Glen Cook
*"The Twilight Saga" by Stephenie Meyer
**"Twilight", "New Moon", "Eclipse", and "Breaking Dawn"
*"Two Sought Adventure" aka "Swords Against Death" by Fritz Leiber
*"Twombley Town" series by James Blaylock
** namely, "The Elfin Ship", "The Disappearing Dwarf", and "The Stone Giant" (aka "The Goblin Keeper")
*"Tyrants and Kings" by John Marco
** namely, "The Jackal of Nar", "The Grand Design", and "The Saints of the Sword"


*"Unfinished Tales" by J. R. R. Tolkien
*"The Unholy City" by Charles G. Finney
*"The Unicorn Creed" by Elizabeth Scarborough
*"The Unicorn Series" series by Tanith Lee
** namely, "Black Unicorn", "Gold Unicorn", "Red Unicorn"
*"The Unicorns of Balinor" by Mary Stanton
*"Ursus of Ultima Thule" by Avram Davidson


*"Valhalla" by Tom Holt
*"Vanity of Vanities" by Martin Bertram
*"Velgarth" series by Mercedes Lackey
** namely, "Heralds of Valdemar" trilogy and prequels, "The Mage Winds" trilogy, "The Mage Storms" trilogy, "Darian's Tale" trilogy, "The Last Herald Mage" trilogy, "Vows and Honor" trilogy, "Exile's Valor" and "Exile's Honor", "Take a Thief"
*"Venus" series by Tanith Lee
** namely, "Faces Under Water", "Saint Fire", "A Bed of Earth", and "Venus Preserved"
*"Vergil Magus" series by Avram Davidson
** namely, "The Phoenix and the Mirror", "Vergil in Averno", and "The Scarlet Fig"
*"Villains by Necessity" by Eve Forward
*"Viriconium" cycle by M. John Harrison
** namely, "The Pastel City", "A Storm of Wings", "In Viriconium" (aka "The Floating Gods"), and "Viriconium Nights"
*The Vlad Taltos books by Steven Brust
** namely, "Jhereg", "Yendi", "Taltos", "Phoenix", "Athyra", "Orca", "Dragon", "Issola", and "Dzur"
*"Voice of Our Shadow" by Jonathan Carroll
*"Von Bek" series by Michael Moorcock
** namely, "The Warhound and the World's Pain", "The City in the Autumn Stars", "The Dragon in the Sword", "The Pleasure Garden of Felipe Sagittaruis"
*"A Voyage to Arcturus" by David Lindsay


*"The Wandering Unicorn" by Manuel Mujica Lainez
*"The Wardstone Chronicles
*"War in Heaven" by Charles Williams
*"The War of Dreams" (aka "The Infernal Desire Machines of Doctor Hoffman") by Angela Carter
*"War of the Gods on Earth" by Andrew Offutt
** namely, "The Iron Lords", "Shadows Out of Hell", "The Lady of the Snowmist"
*"Warhorse of Esdragon" series by Susan Dexter
** namely, "The Prince of Ill Luck", "The Wind-Witch", "The True Knight"
*"Warriors Series" by "Erin Hunter"
*"The Water Babies" by Charles Kingsley
*"The Water of the Wondrous Isles" by William Morris
*"Watership Down" by Richard Adams
*"Wayfarer's Redemption" series by Sara Douglass
** comprising six novels.
*"Weaveworld" by Clive Barker
*"The Well at the World's End" by William Morris
*"The Well of the Unicorn" by Fletcher Pratt
*"Wet Magic" by E. Nesbit
*"Wheel of the Infinite" by Martha Wells
*"Wheel of Time" series by Robert Jordan
**namely "The Eye of the World", "The Great Hunt", "The Dragon Reborn", "The Shadow Rising", "The Fires of Heaven", "Lord of Chaos", "A Crown of Swords", "The Path of Daggers", "Winter's Heart", "Crossroads of Twilight", "Knife of Dreams", and "New Spring". Robert Jordan passed away in September 2007. The twelfth and final book "A Memory of Light is due out December 2008 by Brandon Sanderson.
*"When the King Comes Home" by Caroline Stevermer
*"Where the Blue Begins" by Christopher Morley
*"The Whitby Witches" by Robin Jarvis
*"Whisperers of Lore - Dack's Way" by D. R. Polsz
*"White Apples" series by Jonathan Carroll
** namely, "White Apples", "Glass Soup", last forthcoming
*"Who's Afraid of Beowulf?" by Tom Holt
*"Who Censored Roger Rabbit?" by Gary K. Wolf
*"The Wicked Enchantment" by Margot Benary-Isbert
*"Wild Magic" series by Jo Clayton
** namely, "Wild Magic", "Wildfire", "The Magic Wars"
*"Wild Roads" series by "Gabriel King" (M. John Harrison and Jane Johnson)
** namely, "The Wild Road", "The Golden Cat", "The Knot Garden", "Nonesuch"
*"Wildraith's Last Battle" by Phyllis Ann Karr
*"The Wind in the Willows" by Kenneth Grahame
*"Windameir" by Niel Hancock, a nested set of sub-series:
**"Circle of Light"
*** namely, "Greyfax Grimwald", "Faragon Fairingay", "Calix Stay", and "Squaring the Circle"
**"Wilderness of Four"
*** namely, "Across the Far Mountain", "The Plains of the Sea", "On the Boundaries of Darkness", and "The Road to the Middle Islands"
**"Windameir Circle"
*** namely, "The Fires of Windameir", "The Sea of Silence", "A Wanderer's Return", and "Bridge of Dawn"
*"Winter Rose" by Patricia McKillip
*"Winter Tides" by James Blaylock
*"Winter's Tale" by Mark Helprin
*"Wish You Were Here" by Tom Holt
*"Witch Blood" by Will Shetterly
*"The Witch of Prague" by F. Marion Crawford
*"The Witcher" by Andrzej Sapkowski
*"Wizard of the Pigeons" by Megan Lindholm
*"Wizenbeak" series by Alexis A. Gilliland
** namely, "Wizenbeak", "The Shadow Shaia", "Lord of the Troll Bats"
*"The Wolves in the Walls" by Neil Gaiman
*"The Wood Beyond the World" by William Morris
*"The World of Winnie-the-Pooh" set by A. A. Milne
** namely, "Winnie-the-Pooh" and "The House at Pooh Corner"
*"The Worm Ouroboros" by E. R. Eddison
*"A Wrinkle in Time" by Madeleine L'Engle
*"The Wyrd Museum" by Robin Jarvis


*"Xanth" series by Piers Anthony
** comprising 31 novels


*"Ye Gods!" by Tom Holt
*"Yesterday We Saw Mermaids" by Esther Friesner
*"Young Wizards" series by Diane Duane
** namely, "So You Want to Be a Wizard," "Deep Wizardry," "High Wizardry," "A Wizard Abroad," "The Wizard's Dilemma," "A Wizard Alone," "Wizard's Holiday," "Wizards at War," and "A Wizard of Mars" (forthcoming).


*"Zimiamvia" series by E. R. Eddison
** namely, "Mistress of Mistresses", "A Fish Dinner in Memison", and "The Mezentian Gate"

"Please note that neither science-fiction novels nor short-story collections should be included here: they have their own lists."

ee also

* List of science fiction novels
* List of fantasy story collections

External links

* [ The Recommended Fantasy Author List] - from Amy Sheldon & some friends
* [ The Big-Ass Fantasy List] - compiled by Jeff VanderMeer
* [ David Pringle's 100 Best Fantasy Novels]
* [ The Internet Top 100 SF/Fantasy List] - by fan votes [old]
* [*&by=genre&genre=18 Internet Book List: Fantasy Fiction]
* [ Top Fantasy Fiction] - various "top 100" lists
* [ The Science-Fiction & Fantasy Book List] - a comprehensive bibliography

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